Global Gods: My Believer is Galen

Chapter 1004: go to hell

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Lin Fan's expression changed again.

Looking at the angel and demon who released everything in the enchanting space and became weak and powerless, the succubus smile became more and more sweet and charming, and he took a more graceful and **** posture, revealing his degenerate charm without concealment.

"bring it on."

"Kneel down under my charm!"

Accompanied by that succubus's increasingly solemn voice.

For a time, the already weak body of the angel and demon began to tremble again!

An evil fire appeared in Lin Fan's lower abdomen again, and his body, which had been severely damaged and had lost all of his strength, began to brew again!

"Don't come! Stop it!"

"It's going to be squeezed dry, and there's not a drop left!"

Lin Fan clenched his legs and fell to the ground weakly, looking at Zhao Yaxin's back with a weak expression, "I'll be drained by you even if I come here!"

It's really the way this succubus fights, it's too weird.

Others rely on their own strength to bring pain to the enemy.

The succubus, on the other hand, relies on its own charm to make the enemy sink in the refreshment and explosion again and again.

But in the midst of this comfort and explosion, the vitality is constantly being lost.

Once was fine.

Twice a little hurt.

After going on like this for a dozen times in a row, let alone the current self, even if it is the God of Creation, will it be drained?

"Don't worry." The succubus turned his back to Lin Fan, his red lips lightly parted, and a small but **** voice came: "He lost more than you."

"After so many battles, I was stabbed with a sword."

"Although the body of the archangel is strong, it is only powerful, defensive, and speedy. In terms of its own resilience and physical endurance, it is not as good as you, a werewolf with the blood of the ancestor of the werewolf."

"In this regard, strength and speed have no effect at all. The higher order is not necessarily stronger than the lower order."

"He'll be drained before you."

"Now, enjoy yourself first." The succubus' voice was also a little embarrassing.

After all, this is her future husband...

As a result, the two have not officially fallen in love, nor have they officially confessed.

I just let him squirt in place...

Although this is his own way of fighting, and nothing happened, it is all his own domain.


Still a little awkward, especially talking to himself when he's gushing...

the other side.

Lin Fan was also embarrassed.

But hearing the succubus' words, Lin Fan was also relieved, even a little proud... Am I that strong in this regard?

The blood of this werewolf ancestor really didn't go in vain!

At the beginning, I was still suffering from kidney deficiency due to excessive use of the reproduction card. If I changed myself at that time, facing such a succubus as a future wife, it would be strange that I would not be drained every minute.

Fortunately, I have a vision.

Now, although he still can't beat Lucifer, in this respect, Lucifer can't compare to himself!

It's so easy to withstand the demands of the succubus!

It is not a problem to satisfy this talented wife in the future!

Lin Fan even said proudly: "You can rest assured, I can stand it, I am strong!"

"Heh." The succubus seemed to know what Lin Fan was thinking, but said helplessly, "We're fighting, don't think about these strange things."

But speaking out, the Meizu Queen felt even more embarrassed.

It's obviously his own ability that makes people strange...

And right now.

A holy light suddenly gushed out from Lucifer's body, breaking through the pink mist!

This extremely evil, demonic demon king, at this moment, is so holy.

At the moment when the holy light appeared, the huge angel and demon body instantly stopped shaking, and the confused eyes were clear and scarlet again.

"A fifteenth-order succubus actually wanted to use the power I gave her to confuse me." The angel and demon had a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "Don't you know,"

"Your master, was he an angel?"

"Even if it falls, it's not something this dirty magic can confuse."

The face of the Succubus Queen suddenly changed.

"Now, go to hell!"


The sword of judgment, strike again!

this moment.

In the dark and flaming demon flame, there is a divine light flowing!

Evil and holy.

Abyss and Heaven.

In this moment, the fusion is inseparable!

This proud demon still did not choose to directly use the soul contract to shatter the soul of this succubus.

If you can't use your own power to completely kill this succubus who is powered by your own words, then this is a shame for the original sin of arrogance!


Before the blade fell, the terrifying aura had completely washed away the pink mist and shattered the enchanting space!

"This guy……"

Charm Emperor clenched his silver teeth tightly, his **** body stretched out his arms, and the pink magic energy shot out, trying to block the blow with his arm armor.

The phantom behind her also instantly assumed the same defensive posture.



A terrifying beam of light devoured her.

Succubus is not a race that is good at fighting.

When the only charm ability fails, what awaits them is ruthless crushing.


Lin Fan was stunned to see the terrifying beam of light separated in front of him. The succubus tried everything to create a safe space for him, completely blocking the fusion of the angel and the demon!


The beam of light dissipates.

The angel and demon slowly raised the sword of judgment, then suddenly a little surprised.

In the ravine on the ground, the werewolf who was seriously injured didn't die?

"Oh, it's quite touching." Lucifer sneered.


Lin Fan grabbed the bloodstained, plump body exuding **** charm.

The small tail was also cut in half.

The originally majestic demonic energy was melted away under the power of holiness and evil.

"You, are you alright?" Lin Fan stared blankly at the succubus in front of him.

this moment.

He finally saw the face of the succubus in front of him.

Beautiful and sexy, those beautiful eyes are like autumn water condensed, with fog and a natural helplessness, people can't help falling in love at a glance.

The purple lips are pink, and the small nose is delicate and lovely, as if it will break.

