Chapter 128

Rescue five veterans, the sudden appearance of the deep-sea snake python!

The International Temple of Heaven is now empty, and Xu Heng’s figure has long since disappeared.

Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han looked around anxiously, and finally found that Xu Heng was rushing in the direction of the beast tide.

The two of them suddenly shouted anxiously, wanting Xu Heng to come back.

But they were destined to be disappointed because Xu Heng not only did not come back, but went faster and faster.

After a few dodges, in just a moment, he entered the depths of the herd.

In a short while, Xu Heng’s figure was completely submerged by the beast, and he could no longer see any trace.

“What did Xu Heng think? He actually ran into the beast group. Now, he must have been surrounded by fierce beasts?” “What should I do?”

Zhao Han looked extremely flustered, she didn’t know what to do now.

Surrounded by beasts is basically a life-and-death situation. Now that Xu Heng enters, he will definitely be threatened. His strength is tyrannical, but the number of beasts is so large that Xu Heng is definitely not able to compete.

Xu Xiaojia’s face was also extremely pale, and their strength was much worse than Xu Heng.

In addition, in the beast tide, the number of fierce beasts is outrageous, and they have almost no rescue ability.

If he rushes in now, I am afraid that before he can save Xu Heng, he will already be divided by the beast.

Beside Zhao Han, Xu Xiaojia was silent.

The current situation is extraordinary. Everyone around them is in danger of protecting themselves. They can’t find anyone to help, so it’s impossible for anyone to rescue Xu Heng.

Then, she calmed down the flustered emotions in her heart and said to herself. “Now…you can only trust him!”

“Also, Xu Heng has the technique of Instant Transmission. This time, he will definitely survive!”

In the center of the battlefield, three top experts are facing the super pressure of the beasts.

After they had just dealt with the seventh-order beasts, the eighth-order beasts appeared in the distance again.

And, there were five at one time.

This is a terrifying beast that is comparable to the superhuman king-level powerhouse of human beings. Even in the last 14 years of the terrifying beast tide that broke the mainland, there have never been so many eighth-order beasts at the same time.

At a certain moment, on the battlefield, above the huge Buddha statue with thousands of hands, the gatekeeper Lao Cang suddenly frowned and turned to look somewhere in the beast horde.

There, it was where Xu Heng disappeared. “What the hell is this kid doing!”

“It’s a beast tide now, no one can give you the bottom line!”

Not only Xu Xiaojia and Zhao Han, but also the gatekeeper Lao Cang sensed Xu Heng’s unusual approach.

Xu Heng suddenly rushed into the beast tide, and he couldn’t understand it either.


However, the situation is now in crisis. Just when the old man made a move, the eighth-order beast that suddenly appeared was already one to the left and one to the right, directly restraining the gatekeeper.

The next moment, the two terrifying beasts rushed towards him without any hesitation.

Therefore, Lao Cang didn’t have time to think about the reason why Xu Heng entered the beast swarm, so he could only turn around and continue to deal with the eighth-order vicious beast rushing towards him.Ferocious beasts of this level must be blocked by someone, otherwise, their lethality will definitely break through the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Violent fighting fluctuations came again.

Xu Heng’s figure has also completely disappeared in the beast tide, and no one knows where he went.

In the depths of the beast tide, near the place where the high wall is, there are several figures that are slowly advancing.

Because it is close to the fog, no one will settle here, so all around is desolate.

However, after the outbreak of the beast tide, a large number of fierce beasts poured in from outside the fog.

Although most of the beasts have now gone to the depths of the inland, there are still a few lonely beasts sporadically seen here, galloping past and heading towards the inland.

Now, the figures of five old men are passing through this barren land and heading towards the mist beyond the high wall.

Their pace is not steady, not only that, but somewhat stagnant.

Obviously, not everyone can be like Li Tiangang and the old guard of Nantian University. When they are old, their strength can be improved. “Thirty years ago, it was these damned beasts that destroyed the Laozi family!”

