Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 956: I'm so afraid of each other...


The two scorching dragon flames collided and disappeared completely.

No one can do anything to anyone, and can only cancel it out completely.

The high temperature and scorching heat contained in it are exactly the same, not bad at all!

The Long Yan collision between the two disappeared, and Cao Dahua looked at the black-clothed boy in front of him.

At this moment, Cao Dahua only felt that he was looking in the mirror!

Exactly the same!

The texture and color of the scales, as well as the dragon's might.


The two humanoid dragons seemed to be reflected from a mirror.

"You..." Cao Dahua was shocked!

The boy sneered: "Yes, I am..."

"You are my father's illegitimate child outside!" Cao Dahua cried out in tears, "You are my younger brother!"

"I heard my father say you, brother, my father said that he wanted to bring you back at that time, but unfortunately you were..."

The young man froze in place.

"Are you making trouble with me?" The boy in black looked cold: "I am the **** of copying! Can you figure it out!"

"Ah." Cao Dahua was stunned for a moment, then wiped his tears, "It's not my brother."

Cao Dahua breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there was no need for a bloodbath.

But my heart is a little dignified.

The God of Reproduction does not have such a powerful frontal combat capability.

But it has a strange ability to copy the enemy in front of it.

Among the demons, there is also a mirror demon similar to him, fighting them is like looking in a mirror.

Of course, this priesthood is actually not powerful. Once the enemy leaves his sight, he cannot continue to copy.

According to legend, there is a kind of priesthood after walking the path of divine experience called the **** of imitation. It only takes a comprehensive observation of a person to completely bring the other person's role, and even the appearance, personality, and habits can be exactly the same as the other person.

It is even said that the kind of clerical research to the extreme does not require all-round observation.

Just by seeing the other person's biography, you can substitute into the other person's life, completely become the other person, and possess the opponent's strength and magic.

This is so terrifying...

I heard that there was a **** of imitation, but it disappeared later. Some people say that he is dead, some people say that he imitates too much, and eventually he forgets who he is...

But even so, the **** of mirrors is enough to give any **** a headache.

"Are you afraid?" The dragon, who is exactly the same as Cao Dahua, sneered and seemed to be mocking: "Part of your bloodline should be the bloodline of the giant dragon. It's really powerful, and your size is also huge, but it is also because of your size. , my sight can easily capture you and copy you at any time."


"If you want to use the weakness of the God of Copying to defeat me, you can't use it."

The God of Copying and the Mirror Demon have the same weakness, that is, they must look at each other and make copies.

It's like a mirror that has to be in the right direction in order to see people.

Therefore, many gods, such as the **** of speed, the **** of disguise, and the **** of fog, are relatively easy to deal with the mirror demon and the **** of copying. They don't need to fight their own copies at all, just avoid the sight of the opponent's copy. .

And Cao Dahua, the huge dragon's body, is difficult to get rid of the other side's sight.

"Since you can't get rid of it, then fight!" After Cao Dahua finished speaking, he rushed directly to the opponent!

The dragon's claws grab it!


The giant dragon that the black-clothed boy turned into can also wield sharp claws!

Even the angles are exactly the same, not bad at all!


The two dragon claws collided, and Cao Dahua was stunned to discover that this guy's strength and method of exertion were exactly the same as his own!

The two dragon claws are separated at a touch.

Cao Dahua's dragon claws trembled slightly, just now he was equivalent to enduring his full blow.

The giant dragon transformed by the black-clothed boy looked at Cao Dahua and sneered, "It seems that you can't exceed my copy limit."

"That is to say."

"Next, as the fight goes on, you'll just get more and more tired, weaker, and hungrier."

"And I will always maintain your heyday!"

The young man looked at Cao Dahua with a cold smile.

"Haha." Cao Dahua rubbed the numb dragon claws and looked at the young man in front of him without fear: "Stop talking nonsense, come on!"

"A replica, also want to defeat the real dragon?"

And the other side.

Ji Long in Lin Fan's team and Li Qiang in Zhang Xiaoying's team are very tangled at this moment...

Both are undercover!

How can this go up to help fight?