The charm that this face exudes makes people reluctant to look away.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this succubus with an angelic face and a devilish figure.

No, the angelic face is indescribable even.

At least angels don't lead people to sin.

But at this time, Lin Fan had no intention of feeling the warmth and elasticity of this **** body, but looked nervously at this succubus who didn't know whether to live or die.


The succubus spat out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at the young man in front of him, the succubus body shook violently, then subconsciously turned his face to one side, closed his eyes, and whispered, "Don't look at me."

Lin Fan was stunned.

"I... really crazy." The succubus smiled sadly, "I'm just a succubus, a dirty succubus."

"Knowing that there will be no love, let alone having love with the gods."

"I actually disobeyed the Demon King's order and gave up the opportunity to release the contract."


"It's a stupid confession, my future wife is the Emperor Mei... This sentence is not even a confession." A tear came from the corner of the succubus' eyes, "Now that you see my appearance, do you hate me? "

The werewolf sitting on the ground stared blankly at the succubus.

"Go ahead."

"Do what the gods should do. I'd rather die by your hands than be torn apart by the devil."

The succubus closed his eyes.

There was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.


What she waited for was not the claws that pierced her heart, but the tenderness of her lips.

It was a kiss.

A rough, unskilled kiss.

A **** kiss.

There was nothing wonderful at all. After all, Lin Fan had already become a werewolf. She could even feel the scorched wolf fur poking her nose, and the smell of the charred fur.

But very warm.

A pair of furry palms weakly hugged Zhao Yaxin's shoulders, the succubus opened his eyes and looked, only to see the blackened and **** werewolf hugging him, showing a warm smile.

"Cough cough..." Lin Fan suppressed the gushing blood, coughed twice, and said with a smile, "My future wife is the Charming Emperor, not a perfect goddess."


"No matter what you look like, it is more noble and real than this false one."

"Now you are very good-looking, really good-looking. By the way, will your purple skin fluoresce at night?"

"Cough cough..." Lin Fan coughed again, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"You..." The succubus looked at the werewolf in front of him.

"Actually, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. It was in the school car. Let's explore the cracks in space..." Lin Fan's eyes flashed, as if he had remembered something: "But you back then. , is the perfect goddess. And I'm just a high school student."

"Cough cough..."

"Fortunately, now you are a succubus."

"And I, no longer clean, became a werewolf that devoured my heart."

"And, you're really pretty."

The werewolf seemed to want to smile better, but the wolf face was squeezed even more ugly.

"Heh, what a daring kid, he really likes the succubus."

The angel and demon held the sword of judgment that was three thousand feet long and walked step by step towards the werewolf with his back to him.

"Gods and demons cannot fall in love. This is the order maintained by angels."

"Just as light and darkness cannot mix."

"I'm the first person who ignores order and opposes order."

"And you, the second one."

"If we were born in the same era, we would be friends, we would be like-minded."

"Unfortunately, now you are doomed to die."

"Even if it doesn't die in my hands, it will die in the hands of those angels."

"And now, I am willing to give you the glory of dying under my sword. My right hand will be named after you. Your name will be passed down in the world I built." The tens of thousands of feet high demon angel stopped He stepped down, looked down at Lin Fan, and slowly raised the sword of judgment.

The sword of judgment, which has a thousand feet, is from top to bottom, and the tip of the sword points directly at the golden werewolf.

Like ants.

The werewolf still did not turn around, but just sat on the ground, hugged the succubus, and left his back to Lucifer.

That back is so tiny.

But the embrace was so warm that the succubus closed his eyes and stopped resisting.

The sword of judgment, wrapped in a sacred and evil light, stabbed with a bang!

The holy white awn and the dark light are intertwined, like a beautiful picture scroll.

Lin Fan raised his head, the sword of judgment quickly enlarged in his eyes.

this moment.

He finally felt the power of Lucifer.

The angel created by the God of Creation actually possesses such a powerful power.

This demon king from **** is unstoppable, even if he uses all his strength, even if he uses all his cards.

The difference in strength!

this moment.

Lin Fan, who was holding the succubus, was full of desire for strength.

"Are you going to die?"

Time is very slow at this moment.


Lin Fan remembered that he still had a hole card.

I never wanted to use that hole card, and I never thought I would use it.

And this time.

A voice sounded in Lin Fan's heart.

It was the voice that was sealed in his heart.

"Your soul will belong to **** after all."

"Remember, as long as you want, just call my name, and I will always appear beside you with the contract."

Lin Fan once asked the God of Light if he could set a trap for the kingdom of God, and then called out his name to let the kingdom of God kill the king of hell.

But the **** of light told him.

He will only appear if he sincerely wants to trade and shout his name.

At that time, Lin Fan felt that he would never have the opportunity to call out this name sincerely.


Now, the time has come.

It's time to sink into hell.

The moment the blade fell, the golden werewolf looked calm, as if he had finally made up his mind.

It lowered its head and smiled at the Since gods and demons cannot love each other, then I can also fall into hell. "

It whispered three words.


The voice was very small, and these three words were instantly submerged under the terrifying blade, as if there was no splash.


The moment the name appeared.

Heaven and earth shook at this moment.

The gust of wind whistled at this moment, like the chirping of evil spirits.

The island, illuminated by the white mask, fell into pure darkness.

It is as if **** is coming at this moment, as if the abyss devours this place.

It was as if the whole world was welcoming the evil being who rules **** to come here.

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