The old man was so angry, but he was still alive.

This, this, this? ? ?

Could it be that...

The one who asked Luo Changqing for the special turntable on the forum before was this Jiang Yi pretending to be him?

But, would a big shot like Luo Changqing make a mistake in judgment?

Could it be that...

The Jiang Yi in front of him is not the so-called big shot with the same name and surname...

But, he is the real mysterious big shot who airborne the first place in the ranking list? !

But, this is unlikely!

This Jiang Yi of Lotte Club has definitely not crossed regions!

How could he airborne the first place in the ranking list without crossing regions? !

Could it be that...

Everyone thinks that a more reasonable speculation is-

This Jiang Yi may simply want to use the same name and surname to show off!

Deliberately misleading everyone, thinking that he might be a cross-regional boss!

There are indeed such people.

Those big guys who pretended to be "Jiang Yi" under Luo Changqing's post, aren't they also vanity-driven?

Even in peacetime, there are still a lot of people who like to pretend to be rich second-generations and pretend to be rich.

At this moment, many official players have different thoughts and judgments about Jiang Yi in their hearts.

He Yangwang and the other two also have their own speculations.

However, no matter what they think in their hearts, they don't reveal much on their faces.

No one jumped out to scold Jiang Yi for pretending to be a big guy.

No one directly asked Jiang Yi whether he was.

They kept silent steadily.

At the same time, they also focused their attention on Zhang Xiaotian and Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi didn't care about other people's opinions at all, and said bluntly that he just wanted a special turntable.

Zhang Xiaotian also took out seven special turntables and said with a smile:

"Before those guilds were established, I was also on the three major lists for a while."

Seven special turntables!

This number is more than Luo Changqing!

But it is true.

Luo Changqing has guild forces behind him.

The special turntables that he can't use can be used as high-level resources to train guild members.

Zhang Xiaotian is a lone strong man, and it is normal for him to have more special turntables than him.

Jiang Yi's eyes moved, and he opened his mouth directly: "I want five."

Zhang Xiaotian's mouth twitched slightly: "You kid has such a big appetite, aren't you afraid of being stuffed to death?"

"Five? Do you think special turntables are some kind of rubbish?"

Jiang Yi certainly knows the preciousness of special turntables.

He even knows...

In the future, when a kind of contract scroll becomes popular, the precious status of special turntables will be even higher.

Used for strong people to train "death warriors"!


"I just saw that you don't have many friends, my benefactor?"

"With so many special turntables, if you don't use them, wouldn't that be a waste?"

He was still relaxed, as if joking.

Zhang Xiaotian rolled his eyes: "Who has no friends? You don't have any friends!"

"Besides, I wouldn't dare to use them if I had them on me, but you dare to use all five of them?"

He frowned at this.

After thinking about it, he said in a tough attitude: "I can only give you two at most!"

"And the information you revealed had better be worth the value of two special turntables!"

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows.

He went to pick two special turntables directly.

After putting them into the space, he said leisurely:

"About this time-limited killing game..."

"To be honest, it does have a very obvious sense of weirdness."

"It's both real and unreasonable."

So everyone is unsure whether it is an illusion or reality.

Jiang Yi said slowly again: "I have heard of it vaguely because of some opportunities-"

"Some powerful beastmen have a so-called trial scroll."

"The effect after the scroll is opened is just like the announcement of the [Limited Time Killing] game just now."

"The beastmen can use this scroll to cultivate their talents, and those geniuses can indeed get some benefits from the trial."

When this news was revealed, everyone present was shocked!

Especially those who have already obtained talents, their eyes were ecstatic!

According to this meaning, this limited time killing game is real!

Their talents are also real!

Guan Ling, Du Yuanze, Zu An and others also flashed a bit of surprise in their eyes.

After all, they also got talents.

Shang Qinghua's face was a little ugly.

But he was not in a hurry, but his eyes quietly swept over He Yangwang and the other two.

Sure enough...

After learning that the [Limited Time Killing] game is very likely to be real.

The three big guys

A dark light flashed in his eyes!


Zhang Xiaotian's face didn't look good.

He looked at Jiang Yi with obvious suspicion.

His tone was even a little sarcastic at this moment: "How long has this doomsday game been connected to the human race? How do the beastmen cultivate geniuses in the tribe? You know it all?"

"How do I know that you didn't make up those words for your own selfish desires?"


He Yangwang and the other two quickly calmed down and looked at Jiang Yi with questioning eyes.

Jiang Yi smiled in his heart.

Regarding Zhang Xiaotian's reaction, he felt more and more that this person might really be the Thousand-Faced God.

In his subconscious, he obviously didn't want the [Limited Time Killing] to be true.

Because he didn't want to see people being controlled by the game consciousness to carry out internal slaughter without any grudges!

Jiang Yi was not angry because of Zhang Xiaotian's doubt, but continued:

"Yes, it's normal for you to doubt my statement."

"In fact, I was just about to say that."

"You can judge for yourself--"

"Generally speaking, the trial scrolls used by the beastmen to cultivate geniuses should be very precious."

"Assuming that the [Limited Time Killing] game just now was really a beastman player who used the trial scroll on all of us..."

"Then, what is his purpose?"

This is the point of Jiang Yi!

At this time, Zhang Xiaotian took his words to heart.

He quickly analyzed:

"Yes, under normal circumstances, the precious things used to cultivate beastmen geniuses cannot be used on the enemy."


"If what you said is true."

"Then, the real purpose of the beastman player who used the trial scroll on us and triggered this [Limited Time Killing] game should still be what we thought-to disintegrate us!"

At this point, Zhang Xiaotian's face became more and more solemn!

"That is to say, if this game is real..."

"In the end, we, the players involved in it..."

"Maybe not many of us will survive!"

This sentence is quite heavy.

All the smart people present understood what Zhang Xiaotian meant!

The time-limited killing may be real!

The talent is also real!

But then...

More people will die because of this real game!

Even Guan Ling and other official players who have obtained the talent suddenly became serious at this moment!

Zhang Xiaotian frowned again and looked at Jiang Yi.

Obviously, he didn't want the human race to kill each other because of this trial.

He asked in a deep voice:

"Is there any way to stop this so-called trial from going on?"

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