Global Gods: Start with a lottery system

Chapter 49 Come to my house and I'll show you a big treasure

"Those who can kill fourth-order creatures can compete for the top score in the college entrance examination. Even those students who have been promoted to demigods before the college entrance examination can only do so. Alas, people in the 24:1 time domain are all perverts."

"What does this have to do with the 24:1 time domain?" Xu Yi was a little puzzled, but he would not be impatient to talk nonsense with the fat man.

With the tacit understanding of the three people, if one person is really tired of the conversation, the other two will quickly notice it and change the topic.

"This is the reason why you usually come into contact with people. According to official statistics, the number of human gods whose initial divine domain can fall after the 20:1 time domain does not exceed 2% of the total number, and the proportion of gods who can fall into the 22:1 time domain is about 0.03%." The fat man sighed and continued.

"In a time domain below 20:1, the probability of human demigods becoming neighbors is quite high, after all, the base number is there. It is said that many older demigods solve their marriage problems in this way. I just didn't expect that you could meet each other in a time domain like 24:1." The fat man was envious and thought of his neighbors again.

Yeah, it smells pretty good too.

Following the fat man's words, Xu Yi couldn't help but think of the situation around his own divine domain:

The chaotic evil camp in the west, the demigod orc divine domain that attacked without any warning;

The lawful evil in the east, the biochemical clan that was attracted by the evil magic clan and controlled by the flower of the ethereal spirit;

The south, judging by its behavior, should be biased towards neutral evil, mastering the construction technology, and the mysterious evil magic clan.

And the northern bald mountain range that has no time to take care of and is difficult to explore.

There are two powerful people who are outstanding in the fourth-level creatures on the east and west sides alone. If it weren't for the help of his father, Du Yuanfei, and the two biochemical clan leaders before the transformation, it would be very difficult for him to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Xu Yi looked at Du Yuanfei next to him with ill intentions: "Next time you come to my house, I'll show you a big treasure."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, looking very smart. She had long been accustomed to the serious Xu Yi occasionally saying a few dirty words, and she cooperated very well and put on a look of a little fan of Brother Yi: "Okay, okay!"

Zheng Guihao on the side put on a very disgusted expression, but secretly thought that it was a good thing that I had a rich... God's Domain Love...


For the black forest full of ominous atmosphere between the Wasteland God's Domain and the Tree Elf God's Domain, Xu Yi and Du Yuanfei decided to explore together, but the mobility of Du Yuanfei's family became much slower after joining the Treeman Clan.

In fact, this is also a common problem of most human gods of demigods and below. The efficiency of exploring the surrounding areas of the God's Domain is limited by the mobility of the family. This is also the reason why the twelve-year God education finally leaves more than a year for students to clear the surroundings and integrate resources.

Not everyone has a clan with an initial flying unit like Zheng Guihao, or an initial clan with the ability to drive a motor vehicle like Xu Yi.

This left Xu Yi with more than half a year of divine domain time, allowing him to have a break after spending 100 divine powers, which is equivalent to one million faiths, and let him accumulate the faith to drive the virtual colossus again.

It was another large class once a week in the third year of high school. This time the course was notified in advance. The lectures began, and the first class was the time domain overview taught by the old class teacher Xu Haiping.

"Experiments have proven that the arrangement of time domains in the Endless God Realm is like a nested ring. The high-speed time domain of the outer ring is wider, while the low-speed time domain of the inner ring is smaller."

"However, based on the huge base of human gods, and the time domain to which most gods can initially disperse their spiritual power through the spiritual power amplifier is between 10:1 and 15:1."

"And the area of ​​the medium-speed time domain in this part is not large, but the most gods fall. Therefore, the density of human gods is the highest, and even large-scale human gods can fight together."

"There are also some emerging true god families who like to deliberately send some unimportant offspring to the low-speed time domain. Although the development speed will be slower due to the flow speed, they can eventually achieve true gods with the inherited talents under the escort of a large number of resources and personnel."

"After being promoted to a true god and holding up the city of gods, the city of gods can travel between time domains, and naturally get rid of the shackles of slow development."

"However, this level of financial resources As far as I know, there is still no such thing in our class. Most of the students in our key classes have initial time domains between 15:1 and 20:1, and the proportion of human gods in these time domains is much lower. "

"Other civilized gods in these time domains are also much stronger than those in low time domain civilizations. I suggest that if you happen to encounter human gods as neighbors, you can try to cooperate. If you are defeated in the process of clearing the surroundings, you can still help each other return to consciousness, at least you can keep your consciousness. "

"For students who don't have such conditions, the teacher suggests that you be a little more cautious, hide yourself, and explore slowly. As for students who fall into a higher flow rate time domain, the teacher can only give one suggestion, that is, hide! "

"I heard that Xu Yi in our class happened to have Du Yuanfei, the second in the six-school joint examination, as a neighbor in the 24:1 time domain. He is still very lucky. "

This sentence obviously caused a heated discussion among the students below, and the old class teacher Xu Haiping shouted several times before calming down the round. Such a commotion was obviously not caused by news from neighbors, but was supported by something else.

