Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 66 A cruel decision, a genius from the devil?

"Report to General Xu, an abnormal energy reaction was found three kilometers behind the super giant sea beast, which is likely to be an energy riot caused by the beast."

"The Second Air Force must evacuate as soon as possible."

Qin Hao looked at the monitor in front of him calmly: "Which department are you from?"

"Report, data group, Sergeant Zhao Xuan."

"Then Sergeant, please don't interrupt when I am giving orders."

Qin Hao never looked back at the other party from beginning to end, and his faint words seemed to carry the innate majesty of a king.

A flash of surprise flashed in Zhao Xuan's eyes, and he left quickly after apologizing.

"You really think of yourself as General Xu."

Zhao Xuan snorted in his heart.

Needless to say, the one who controlled this sergeant was naturally Zhao Xuanxuan, a top student in the Storm Academy.

She used the backup machine and could join the battle at any time to conduct field considerations using internal permissions.

This was originally prepared for the instructor's inspection.

But with Fang Zicheng's nod, she temporarily diverted it.

"Arrogant guy."

With a light spit, Zhao Xuanxuan returned to her post and continued to coordinate data recovery.

However, her mind was closely focused on that abnormal energy reaction.

The other party didn't care, but as a top student in the academy, she, who had conducted hundreds of combat simulations.

She was very sensitive to this kind of energy movement!

The other party let the air formation so close, once the energy exploded, it would endanger the entire second air formation!

Qin Hao didn't know that the figure had been replaced by a real person.

In his opinion, this was just a routine feedback from a highly intelligent AI.

That's why he didn't take any radical actions, just a reminder.

Continue to stare at the monitoring screen.

Among them, the super giant sea tide beast has gradually approached the second preset defense line.

The soft-core missile has been thrown.

In half a minute, the bombing will be carried out.

As for the abnormal energy reaction.

Qin Hao glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

Necessary sacrifices are necessary.

There is gain only when there is sacrifice.

Qin Hao picked up the communicator: "Send a message to the 10,000 ground troops."

"Divide into ten teams of 1,000 people, two of which will march quickly and rush to the seven kilometers ahead of the super-giant sea beast as soon as possible to set up the third line of defense."

"Five teams will go to the southeast area of ​​Nansha to clear the beast tide and drive all the beasts in the three southern areas to the super-giant sea beast!"

"All city teams will assist, you only have three minutes."

Qin Hao's eyes flashed coldly.

It was like a machine giving out more and more confusing orders.

"Three teams of 1,000 people will leave the city for ten kilometers and stay on standby."

Let out a breath gently.

Qin Hao stopped.

He blinked his eyes to relieve the sourness in his mind.

Continuous intuition consumed a lot of his spirit.

"What is he doing?"

At this moment, even Fang Zicheng and others outside could not see through Qin Hao's purpose at all.

They could understand dropping bombs, blowing up huge pits, blocking the waves, and slowing down the pace of the super-tide beast.

It is understandable that the troops were dispersed to set up a third line of defense. This was to prevent the crazy sea beasts from rushing across the boundary.

However, what was the purpose of driving the beasts to the super giant sea beast? To help him feed his stomach?

And the second air formation approached in steps, what was the purpose?

And what was the meaning of the countdown of a few minutes?

Everyone was confused.

But soon.

The doubts were solved.

As the half-minute countdown ended.

A violent roar resounded in the southern part of Nansha Island.

Within a radius of five kilometers, a small mushroom cloud instantly rose!


The super giant sea beast stopped moving.

It roared to the sky, and a ferocious look flashed in its small eyes.

The giant horns on its head kept buzzing, flashing azure light.

The air shook like water waves.


Zhao Xuanxuan's pupils shrank.

Under the explosion of the soft-core missile, the abnormal energy reaction there began to grow rapidly.

"General, the abnormal energy reaction behind the giant sea beast is increasing rapidly. The second air fleet must be evacuated immediately!"

"Order the first air fleet to provide missile support, aiming at the legs of the giant sea beast. The second fleet, approach and lure again."

Qin Hao's voice sounded at the same time as Zhao Xuanxuan's.

Following that, Qin Hao looked back at Zhao Xuanxuan indifferently: "Sergeant, I reminded you not to interrupt when I am giving orders."

Zhao Xuanxuan's eyes were focused on Qin Hao: "But your order will bury hundreds of lives of the second air fleet in vain!"

"As long as the greatest results can be achieved, the necessary sacrifices are worth it."

Qin Hao's cold voice fell.

Zhao Xuanxuan, and even a group of mentors outside, were all shocked.

"So you were ready to sacrifice the second fleet from the beginning, right?"

Zhao Xuanxuan asked loudly.

Qin Hao said no more.

This was not the time to explain. He only needed to execute according to the ideas in his mind.

As for the other external forces, they were all swept away!

"Order, the Second Air Fleet to disarm, untie the shackles of the missiles it carries. Prepare for a suicide attack."

"Tell them that Xia Country needs them, and Xia Country will always remember them!"

Zhao Xuanxuan's body trembled, and she took a deep breath: "Please confirm again..."


A bullet hole penetrated Zhao Xuanxuan's head, and yellow and white stuff immediately splashed out from the back of his head.

Blood flowed all over the floor.

"Give me someone who can only say 'yes'."

Qin Hao's tone was indifferent.

In the command room, all the soldiers trembled.


In the monitoring room.

A group of teachers looked at each other.

"This kid is really... different."

Fang Zicheng thought for a long time and finally came up with an adjective that was not too exaggerated.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why the respected Mr. Lou called him a legend.

The almost machine-like calmness on the spot and the almost ruthless order issuance.

Is it because this is just a simulation that such an order is issued.

Or, is he such a ghostly talent?


The pressure is vented.

Zhao Xuanxuan came out of the spare cabin with a hum.

Cursing: "This bastard!"

"This arrogant guy actually killed me!"

"You are a newcomer who knows nothing, but you have to pretend to be capable, bastard!!"

Zhao Xuanxuan exudes an aura of keeping strangers away.

I wish I could rush out and open the spare cabin, then pull that guy out and beat him up!

Fang Zicheng laughed helplessly: "Okay, genius girl, don't be angry."

"Come and see what he wants to do."

"If he makes a mistake in his decision, you can laugh at him when he comes out."


(There will be two more updates later, I beg you to give me five-star praise!!)

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