Chapter 105

The farce is over, the Guardians invite Xu Heng!

“How dare you rob people in front of Laozi and ignore me, Li Xinghui!” Seeing the sudden appearance of Fudan and Qingcheng University on the stage, the principal was displeased.

These two guys, both teachers arranged by other universities, came to dig a corner.

Their school finally produced a Xu Heng, if they were poached by other schools, then their Nantian University would be a joke.

Originally, he planned to endure it for a while, and did not want to come to power.

Because the invitations of these teachers do meet the regulations, and the state does not restrict the transfer between universities.

Plus they have confidence in Xu Heng.

After all, Ling Cangfeng from the military, who personally invited him, was also rejected by Xu Heng.

Therefore, the principal intends to let Xu Heng handle it himself.

However, at the moment of hesitation, more and more schools came to the stage to dig their feet, and the entire podium was crowded.

In the end, the principal, Li Xinghui, couldn’t hold back the anxiety in his heart.

He stood up abruptly, and a slightly violent breath rushed out and rushed towards the podium. “Go away for Laozi!”

The teachers who originally surrounded Xu Heng were suddenly split into two sides by this aura.

Xu Heng in the middle of the crowd, revealed. “Xu Heng!”

Seeing Xu Heng’s figure, the principal shouted and rushed to the podium.

Xu Tian, ​​and the old gatekeeper, also followed.

In the audience, they saw another figure flying onto the podium, and they were all curious. “One more person, damn it!” “Is this also here to rob people?”

“Look at the momentum, it’s not easy! This is a heavyweight!”

“Look at his face, it won’t be because of robbing people, let’s fight! If there is a conflict, it will be big news in the country!”

In the middle of the crowd, Xu Heng heard the sound and turned to look.

“Principal?” He was a little surprised.

When they first came to the game, only Teacher Xutian led the team.

Unexpectedly, during the finals, the principal actually came over in person.

Not only that, he also saw the old man behind the principal.

“The gatekeeper, it’s really not easy!” Xu Heng sighed in his heart, that if you can come with the principal for such a major event, ordinary people don’t have this kind of treatment.

The principal, Li Xinghui, walked quickly to Xu Heng and shook all the teachers in front of Xu Heng.

He looked at the guys around who wanted to rob people with disdain. “People from Laozi Nantian University, don’t try to rob anyone!”

…… 393.

On the stage, many teachers are robbing people, hoping that Xu Heng can transfer to their university.

Under the stage, in addition to the audience, there were many participating students sitting in the viewing seats.

That is the organizer, a specially divided student area.

Where Zhongling University is located, a freshman looked at the excited colleges and universities on stage with a complicated expression.

In his eyes, there is both envy and a bit of doubt.

They didn’t understand why Xu Heng was being scrambled by so many people. “A lot of teachers, they won’t fight!”

“This Xu Heng, is it really that good? There are so many schools that want him to transfer schools, and they all offer such good conditions.”

“All equipment is free of charge, one opportunity for foreign exchange every semester, a fixed annual scholarship of tens of millions, one-on-one guidance from extraordinary god-level masters, and access to relics…” “There are still many conditions, no matter which one, it sounds like It is extremely generous, why no one invites me like this?” Captain Min Yuan rolled his eyes when he heard the constant thoughts of his teammates.

She raised her head to look at Xu Heng of Zhongxingbangyue, and gritted her teeth secretly. “Xu Heng!””Last time, if I hadn’t underestimated the enemy, the talent skills were completely useless, how could I have been instantly killed by you!” “Next time, I will definitely not let you succeed!”

In the area where Jingcheng University is located, Jin He and Xuan Tao are sitting together at the same time.

At this moment, they are also looking at the podium. “This Xu Heng is so powerful.”

“Will there be someone from your Qinghua University to invite him?”

Xuan Tao in his seat glanced at Jin He next to him, and joked.

For Xu Heng, he has no temper.

After the game, Xuan Tao was still a little unconvinced.

Because, he felt, that Xu Heng was able to defeat them so easily, and that Instant Transmission was a big factor.

If Xu Heng didn’t have the Instant Transmission in the Fusion airdrop box, he and Jin He might not be able to fight together.

However, after they left the arena, they realized that before Xu Heng and them scrambled for the airdrop, they had already defeated a strong enemy.

It’s that cheating guy, Wei Cheng!