Sure enough, after class, the teacher Xu Haiping quietly stopped Xu Yi and whispered:

"Xu Yi, I heard that you gave Du Yuanfei 10 points of divinity, and she is preparing to ignite the divine fire with 20 points of divinity. The teacher group of the six schools in Wuhu District is discussing it. It's not long since the start of school, and such a big melon has been exposed. You are really amazing."

Xu Haiping exaggerated. In fact, there are only about 50 teachers in the six schools in Wuhu. After all, it is not easy to be a high school teacher these days. At least you have to be a demigod.

Hearing this, Xu Yi showed a trace of helplessness. He didn't expect Du Yuanfei to really release the news as he joked: "In fact, we attacked the territory of an orc demigod with the help of a demigod, and got this huge benefit."

"Is that so." Xu Haiping's smile gradually faded: "Then you still have to be cautious. The strength of the 24:1 time domain demigod is not ordinary. You can't be careless because of a victory. Is that demigod from our human civilization?"

"That's my dad."



After talking to the teacher about his father being temporarily summoned through the contract divinity, Xu Haiping left a sentence: "Teacher is just a demigod. The divine domain cannot be moved. I can't help you. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly. Take care of yourself." Then he waved goodbye and left.

One class a week, one separation is converted into Xu Yi's 24:1 time domain divine domain time is 168 days. It is hard to say what will happen in the past six months. The next lecture will be given by the head teacher of another class. This separation may last for several years in the Divine Realm.

And there are almost always students in the senior class that Xu Haiping has taught that he has never seen again after one class. The withdrawal procedures are handled by the parents, so he left this solemn "take care of yourself".

After the old class teacher left, Zheng Guihao came up again with a sly look. He raised his elbow and gently touched Xu Yi's arm: "What did the old class teacher say to you? I didn't expect that Du Yuan would dare to say anything outside. Now you are famous."

Helplessly spreading his hands, Xu Yi seemed not to care much, but in fact he felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

"Come on." Seeing the state of his friend at a glance, Zheng Guihao squeezed Xu Yi with his weight advantage to make him stagger.

"Well, last time I told you about the cursed cave that Lilia and I explored. I didn't expect that the underground hidden scale is so large. You have the contract divinity, why don't you try to summon it? Come and help?" The fat man rubbed his fingers and said with a smile.

Lilia is the girl who happened to be a new god and Zheng Guihao met in the divine domain. Zheng Guihao's incarnation in the divine domain has a hint of the femininity of the harpy, and a little more evil, so he won the favor of this rich... divine domain love girl. I don't know what kind of expression this girl named Lilia would have when she saw Zheng Guihao in reality.

After thinking for a while, Xu Yi agreed. He knew the fat man's strength. No matter how fast Lilia developed, she would not be much stronger. If he could go there, there would be more protection there, and he could also get some benefits. It would be a win-win situation. Why not?


After returning home through the directional portal, Du Yuanfei happened to be off get out of class and rang the doorbell of his house.

After opening the door, the pretty blonde girl standing at the door rolled her eyes at him and said unhappily, "Where's the big baby?"

When he mentioned this, Xu Yi couldn't help but smile and said, "Come with me."

He hurriedly quickened his pace and opened the bedroom door, while the girl put her hands behind her back and slowly followed...

After turning into the bedroom, Xu Yi took off his school uniform jacket halfway, and saw Du Yuanfei pushing the door in, with an excited look on his face...

The frosted silver-gray shell and the enlarged cabin design brought a comfortable visual experience.

"Look, this is the two-person God Domain login cabin I bought for this exploration."

"Wuhu, don't poke." Du Yuanfei rolled his eyes at him. He actually bought the lowest-selling two-person God Domain login cabin. Isn't this used by the gods and couples...

However, this login cabin can provide an extra domain communication function, which is equivalent to an extra mind sharing ability, allowing Xu Yi to communicate directly with Du Yuanfei without the virtual colossus.

Similarly, in addition to the two-person landing capsule, there is also a multi-person landing capsule, which can be used by multiple people... It can ignore time and distance to allow teams to maintain tactical communication, which is commonly seen in military deployments.

The exploration team assembled by Xu Yi and Du Yuanfei has also arrived at the vicinity of the Black Forest...

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