Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1331: I heard you beat Duke Gucci

But anyway.

"In short, don't talk about the matter of summoning the second generation of werewolf believers, otherwise it will cause some unnecessary suspicion." Duke Patriarch waved his hand: "Although werewolves have **** blood in their bodies, but no werewolf can be summoned. believer."

"If it spreads out, our young wolf master has believers that only gods can have. It's not very good."

"And, if you don't have to, don't show it..."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan was stunned: "I asked you before if you could use divine means, and you said it's fine!"

"I didn't expect you to have followers!" Patriarch Duke sighed speechlessly. He thought Lin Fan was joking before...

The ghost knows how you, a werewolf, have followers!

"In short, there is no dangerous situation, don't show it again. Especially outside the Duke family." Duke Patriarch ordered.

Lin Fan nodded: "I remember."

"This hunt, you have performed well and established your prestige." Duke Patriarch said solemnly: "I originally wanted you to participate in a few more hunts, accumulate enough prestige within the clan, and then announce that you are running for the wolf. king."

"But now it seems that there is no need."

"Even Duke Gucci was defeated by you... If there are still people who are not convinced by you, there are not many."

Lin Fan frowned, "You mean..."

Duke Patriarch said solemnly: "You don't need to participate in hunting in the future, just concentrate on preparing for the election of the wolf king. In a few days, I will take you to the pure blood wolf clan and tell them that our Duke family is ready to participate. Run for Wolf King."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan was not happy.

If I don't participate in hunting, how can I collect souls, how can I collect Shenhuo?


Lin Fan slammed the table and stood up righteously: "I want to participate in the hunt! Contribute to the clan!"

Duke Patriarch: "???"

I asked you to participate in the hunt before, but you were reluctant!

are you crazy!

Why was he suddenly so loyal to the Duke family?

"You really deserve to be the Young Wolf Lord. I didn't expect you to integrate into our Duke family so quickly and want to contribute to us."

"Okay, then you can take Duke Gucci's hunting team to hunt these days." Duke Patriarch didn't know what to say, so he could only agree.

Tell the truth.

At this moment, he was a little moved...

"Then go back and rest. In the past few days, I have been participating in hunting as usual every day. When I prepare, I will take you to the core area where the pure blood wolf clan is located."

"At that time, you and Panila, as well as the three pure-blooded wolf candidates, will be immortal. You should also be prepared, and don't hunt at that time, so as not to be ambushed by other candidates."

Duke Patriarch said solemnly.

Lin Fan nodded, got up and walked out of the courtyard.

To be honest, he doesn't really want to kill Panera... But let's talk about it later, after all, Lin Fan is determined to win the position of the next wolf king.

This is how many millions of faith values!

Lin Fan sent Duke Gucci away, who was licking a dog, and the other party greeted Lin Fan reluctantly before leaving.

"Young Wolf Lord, tomorrow morning, we will see you at the entrance of the village!"

"Young Wolf Lord, you really don't want to go to the tavern?"

Lin Fan politely refused, said his voice, and then followed the location told by Patriarch Duke, and came to a courtyard gate.

The courtyard is simple and primitive, and it can even be said to be primitive, with only gravel and some broken tree trunks stacked together as walls.

And this is also the courtyard allocated by the wolf clan to Lin Fan.

In order to prevent those clansmen from being hungry and unable to control their animalistic behavior, and eating the two personal rations of the Young Wolf Lord, Patriarch Duke specially allocated Lin Fan a residence on the edge of the village, which was some distance from the residences of other werewolves.

"I don't know how the Situ Lan sisters are doing here... I'm afraid they won't have enough to eat or drink..." Lin Fan pondered and pushed open the courtyard door.

But the next moment, Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

In the yard, Situ Hong was grilling two peeled rabbits on the fire, and the delicate and lovely Situ Lan was holding a little wolf cub and playing with it. dog-like.

"You... have a good time here?" Lin Fan looked at the two with a confused expression.

