Chapter 144

Departing from the Unknown Forbidden Land, Different Fire?

In front of the huge square, the most elite group of students from all over the country gathered in this place.

At this moment, all the people on the scene are constantly discussing with each other.

The object of their heated discussion is Xu Heng, who has not shown up until now.

“It is said that the reason why this beast swarm was able to retreat so early was largely because of Xu Heng?” “This guy ran into the depths of the fog alone and disturbed the king of beasts!” “So the beastmaster ordered , let the beasts attacking the inland retreat!”

Among the crowd, where Jingcheng University is located, Xuan Tao looked around and said casually. “Do you think this is true or false, that is the king of beasts!” “If it were me, I would definitely not even have the courage to face it!” Opposite him, Jin He from Qinghua University sat quietly.

Hearing Xuan Tao’s doubts, he nodded lightly, “Yes, my teacher has confirmed this matter!” The opposite Xuan Tao took a deep breath.

Originally, he thought it was just a rumor.

But now, Jin He actually said that his teacher had personally confirmed it, so he had to believe it.

Others may not know, but he knows very well that Jin He’s teacher is the president of Qinghua University.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the principal personally certifying it.

It was because of this that he was very emotional.

“This guy is really scary!”

“It’s been less than a month since the National Freshman Competition!” “I didn’t expect that he would come up with so many tricks.”

After speaking, Xuan Tao sighed fiercely, “How do I feel that after a month of hard work, the gap between us and him has not only not narrowed, but has become farther and farther!” Then he looked around again. , still did not find Xu Heng’s figure.

A little doubt appeared on Xuan Tao’s face.

“It’s been less than three hours since the opening of this unknown ruin!” “Xu Heng, he hasn’t appeared yet!”

“He won’t, really won’t come!”

“In that case, the competition in the ruins will be a lot less fun this time!” In his opinion, Xu Heng is definitely a very competitive opponent.

If Xu Heng didn’t come, then the ranking obtained by the competition of the ruins this time would have a drop in gold content.

Apart from Xuan Tao, other people present were also discussing Xu Heng. “Qingge, did you lose to this kind of guy last time?” Somewhere in the crowd, Qingge from Jinghong University looked up at the sky quietly.

Beside him, a voice looked around and seemed to be looking for Xu Heng.

After looking around several times, he looked at Qing Ge beside him and frowned.

Qing Ge ignored him and just waited quietly. “This guy Xu Heng is too timid!”

“If you don’t want to come, say it directly, and let so many people wait for him now!” At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

That was Min Yuan who was killed twice by Xu Heng from Zhonglin University.

He has always been very dissatisfied with Xu Heng.

After Xu Heng left the ring last time, she hurriedly ran to challenge Xu Heng, but she didn’t have the ability to fight back, and she lost instantly.

Although, since then, she has not challenged Xu Heng again, but he has always held a grudge in his heart.

Seeing that the students haven’t arrived yet, I feel a little resentful, so I seized the opportunity to complain about Xu Heng.

“The shelf is really big!”

She looked around and muttered.Suddenly, among the crowd, the originally small voices of discussion suddenly became several times louder.

The others, under the influence of Min Yuan, also began to complain.

“Yeah, he’s the only one left now, I don’t want to come to inform earlier!” Many people around began to complain that Xu Heng came so late.

“He won’t hear about this time, there are opponents from abroad, so he’s afraid”~! “Someone in the crowd guessed.

Before this time it was opened, they had already learned about it in detail.

So they all know that the situation they are going to enter this time is a relic that has never been developed before.

Not only that, but there are opponents from all over the country and even all over the world.

Everyone who enters the ruins is the elite of the elite.

So some people speculated whether it was Xu Heng. After hearing that there was a foreign opponent, he was immediately scared.


“The time is almost up, and the ruins are about to open!”

Not far from the square, in a temporary military command post, Ling Cangfeng and Li Tiangang quietly watched the crowd of people discussing with concern on their faces. “This guy Xu Heng won’t really come!” “Last time at school, he didn’t seem to be very active!”

“If he really doesn’t come, then we are missing a lot of help!” In the military command post, a person who looked like an adjutant said worriedly.

He was Ling Cangfeng’s accompanying assistant.

Last time at Nantian University, when the military invited Xu Heng, he was also in that office.

So, he witnessed the whole process of two generals to win over Xu Heng.

Recalling what Xu Heng looked like at that time, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

Because, this time, it is not only the competition between domestic students, but also the battle between countries.

If you take the bottom spot in this game, you will not only lose honor, but also lose a lot of resources.

Hearing his words, a silent Ling Cangfeng’s expression also changed.

“Don’t worry! It’s impossible for him not to come!”

In the military temporary command post, Li Tiangang suddenly spoke, looking at the accompanying assistant and said. “Xu Heng, it’s too early to be profitable!”

“There are a lot of good things in the ruins this time. With his personality, it’s impossible to miss a good opportunity to win treasure!” Li Tiangang, the general, looked at the voices of constant discussion in the crowd, his face expressionless.

He seemed very sure that Xu Heng would definitely come this time.

So from the beginning to the end, no matter how the outsiders discussed or suspected, Li Tiangang’s expression had not changed in the slightest. “We have dealt with Xu Heng several times.”

“This guy will never miss any opportunity to grab resources!” Li Tiangang emphasized again, he was very sure that Xu Heng would come over.

But the accompanying assistant was still very worried.

“But it’s been less than two hours since the ruins opened…”

“Wait and see, this time there is Instant Transmission! I really want to come here in just an instant!” Ling Cangfeng, who was silent on the side, suddenly spoke up.

