Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1390: true nobility

Lin Fan also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, once these werewolves couldn't control them... how could they really push these vampires to the ground and beat them!

One of these werewolves is counted as one, they are all second-generation werewolves!

And it's level seven.

These newly cultivated vampire believers, although powerful, have only just been cultivated. They are only three generations of vampires, and their strength is only the initial fourth-order.

No matter how you fight, you will be beaten by the werewolf.

At the moment, seeing these werewolves suppressed their animal nature, Lin Fan was also relieved: "These Warwicks are really good, luckily they didn't fight, otherwise these vampires would have to be wiped out as soon as they appeared..."

But it was just when Lin Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rude and savage guy!"

"Also worthy of living with the noble us?"

Those vampires looked at those werewolves with pride and disdain, and immediately jumped down!

The blood globules swelled in their hands, and the evil blood magic poured out in an instant!

only for an instant.

One after another blood was forcibly drawn out of the werewolf and merged into the blood cells.


The werewolves, who didn't want to fight at all, roared in an instant and slaughtered them directly!

Only in an instant, a judgment is made.

The vampires turned into blood mist to escape the slaughter of the werewolf, but they only lasted for two seconds, and those second-generation werewolves, whether it was the improvement and skill enhancement brought by their strength or bloodline, or they have multiplied to 3,000. The number of multiples is not something they can resist when they were just born!

When the two-second blood pool was over, the vampires showed their bodies at the moment.


The werewolves rushed to these vampires instantly, waved their claws, and suppressed them under them!

R skill, [Endless Binding]!


"Puff puff!"

Flesh and blood!

The originally noble and elegant vampire was instantly bruised and bruised by the sharp wolf claws. The countless wounds were deep in the bones, and the elegant and noble clothing was even more fragmented!

These werewolves didn't even shoot all of them.

It's just that more than 200 werewolves released a big move at the same time, and they directly beat these vampires to the ground, unable to move!

"You guys, dare to attack us?"

The werewolves raise their claws high!

The Vladimirs widened their eyes, but still vowed to die, roaring: "Kill me, filthy beast!"


The claws slammed down suddenly!

But in the next moment.

"Grandma, don't!"

The Annies covered their eyes and gave trembling shouts.

next moment.

These werewolves stopped abruptly, and their claws cut off the vampire's head, leaving only three inches away!

But it just stopped in the air.

"Dirty beasts, what are you waiting for!" The Vladimirs raised their noble heads and said coldly: "Follow your instincts, do it, cut off our noble heads as your trophies!"

The werewolf was breathing heavily, but he slowly stood up from them and looked down at them.

"We won't kill you."

The vampires were stunned for a moment: "You..."

"We are not killing machines." The werewolf looked indifferently at the vampires who could cut off their heads with just one blow, and said lightly, "For the Lord God, for Annie, and for this homeland, we allow you to live."

"Because, we are above animal nature."

The Vladimirs looked at these werewolves in disbelief.

These savage guys driven by animal nature, these inherently antagonistic races, did not kill them?

how can that be?

These werewolves... show mercy?

at the same time.

The werewolves screamed in the sky, the terrifying aura rose into the sky, and the wolf fur and the apron stirred!

For a time, a breath of vicissitudes rose into the sky!

Their bloodlines have completely evolved at this moment!

The body of each werewolf skyrocketed to a size of more than 20 meters, and at the same time, their purple wolf fur transformed into pure silver under the moonlight.

Animal nature, completely become their strength!

The first-generation werewolves like Panila are different from ordinary first-generation werewolves, they are no longer animal puppets!

In the face of vampires, these werewolves surpassed themselves, their race, and their bestiality!

They put the **** in chains, but this time, they did it willingly.

The key is in their own hands.

They can do so anytime they want.

And once unshackled, they are the most powerful beasts.


[Hint]: Your religious race [Zuan Rage] has completely mastered the animal nature.

