Global Gu Refining: I can deduce the combined refining route

Chapter 97 Epic: Earth Eye Double Pupil Consumption

Su Ze has a lot of treasures in his hands this time.

Get rid of your own useful treasures, the Zi Mouse Meditation Technique, the Ugly Ox Meditation Technique, the Soul Technique, the Bull Demon Powerful Fist, the Dragon and Snake Combination Technique, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle Gu Box, the Origin Eye, the Prophet Eye, and the Ghost Lamp.

And a lot of martial arts secrets that Oogway needs.

Su Ze only kept a third of the rest of the meditation skills, Xuanjie Gu Box, and various rare materials.

Take them all out.

Xia Qiu Shuang looked at the many treasures in front of her, each of which was qualified to be put up for auction, and her rosy little mouth suddenly opened wide.

She picked up a meditation technique with her slender white hands: "Mr. Su, you can gain three points of mental strength by practicing meditation for one year. The price of just one copy is more than 80 million. You have enough here." There are more than twenty books..."

"There are also Xuan-level Gu boxes, attack-type Gu boxes, the unit price is tens of millions!"

"Not to mention these materials, there are more than fifty in number, and each piece of material is basically priced at an extraordinary price. Some materials are even more unseen and unheard of, and can be sold for sky-high prices..."

"Mr. Su, allow me to ask the headquarters for instructions..."

Xia Qiu Shuang swallowed dryly, the shock in her heart was like a huge wave.

Su Ze nodded.

I saw Xia Qiu Shuang calling the Wangpu Chamber of Commerce headquarters and communicating on the side.

Su Ze silently estimated the price in his heart.

Although he only sold two-thirds.

But it’s enough to get billions of blue star coins...


At Su Ze's stage, money is no longer of much use.

Even if you combine the materials every time, you can get tens of millions with a wave of your hand.

But now he has five successful Gu in his hand, which can make five rare-quality Gu insects in the Gu sea reach epic quality after being combined only once.

It costs very little.

And when you reach the epic level or above, you want to combine legendary level Gu insects.

Most of the materials needed.

It can no longer be found on the market. Even if you have money on your forehead, it is useless.

So here we are.

The limitations of money have been shown...


Su Ze had other ideas in his heart and communicated with the Wangpu Chamber of Commerce headquarters through Xia Qiu Shuang.


The Wangpu Chamber of Commerce headquarters is willing to apply for a dark blue card for Su Ze.

This card.

He has all the privileges of Wangwang Falls Chamber of Commerce’s golden VIP card and has a limit of one billion blue star coins.

Another most critical privilege.

That is, Su Ze has the authority to know the information of each batch of goods from Wangpu Chamber of Commerce, and Su Ze can obtain some precious treasures in advance through barter.

The so-called precious treasures here.

They are generally used to put them at auctions.

But with Su Ze's dark blue card, he could bypass the auction and exchange it directly.

This way.

When Su Ze wants some rare materials in the future, the chance of succeeding will be even greater.

Otherwise, even if you hear that it appears at an auction somewhere, you will either not be able to get the shot, or you will be late...

at last.

All of Su Ze's treasures have been registered with the Wangpu Chamber of Commerce and recorded under the name of Su Ze's dark blue card.

and estimated the price.

But there is no direct exchange for becoming a Blue Star Coin.

Because these treasures can be used as auction items, you will get more profits than selling them directly.


If the Wangpu Chamber of Commerce wants to auction a certain item, it needs Su Ze's permission first.


If Su Ze is interested in a treasure from the Wangpu Chamber of Commerce, he can directly exchange a treasure under his name for something...

This is equivalent to pledging the treasure to the Lookout Falls Chamber of Commerce.

Su Ze only needs to wait for the treasure he needs to appear and exchange it directly.

As a result, one of the auction items at the Wangpu Chamber of Commerce is missing, but it can be directly replaced with the item Su Ze bartered for...

And if Su Ze needs to spend money, he can directly use the credit card, and after reaching a certain level, he can offset it with the treasures in his name.

But if all are exchanged for Blue Star Coins.

