For a time, the werewolves were stunned.

"Young wolf master again?"

"He commanded more than 100 hunting teams to hunt at the same time, and even if they all won a big victory, how can they let those gods send them up themselves?"

"How the **** is this done?"

And this time.

In the daytime, he was ridiculed by many werewolves, and the few hunting teams who did not go out to hunt slowly stepped forward with a proud look.

There is no more embarrassed look before, and his face is full of - "I'm awesome".

"Now, are you still laughing at us?"

"Now, do you know the importance of knowledge?"

The few hunting captains stood proudly among the werewolves, looking at the werewolves carrying the harvest fruits, with indescribable pride on their faces.

The werewolves who were still wondering were stunned for a moment: "Is this what you did?"

"Is it because of you that the gods came to deliver food in the middle of the night?"

The captains of the several hunting teams nodded proudly and said proudly: "Otherwise? What do you think we are doing during the day!"

For a time, the other werewolves were stunned.

They simply couldn't understand what was going on.

"No, what the **** did you do?"

"Isn't it bragging, you didn't go out hunting during the day, you just squatted in the tribe and drew something, and there are so many gods delivering to your door at night?"

"Why, did you order a takeout order from the gods?"

"How did you do it? I only saw that you went out and threw a few stones, so that the gods can come in and feed themselves?"

Other werewolves couldn't understand this operation at all, and couldn't understand what these hunting teams did.

After all, the tradition of the wolf clan for thousands of years is to go out hunting, quietly approaching those gods who dare to enter the forest of divine beasts, find opportunities, and go out to kill them head-on.

Mainly to highlight a fierce.

In the past, the Young Wolf Lord commanded more than 100 hunting teams at the same time. Although there were frequent insidious tricks, all the gods in the pit were easily taken down, but in the end, the hunting teams still went out to hunt, but the method was slightly changed.

But this time, it was really incomprehensible.

Just throw out a few slates, go out to contribute and sing, and there are so many gods who sent them up that night?

Looking at the curious werewolves, these hunting captains smiled but did not explain.

He just pretended to be lofty and said, "How can you understand the plan of the Young Wolf Lord?"

"That's right, do you understand now that knowledge is power?"

"No matter how sharp the claws and sharp fangs are, you still have to go out to hunt the gods, but with knowledge, those gods can be delivered to your door by yourself!!"

"You laughed at us when we were studying. Hmph, can you understand that knowledge is the primary productive force!"

"Young Wolf Lord is so knowledgeable that you don't understand it at all!"

They pretended to be... it was a way of venting the suffocation that was ridiculed before.

The werewolves were stunned.


"So, as long as you have knowledge, you can have food delivered to your door?"

"Tomorrow I will also go to learn knowledge from the young wolf master!"

"I'm going to study too!"

The werewolves, who were originally very resistant to reading, suddenly made up their minds and shouted excitedly.

At this moment, looking at the gods all over the place who were sent to the door by myself, a desire for knowledge and a desire to learn spread...

Of course, they don't actually know what knowledge is.

But I always feel that with that thing, it seems that there will be a steady stream of gods delivering food.

In other words, to these werewolves, knowledge equals gods.

This actually aroused the werewolves' interest in learning knowledge.

After all, it is a real benefit that can be seen, and what werewolf doesn't yearn for gods...

If Lin Fan told them what could improve their inner self-cultivation and what would make them understand humility and politeness, then it is estimated that the werewolves would not even be interested in taking a look.

Just like when you are studying, if you tell your students, study hard, grow up and be a useful pillar.

It is estimated that students are struggling to even read a book.

But if you tell him, as long as you are in the top three, there will be a gentle big sister playing games with him.


For a time, the werewolves felt the incredibleness of this young wolf master and the wonder of knowledge.

"Young Wolf Lord, it's really amazing!"

"Yeah, we still go hunting in bitterness, what kind of knowledge do people use, and let those gods deliver them to the door directly!"

"As expected of the son of prophecy."

Duke Gucci looked at these clansmen who also started touting the Young Wolf Lord, and the smile on his face froze slightly.

How can there be so many competitors for his position as the number one dog licker!

But yes.