Time continued to fly by, and in the blink of an eye, there was less than an hour left before the ruins opened. “If I had known that we would have passed quickly, it would be a complete waste of time to wait for him alone!”

“We all arrived three hours ago. We wasted so long just waiting for him!” “If he came earlier, we could have gone in earlier.”

“Those guys from abroad may have already stepped into the ruins now!” In front of the square, all the people on the scene began to be restless.

Every one of them here has been selected heavily. Everyone is the elite of the elite, usually full of arrogance

At this moment, they were actually asked to wait for a stranger they had never met, so the people at the scene gradually began to be restless. “I’ve never seen someone with such a big arrogance!”

Time flew by again, and thirty minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Finally, the departure time came, but Xu Heng still did not arrive.

The military, who had been waiting for Xu Heng, had to continue the process at this moment.

It is impossible for them to delay the departure time for one person.

Even if they can deal with these people in China, it is impossible for other people abroad to wait.

If the people from the Dragon Kingdom enter the ruins too late, they will let other countries seize the opportunity.

At that time, all of them will be at a disadvantage in the competition, which is definitely not worth the loss.

“The time has come, open the ruins!” Ling Cangfeng looked around, feeling a little regretful.

However, he still ordered his accompanying assistant to inform the military and prepare to leave.

Beside the square, all the waiting people got up one after another, ready to get into the car and set off to the ruins.

“Is it still not coming?”

Where Jingcheng University was, Xuan Tao immediately spoke when he heard the order from a distance.

He originally thought that Xu Heng was only delaying the time due to certain things, but he didn’t expect that at the last moment, Xu Heng did not come over in the end.

Jin He on the side also had some regrets on his face.

“I wanted to meet that guy again for a while, but I didn’t expect that he would not show up at all.”

“It’s weird, it’s not like his personality.”

Just at Ling Cangfeng, not long after the order.

The military vehicles next to the square began to come one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the people on the scene began to enter the military vehicle, planning to set off into the ruins.

“Is it really not coming?”

Looking at the figures entering the car one after another, Li Tiangang, who has always been confident, was a little surprised to see that Xu Heng still did not appear.

This time, he had been observing Xu Heng for a long time in the selection of the places for the unknown relics.

Not only that, but Xu Heng’s previous life and experience have been investigated in detail.

Therefore, he believes that he is very aware of Xu Heng’s behavior.

It’s impossible for Xu Heng to miss something like this free gift.

Therefore, no matter how suspicious others were before, he was very sure that Xu Heng would definitely come.

But he didn’t expect that now it was the last moment, and Xu Heng’s voice still didn’t appear.

Among the crowd, they gradually walked towards the love song of the teleportation formation, and looked back at the place where he was before, “What a pity, without the opponent Xu Heng, this trip to the ruins seems to be a little boring!”

However, just when everyone thought that Xu Heng would not appear, the space where the crowd was before fluctuated.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Heng’s figure slowly appeared.”I knew that if there is something good, this kid will never be absent!”

Xu Heng’s figure was just revealed, and Li Tiangang’s voice echoed in the command post.

All the people on the scene who were about to leave were stunned for a moment.

They all turned back and looked at Xu Heng who suddenly appeared, with a strange look in their eyes.

However, everyone did not speak too much, but seized the time and went to the ruins.

On the road, because not too many people came over, everyone sat in the same car.

Ling Cangfeng, looking at the people in the car, said.

“This time we invite everyone to come here, everyone must be very clear!” “Our purpose is to explore this unknown ruins and find all the resources in it!” “Before this, we have already entered several times. Groups of people, but basically everyone disappeared.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the people in the car at the scene began to be a little dignified, although they had already heard of it before.

But at this moment, when they really want to enter the unknown ruins, they can still feel the degree of danger. “Originally, we basically knew nothing about this relic.”

“But not long ago, a group of people we sent out recently suddenly came back from the ruins!” In an instant, everyone in the car suddenly lit up.

“Anyone can come back, so did they bring back any news?”

Immediately, people began to ask questions, and everyone wanted to know what was going on inside as soon as possible.

But this time, those present seemed destined to be disappointed.

When Ling Cangfeng heard everyone’s questions, he didn’t say too much, he just said it on his own.

“The people we sent in this time are not only powerful, but each of them has a wealth of weapons and equipment!!” “But after entering, the entire army is still wiped out!” “Those murderers inside have extraordinary strength!”

“According to the news brought back by our soldiers, there are not even god-level beasts!” “God-level!!”

Everyone at the scene felt a tremor in their hearts.

Because all the people who were going to enter the ruins were all below the god level.

Experts above the god level cannot enter this ruins.

But now, someone from the military has brought back news that there are actually god-level beasts in this ruin.

In this way, everyone is facing the enemy.

“Is it impossible, there is another king of beasts inside!”

“Then are we in the ruins, is it possible that we may encounter a beast tide!”

“No one can figure out the specific situation in the ruins!”

“However, the last group of people we went in brought back some news!” Ling Cangfeng looked out the car window, as if recalling something. “What exactly is that?”

Everyone in the car began to quiet down.

“According to the news brought back by the people we sent, there seems to be a peculiar flame in this ruin!” “Anyone who is contaminated with flames will be destroyed both physically and mentally!”

“According to them, the people in the ruins called this kind of flame, a different fire!”

The people in the car looked at each other, all with puzzled expressions on their faces, not knowing what this moment was.

However, Xu Heng, who was listening to Ling Cangfeng’s speech from the back, was shocked. “Different fire?”

“Is it the strange fire he knows?”

“The ruins this time are not movies??!”

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