Chapter 150

Funny national genius!

“Hehe, this guy has no vigilance at all?”

Just as Xu Heng acted, a voice sounded behind him.

He turned around and found that behind him, participants from Western countries looked at him in surprise.

A guy wearing a green scarf and a turtle shell looked even more disdainful.

“This ruin is so dangerous, and you just swagger in the past, don’t you die?”

The people who came from Western countries at the scene all looked at Xu Heng with mockery. “One of my former classmates was running around in the ruins, and then was swallowed by a beast that suddenly ran out! I didn’t expect to encounter one today!” “Although this guy is good, he is too much. Too much care!” “Has he been so careless with so many relics in the past?” “I’m curious, how did this Xu Heng survive until now?”

From their point of view, the ruins are full of dangers, and there are dangers everywhere around them at any time. To Xu Heng, walking around in the ruins is basically no different from courting death.

Because before that, they had seen a lot of people who lost their lives in the ruins because they were too casual.

So now seeing Xu Heng’s behavior, they are all very disdainful.


“I, Kameda, have been to dozens of ruins, large and small.”

“This time, although I encountered an unknown ruin. But, for me, it is definitely not a problem.” The man in the turtle shell looked at Xu Heng not far ahead, and shook his head disdainfully.

Afterwards, his face was solemn and his body trembled.

A rich green light emanated from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a tortoise the size of three people appeared in front of Kameda.

He looked at the others around him and said proudly. “In the ruins, it is possible to encounter a trap at any time.”

“Like this kind of unfamiliar road, if you don’t explore it first, it’s no different from courting death!!” He stepped forward and jumped on the huge turtle shell.

“With this turtle underneath, even if there is a trap, I can react!”

Patting the turtle in front of him, Kameda shouted, “Green-skinned turtle, let’s go!” Immediately after, the turtle began to slowly crawl forward.

Some people in the back looked surprised when they saw Kameda’s actions.

They nodded affirmatively, “Sure enough, they are experienced people, that’s why they have to be so cautious!” “A guy like Xu Heng, who can’t walk a few steps, will be directly unlucky!” After that, all the participating countries in the world participated , each shows his powers.

They took action one after another and showed their housekeeping skills.

Behind Batman, black air condensed, and a pair of wings slowly took shape.

Then his wings shook, his body directly floated three meters in the air, and he flew forward slowly and cautiously.

That Iron Man, directly wearing heavy armor, used the steel armor to wrap himself tightly to avoid being attacked by the sudden danger.

Immediately afterwards, he walked slowly on the road step by step, as if he was afraid of suddenly stepping on a trap such as the ruins formation.

There are also people who have learned the Flying Technique, although they are not kings, so after their breath is turned on, their bodies float directly and fly towards the other side of the road.

Everyone, in order to safely reach the distant academy, all kinds of methods are exhibited (befe).

Whether it is the Dragon Kingdom or the Western warriors, they all began to show their talents.

The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

“Hehe, this turtle shell is not very strong, and there are quite a few tricks!”

In the Western camp, the dragon knight Pat, looking at the turtle summoned by Kameda, seemed a little dumbfounded. “However, in the ruins, be careful?”

Seeing people from other countries set off one after another, his expression was also correct.

Pat stretched out his right hand, and a miniature hexagram array appeared in his palm.

Afterwards, the formation gradually became larger and suspended in the air three meters in front of him.

The six-pointed star array turned into a black hole, which seemed to connect the different-dimensional space.

Immediately afterwards, a huge dragon head protruded from the black hole, and then the entire body came out.

A roar! It attracted everyone in front of them to turn back. “Summon the dragon! This is the dragon knight?”

“Fuck, the strength of this dragon is not king-level, so it’s probably about the same!” “The dragon knight is still powerful, and it is estimated that there are no traps to reach him!” After that, everyone moved towards the distant Canaan Academy. go in the direction.

“It’s too much!”

On the main road, Xu Heng was expressionless.

He looked at everyone in front of him, each showing his magical powers, shook his head, and said lightly.

“Canaan Academy’s territory, surrounding, there can be no power, dare to set traps here!” As someone who has read the original book, Xu Heng is very aware of the situation here.

Around Canaan College, although it is true that there are various kinds of desperadoes.

However, they all have a lot of awe for Canaan Academy.

There is no force that dares to blatantly oppose Canaan Academy.

Afterwards, he ignored the surprised eyes of others and moved on.

The people in front of them turned back frequently, as if they wanted to see Xu Heng trapped in a trap.

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