Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1358: Are you here too?

This caravan wants to get this treasure when no one is paying attention!

From then on, soar to the sky!

It's just that they don't know that the Forest of Divine Beasts tonight is extraordinarily lively.

There are **** hunters with slate legends, caravans humming nursery rhymes, explorers with newspapers, literature and art lovers with novels...

Any news about Shenzang is enough to attract the attention of countless gods.

Even if it is a legend, even if it is a novel, even if it is a children's song, even if it is a small story published in the corner of the newspaper.

God Tibetan, enough to make any **** crazy.

This is greed in the divine.

Finally, the caravan came to the door of a village according to the description in the children's song.

This village is very primitive, without any electronic facilities, even the rooms are built with mud and branches stacked on top of each other, and the architectural style is completely different from the outside.

The road is just a dirt road, there are no street lights, and there are no lights in front of every door.

Just like the villages where the ancient gods lived hundreds of years ago, the houses were quietly sleeping in this dark night.

To be honest, it's a little gloomy, and there's no sound at all.

After all, most of the werewolves were sleeping at this time... Now in order to capture the gods, they have also developed a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early...

But this strange village, in the eyes of this caravan, has nothing to be afraid of.

The caravan boss stood in front, looking at the village.

"I didn't expect that there is such a peach blossom-like village in this forest of divine beasts."

"How peaceful."

"Maybe, the people living here are the legendary ancient gods... and only they would live in such primitive villages."

"I don't know the years, it's peaceful..." The boss sighed with emotion, and then said: "It seems that the legend of Shenzang should be true."

"And, in this village."

"Let's ask someone."

Saying that, the caravan owner suddenly saw a child and ran forward: "Little boy, wait!"

When the little boy saw the person coming, he turned around and ran: "Mom, God!"

He is a little wolf cub who sneaked out. After all, unlike adults, the children of the wolf clan have no academic pressure. They play during the day and at night, and they are energetic.

His mother frightened him that he would sneak out at night and be taken away by the gods.

He still doesn't believe it.

But I never expected that when I went out today, I saw a group of gods appearing in this wolf's den!

Frightened him silly!

Does the mother's words come true?

How can there be a **** here!

But in the end, the child was still running too slowly, and was caught up by the boss a few times.

The boss stopped the child, looked at the child who was about to cry, and immediately said, "What are you running for? I just want to ask you a few words..."

"Go away! This is not the place you should be!" The child looked at the **** who appeared here in disbelief, and said loudly, "Let me go!"

"No, I'm not going! The treasure is right in front of me, how can I go!" The caravan owner's face was gloomy, but then he said softly: "Is there any most precious place in your village?"

"The most precious place..." The child was stunned for a moment.

He didn't know what was most precious.


The warehouse that stores the flesh and blood of the gods should be the most precious...

The child quickly pointed in the direction: "There!"

There, is a tall house.

The boss nodded and released the child.

"It's really a hospitable village, and it's completely defenseless against us outsiders." The boss laughed, "Let's go, go there and see!"

"We're going to take off here!"

"Treasure, waiting for us!"

While speaking, the boss suppressed the excitement in his heart and walked quickly to the tall room in the distance.

In front of the door of the house, the boss suddenly stopped and his expression became stunned.

It's not just me?

There were thousands of people standing in front of the door! Everyone exudes the coercion of the gods!

"I wipe!"

"Why so many people!"

And those people were obviously very stunned, and looked around: "How do you do so many people?"

The caravan owner stepped forward with a complicated look, and saw scholars holding books, groups of **** hunters holding stone tablets, some humming children's songs, and some holding newspapers...

"You are here too?"

"I'm going, so you already know?"

"Second, you are here too!"

"Uncle San, why are you here?"

"Ah, I read what was written in the novel, so I'll come and have a look..."

"Oh, I found a slate..."

"Hmph, it seems that everyone knows it. Then, it's all about the treasure!"

"Damn, I didn't expect there would be so many competitors!"

"Stop pretending, who is not running for treasure!"

"The treasure is in this house!"

The scene was a little chaotic.

