Chapter 142

This Xu Heng is too scary, right?!

“And foreign students?!”

“This time, the forbidden area is actually open to the world?”

In the conference room, after Li Tiangang’s words sounded, the scene was slightly quiet.

Because, the remains of global joint expeditions are very rare.

Relics of this level usually only open once every four to five years.

The last time the Dragon Kingdom opened the Global Ruins. Almost twenty years have passed.

It can be seen as a big event that the whole world participates in. Every country wants its students to get better names.

So in this game. Each country will send the most elite players. There are even some countries that use illegal drugs in private. The purpose of all nations is for the better. ranking.

It is precisely because of this perverted desire for honor that this kind of global competition is usually accompanied by super fierce competition.

Therefore, after hearing Li Tiangang’s words, everyone in the conference room showed a surprised look.

They did not expect that this time, the exploration of forbidden areas would not only face competition from domestic students, but also various foreign opponents.

“This situation was jointly discovered by experts from all over the world. Although we are guarding it temporarily, it does not belong to our country.”

“So this time, every country in the world will shoot their most talented young representatives into this relic.”

“Are foreign opponents finally starting to appear?”

After listening to Li Tiangang’s introduction, Xu Heng gradually gained a rough understanding of the exploration of the unknown ruins.

He did not expect that this time, there would be foreign students.

This situation is no longer a simple competition for resources.

It is the epitome of competition between countries.

“Four Two Three”…

Li Tiangang continued to introduce the information of this unknown forbidden land expedition.

Afterwards, he turned to look at Li Xinghui, the principal who had always opposed Xu Heng’s entry into his best efforts, “In a joint global expedition 20 years ago, the United States suffered a great loss under our hands and was almost wiped out.”

“This time, I’m afraid he will try to make trouble for us.”

Li Xinghui nodded silently, this time, he did not refute Li Tiangang’s words.

He has also experienced a joint global expedition twenty years ago. At that time, countries all over the world fought each other for a better name.

Li Xinghui clearly remembered that in that year, some countries failed to grab any resources because they lost so badly.

In the end, those countries even want to save face by launching wars.

This also shows how fierce the competition in the forbidden area is.

“Unknown ruins, since they have not been developed, there are usually very rich resources in them.”

“I can remember that Xu Tian, ​​the dean of the logistics department of your Nantian University, was in an unknown ruins and got a special power inheritance. He jumped directly from an ordinary person and became the current king-level warrior. “Li Xinghui was silent, the power of Xutian was indeed snatched from the unknown ruins.

The relics that have been developed, the various materials in them have been searched once, and this kind of good thing will definitely not happen.

If Xu Heng doesn’t go to explore the unknown ruins, then he may miss those rare genius treasures.

If these resources are taken away by other countries, it will be a huge loss for both Xu Heng and Long Guo.”Although the need to go in one day, but the country remains, and there is no global competition, but also enough to show that the remains of the unknown inside, what will be how a great resource.” “So countries in the world, will surely raring to snatch inside the remains of various resources are not developed. “” Without Xu Heng help, we will lose a lot of help! ”

Li Tiangang continuing to persuade the president, saw Li Xinghui silent expression, he knew he had to persuade this time from the results.

Then he turned to look at Xu Heng, “This time, not only to explore the ruins, and not just to divide up resources inside, but also to honor the entire dragon country.” “Xu Heng! We need your help! “generals, then ringing.

All around, all quiet.

Looked at the scene, they were all shocked.

Especially those of military personnel accompanying the scene, they are really hard to imagine this scene.

A general, actually entered the university as a freshman, a request?

“I, think about it!”

Once you know the cause and effect, Xu Heng dismissively replied.

Others had shocked eyes, suddenly became stunned.

Request military generals, actually said’ll have to think, do not you agree it should immediately?

You know, there are many people want to make things right, and general relations.

As a result, you actually so perfunctory Huileyiju?


Litian Gang of Xu Heng answer seems to be very satisfied.

He was pleased nodded, “Yes, we will wait for your news!”

