Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 949: This is not an island

With the strength of Prometheus, there should be no fear of this resting place of the gods!

Just now, this guy easily protected Huo Rulong with flames under the strangulation of countless tree roots.

He even carried the fire like a dragon, forcibly from the core crypt of the resting place of the gods, ignoring any obstacles, and with the flames surrounding him, he rushed out all the way against the thorned branches.

Not to mention those branches and vines, even a few unlucky, 12th- and 3rd-order divine beasts exuding a powerful breath were directly run over.

The resting place of the gods is indeed dangerous, but for this kind of existence, it is like a back garden.

How can you feel dangerous?

"I can't figure it out." Prometheus whispered while running: "It just feels that something is not right here."

"Although this Shenzang is not very good, it is not as good as S-level Shenzang."

"But since I came here from your God's Domain, I have noticed a few particularly powerful breaths."

"One is that young Sword God, his strength is definitely higher than mine!"

"There is another one, which came from the sarcophagus. There is a faint aura of a demon, and it is also mixed with an aura that seems to be able to slaughter gods, which makes me instinctively disgust, even fear."

"There is another one, deep in the mountains under this divine treasure, there seems to be an army buried there."

"But the weirdest thing is..." Prometheus frowned: "There is also a breath, which is also very powerful, and its strength is even comparable to mine."

"I wanted to find out the source of that breath, but no matter how I felt it, I couldn't find out where the breath came from."

"Or, on this island, there is that palpitating aura everywhere!"

"There's only one possibility...that guy, everywhere."

"This is beyond my comprehension, so get out of here!"

And in the time between these words, Prometheus has already run to the beach before carrying fire like a dragon.

In front of him is the pale white mask.

Since the island submerged in the water again, this mask has appeared, and the seawater flowing outside can be vaguely seen, but the seawater cannot wash into it.

Prometheus stopped, looked at the pale white mask in front of him, and frowned.

This mask doesn't seem to have any defensive power, and even Huo Rulong feels very ordinary, and he didn't care about it before.

But in the eyes of Prometheus that seemed to have flames flowing, this mask of white light turned out to be composed of countless divine patterns!

Defensive Divine Mark!

Defensive **** patterns are the main ones, but there are other kinds of messy **** patterns.

But Prometheus is not proficient in formations, nor is he proficient in Divine Runes. At the moment, it can only be seen that there seem to be Divine Runes of Imprisonment Function, Divine Runes of Rebound Function, and other Divine Runes.

These divine patterns are densely overlapped at an amazing density, forming a seemingly ordinary white mask.

Prometheus put the fire like a dragon on the ground, and then slowly walked towards the pale white mask.

Huo Rulong asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"This mask, something is wrong... This is a very powerful shield. What is the situation in this ghost place?"

"You have to get out of here quickly, or you always feel like something is going to happen."

When Prometheus said this, he looked at the mask carefully, and slowly clenched his fists: "This mask has not been fully opened. If you use all your strength, you should be able to break it!"


Terrifying divine power poured out.

Prometheus was agitated with divine power, and his whole body had faded away, and his whole body had turned into flames!

Elementalization, a means that at least middle-level gods can master.

At this moment, Prometheus is like a burning man, with flames all over his body, dazzling and hot!

"Body of Fire!"

Prometheus snorted again.


The fire elements here are all gathered towards Prometheus, and at the will of the gods, they are integrated into the flame body.

The flame's body instantly expanded, and the flame body of Prometheus instantly turned into a height of 10,000 meters!

Although he is not the **** of power, he is taller than the **** of power of the fifteenth order!

At this moment, he is the flame, and the flame is him.

The 10,000-meter flame giant stood on the beach at the foot of the mountain. It was even taller than the mountain behind him. The huge flame body illuminated everything, and the raging heat raged in the forest.

Huo Rulong looked up at the terrifying flame giant in amazement, his eyes lost and intoxicated.

"This is... the flame..."

At this moment, Huo Rulong finally felt the true power of the flame!

What steam, what with fire to control water.

Fire is pure fire!


The flame giant punched the mask in front of him!

"Break it for me!"

【Advanced Divine Art·Fire Fist】!


The huge fist slammed into the mask!


A blast of hot air erupted from the collision like a shock wave.

Plants and trees in a radius of 1000 meters were directly burned to ashes by the hot aftermath of this punch, and even the space was shattered inch by inch.

At the same time, more turbulent flames poured from the arms to the fists on the giant of fire, like a fire dragon scouring the white mask.


The white mask was only slightly cracked, but still not broken!

"It's really extraordinary."

The fire giant transformed by Prometheus frowned and groaned, and then he punched again!