Xuan Tao watched the whole process of Xu Heng’s victory over Wei Cheng in detail.

As soon as you enter the arena, you can use advanced skills, which is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

At that time, he himself basically did not have any Fusion exercises.

Coupled with the blessing of enhancing the secret method, it surpasses the power of the great master.

Xuan Tao has carefully assessed that in the early stages of the competition, with his physical strength alone, he would definitely not be able to defeat the cheater Wei Cheng.

However, Xu Heng was able to solve it easily. It can only be said that Xu Heng’s strength is indeed stronger than him.

So far, he, Xuan Tao, is also convinced of the loss.

However, Jin He doesn’t seem to think so at all.

“Humph! What about invitations?”

“This guy Xu Heng does have some strength! However, I, Jin He, will not stop!”

“I will also get the extraordinary god-level exercises!”

When Jin He heard Xuan Tao’s words, his mood didn’t seem to fluctuate much.

“Next time, I will fight against him!”

After leaving the arena, Jin He regained his arrogant expression again.

Next to Xuan Tao, he looked at the amount in surprise.

He did not expect that Jin He would walk out of the shadow of defeat so quickly.

This, even he himself, can’t do it at all.

In this regard, he could not help but admire.

Afterwards, Xuan Tao raised his head and continued to cast his gaze forward.

On the podium, teachers from major schools looked at Li Xinghui who suddenly appeared. At the beginning, they didn’t recognize who it was.

But then, someone’s expression changed quickly and he said with a smile, “Principal Li! Why did you come to the scene in person!”

Although they are all from prestigious universities, they are many times stronger than Nantian University.

However, after all, he was only at the level of leading a team teacher. Compared with Li Xinghui, the head of the school, his strength was still a lot worse.


“If I don’t come again, the corner of the wall will probably be dug through by you!”

Li Xinghui looked at the teachers in the surrounding schools and felt very unhappy.

These guys are all here to dig Xu Heng! “Go away! If you want to dig a corner, stop daydreaming”

With a wave of his left hand, a tyrannical aura swept the audience, sweeping all the teachers off the stage. “Li Xinghui! This Xu Heng is not an exclusive student of your school!”

When all the teachers hurriedly responded to Li Xinghui’s breath, a voice came from the crowd again.

Afterwards, a figure walked out with difficulty, bearing Li Xinghui’s aura. “Yuan Gang?!”

“It’s you guys from Fudan University again, Laozi has heard that you are playing Xu Heng’s idea!” Li Xinghui saw Yuan Gang, his face even more ugly.

Long before Xu Heng participated in the national competition, he got the news that people from Fudan University might want to contact Xu Heng.

There has been no movement for a while, and he has given up on those guys.

Unexpectedly, they actually ran directly to the podium. “If you want Xu Heng to transfer, let your principal come in person!” Li Xinghui looked at Yuan Gang with a disdainful expression.

Afterwards, a tyrannical coercion surged from him, all exerted on Yuan Gang, causing the other party to break into a cold sweat.

Yuan Gang couldn’t do anything either. The president of the university they reiterated had personally ordered before the competition that they must grab Xu Heng.

Therefore, he can only bear the pressure.

“Transferring is free, even if you are the principal, you have no right to interfere!” Suddenly, a voice sounded.

That is the dean of Qingcheng University, his strength is stronger than Yuan Gang.

Immediately afterwards, the same aura pressure erupted from him and went straight to Li Xinghui.

He wants to help Yuan Gang share the pressure, otherwise no one of the teachers here can beat Li Xinghui.

Li Xinghui is the principal after all, and his strength is extraordinary.

Of course, he was also betting that Li Xinghui would not be able to make his best shot on this podium.

The two breaths collided, and there was a sudden gust of wind around them.

Those with less strength were directly pushed and fell off the stage.

This scene, seeing the surrounding audience, was stunned. “It’s really fighting!”

“Big news, hurry up and take a picture and post it on the Internet. The number of clicks will explode!” “Xu Heng is really delicious.”

The surrounding audience did not expect that the teacher on the stage actually started to do it.

“All quiet!!”

Just as the two sides on the stage were battling each other, a voice like the wrath of the sky sounded from the edge of the auditorium.

A terrifying coercion swept the entire stadium.

The chatter of the surrounding audience was instantly silent.