It was impossible for Ji Long to help Lin Fan and his party to deal with Zhao Yaxin.

And Li Qiang couldn't really help Zhao Yaxin to deal with Lin Fan and his party.

But seeing that both sides are fighting, it is impossible not to help...

Both undercover agents were distressed.

Because whether it was Lin Fan or Zhao Yaxin, they had both instructed the two of them individually not to expose them in advance, and to wait until they heard their orders before turning their backs completely.

Right now.

A thought appeared in their minds at the same time.

"It's better to choose the weakest one, and then work hard and use up slowly with the weakest one!"

This approach is clever.

It can delay the time without causing suspicion. The most important thing is that in this way, Ji Long can't count as helping Lin Fan fight, and Li Qiang can't count on helping Zhao Yaxin fight.

After all, this marginal battle between the weak will not affect the outcome of the two sides at all.

At the moment, Ji Long and Li Qiang looked at each other at the same time.

"He should be the weakest opponent!"

Both felt... the other was the weakest.

Of course, Li Qiang still had another thought... He knew that Ji Long was Zhao Yaxin's undercover agent, and he even reminded Lin Fan with a note.


Even if he really beat Ji Long to the ground, it wouldn't count as his own who beat Lin Fan!

The two looked at each other.

Just because I saw you one more time in the crowd.

Then, the two rushed towards each other in unison.

"The body of lava!"

Li Qiang's scorching lava supernatural power surged!

The blood of the volcanic giant in the body burst out instantly, and the blood in Li Qiang's body surged and rolled like hot lava, and his body instantly soared!

It directly became a volcanic giant with a height of more than ten meters. The skin was like a hard volcanic rock, and there were even more red awns flowing on the surface of the body.

Ji Long did not lose in the slightest.

"Dwarf Mecha!"

A set of dwarf mecha instantly appeared on his body. Although the fighting machine cast by the top craftsmanship of this dwarf family was thick, it was full of power.

That thick steel plate is even more like indestructible!




The earth seemed to be shaking.

The two were like two giant beasts, colliding towards each other!

On one side is the lava giant that came out of the volcano.

On the other side, is a steel dwarf mecha!


There was a huge collision sound, and neither Li Qiang nor Ji Long diddge. The two behemoths collided directly with the toughest posture!


The boulders shattered and the mecha shattered.

"Come again!"

Li Qiang took a few steps The broken stone on his body grew and healed again, and his power was even greater!

"Come on!"

Ji Long also shouted, and once again condensed a new set of dwarf mecha!

The two rushed towards each other again.

"Lava Fist!"

"Lava Impact!"

"Lava surge!"

"Dwarf Blade!"

"Mecha Clash!"

"Bound Trap!"

Tell the truth.

In terms of the scene, in all the battles, the fight between Ji Long and Li Qiang looked the most bells and whistles and the most powerful.

The boulders collided and the steel shattered.

It's like a battle between Lava Giant and Iron Gundam.

But actually.

Ji Long and Li Qiang are both releasing water.

After all, Ji Long thought that Li Qiang belonged to Zhao Yaxin and belonged to him.

What's more, Li Qiang was Leng Cuicheng's example of justice and Lin Fan's nemesis.

Therefore, he would not help Lin Fan defeat Li Qiang at all.

On the other hand, although Li Qiang knew that Ji Long was from Zhao Yaxin and wanted to help Lin Fan get rid of Ji Long, Zhao Yaxin also told him that Ji Long was his own, so he should not target Ji Long.

Therefore, if Li Qiang really defeated Ji Long, he would only reveal his identity in advance.

If the identity of the spy who finally came out undercover was exposed in exchange for defeating a Ji Long, it would be a big loss. It's better to hold back and wait for a bigger role, such as seizing the opportunity to backstab Zhao Yaxin...


Don't look at the bells and whistles of the two of them, with gravel and metal flying all over the place, but they are actually releasing water...

And this time.

Only the other black-clothed boy and Bai Zhaoyun looked at each other.

Bai Zhaoyun looked at the black-clothed boy, and felt very uneasy in his heart.

And the young man in black looked at Bai Zhaoyun, and he was very uneasy in his heart...

These two are very afraid of each other!

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