This brings us back to the limitations mentioned above. When the time comes, Su Ze will not be able to buy the materials he wants with money on his forehead...

"Mr. Su, here are the mobile phones and materials you asked for. See you soon."


Something happened here.

Su Ze threw the phone to Wugui. Wugui was very interested in this gadget and started playing happily on the rockery.

And Su Ze didn't waste time.

The materials are now available.

Immediately, the combination of blazing eyes, golden eyes, bloody and bloody gluttony began.

About these two Gu insects.

The materials that are difficult to obtain during the refining process, the Origin Eye, the Prophet's Eye, the Ghost Lantern, and Su Ze, have all been obtained from behind the door of death.

The rest of the materials were sent over by Xia Qiu Shuang just now.

Each of them only had one set of materials, and the total cost was just a few million blue star coins.

Because Su Ze has the Success Gu.

It only takes one time to successfully combine it, and it doesn’t require too many materials...


Since they are practiced together once, they will be successful.

That won't take much time either.

A few hours later.

Two rare quality Gu worms in Su Ze's Gu sea have become epic quality!

This way.

There are already six epic-quality Gu worms in Su Ze's Gu sea!

The distance between all Gu insects is refined to epic quality.

Half of the goal has been accomplished!

As Su Ze's thoughts swirled in his sea of ​​gu.

All the information about the two epic-quality Gu worms that had just been combined appeared in his mind...


[Earth Eye Double Pupil Consumption (Combined Refining)]

[Quality: Epic]

[Level: 40]

[Skills: Greatly enhance vision, have insight into invisible targets, have insight into changing true bodies, be immune to illusions, ignore illusions, have insight into the trends of mountains and rivers, and operate large formations. When the double pupil is opened and closed, it has the ability to penetrate into the origin, and can see part of the information of all things. As the level of the Gu insect increases, the insightful information will be more comprehensive]


After the fire eyes and golden eyes were combined to become the epic quality earth eyes and double pupils.

on the basis of original capabilities.

He also has the ability to understand the trends of mountains and rivers and the operation of large formations. If Su Ze is behind the door of death now, the heavy fog may no longer be able to cover his eyes...


Chongtong also has the special ability to see into the origin.

But see you.

There was a mysterious color in Su Ze's eyes.

Double pupils open and close.

Through the window, I gazed at the turtle playing with his mobile phone in the distance.

Suddenly I got a piece of information.

[An ancient Gu insect that has survived from ancient times]

The Earth Eye Double Eye Consumption is now only level 40.

Only a small part of the information can be obtained by penetrating into the existence of this level of turtle.

But with only a small part of the information, Su Ze was shocked.

"The turtle is actually a Gu insect!?"

He always thought that the turtle was some kind of ancient beast with extraordinary origins, but he never expected that it was actually a Gu worm!

Immediately he got up on tiptoe.

He seems to be wondering if he can find an opportunity to catch the turtle and refine it instantly...


This is just Su Ze's random thinking.

He would never do such a ridiculous thing. Besides, the turtle is powerful, and he doesn't have the ability to refine the turtle...

But after discovering the truth.

Su Ze felt a little enlightened: "In the wild, most of the native species parasitic on alien beasts are between ordinary and rare quality. Rare quality Gu insects are extremely rare."

"Now it seems that the reason is probably because the stronger the quality of the Gu, they don't need to be parasitized. They have long been like powerful beasts and can live on their own, such as turtles, Nine Heavens Sun Gu, Merchant Gu, Guide, Dilemma, etc. ..."

But more doubts arose in my mind at the same time.

for example.

What exactly are Gu insects?

They should be essentially different from the alien beasts, otherwise people can refine the alien beasts into their own sea of ​​gu...

Since they are essentially different from alien beasts, are things?

With Su Ze's current vision.

I really can't understand these things.


There is no need for him to waste time on these issues. Improving his own strength is the key now.


Su Ze checked the Bloody Storm Taoist again, and after the next stage of training, the epic-quality Bloody Eyes Ghost Taoism’s specific abilities...

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