Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 490 He is Qin Hao (Complete Book) (1/2)

Chapter 490 He is Qin Hao (The whole book is finished)

"So, this is what death feels like."

Qin Hao murmured, his eyes drooping, drowsy.

He seemed to be at the bottom of a deep sea, where there was no sun or moon, no sky or earth.

Countless sea water weighed on him, making him breathless.

Suddenly, the darkness in front of him twisted, and a ray of light emerged.

Then, more and more lights appeared.

They gathered together, weaving into scenes in memory.

Martial arts exam, killing the Bai family, guarding Nansha, resisting foreign enemies...

Scenes flashed by so clearly in front of his eyes.

He saw many close friends and lovers

He saw Aina wearing thorns, leading the tribe to open up a home in a land of yellow sand.

He saw Lan Bingtong hugging her legs, sitting on the top of the mountain, like a stone, looking up at the starry sky for a long time.

He saw the Saint Master running around, suppressing riots and resisting ferocious beasts.

He saw a group of children in school uniforms, gathered in front of a tall statue, listening to the teacher's explanation with admiration.

"This is our great hero of Blue Star, his name is Qin Hao..."

He saw countless soldiers in the army practicing a technique, which was the Eight Gates of Dunjia he had taught, which greatly improved their survival rate on the battlefield.

He also saw many, many more...

But most of them were scenes on Blue Star.

Perhaps it was that flag that made him have a different feeling for this country.

Qin Hao always thought that his life was long, but now when the scenes in this life reappeared in front of him, he realized that his life was too hurried.

And running through this hurried life, there are only two words, protection.

He wants to protect those friends, those close friends, the land, the flag...

Just now.

"I'm sorry, I tried my best."

Qin Hao closed his eyes and stopped looking at those scenes.

The power of time and space was taken away, but he still had the ability to revive.

He left a backup.

But, the power of Fei Tian made him despair.

Even if he was resurrected, he could do nothing.

Unless, he hid for 1,800 years, slowly comprehended the rules of the universe, and created a strong enough label.

In this way, maybe he could fight against Tian?

But he didn't want to try.

He was tired.

He didn't want to feel despair again.

"Let it be." He said to himself.

He felt himself slowly sinking.

But at this time, the golden light shone into his mind through his eyelids.

He opened his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Two Buddha bones and a Buddha relic flew out, and golden light poured out from them, condensing into a Buddha with kind eyes.

"Lord Buddha." Qin Hao bowed.

"Why did the donor give up?" The Lord Buddha asked gently.


"Why despair?"

"The power gap is too big. You and the Holy Lord failed to work together back then. Now I am just a virtual god. What virtue can I have?"

The Lord Buddha shook his head and smiled, and pointed his finger.

One hundred and twelve custom labels appeared, one of which flashed a fiery red light.

This is his backhand.

As early as the moment when Feitian appeared, he had shaped a label of time and space talent.

Because it was his own power, it was particularly convenient to shape, and he didn't even consume much.

He expected that Feitian would not let go of the time and space power in his body, and now his prediction has come true.

"You still have a chance, don't despair." The Buddha said only this sentence.

Then it dissipated as if the power was exhausted.

The two remaining Buddha bones also lost their brilliance and returned to his body.

There was still a trace of Buddha nature in the Buddha's relics, but Qin Hao no longer felt any of the Buddha's will in it.

The Buddha disappeared completely.

"Qin Hao, where are you?"

Suddenly a cry sounded, Qin Hao turned his head, and saw Lolita dressed in luxurious clothes, standing there coquettishly, and said angrily: "You promised to accompany me through the trial, you can't break your promise!"

After the words fell, Lolita disappeared.

Another picture appeared.

It was an old man who was bedridden. The old man looked at him kindly, held his hand, and said, "I'll hand this country over to you, protect her."

"Master Saint." Qin Hao subconsciously exclaimed.

Suddenly, there was pressure on his shoulder.

"Boy, you're great!" The muscular Second Saint Master, who looked like a greasy uncle, patted his shoulder approvingly, just like the wrestling scene on the platform when they first met.

"Qin Hao, he hit you, and you just lay down by yourself?" A familiar voice.