Among the five old men, the old man on the far right looked at the beasts that ran past from time to time, with a look of pain on his face.

The old man’s name was Wan Haoming, he was wearing an old military uniform, and he was obviously a veteran.

He looked up at the sky and sighed with some memories.

“Thirty years ago, when the beast swarm happened, I had just been married for less than three years, and my children were less than two years old.” “At that time, the entire army received an order to let us be responsible for breaking the beast and resist the beast together.”” The vicious beasts that appeared at that time were really endless, and it was impossible to see the end at a glance.”

“Originally, I thought it was certain to die. Unexpectedly, I survived by luck in the end.” “But, when I went back, I found out…” “Wife, children, all gone…”

Speaking of this, the tears in the old man’s eyes began to flow out uncontrollably, not only that, but his body also began to tremble slightly.

The pain caused by the beast tide thirty years ago was too great.

Even after thirty years have passed, the pain in his heart still cannot be erased.

At that time, he happened to be thirty years old, just when he was starting a family and starting a business.

He used the savings he had accumulated as a soldier and worked for many years to buy a three-bedroom house in the city center of his hometown.

When he bought the house, he also attracted the envy of relatives and friends around him for a while.

After that, he proposed to marry his girlfriend who had been in love for eight years, received a marriage certificate, and officially confirmed the relationship.

Everything is going in a good direction.

But unfortunately, the arrival of the beast tide has ruined everything.

Although they finally repelled the beast tide, they still paid a heavy price.

The city was breached, and where the beasts passed, everything was reduced to ruins, houses collapsed, corpses were everywhere, and miserable cries were heard everywhere.

It was in this rubble that he found his family, a family that had been reduced to wreckage.

Now, thirty years have passed, but he still remembers the scenes he saw when he returned to his hometown. “This time is just right!”

“I, Wan Haoming, have lived to this day just to avenge these damned guys one day!” The old man with tears in his eyes, his original sad expression suddenly turned into anger.

Due to the impact of the beast, his originally beautiful and happy life had all come to nothing, and everything had come to nothing.

Therefore, for the beasts, he is entirely deeply hated the bone marrow.

Over the years, many times he went to the depths of the fog, just to kill the beasts, to vent the pain of his mind.

Not only that, he was determined, even if the final result is not good, and evil beasts also must fight to the death.

This is also he lost everything, we are still willing to live up to now the biggest reason.

His wish is that while you are alive, as far as possible to kill more evil beasts.

Wan Minghao side, four other companions, heard his words, have been silent.

They these people are Wan Minghao comrades, also participated in that a beast to resist the tide of war thirty years ago.

So, they have personally experienced the horror of the beast tide.

The presence of a few people, basically more or less been Xiongshou hurt.

“We are all a lot of older people live for so many years, nothing memorable, just take this opportunity to play the last wave of heat.” “Yes, Laozi this over, or did not intend to go back. “” kill a no loss, killing two, make a! ”

“At least dead, Laozi did not leave any regrets!” Outside Wan Ho Ming, the other four veterans, also have openings.

This time they come to the purpose, which is destined for the walls of the tear, the greatest extent possible, blocked from the fog over the beasts.

Although they advanced in age, and, compared to when I was younger, a lot of strength back.

However, five of them in the army before the time, living in the same team, with each other, very understanding.

Over the years, by virtue of their tacit understanding, also outside the fog, kill a lot of strength over their beasts.

So they believe, in this time the influx of animals, themselves seem to have had so little effect. “Go! Walls of the crevasse, should not far away, we are fast in the past!”

Wan Ho Ming pointed forward, indicating the destination, most likely coming, they should speed up.

However, they speed up, not just ran two steps to the foot of a soft feel.

They looked down and found his feet, already mired in mud, and has not seen his ankle.

Not only that, their whole body, as well as the declining trend. “swamp?!”

Wan Ho Ming puzzled shouted, “here, how will the sudden appearance of the swamp?”

Before the influx of animals, they have been there several times fog, so they are here for the terrain was very familiar.

