Chapter 89

But unexpectedly, a group of people came!

There are 7 people!

These people brought professional camera equipment, hosts and so on!

They arranged it on the shore ahead of time!

On the shore, the water that had been blocked by reporters was blocked!

The entire shore scene has become a big bazaar, and it is very lively!

These people come and go, just like walking through the downtown area.

There are more than 20 photography and video equipment erected around!

They are all professional devices, not smart phones.

Ding Zhaotian, Fatty and others, saw Mayor Wu from afar!

Mayor Wu is being interviewed by the media! At the beginning of the hype, what was said was actually based on the fact that the town did allocate funds, and the funds were negotiated to repair the coast!

There is a simple port here. This port is currently in operation, but it is rather shabby!

Mayor Wu said that the construction team will come to work tomorrow. The entire amount has been allocated and it is very sufficient!

After all, this is just a small shore, the northern coast of a town, not an urban area.

There are other towns next door.

Share the entire coast!

The other towns are not in charge of Mayor Wu, they are in charge of their own!

Of course, the start of this project was approved by the Municipal Party Committee!

Related organizations such as the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department even saw business opportunities.

Because Lao Ding’s sea life, the live broadcast room, has attracted 12 million viewers from all over the world, including domestic ones!

The number of people may continue to grow!

This number is terrifying!

The results are very good!

So, how to retain these customers next, someone even put forward an idea!

It’s a senior staff member in the city, who can be regarded as an executive. He asked whether he can vigorously develop Linhai Town in Huanghai City, and develop the northern part of Linhai Town, which is the seaside, into a residential area, as an international tourist area!

This idea attracted the attention of relevant leaders of the municipal party committee!

They are discussing this!

The operation of one thing and the start of a project are not easy!

It’s not that you want to do it right away. This is different from the self-employed. After all, it is the state machine!

However, once it is done, it is very ambitious!

For example, how many billions of dollars it costs, etc.!

In the past two days, I have been in a meeting to discuss this matter, discussing the possibility of Linhai Town becoming an international tourist area residential area!

In fact, this thing has been around for a long time!

Three years ago, someone suggested that the coastline of Linhai Town could actually be used to build houses because it is amazing and the sea breeze is not very strong.

For houses facing the sea, as long as they are built with moisture-proof measures, they can be sold to wealthy families and middle-class families who come to vacation in metropolises such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hangzhou!

That’s it!

Some people pay the bills, and in the past 10 years, few people have lost money in building houses!

Therefore, three years ago, the urban construction department of the municipal party committee, etc., began planning, but they have been discussing and have not implemented it.

And now, Lao Ding’s live broadcast of sea life is everywhere in the north of Jiang Nan!

Ding Zhaotian is from Linhai Town, Huanghai City!

Therefore, the port and the shore of Linhai Town have become popular all over the world!

Let the people of the world know such a Linhai town in China!

This town is not terribly poor, but it has not reached the point where per capita is well off!

So, I want to take this opportunity to develop!

I hope there are certain benefits! As for the construction of the entire tourist area, the first step is planned, and the investment may be 100 billion!

Of course, it is impossible for the municipal party committee to invest so much money, so it needs to attract investment!

This is a big plan, and it’s still in a state of confidentiality. Mayor Wu knows it but can’t talk about it!

Cannot be disclosed to the media!

Because once it is revealed, the land and everything will become furious, and it may even cause a series of other consequences!

This is unimaginable beforehand!

Of course, Ding Zhaotian, Fatty and others didn’t know what was going on. They saw Mayor Wu being interviewed all the way!

Then I saw that the three interviewing reporters ended the interview in a hurry and took pictures of themselves with the lights flickering!

The fat man happily said: “What a big welcome ceremony!”

Sure enough, people are still crazy!

At this time, there was an accident. A female internet celebrity actually planned to kneel and propose marriage!

Propose to Ding Zhaotian!

Ding Zhaotian didn’t know it beforehand!

When I got off the boat, I saw a girl, knelt on one knee under the light of the camera, sending flowers, and said to Ding Zhaotian: “Old Ding, please marry me?”

Fatty almost squirted out of joy!

And the people around are also dumbfounded!

what’s the situation?

Xiao Wu, Wang Qiang and others were all stunned. Li Zishu, Shen Quan, He Zhiqiang and others were all talking about each other!

At this time, dozens of cameras were aimed at Ding Zhaotian and the girl!

Ding Zhaotian said strangely: “I, I don’t know you? What’s the situation? Who are you?”

The girl looked up and Ding Zhaotian saw that she was a tall girl with healthy and dark skin!

Guazi face, big eyes, heavy makeup!

The fat man also wondered: “Old Ding, when did you get the romantic debt?”

Wang Qiang was smart and said to Ding Zhaotian: “I think there are two possibilities!”

The fat man wondered: “What is the possibility?”

Wang Qiang said: “One is that I really like you and pressure you in front of everyone to marry her. Of course, it is a stranger, just like those who hold flowers and rings and go after the actress and propose to the actress directly. Like a big man!”

The fat man nodded! I think Wang Qiang’s analysis is right!

Wang Qiang waved his hand, made a gesture, and then said: “The other possibility is that he may be an Internet celebrity anchor, a small anchor, and he wants to sensationalize and gain traffic or something!”

The fat man said in air: “That would be shameful!”

Ding Zhaotian frowned and said, “Well, ma’am, you get up first!”

The woman didn’t resist or resisted, she just got up!

Everyone, reporters and media, are constantly taking pictures and videos!

Ding Zhaotian said: “What the hell is going on? What is your name?”

The woman said, “My name is Han Aowen, and I am also a small anchor contracted by Tianyu Live Broadcasting Company! I really like you!”

Everyone nodded, and the fat man looked at her suspiciously!

Ding Zhaotian said: “Your proposal like this scared me! When I am auctioning the big lobster, I will invite you to dinner and have a good talk! Okay?”

At this moment, Xiao Wu saw that the barrage was boosing and cursing!

“Obviously it’s grandstanding!”

“I’ve seen this guy. He can’t dance when dancing. He has a squeaky voice when singing. It’s unpleasant. Just show off!”

“I think it’s also grandstanding!”

“Kneeling to propose marriage without knowing it at all?”

“What are you doing, don’t be ashamed, young people nowadays don’t care about the bottom line in order to become famous, do whatever they want!”

Xiao Wu silently showed the phone and the barrage to Lao Ding!

Ding Zhaotian looked at it, but said nothing!

At this time, someone came here, not someone else, but Mr. Pete who was on the phone before!

He is a close friend of Mr. Smith, the operating officer of Global Integrated Live! It’s Pete!

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