Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1313: So I'm going to beat the Duke family?

ten minutes later.

In front of Lin Fan, the two werewolves were turning into a middle-aged husband and wife. The way they devoured and ate fiercely before became gentle and refined, and wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths and fingers with a handkerchief.

The animal nature is satisfied in flesh and blood, and the werewolf can barely regain some sanity.

In fact, it is not correct to say that werewolves are completely crazy. Although they are controlled by animal nature, they only need to eat the flesh and blood of gods every day to reluctantly satisfy their animal nature and maintain their rationality.

As the most nutritious god's heart, not only can it barely satisfy the animal nature, but it can also make the werewolf's strength grow rapidly.

in other words.

The flesh and blood of gods, for werewolves, has a similar antidote effect. This demand comes from physiological, not just hunting gods for delicious food.

"Can we chat now?" Lin Fan frowned.

"Ah, I almost forgot about it." Patriarch Duke smiled embarrassedly, hiccupped, and then said, "This time, I would like to thank you for choosing to join my Duke family and serve as the Duke family's leader. Young Wolf Lord."

Lin Fan didn't show any politeness, and asked straightforwardly, "Young Wolf Lord, what do you need to do?"

Patriarch Duke pondered for a moment, and then said slowly, "If it is a young wolf master who does not want to participate in the election of the wolf king, to be honest, as long as he hunts with his clan every day and builds prestige within the clan, it will be fine."

"When the patriarch abdicates, they can take over as the patriarch and lead the group by relying on the prestige accumulated in the group."

"Of course, they still have to obey the call of the wolf king, as a part of the whole wolf clan, serve the wolf clan, and also offer food for the pure blood wolf clan."

"You..." Patriarch Duke said here, and suddenly looked at Lin Fan meaningfully.

However, Lin Fan shook his head: "What if you want to run for the Wolf King?"

How many people are there in a werewolf group?

The Duke family should be regarded as the largest group of werewolves, and only one million!

If you sell it, it will be in the trillions!

Although it sounds like a lot, it would be terrifying if the entire wolf clan could enter their own breeding business!

All the groups of werewolves combined, there are 50 million.

There are hundreds of millions of pure blood wolves!

All together, what a terrifying number!

Really become the wolf king, with the executive power of the wolf pack, you only need to give an order, don't these werewolves have to put on their collars and enter the cage?

Lin Fan, of course, is going to run for the Wolf King!

When he heard that Lin Fan was going to run for the wolf king, Patriarch Duke also had excited eyes, and his breath was slightly heavy.

He was really afraid that Lin Fan was just a young wolf master who didn't want to make progress!

You must know that a young wolf master who has successfully campaigned as the king of the wolf clan will bring great benefits to the clan once he appears?

You can live in the core area of ​​the pure-blood wolf clan's life, you can no longer pay tribute to the pure-blood wolf clan, and you can even accept the exercises of other groups, just like those pure-blood wolf clan!

At that time, those noble pure-blood wolves will have to treat the werewolves of the Duke family with respect!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is soaring!

Furthermore, Lin Fan's bloodline, in his perception, is at least the level of the first-generation werewolf!

Even, faintly exceeded the coercion given to him by the ancestor...

Coupled with the identity of the son of prophecy, the chances of this young wolf master's success in running for the wolf king are almost on par with Panila Manda, who is currently the loudest!

But even so, Patriarch Duke said solemnly: "It is very dangerous to run for the wolf king."

"Among the wolves, the competition for the alpha wolf is cruel. The clan that fails the election will be suppressed or even expelled..."

"Let's not talk about the suppression after the election defeat, just talk about this election."

"Although the older generation of werewolves can't intervene, there are no rules at all in the battle between candidates."

"You can bring your own young clansmen to encircle and suppress them, or you can challenge one-on-one."

"You can even sneak attacks... There are no rules."

"The only rule is that whoever survives to the end will be the next wolf king, the young master of the entire clan."

There are no rules.

What the wolf clan believes in is the law of nature.

Survival of the fittest!

This is the only rule.

To the end, he is the young master of the wolf clan.

From then on, under one person, over ten thousand people, called the wolf clan.

"Then, can God's methods be used..." Lin Fan frowned slightly.

"Although it's a little dark... but it's okay, after all, the wolf clan believes in the survival of the fittest." Patriarch Duke said here, and added: "But the wolf clan blood is too domineering, although we werewolves have the blood of gods, we can Become a god, but have no priesthood or godhead."

"That's good." Lin Fan nodded.

Patriarch Duke did not take Lin Fan's question to heart.

after all.

Werewolves, how can they use the means of gods?

Besides, the divine arts of those gods are so vulnerable under the savage power of the werewolf, and the believers of those gods are also so fragile.

No werewolf has ever used the means of the gods, and no werewolf has used the means of the gods to defeat the enemy in the competition of the wolf king!

The battle between werewolves has always been a wild collision, paying attention to one punch to the flesh and blood in the mouth.

At this time, Lin Fan was thinking, if the time comes for a duel, his more than 60,000 followers will compete with the wolf master of the wolf king together... Will the other werewolves stop watching...

"So, do you really want to participate in the election?" Duke Patriarch said solemnly.

Lin Fan frowned slightly: "You just tell me how to do Haha, that's great!" Duke Patriarch's face was full of joy, "What you want to do is actually not difficult."

"First of all, you have to follow the young people in our group and go out on a few hunting missions."

"Ah?" Lin Fan was stunned, "It's so troublesome, shouldn't it just kill the other competitors?"

"It's not that simple," Patriarch Duke explained, "You must first determine your identity as the young wolf master, establish prestige in your own family group, and make the younger generation convince you."

"Only in this way can you call on other candidates when they are besieging you with their young clansmen."

"In other words, you must first establish a reputation in your own clan group, have your own team, and let other clansmen trust you, and then you can confront other candidates head-on, otherwise... It sounds bad, although you are a first-generation werewolf, but , Do my Duke family have to support him loyally when they see a first-generation werewolf?"

"You must know that once you lose the election, my Duke family will suffer a huge blow!"

"Not only are you gambling, we are also gambling!"

"I believe in you very much, but the other clansmen... After all, you are just a newcomer and have never shown your strength."

"As for the competition with other candidates, when the whole family trusts you, I will announce that my Duke family will participate in the competition for the Wolf King."

Lin Fan nodded, "Let's build a reputation... In other words, I have to conquer the Duke family first?"

Seeing Lin Fan's serious expression, the Duke clan was stunned for two seconds.

"No, I'm asking you to show your strength and carry out the mission with your clan! I'm not asking you to conquer the clan!"

Patriarch Duke had no idea what Lin Fan was thinking, and was shocked!

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