Following the flags planted along the way, Qin Hao and his team did not return to the base until the afternoon.

As soon as he returned, Qin Hao went straight into the room and fell asleep beautifully.

Others were no exception.

After more than half a month of mental tension, everyone's hearts were already exhausted.

This sleep, Qin Hao slept for a whole day.

He didn't wake up until the next night.

After eating a nutritious meal in the cafeteria.

He returned to the room and started to exercise.

With the talent of [Serious Practice], the fights in the past half month have greatly improved him.

At this time, it is just right to summarize and consolidate his own strength.

Calming down his mind, Qin Hao began to recall his gains during this period of time.

Mastered three talents: Immortal Grip, Fate Heavy Blow, Serious Practice.

The martial arts also include Lightning Flash, Thousand Layers of Snow, Palm Method General Principles, and Foshan Shadowless Kick.

Several martial arts have also been used when opportunities arise.

It can be said that he has reached the point of being handy.

However, what excited Qin Hao the most were the three permanent labels he had now.

Xiao Li, Misaka Mikoto and Kakashi.

With these three labels, he could already reach the level of a sixth-level warrior without opening the Eight Gates.

Misaka Mikoto's 1 billion volt current could even pose a huge threat to the seventh-level warrior.

As for Kakashi, a copy of the Sharingan was enough.

"Overall, my strength should be enough for the seventh-level, but I can't fly."

Qin Hao muttered to himself, somewhat helpless.

When a warrior reaches the sixth level, he can control the air with his spirit and fly in the air.

But he can't.

In this way, his own practice cannot be left behind.

At least he has reached the level of the sixth level.

Otherwise, it will always arouse suspicion.

In this way, he has to get a set of exercises as soon as possible.

Clenching his fists, Qin Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air and began to exercise in the room.

With [Practice Seriously] turned on.

Two hundred sit-ups.

He worked all night.

Work for a while, rest for a while. .

When this set was finished.

It was already dawn.

After taking a shower, Qin Hao went to the square outside.

All the teams had returned yesterday, and a meeting would be held today.

After the meeting, the Nansha mission was over.

Qin Hao didn't want to come, but Xu Longxiao said that he was an indispensable soul figure this time and had to come.

He had no choice but to come early in the morning.

As soon as he arrived at the square, Qin Hao felt the solemn atmosphere.

Compared with the enthusiasm before the mission, there were fewer people in the square now.

And the few people were naturally buried in Nansha Island.

Many generals were wearing white silk, one person for a team, standing in their own team position.

When he looked around, several familiar faces disappeared.

Qin Hao was silent, straightened his clothes and strode to the front of the Chuannan team.

And with his arrival.

The square was quiet.

All the soldiers stared at Qin Hao closely.

When Qin Hao stood still.


Someone shouted loudly.


A uniform sound.

Qin Hao's heart trembled.

He clenched his fingers and endured silently.

At this moment.

A strong wind suddenly blew over the square.

The sound of the wind was sobbing, like the cry of many heroic souls who had not returned.


It lasted for an hour.

This summary meeting was just coming to an end, and the points of each major unit were counted.

They will be ranked in order of points to obtain resource support from the southern region in the next year.

Needless to say, the first place is naturally Sichuan South.

And it is leading the second place team by a huge difference.

First place: Sichuan South Team, team leader: Qin Hao

Points: 13589 points

Second place: Shanglin Team, team leader: Gu Meng

Points: 6725 points

Third place: ...


With Xu Longxiao's final mourning for the fallen comrades, the Nansha mission was declared over.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Next, it's time to return to their own city.

A somewhat vicissitudes of life figure walked past the crowd.

Li Xiang, who was standing behind Qin Hao, seemed to remember something and suddenly called out:

"General Xu Cang, please stay."

The figure turned around and smiled on his wrinkled face, "It's Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

"General Xu, this is the flare that Brother Wang Xian gave us before the mission. We haven't used it, so I'll return it to you."

Li Xiang took out the flare.

Looking at the words [Chuanbei] engraved on it, General Xu Cang suddenly burst into tears.

He took the flare with trembling hands and put it in his pocket with great care: "Thank you..."

This is the only relic left by the entire team in Chuanbei City.

Li Xiang saluted and turned back to the team.

Qin Hao looked at the old general solemnly and waved his hand: "All troops, listen to the order, set off!"

The rotorcraft from southern Sichuan slowly took off with everyone.


At this moment, a powerful wolf howl sounded from outside the city.


Following that, like the howling of thousands of wolves, an even louder sound wave rushed over.

The base was immediately shaken inside and outside.

All the staff members moved in panic.

"Damn it, why is there a beast tide at this time!"

"The main forces have basically left. According to the energy level reflected by the target group, there is no team in our base that can stop these beasts!"

"Quick, go and inform General Xu Longxiao, it will be too late if you are late!"

At this time, Xu Longxiao suddenly pushed the door and walked into the command hall, which was much emptier.

Looking at the dark wolves on the screen, a smile flashed in his eyes:

"Don't panic, these are not enemies."

All the staff stopped in confusion.

Not enemies?

What are they? Can they be friends?

Being friends with beasts, what kind of international joke...

Xu Longxiao didn't say anything, just looked at the screen quietly.

In the sky, the Chuannan team was immediately excited when they heard the wolf howling.

A group of men leaned on the window, "Captain, are they here to see us off?"

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being our captain to let the beasts see you off, you are so impressive!"

Qin Hao said lightly. "Maybe."

He didn't know what these abyss ghost wolves wanted to do.

You can't still miss his discipline, right?


Jiang Yang's eyes widened, and he suddenly pushed the crowd apart and shouted: "Captain, they ran away!"

"It's not normal to run away."

"No, they are following us!"

"Fuck, they are really following us!"

"Captain, come and see."

Qin Hao walked to the window with a strange look on his face.

As expected, he saw that the Abyss Ghost Wolf King led many ghost wolves to run rapidly on the ground, following closely behind their rotorcraft.

It seemed that he saw Qin Hao's face.

The wolf king roared again, and his figure turned directly into a black lightning on the ground.

"Captain, do you think they are impressed by your majesty and are ready to follow you?"

Suddenly, someone made a guess.

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Fuck, it's very likely!


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