Everyone felt that they were the only one who knew, and had sneaked along along the way.

When I came here and found this primitive village, I was quite happy.

After all, such a primitive village is not simple at first glance.

It is likely to be the legendary peach blossom garden isolated from the world!

Such a primitive village, what treasures are there, very reasonable!

The villagers they met were also kind, and when they mentioned the treasure, the modestly dressed young men and women pointed the place to them.

Just when getting to this place...

Only then did they realize that when I went, so many people were waiting here!

"Don't squeeze!"

"Everyone, go back, there are so many people, even if there is any treasure, you may not be able to grab it yourself!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go, let you enjoy it alone?"

"That's right, the chance to change fate is just this one time! I still want to soar into the sky!"

"This means that it didn't attract the attention of the powerhouses. Otherwise, whichever round gets me on weekdays, this time, I will give it a try!"

"Don't force it, everyone depends on their ability, whoever grabs it is whoever gets it!"

Even if these gods found out that someone was robbing them, they would not leave.

It's all here after all!

The treasure is right in front of you!

The journey of the sea of ​​stars is about to begin!

The caravan boss who just came was silent for a moment, thinking in his heart.

As the **** of wisdom, he is more rational.

He knew that the strength of his caravan buddies could not be comparable to those of the **** hunters who made a living by hunting divine beasts.

Even if there is really some treasure in this room, there are so many people, and there are so many **** hunters, their caravan who heard the news has no chance to grab it.

Moreover, this scene is so chaotic, everyone is determined to get the treasure, and they will definitely have to do it in a while.

If they really want to fight, their caravan is likely to get nothing, and there will be some casualties.

From any point of view, you should leave.


Looking at the room that was so close at hand, looking at the closed door, a different kind of light gradually burst out in the eyes of this God of Wisdom.

The name of that light is greed!

God hidden, right in front of you!

How can I leave?

"Brothers, get ready!" The caravan boss gritted his teeth fiercely: "Let's step in too, we'll see if we can fly into the sky!"

He even thought about it, if his guys can help grab Shenzang, then wait until Shenzang gets it... He doesn't mind thinking of a way to kill these guys who follow him!

The gods gathered together, their eyes were full of greed, looking at the door, they were all intriguing with each other, and their thoughts were spinning.

The nephew even thought about **** the second uncle.

The second uncle was thinking about how to fool his nephew and ask him to help him get the Shenzang.

But at this time, they haven't attacked yet.

Because a young man in animal skin clothes is blocking the door.

"Don't go in!" Duke Gucci looked nervous, as if facing a group of gangsters, holding sticks to block the door: "This is the important place in our village, I won't let you in!"

", this can't be your fault!"

"You alone, still want to guard this treasure?"

"There are so many of us! Who didn't come here for the legendary treasure!"

"Your village, in this deep mountain and old forest, there are treasures that can't be used, why don't you use them for us, and reproduce the glory of your ancestors! You also have a light on your face, don't you!"

"We've come all the way, and you let us go home empty-handed, isn't that a bad way to entertain guests?"

At this moment, the gods like robbers are saying the most high-sounding words, pressing step by step, and sharing the enemy!

At this moment, they were united as if they were brothers.

It's just that under the excitement of facing the treasure, they didn't even realize that this eighth-order youth was not a god...

Duke Gucci held the stick, as if swearing to stop them from rushing in.


In the face of those gods who have gone crazy for the treasure, Duke Gucci finally sighed: "Forget it, so many of you... I can't beat it."

The gods were instantly delighted.

But then I heard Duke Gucci take out a key and shouted loudly: "But it's useless for you to go in. The treasure is sealed. Only the person who holds the key can open the seal..."

For a while, the air seemed silent.

"give me!"

A **** of speed reacted extremely quickly, rushed forward, kicked Duke Gucci, and snatched the key.

But he didn't wait for him to react.

"You deserve it too!"

A **** of the earth suddenly stretched out a hand from the ground under his feet and dragged the **** of speed into the ground, hiding the key.

Before the **** of the earth could escape, a **** of power raised a huge fist and slammed into the ground.


The majestic force rushed out.

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