[Hint]: The bloodline of your Zuan Angry Beasts has completely become their power, and the werewolf bloodline has been thoroughly stimulated to enter the first generation.

[Hint]: The bloodline of the first generation werewolf increases the attack power by 50%, the physique by 50%, the defense power by 50%, the speed by 50%, and the recovery ability by 100%.

[Tips]: The damage of the Q skill [Mouth of the Beast] is increased by 20%.

[Tips]: The W skill [Blood Hunting] has no cooldown and can be activated at any time.

[Hint]: E skill [Ancient Moocall] evolves into [Ancestral Power], which can get 70% damage reduction. After the duration ends, it will fear surrounding enemies for 3 seconds.

[Tips]: The R skill [Endless Binding] increases the distance to three kilometers.

These werewolves, at this moment, completely stimulated their bloodlines and completely mastered the power of the beast!

The beast nature in their bodies is far more powerful than those werewolves driven by the beast nature!

"You..." The vampire looked at these werewolves in disbelief.

They can't understand.

These werewolves, obviously have such a strong bloodline and such a powerful force, why would they let them go against them!

"But even so, don't even think about us coexisting with you, ugly beasts!" The vampires stood up slowly, about to shoot again, and the blood cells surged again.

That instinctive desire for blood forced them to take action!

But the next moment.

Lin Fan's voice rolled down.

"Until now, Vladimir, you still can't tell who is the beast!"

As soon as these words came out, the Vladimirs were stunned.

"You are... the Lord God..."

"What do you mean by your words?"

"Could it be that we are the beasts, they are just savage beasts, we are noble vampires!"

"We don't need their mercy!"

The vampires replied coldly.

Lin Fan sighed.

He now knew what a vampire's weakness was.


In the evolution of countless years, werewolves chose to embrace the savage beast, while vampires chose to invest in false nobility.

The werewolf chose to completely oppose the gods, while the vampires chose to approach the gods.

And knowing this, he knows how to prescribe the right medicine!

Once the weak points are mastered, even the most powerful race can be easily disintegrated!

Lin Fan's spiritual incarnation stared at these vampires, and said slowly, "You can live because the Warwicks controlled their animal nature and chose kindness."

"They transcend the shackles of blood, their will is above the animal nature, and they are no longer driven by instinct."

"And you are still controlled by instinctive hatred and want to continue fighting. You are still bound by that hypocritical nobility."

"So, did you choose the noble, benevolent or the ugly ones who wore gorgeous clothes?"

"Nobility and ugliness, rationality and savagery, can it really be changed just by wearing one piece of clothing?"

"Although you are wearing fancy clothes, you are nothing but puppets manipulated by blood, instinct and desire."

The vampires were speechless for a while.

Because what Lin Fan said was right!

Those werewolves did show kindness that they shouldn't have!

And these self-proclaimed noble vampires want to continue to fight!

When the beasts have shown kindness, are they still considered noble?

"If you want to prove that you are really noble...then, why not take off that noble dress and let us see the real nobility and elegance?"

"Real nobility is blood-sucking?"

"Still, reconcile with this world and fight for this world!"

After a few eldest brothers, Lin Fan's level of flickering became higher and higher.

For a time, those vampires were stunned with complicated eyes. They wanted to **** blood and fight instinctively, but those werewolves stretched their furry wolf claws to them.

"Choose. We can continue to kill with you, or we can fight side by side with you for this world!"

"But, Vladimir, you self-proclaimed noble vampires should make a truly noble choice."

"Let's see, true nobility."

The werewolf under the moonlight, the silver hair reflects the cold luster, no matter how gorgeous the clothes are, the nobleness cannot be compared.

It was the first time the Vladimirs had seen such a noble beast.

At this moment, they suddenly felt as if they were the ugly beast in their gorgeous costumes...

Reason and instinct are intertwined at this moment.

The vanity of the heart and the true nobility are at war in this moment.

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