After all, the Young Wolf Lord is so good and powerful.

But something must be done to keep his position as the number one licking dog.

"Okay, you continue to clean up here."

Duke Gucci thought for a while, and gave a command to the other werewolves, and then carefully selected a dozen complete and fresh hearts from the corpses of the gods and carefully placed them in his arms.

"I'm going to give the Young Wolf Lord and the elders a late-night snack to make them happy too!"

Duke Gucci said and left quickly.

after all.

He perfectly carried out the Young Wolf Lord's orders, and as a licking dog, of course he had to ask for praise!

And the other side.

The quarrel gradually came to an end.

Although some werewolf elders are more flexible, they can also accept the changes in hunting methods brought by Lin Fan.

Coupled with Lin Fan's recent performance, it's really good, and he has also won the favor of several werewolf elders.

However, those elders who respect traditions and primitive methods don't bother you at all, they just say "I think you want to abandon the instincts and traditions of our werewolf?" "I think you don't think of yourself as a werewolf anymore. "I don't think you put the ancestors in your eyes!" "Do you want to abandon your werewolf identity and betray the tribe!"

There's absolutely no way to refute that.

In the werewolf family, it doesn't matter which family it is, as long as it refers to following the primitive and following the animal nature, it is politically correct...

For a time, there were several elders of the wolf clan who were helping Lin Fan to speak, and they were speechless.

Lin Fan didn't participate in the debate, just sat there lazily, watching the bigwigs quarrel with each other.

It's not that Lin Fan is too lazy to participate, and it's not that Lin Fan is free and easy by nature.

The main reason for the quarrel here is the high-level fifteenth-order werewolf... Lin Fan is just like a little chicken here.

To put it in a bad way, any werewolf elder could slap him to death with a slap.

So, seeing that the big guys were arguing with anger, Lin Fan felt that as the center of the topic, it was best not to force it...

"Now, does anyone have an opinion?"

The second elder slowly stood up, glanced at the speechless wolf clan elders who were stunned by him, and said coldly: "In short, I do not agree to the change of the hunting method of the young wolf master..."


Not far away, there was a sudden roar!

There is even a divine power agitation!

And it's very messy!

The second elder was interrupted halfway through speaking, frowning a little unhappily at the moment.

"What's the matter?" Patriarch Duke went out and asked the guard werewolf on patrol.

The guard werewolf was also stunned: "I don't know, there is no news of the enemy attack outside."

"Forget it," Duke Patriarch walked back, "I guess I don't know which unlucky **** broke in and was dealt with, and the breath is only at the level of the eighth-order It's not in the way, you continue to say."

The second elder nodded and reorganized his thoughts: "I mean, the young wolf master's hunting method, although it seems..."


Another magic roar.

After waiting for a long time, the movement in the distance calmed down.

The second elder, who was interrupted several times, exhaled and said solemnly, "I don't judge the way the Young Wolf Lord hunts."

"I just want to say, the way we hunt for thousands of years."

"At least after the test of time, until now, we are still alive!"

"Although every day, we may damage our clansmen, although we have to go out every time to carefully search for prey, although sometimes we are unlucky and will return empty-handed and hungry, but it is undeniable that the hunting method we insist on is the right way..."

What the second elder said was impassioned and was about to conclude.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!"

Someone knocked on the door.

The second elder who was interrupted again suddenly looked gloomy.

"Come in." Duke Patriarch said softly.

The guards let the werewolf out at once, and Duke Gucci didn't forget to give him a heart, and then walked to the door.

"Duke Gucci?" Patriarch Duke was stunned for a moment, a little surprised: "Why are you here? We are having a meeting here..."

"Patriarch, the elders have worked hard for the meeting," Duke Gucci smiled, and quickly handed everyone a heart, respectfully: "Just now, a **** came up to deliver food, and harvested a lot of hearts, dedicated to the elders. Bring them."

"Yeah." Patriarch Duke is not surprised, because every few months, there are always a few gods with poor brains who get lost in the forest of the beasts and stray into the werewolf village.

"By the way, how many gods did you catch this time?" Patriarch Duke asked casually while eating his heart.

Duke Gucci smiled: "More than a thousand..."

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