Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1015: hide the wings

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Crowley's ignorance, at this moment, just like the stone of the Caucasus Mountains on Prometheus, became Lucifer's demon.

Shameful demon.

When Lucifer completely disappeared in the gate of hell.

The deadly silence suddenly disappeared, and all the demons couldn't help exhaling at this moment, as if they had finally relaxed.

"Congratulations to my king," a demon kneeled in front of Crowley to please: "Wang Yingming's martial arts, as expected, as you planned, then Lucifer is only a fifteenth-order high-level demon, no longer a bright morning star. It's gone!"

"Your name will be recorded in the annals of **** and passed on from generation to generation!"

Crowley squinted and smiled: "It is indeed the original sin of arrogance. Stepping on his head didn't break his arrogance. Fortunately, he played well in the end."

"My king, the original sin of arrogance is only a fifteenth-order high-level demon, should I take the king of sword demons and the king of mirror demons to give him..." The demon sneered.


Crowley slapped him.

"Little Wu," Crowley looked at the neat suit, young and immature like his own simple devil, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You still don't understand the weakness of this arrogant original sin."

"If you take someone to hunt down, the bright star that has fallen will shine again."

"His arrogance is deep in his bones, even if I step on his head under my feet, I can't beat him."

"Do you know why?"

"Because, when you are trampled on, when others take pride in stepping on your head."

"This shows that you are an existence that cannot be ignored or even feared in your heart."

"The happier they are when they step on your head, the more it shows that they are more afraid of you in their hearts. No one would be proud of stepping on a dead dog, just like those hunting gods in the **** world who can be trampled under their feet to show off. Yes, often a male lion so strong that they frighten them."

"Cruel, cruel, powerful, all cannot crush the arrogance in the heart."

"Only complete disregard can defeat true arrogance."

"If you lead someone to hunt him down, it means that you are still afraid of him, and the arrogance that was defeated will raise its head again."

At this moment, Crowley had not had the slightest emotional fluctuation before, as if completely ignoring the bright star, he couldn't help but shed a trace of fear and fear, and even cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and there was no more indifference and ignorance before. looks like.

Just now, whenever he shows a little nervousness, fear, or joy, he can't defeat the original sin of arrogance!


That look of complete ignorance, he has practiced in private for a long time.

Even these apostles have been trained hundreds of times by him, just to pretend to ignore them completely in the few minutes just now.

Yep, it's made out.

That dazzling bright star, the guy who can be truly ignored?

Xiao Wu's face was frightened for a while, and he knelt down on the ground nervously, and said to please: "Forgive my presumptuousness and confusion. Wang, you are indeed wise and talented!"

Crowley looked at Xiao Wu in front of him and said with a smile: "Learn slowly, as my assistant, you need to learn more."

"Then this wing..." Xiao Wu looked at the wing that was dark but still shining brightly.

Those are angel wings.

Whether it is an angel or a fallen angel, their power exists in their wings.

Except for some unique existences, most angels can judge the strength by the number of wings.

And the wings dropped by the arrogant original sin, the demons present can feel the terrifying magic power condensed on it.

The majesty of this magic, even the lazy boy behind Crowley, who was always listless and seemed to have not woken up, frowned and seemed to have raised some interest.

Crowley rubbed his hands in confusion.

He knew that Lucifer would no longer be his enemy.

The defeated arrogance can no longer raise its head, and the once bright star has fallen.

But if one day, that bright star shines again, once he finds this wing...

At that time, will he face a fallen angel with sixteen wings?

Or, if one day, Lucifer retrieves all his wings, will he be facing a furious eighteenth-order demon king?

Lucifer in his heyday, where no one in **** can stop him except Amy.

A wave of fear appeared in Crowley's eyes, and at this moment, he seemed to have become the little devil who could be deceived back then.

Lucifer, Amy, the shadow that left him at the beginning was too terrifying.

"Give it to me." Crowley exhaled, tremblingly took the wing handed by Xiao Wu, and subconsciously placed it behind the throne.

after all.

This broken wing is like a trophy and should be displayed.

This is Lucifer's wings!

It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to be the most powerful angel wing. To have such a wing is the dream of every king of hell, and it is a proof enough to show the power of the king of hell.


Crowley suddenly shuddered, as if thinking of something, and after thinking for a while, he lifted the cushion under his buttocks, stuffed his wings in, and put the cushion down.

Checked several times.

That wing was hidden tightly.


Crowley's fat body sat on the throne, pressing his wings firmly under the cushion.

It was only then that Crowley felt reassured.

That bright star, even if it shines again, will no longer be his opponent.

"My king..." Xiao Wu seemed a little puzzled.

Crowley patted Xiao Wu's face again, and said with a smile: "If it's displayed, doesn't it mean that we are still afraid of the original sin of arrogance?"

"Actually, to be honest, I should leave this wing in place and let Lucifer come and take it at any time."

"But if that's the case, in case Lucifer really shines again, in case he really comes here to retrieve this wing..."

Even though he pretended to ignore, the bright star still made Crowley feel intimidated.

That was the dazzling figure he looked up at when he was kneeling on the ground!

This powerful and beautiful bright star, just like the invincible Amy, even if Crowley became the king of hell, he still had incomparable fear and fear of them.

Temporarily hiding Lucifer's wings under his seat, Crowley stood up and turned to look at the boundless army of apostles.

this moment.

The people in front of Crowley all knelt down, and the army of 150 million knelt like a tide!

this moment,

In front of this king of hell, there is no one who can kneel again!

As far as the eye can see, all kneel down!

The enemies who once made him kneel, except for Amy who was sealed in purgatory, all knelt down in front of him at this time!

Crowley squinted and smiled.

Then, pressing down on the hill-like contract with one hand, he slowly said, "You can't bring up today's affairs at any time, and you can't bring up the name Lucifer in the future!"

"The three words Lucifer will be silent in **** from now on!"

"Other than that, everyone, don't have any contact with Lucifer, and completely ignore it."

Every word of Crowley seems to have a wonderful power, and the boundless demons kneeling on the ground all tremble. These words have been engraved into their distorted souls through the soul contract!

As apostles, they were to follow every word of Crowley.

Because, they are Crowley's property.

From then on, the name Lucifer will no longer appear in hell.

That bright star will be ignored by the entire hell.


After doing all this, Crowley exhaled slowly, completely relieved.

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