Song Yangqiu held the bronze ancient sword and looked at him unconvincingly.

More and more people appeared, they followed the Second Saint Master, their eyes fixed on him.

Finally, it was Aina, she sat there, quietly and gently looking at him.

A sense of unwillingness surged from his heart!

Qin Hao grabbed the fiery red label and swallowed it into his mouth.

"The time and space talent label was used successfully."

A familiar voice sounded.

Then a brilliance emerged around Qin Hao.

In the dark and desolate space filled with corpses, Qin Hao's broken body quickly gathered together, and a burst of vitality burst out from it.

In an instant, Qin Hao opened his eyes.

He glanced at the corpses of many companions around him, and with a wave of his hand, he collected them all.

Then he flew into the vortex and closed the portal.

Atop the ruins of a sect, Qin Hao sat quietly cross-legged.

One hundred and eleven labels were all lined up in front of him.

"I must understand the True God before I can create a label of the True God level."

"However, the only true god in the world today is Shetian. If I get close, I will be killed by him again, so this way is blocked."

"But there is another way. If there is no second true god in the world, then I will become a god myself!"

Qin Hao murmured to himself, the light in his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

He took nine labels and started shaping them simultaneously.

Earth, water, fire, wind, time, space, human spirit, material spirit, reincarnation.

It was shaped by a label that condensed the basic elements for the growth of the nine worlds. Qin Hao thought for a moment, took out the Buddhist kingdom collected from the Ancient Sword Saint Sect, and poured the nine kinds of power into it.

Suddenly, this incomplete little world bloomed with incomparable light and began to expand at a geometric rate!

However, Qin Hao restrained himself.

He doesn't want to expand, all he needs is a world.

The world was born from chaos, three thousand gods and demons transformed into heaven, and Pangu opened up the wilderness with his force.

Qin Hao incorporated concepts from the novel into labels.

It's not very powerful, it can only serve as an introduction.

Since many two-dimensional things can appear, there is no reason why these cannot.

Qin Hao thought like this, and he actually created a ball of dim light.

Chaos concept.

Then, he also integrated Chaos into the Buddha Kingdom, immediately causing thousands of thunders in it.

The whole world seemed to be in a disaster, exuding waves of terror.

In Luoshengtian, countless particles invisible to the naked eye turned into terrifying torrents and crashed into the Buddha Kingdom!

A small black beast appeared on Qin Hao's shoulder, looking at Luo Shengtian worriedly.

Qin Hao's eyes lit up, "You're here just in time, so you can be the Pangu."

With that said, he slapped a tag into the body of the swallowing beast, and then put him into the greatly changed Buddha Kingdom.

At this point, there are one hundred tags left.

Qin Hao gave all these one hundred tags the power to speed up the flow of time. As the layers progressed, the flow of time was stacked to an extremely terrifying speed!

It is no exaggeration to describe it as a hundred years in a blink of an eye!

Then, he took out a drop of blood from the body of Emperor Xinghui and put it into the inner world of the golden-horned beast to create a second clone.

With the assistance of the entire Luo Shengtian power, the second clone was quickly created successfully.

Qin Hao gave him complete spiritual awareness and wisdom.

Then he gave the clone an order: "Use all your strength to mobilize the Buddha Kingdom!"

As he spoke, he slapped all the hundred tags into his clone.

Qin Hao then threw himself into the Buddhist kingdom, and his thoughts dispersed throughout the Buddhist world, transforming into heaven and earth.

The clone took over the mission and promoted the development of the world.

The entire Buddhist world is evolving at an extremely terrifying speed!

At this point, Qin Hao's purpose first appeared.

The true God needs to fit in with the universe and understand the universe.

But it was impossible to achieve these in a short time, so he created his own universe, a universe with a higher level!

And he, incarnate in the world, has felt the evolution of the world bit by bit from the beginning, so he can find another way to achieve his goal!

Qin Hao finally understood the true purpose of labels!

The most important thing that the label brings to him is never the powerful strength, but the future that he can shape by himself!

Time passed by quietly.

The clone sat cross-legged on the Buddha's land like an old monk in meditation, motionless.

The power of time accelerated to the extreme within the body has brought the evolution of the Buddhist Kingdom to an appalling level!