Before that, they had never come across the swamp. “There, there are strange, is poison you!”

Among the five people, one person opening, with a voice in shock.

Inside the swamp, it seems that with a heavy venom, their feet are just not into the quagmire, there was felt a strange, began to spread from the feet of the body.

Not only that, the body seems to have begun to lose consciousness.

“And the viscous swamp, it is a bit too big and our strength, are also lords level, can not be trapped by an ordinary swamp, but now he can not completely get rid of this swamp!” “Can out of it? ”

Wan Ho Ming turned around, looked at the other four.

However, he also knows that hope is very slim.

His four companions, he is very clear.The strength of each of them is the same as himself, at the level of the lord.

Therefore, they will not be able to fly in the air yet.

Flying Technique is a rare thing, and not everyone has the opportunity to come into contact with it.

And even if they are exposed to it, not everyone can easily learn it.

“Are we really getting old, we don’t have the heart to guard against it, and we will be trapped to death by this swamp!” “Could it be that this time, before we can kill the beast, are we going to die directly?” Five A veteran, with a strong look of unwillingness on his face.

They risked their lives for the purpose of coming here to kill the beasts.

Therefore, they are not afraid of death at all.

But now this way of dying makes them all very unwilling to die. They haven’t exerted a little residual heat, and they have died in such a worthless way. This is completely unacceptable to them.

However, just as they were sinking deeper and deeper, and the whole body seemed to be immersed in the quagmire, a strange force suddenly appeared on the five of them.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies, which had been sinking continuously, began to slowly rise up, and finally they were taken directly out of the swamp by that strange force. “How is this going?”

“This power, who saved us?”

The five people looked at each other in dismay. They didn’t understand what happened and why the situation of death suddenly turned 410.

Just when they were puzzled, a figure suddenly flashed and appeared not far from the five.

They Dingqing looked and found that the strange figure was actually very young.

“This little brother, thank you for your help, otherwise, our five old bones may be buried here!”

When the five veterans saw the figure that suddenly appeared, they immediately realized that the strange power that had taken them out of the swamp just now must have been released by this figure that suddenly appeared.

But their message only lasted for a moment before it was replaced by surprise.

Wan Haoming’s eyes widened suddenly, and his right hand pointed at the figure that suddenly appeared. “Xu… Xu Heng!” “Are you, Xu Heng?”

Wan Haoming uttered abruptly, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

The other four, when they heard Wan Haoming’s words, all reacted and were immediately surprised. They didn’t expect that they would meet Xu Heng here.

Xu Heng’s fame, after half a year and a series of events, has become very big on the Internet.

From the ruins of the dreamland to the national number one, Xu Heng is creating miracles almost every time.

Especially today, Xu Heng and Jinghong University’s Qingge are holding a ring challenge. Everyone in the country, as long as they pay attention to the Internet, basically knows about Xu Heng’s news. “Young man, let’s go! It’s too dangerous here. We were careless just now and almost died in the swamp!” Anxiety replaced. “Xu Heng, you are a big celebrity now, all five of us know you.” “However, you should leave quickly!”

“Killing beasts is basically a matter of nine deaths. You are so young now, and you will have opportunities in the future. Let us old bones do such dangerous things!” Although they didn’t know why they appeared in this place, But all five people started to persuade Xu Heng to leave here quickly.

From their point of view, this place will be haunted by beasts from time to time. It would be a pity if Xu Heng died here at such a young age.

Leave now, save your life, you can become more powerful in the future, your strength can become stronger, and the help to human beings will be even greater at that time, there is absolutely no need to lose your life in this place. “No need!”

After Xu Heng greeted them slightly, he ignored them.

Although these five people were all well-intentioned, he did not follow their advice.

However, when the five veterans kept persuading Xu Heng, the soil suddenly burst in the swamp not far away.

Then, a vicious beast suddenly shot out from the barren grass and swamp, and looked at the five people with a fierce look. “Deep sea snake python?!”

The five veterans who were persuading Xu Heng saw this scene and exclaimed at the same time. .

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