“The remains of the unknown on time, we will be after seven days.” “I hope to, you can come early!”

Then he waved his hand, led the field accompanied by military personnel, left the meeting room.

President left the scene, Xu Heng, there are often silent janitor uncle, old Cang.

Principal and janitor uncle each other as the one, and then they turned around to see Xu Heng.

Principals face worried, but he did not stop Xu Heng.

“You should also know that this is indeed a very dangerous relic.”

“Originally I did not want you to go, but people can not always stay in the comfort zone.” “And the country really needs you, so you still have a good think about it!” Then, principals and old Cang has left the meeting room.

They left time to think, and did not want to immediately get results.

And Xu Heng sitting in a conference room after a little silence, made up my mind. “Go! Why not!”

“I would like to see that this time remains, in the end is what a movie it!” Then he a dodge, but also left the meeting room.

“Ah, I failed again!”

School training room, there are a lot of people, we are training hard.

Among them, particularly prominent figure prescribe.

They are here because the crowd, only two of the two girls, and Zhao Han Xu Xiaojia.

Both of them, are opposite each other.

At the moment, Xu Xiaojia looked at the hands of groups that distribute breath, his face extremely distressed. “I have failed, it has been thirty times faster!”

“As a result, even the development of a prototype of the air can not be condensed out!” Opposite Xu Xiaojia, Zhao Han is also looked very sad.

“You’ve only tried 30 times, I’ve already tried it almost a hundred times, and it still doesn’t work!” “You still have a mass of qi that is about to take shape, I don’t even have that!” “Alas!”

Zhao Han was sweating profusely, and slumped softly on the ground.

He put his chin on his knee, looked forward weakly, and muttered to himself. “Why, obviously Xu Heng looks so relaxed!”

“He seems to have succeeded immediately, but the two of us have to practice for so long, and there is no hope of success at all!” Afterwards, Zhao Han slumped on the ground, “It’s really maddening to compare people! ”

“When will I be able to have a talent as powerful as Xu Heng? No matter what I learn, I can see it, and I don’t need to pay at all!” Xu Xiaojia felt a little funny when she heard Zhao Han’s complaint.

But he didn’t make fun of others, because he thought Xu Heng was really perverted.

In Xu Xiaojia’s impression, Xu Heng and Xu Song seem to have never been troubled by learning.

Whether it was the original Goku tree or the later Kamehameha, he never saw Xu Heng practice.

Usually, at a certain crisis moment, Xu Heng suddenly used exercises or skills that he had never used before.

Unlike them, it takes so long to practice an ordinary Qi Yuanyuan.

This talent has to be said to be very enviable.

Xu Xiaojia walked over to Zhao Han, then handed him a glass of water, comforting: “Alright Zhao Han, Xu Heng’s talent, that is something that none of us can envy!” “Let’s hurry up training, otherwise I’m going to be thrown farther and farther by that guy!”

After speaking, Xu Xiaojia pulled Zhao Han up and was ready to start training again. “Qi Yuan Slash is too difficult, let’s practice the others first!”

“Maybe after waiting for a while, we suddenly have a better grasp?”

At this moment, the figure suddenly flashed into the training room and appeared in front of Zhao Han and Xu Xiaojia.

Suddenly, the two were taken aback. “Xu Heng?!!”

Then, Xu Xiaojia’s surprised voice suddenly remembered that she wanted to test the entire training room.

They wiped their eyes and wondered if they had read it wrong.

After confirming that the person who came was really Xu Heng, Xu Xiaojia jumped up with joy. “Xu Heng! It’s really you!” “Why are you here!”

In the training room, Xu Heng was also stunned.

He didn’t expect that Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han would appear here.

Xu Heng looked around and found that he was surrounded by acquaintances.

These people are all classmates of his logistics department. Although they don’t meet often, they remember every face they like very clearly…

“Xu Heng! Where did you go during the beast swarm?”

