Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1347: poor little wolf cub

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Duke Gucci relishes this look.

This is full of envious eyes!

This is the envy of others as the number one licking dog of the young wolf master!

He straightened his body silently and looked at the werewolves with pride on his face.

Yesterday, those werewolves still mocked him for lacking dignity. The dignified hunting captain, the number two person in the younger generation of the family, was willing to be the licking dog of the Young Wolf Lord and boasted about the Young Wolf Lord.

but now.

Those werewolves didn't dare to look at him at all!

What happened to the dog!

When a dog, what's wrong! !

I am Duke Gucci as a dog, am I proud!

I am the most loyal licking dog of the Young Wolf Lord. I have received the attention of the Young Wolf Lord. Am I proud!

Why haven't you been named and praised by the Young Wolf Lord on this occasion?

Duke Gucci looked at Duke Goodman again, his eyes full of anger.

"Just you, are you worthy of competing with me for the favor of the Young Wolf Lord?"

"I'm the number one licking dog of the Young Wolf Lord!"

"I am the most important confidant of the Young Wolf Lord!"

At this moment, Duke Gucci was greatly satisfied, and that satisfaction was even more satisfied than when he was the captain of the hunting team.

His gaze towards the Young Wolf Lord was also full of respect.

At this moment, the slightly slender figure of the young wolf master had a radiance blooming in his eyes.

Lin Fan didn't notice the change in Duke Gucci, and just continued: "Okay, take them to divide the prey, I'll go back with these gods."

"Yes, Young Wolf Lord!" Duke Gucci nodded again and again, and then added: "Young Wolf Lord, if there is anything else to do, tell me at any time!"

"Oh, we will arrange more vigils tonight, and there may be takeaways delivered to the door." After Lin Fan finished speaking, he dragged the sack of the **** and turned around and left.

Looking at the back of the Young Wolf Lord turning and leaving, Duke Gucci knelt down on one knee and said faithfully: "Yes! I will personally lead the team to watch the night!"

At this time, Lin Fan's words, to him, were orders!

A command that must be executed with life!

Duke Gucci led the werewolves to distribute the prey, while Lin Fan dragged the sack back to the yard.

Pushing open the door, Situ Lan was holding the little wolf cub's head, teaching him to write on the ground with a branch...

"Why are you so stupid!"

"Study hard, this word, read, how easy it is!"

"You can't even learn this word, how do you learn the next one, two, three, four and five!"

"If you don't study hard, do you want to be a werewolf in the future?"

"If you don't study hard, how will you sell you a high price in the future! How can you improve your own value, where is your intrinsic value? How will you engage in high-paying jobs in the future? Are you going to sell you to move bricks!"

"If you don't study hard, how can I live the life I want!"

"Study hard. Only by studying hard now can you win at the starting line and crush your peers! Otherwise, other little wolves will leave you behind!"

Situ Lan said with a look of hatred for not turning iron into steel.

Ever since he knew that Lin Fan was going to engage in aquaculture, and the highly educated werewolf seemed to be able to sell for a high price, Situ Lan, the war **** who was holding a Gatling and carrying a cannon on his shoulder, couldn't hold back, and began to try to transform into a teacher. ...

After all, no one is the enemy of faith.

"Don't make it so difficult, be patient, werewolves are not very smart..."

Lin Fan looked down as he spoke.

There is a "Cuan" written on the ground.

For a while, Lin Fan was dumbfounded.

This word, even if Lin Fan was asked to write it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to write it!

Situ Lan tapped the little wolf cub on the buttocks with a small wooden stick, and the little wolf cub was about to cry when he saw it, tremblingly trying to write on the ground with his wolf claws, but he couldn't write.

Lin Fan was silent for a moment: "What on earth do you think, why do you teach this kind of word first?"

Normal teachers start teaching from one, two, three, four, five, this relatively simple font...

Situ Lan glanced at Lin Fan expressionlessly, and said coldly, "You don't understand, it would be too much trouble if you proceed step by step."

"If you learned the hardest one right away, wouldn't the rest of the easy ones be easy to grasp?"

"As a soldier, we must face difficulties head-on and bravely rush to the most dangerous places!"

"That's what my father taught me back then. The first day I took a gun, it was an anti-machine sniper. The first time I fired a gun, it was an 800mm "Dora" heavy gun!"

"The first simulated command battle was the battle of hell."

"This is what I learned on the first day of learning Chinese characters!"

Situ Lan looked at Lin Fan seriously, and tapped the little wolf cub on the **** again.

Lin Fan silently looked at the pitiful little wolf cub, and sighed, "...Okay."

This little wolf cub is also unlucky. It doesn't understand at all now. Yesterday, the cute girl who held herself in the sun and likes to pinch her cheeks, why did she start learning to read with a stick today...

On the other side, Situ Hong started to settle accounts in advance. Seeing the sack dragged behind Lin Fan, he was stunned for a moment.

There is a divine breath in there.

"This is..." Situ Hong looked at Lin Fan with a complicated expression and frowned, "The **** you rescued from the werewolf?"

"No, it's my prey." After Lin Fan finished speaking, he threw it hard.

Situ Hong was stunned for a moment, as if he understood something.


The bag made of vines was instantly thrown to the ground by Lin Fan, and then Lin Fan opened the bag.


Several sturdy gods bound by divine gold chains struggled and rolled out in an with some weeds that were picked at random in their mouths.

There are also divine patterns on the divine golden chains, as well as marks gnawed by the teeth of some wolf teeth and other animals. Obviously, this is a trap that was once arranged by divine hunters to capture werewolves and other divine beast races.

Speaking of which, although the werewolves are still sticking to the original hunting methods, the methods of the **** hunters are constantly improving.

In the beginning, in ancient times, the gods of hunting and bows and arrows even fought head-to-head with the beasts, and everyone hunted each other.

But gradually, the **** hunters will use traps and apply poison, and even the war gods have developed hot weapons capable of killing gods and beasts with explosive power.

The mythical beasts also fell behind, and were finally beaten and huddled in the forest of the mythical beasts.

On weekdays, when the werewolves found traps, they would at most warn their peers not to approach them. Traps were set up here.

But under Lin Fan's command, the werewolves tried to move the traps, but instead used the traps of the gods to hunt the gods...

As a result, the werewolves also seemed to have opened their minds, holding the golden chains that were supposed to bind them, and bound these gods, otherwise it would be really difficult to bind...

Therefore, in the past, the werewolves generally killed the food directly on the spot. In addition to the drive of animal instinct, this was also the best way to prevent the prey from finding an opportunity to escape.

Those gods were wounded, big and small, but they were still alive.

He rolled out of his pocket with a frightened face, and looked up to see Lin Fan.

only for an instant.

Their frightened expressions were slightly stunned, and then turned into ecstasy!

They can feel that this young man, like them, is a god!

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