The flame blasted away, and the white mask that had been angry and cracked could no longer support the scorching high temperature and terrifying impact, and finally shattered!

A hole of dozens of meters in size appeared on the white mask.

But even so, the gap was still slowly healing, and the white mask was able to recover on its own.


Prometheus slowly fell from the sky, looking at the white mask with complex eyes.

After taking the full two laps of his elementalization, he only broke a hole of dozens of meters, and it was still healing on its own.

This mask... not to be underestimated.

"Let's go." Prometheus said, and he was about to carry the fire like a dragon on his shoulders again.

Huo Rulong looked at the mountain behind him, at the top tree.

His eyes seemed to penetrate the layers of soil, and he saw the boy who defeated him in the crypt under the tree.

"Lin Fan." Huo Rulong whispered, "Next time we meet, I will defeat you."

Suddenly, Huo Rulong raised his head.

"I can't just leave like this." Huo Rulong looked at Prometheus.

Prometheus was stunned for a moment: "You are not his opponent now. Instead of looking for him to fight for his own humiliation, it is better to return to the Temple of Fire with me."

"I will give you more power, and next time you meet him, you will definitely be able to defeat him."

"No," Huo Rulong shook his head, his eyes flickering with fire, "I didn't mean that."

"I mean, being defeated and being rescued just like that, I can't do it like a dragon."

Prometheus frowned: "You mean..."

"Zeus defeated you and left a mark of shame on you." Huo Rulong said coldly, "I lost today, so I will also pay the price and let me remember today's shame."



The fire is like a dragon with one hand like a knife, and the burning right hand slammed into his chest, and inserted into his heart with great precision!

Blood splattered!

Huo Rulong's face was instantly pale, but he still grasped something with his teeth and yanked it out!

That's a half, broken heart!

"This is the shame I want to leave to Lin Fan, and also to myself!"

Huo Rulong's voice trembled and said weakly.

His life is rapidly draining.

After speaking, Huo Rulong used the last bit of divine power, and the half of the heart that was still beating, but had been broken, came out of his hands and rushed straight into the distance.

"You kid is crazy!" Prometheus didn't have time to reprimand anything, and a solid flame flowed from his fingertips, shooting directly into Huo Rulong's **** wound.

Immediately, he was so focused that he seemed to be manipulating something.

After more than ten seconds, Prometheus exhaled: "You boy, you are so cruel!"

"Don't worry, you can't die."

"I knitted half a heart of flame for you, and I can barely maintain it... but you must get the half of the heart back as soon as possible, otherwise it won't last for too long... at most three months!"

"Forget it, I'll help you get it back now!" Prometheus said, turning around and rushing back.


"No need." The blood-stained Huo Rulong was extremely weak, but his eyes were still firm: "Three months, enough."

"Within three months, I will take the half of my heart back with my own hands. I will return all the shame he gave me."

Prometheus looked at the fire like a dragon.

The originally blamed eyes gradually turned into admiration.

"Okay, okay, okay." Prometheus nodded and said three good words in a row.

Looking at the fire like a dragon who had dug out half of his heart in front of he knew that he had picked up a treasure this time!

This fire is like a dragon, not only with extraordinary talent, but also with the will of fire that will never go out!

The humiliation that Lin Fan brought him, not only failed to defeat him, but would actually become a boost for him to move forward!

can only say.

Arrogant people, even if they are annoying.

But I have to admit that the character of arrogance also makes people unwilling to admit defeat.

People with this character are either a joke or a hero.

Prometheus took a deep breath, carried the fire like a dragon, and rushed out along the gap that was punched in the white mask, surrounded by flames.

next moment.

The two rushed into the depths of the Meteorite Sea, and Prometheus manipulated a flame to move quickly in the sea, away from the floating island.

Huo Rulong turned his head to look at the small island where he had suffered countless humiliations.

Quite emotional.

But in the next moment.

Huo Rulong was stunned, his eyes fixed on the small island.

Do not.

That's not an island...

"Master, I seem to know what happened to the omnipresent aura you said last." Huo Rulong murmured in a low voice.

Prometheus was stunned for a moment, then turned to look.

Immediately, he froze in place for two seconds, and then rushed out of the sea with a nervous expression, turning into a stream of fire and fleeing into the distance!

"Damn, didn't you feel wrong when you landed on this island?"

"I said why is that breath everywhere?"

"We actually stayed on this guy for a long time! Of course its breath is everywhere! Fortunately, I ran out quickly!"

"This thing... even I can get rid of him!"

this moment.

Facing the existence of that legend.

Prometheus is really panicking...

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