“Did you really go into the fog? It’s too dangerous to go there alone!” “Why didn’t you inform us in advance, because we’ve been worried for a long time!” Xu Xiaojia ran to Xu Heng and said twitter nonstop.

When they were in the competition with their brother from Jinghong University, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han went to the scene ahead of time to watch the competition.

As a result, unintentionally, he happened to encounter the murderer’s riot and encountered a rare beast tide.

Originally, Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han wanted to leave with Xu Heng, but before they could call Xu Heng back, they found that Xu Heng had already entered the beast tide.

Because of this, the two were very worried, especially Xu Xiaojia, who even wanted to go to the beast horde in person.

But in the end, reason prevailed over impulse, and the two decided to go back to school and wait for Xu Heng.

Later, when Xu Heng returned to school, the two were very pleasantly surprised, but due to the tight schedule, they did not find a chance to talk to Xu Heng.

Now seeing Xu Heng standing in front of him, Xu Xiaojia is very happy.

Suddenly, Xu Xiaojia seemed to remember something.He grabbed Xu Heng’s arm and pulled him to Zhao Han.

“You came just right. Zhao Han and I have been stuck for a long time because of training!” “We practiced a Qi source station many times, but it didn’t work at all!” “And I got a water shield in a lottery before. , there is no movement at all when you practice!” “Teach us quickly, we probably will never learn it!”

When Xu Xiaojia looked at Xu Heng with distress flashing in his eyes, it was obvious that the practice of the exercises had caused him great pain.

Zhao Han also quickly got up from the ground and looked at Xu Heng expectantly.

“Yes, yes, please give us some pointers! Otherwise, I will be ruined!”

Xu Heng was held back by Xu Xiaojia, and only slowly recovered at this moment. “Point?”

He looked at the distressed expressions on the faces of the two of them, and suddenly felt a little funny.

Xu Heng suddenly heard the scene he encountered in the student union cafeteria.

At that time, a bunch of people came over to ask him for advice.

Originally, he just made a few random words, but a bunch of people had an epiphany.

“Xu Heng, look, no matter how hard I try, I can’t condense the formed Qi Yuan Slash!” “I have tried it nearly a hundred times, and it has no effect at all!” Zhao Han stretched out his hands and looked at Xu Heng blankly. .

He didn’t know why, he had practiced so many times without any effect.


Xu Heng was thoughtful.

During his practice, everything fell into place.

Basically, any exercise can be used proficiently with a little practice.

There has never been a situation where training has been repeated many times, but it has no effect at all.

Therefore, he really didn’t know how to instruct Zhao Han.

Is this the trouble of genius? I like to think secretly in my heart. Then he looked up at Zhao Han, “Destructo Disc, it’s actually very simple!” “You just need to treat qi as a part of your body.” “Everything depends on your thoughts!” “As long as you achieve the unity of popularity Realm, Destructo Disc can be condensed very simply.”

“Not only that, after reaching this state, you can perform whatever exercises you want!” Xu Heng recalled the scene of pointing out others in the student union cafeteria.

Then, he looked at Zhao Han and casually said a few words.

Before Xu Heng could finish speaking, Zhao Han in front of him suddenly exclaimed, “I know!” Then Zhao Han spread out his hands, the breath in his palms condensed, and a miniature air source slowly formed.

Xu Heng looked at it, and I thought it was a little surprised.

What Zhao Han has gathered is the director of a micro-enterprise.

Although it is not very stable, and even seems to be likely to disperse at any time, it is enough to launch a good attack.

“I succeeded!” Zhao Han screamed.

“I tried hundreds of times, but it didn’t work at all!” “As a result, I succeeded as soon as you said it!”

After finishing speaking, Zhao Han controlled the one on his hand that could go up at any time, and slammed it back.


In the distance, a training device made of high-strength alloy was directly cut in half.

Zhao Han turned back and looked at Xu Heng, a strange light flashed in his eyes. “Xu Heng, you are so amazing!” Everyone else at the scene was stunned.

Just give some pointers, and others will break through directly?

This Xu Heng is too scary, right? ! .

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