These two players are completely reluctant to think about it!

"Very good, those werewolves also know how to catch rabbits for us to eat. They just sent two rabbits, venison, and steak..."

"There are even seasonings and vegetables." Situ Hong said in a strange tone.

To tell the truth, she originally thought she was here, for fear that she might not have enough to eat.

After all, if the gods fell into the werewolf tribe, it wouldn't be too good to think about it.

As a result, I never expected that those werewolves were so enthusiastic.

As Patriarch Duke said, werewolves have a unique experience in feeding gods...

Just like raising pigs, of course I hope that I will grow fat and grow meat, eat healthy and not get sick.

Moreover, because of Lin Fan's identity, those werewolves don't have the slightest idea about Situ Hong Situ Lan, but instead help their young wolf master to feed them with all their heart...

I was even worried that these two foods had a bad appetite and lost weight because of a bad mood, which made the young wolf master angry. A werewolf also contributed his own cubs to play with...

In fact, the werewolf is really hungry and anxious, and under the outbreak of the bestiality, it is not only the gods.

Deer, rabbits, other mythical beasts and half-orcs can also be eaten, which is why even the fox girls were afraid when they heard the name of the werewolf.

However, in comparison, it is still the sweetness of the gods. Once you taste that taste, you will never forget it... and only the flesh and blood of the gods can help them most effectively quickly satisfy their animalistic thirst.

Otherwise, the hungry werewolf will be a disaster for the entire Forest of Divine Beasts.

"Hehe, you're back?" Situ Lan let go of the little wolf cub in her arms, then frowned and looked at Lin Fan, "You said before that I was your...personal ration?"

Seeing that Situ Lan was about to take out his gun, Lin Fan quickly said, "I didn't do it to hide from the past. Otherwise, what should I say, I said I came to do aquaculture?"


Situ Lan was stunned for a moment, and only then did she understand what Lin Fan was trying to do.

a time.

Situ Lan's eyes were very strange, looking at the cute little wolf cub in her arms, she was actually a little sympathetic.

But then, that sympathy was replaced by greed.

"You're going to run for the Wolf King, right?" Situ Lan asked suddenly.

Lin Fan nodded, "Yes."

"As the new generation of wolf kings, will the entire wolf clan listen to you?" Situ Lan continued to ask.

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes!"

"When the time comes, you can give them all..." At this Even Situ Lan couldn't help but breathe quickly!

She has seen the world.


How many werewolves are there in the whole wolf clan?

Not to mention the more pure-blooded wolf races, there are fifty million of all the werewolf races combined!

An ordinary werewolf is five million, and the price will increase within five generations. What’s more, every werewolf family basically has a fifteenth-order high-level werewolf!

This is so...

This terrifying number made Situ Lan breathe dignified.

Although she has seen the big world, but she spends all day in the poor place of the lawless place, and she is also very poor!

"I'll help you!" Situ Lan showed a cute smile, "If you are in danger in the wolf king competition, or if the wolf clan wants to kill you, I can help you."

"But... wait for your election success..."

Lin Fan raised three fingers: "Give you 30%!"

"It's a word!"

Situ Lan giggled and picked up the little wolf cub.

This little wolf cub, 30% of it belongs to her!

This ignorant little wolf cub didn't know at this time that he had become a commodity at a young age, and was still licking Situ Lan's face.

And right now.

"Clang clang clang!"

The door rang.

"Young Wolf Lord, get out!"

Lin Fan froze for a moment, opened the door, and saw two teenagers and a girl standing outside the door.

One man and one woman looked arrogant and proud, while Duke Gucci stopped in front of the two and whispered: "Don't provoke the young wolf master, I tell you, you really don't know..."

"Oh, don't speak for him." The two young girls glanced at Duke Gucci, then looked at Lin Fan who came out, and smiled contemptuously.

"I heard you beat Duke Gucci..."

"Why are you the Young Wolf Lord?"

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