And as time goes by, he himself seems to be assimilated by the extremely evolving world!

The Buddha Kingdom is devouring his power!

At a certain moment, the clone opened his eyes suddenly. His face was extremely old and his eyes were cloudy and dull, as if he was about to die.

All the strength that was originally in his body had been swallowed up by the world below him.

At this moment, this crazy evolving Buddhist kingdom was so huge that it occupied the entire Luoshengtian and then swallowed it up!

Until the end.

The clone passed away.

The power of the world in the previous era within Luoshengtian was also swallowed up by the Buddhist kingdom.

An alternative world born from Qin Hao's fantasy is revealed in the universe.

As soon as it appeared, it brought great shock to the entire universe.

Immortal light lingers, divine light bursts.

It shouldn't be there, it doesn't belong to this world!

An indescribable disgust appeared in the hearts of all creatures in the universe, even worse than when they saw Fu Tian!

The Buddha Kingdom was expanding rapidly, and soon it swallowed up the large whirlpool, and headed into the distance without stopping.

Finally, after swallowing up countless galaxies, it finally stopped!

Qin Hao woke up.

The Buddha Kingdom was integrated into his body, and he lay across the universe in an even bigger appearance than the original Futian.

Exhaling a breath is a cosmic storm, sneezing is a cosmic turmoil.

This is the power of a saint!

After accommodating the entire Buddhist universe and the power of a hundred tags, Qin Hao achieved the supreme path in an alternative way!

The world that has evolved over millions of years has become the source of his power.

He is beyond the rules of this universe.

He is independent of this universe!

"No God, it's time for you and me to settle the score!"

Qin Hao's eyes reflected the starry sky and saw the huge giant hovering above the galaxy.

The hatred is too deep.

So much so that Qin Hao was speechless after this sentence.

As soon as the thought came, the space shrank automatically, sending Feitian to Qin Hao.

The giant was shocked and angry.

At this moment, the boundless universe was replaced by the black spear. He sat cross-legged in the starry sky, using the planets as his children, and threw them to kill!

The whole universe trembled under his crazy breath.

But it was useless.

The black spear lost its power when it approached Qin Hao. The planets flew over, but became embellishments, adorning the Buddhist kingdom.

"I accept your life!"

Qin Hao's eyes were calm, and he stretched out his hand.

The endless world flashed in his palm like a flash of flower.

It brought unimaginable destructive power, and in an instant, it suppressed Feitian's huge body.

Then, billions of thunders flashed and struck continuously.

The lightning flashed for a hundred years!

Qin Hao finally stopped until Feitian died completely.

He looked down and saw the jade-like figure.

He was expressionless as usual, but the figure sitting cross-legged on the ground was a little more embarrassed and helpless.

In the end, all turned into a sigh.

He bowed to Qin Hao from a distance, and then turned into light dust and left.

Behind him, there were countless dim spirits.

These were all his descendants who died at his hands.

Time flies.

More than ten years have passed since the war.

But the scene of the two giants confronting each other in the void is still talked about by countless people.

But the whole world can no longer find Qin Hao's figure.

He seemed to have disappeared, but there were many rumors.

Some people said that he was traveling across the universe to find a way to revive his loved ones.

Some people said that he was comprehending the supreme martial arts.

Some people said...

But the truth may only be known by two people.

"Brother Yuntian, the ancient book was taken away by Lord Qin."


"Brother Yuntian, do you really believe that Lord Qin can revive them?"

Yuntian looked up at the sky with narrowed eyes, turned his head and said in an extremely affirmative tone:

"Of course, don't forget, he is Qin Hao!"

Vaishya gradually became happy, yes, he is Qin Hao.

He has never disappointed anyone!

(The whole book is finished)


It's over.

I don't know how to say it in my heart. I can only thank all the book friends for their support, thank those book friends who have accompanied me all the way to the end.

Thank you for your support.

But there is still a regret in my heart, that is, the author's ability is limited, and I can't write Qin Hao's story more exciting, which has failed the expectations of many friends.

However, the author will be more serious in the next book and strive to live up to everyone's expectations.

Thank you Fei Ling!

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