On the podium, except for Li Xinghui, the other unrelated teachers, no matter how strong or weak, were all swept off the podium.

Then, an old man appeared in the center of the podium.

That is the guardian, Yi Kong.

He exists to avoid chaos on the field.

The scene of grabbing someone just now, even he felt a little unexpected. “Master guard!”

The host was shocked when he saw the sudden appearance.

This old man, he knew, was in charge of the entire national competition. “It’s business as usual!”

Yi Kong ignored it, and just said something lightly.

Then, he looked at Xu Heng.

On the way, Yi Kong’s eyes seemed to stay on the gatekeeper for a moment.

However, he did not think too much.”Xu Heng, congratulations, you won the national championship!” Yi Kong gave Xu Heng a friendly smile.

And Xu Heng, bowed slightly.

This old man, he had seen in the lottery hall before. The devil fruit on Xu Xiaojia was sealed by this old man.

Otherwise, Xu Xiaojia might cause a lot of trouble. “You come with me!”

Yi Kong didn’t have any extra polite words, and directly told Xu Heng that he had something to look for, and then turned around and left.

On the stage, Xu Heng and the headmaster looked at each other, wondering why the guards were suddenly looking for him. “Go! That guy, it won’t hurt you!”

Seemingly seeing Xu Heng’s doubts, the doorman who had been silent all the time suddenly spoke up, making Xu Heng feel at ease.

So, Xu Heng immediately followed Yikong’s pace.

“The competition among famous schools has never happened for decades. Xu Heng, you have created another record invisibly.” In a quiet room, Xu Heng faced Yi Kong, The two stood opposite each other.

Yi Kong, facing Xu Heng, smiled slightly, indicating that he could sit down.

“You’re looking for me alone, you’re not talking about this!” Xu Heng was puzzled.

He had never contacted Yi Kong before, so he didn’t understand what Yi Kong wanted to do when he suddenly came to him.

Is it possible that you are also trying to persuade him to transfer?

“The seal of Kaio-ken, you broke it!”

Yi Kong saw that Xu Heng didn’t want to talk nonsense, so he went straight to the point.

Xu Heng’s expression changed. He didn’t expect that someone would know this secret. “Hehe, you don’t have to worry, I’m not here to punish you.” Yi Kong comforted Xu Heng when he saw Xu Heng’s changing face.

“I’m very curious. No one has ever been able to break the seal on the cultivation technique. Why, you can do it!” Yi Kong’s expression was filled with curiosity.

Although many of the seals on the exercises were not done by him, they were all done by him.

The strength of the seal is clear to him.

Kaio-ken is already a relatively powerful exercise.

Therefore, the above seal strength is also very high.

Xu Heng’s strength, although among the freshmen, is very powerful.

However, it is absolutely impossible to break the seal he personally arranged.

Xu Heng was silent for a while, not making a sound.

“I’m not asking you for Kaio-ken. In fact, you didn’t successfully extract Kaio-ken.” “Although you broke the seal, the moment you came out of the game, Kaio-ken would still be stolen. detected.”

“The reason why you succeeded is that the old man, I, personally helped you cover, otherwise you will be found out!” Hearing this, Xu Heng suddenly raised his head and looked at Yi Kong in front of him in surprise.

Unexpectedly, he tried his best to break the seal, and he would still be detected the moment he left the arena.

“That’s really, thank you!” Xu Heng immediately thanked him.

It can be seen that the guard has no malice towards him, and he also helped him cover up the detection himself.

“Then tell me, how did you break the seal?” “This, ordinary people can’t do it!”

Xu Heng pondered for a while, he knew that he had to find a reason, otherwise he couldn’t fool the past. So, he raised his head and looked at Yi Kong, “It’s because of the reincarnation eye!”

“Just from Fusion, I can see a lot of things that I couldn’t find before.”

“Although the finals suppressed most of the effects of the Samsara Eye, I can still use the Samsara Eye to see the flaws in the seal on the exercise!” Xu Heng randomly rumbled some reasons, and attributed the reason for the cracking of the seal to the magical effect of the Samsara Eye. .

After Yi Kong heard it, he gave Xu Heng a deep look, “I’ve lived for so many years, old man, this is the first time I’ve heard that the reincarnation eye has this kind of effect.” However, Yi Kong didn’t pursue it.

He suddenly said seriously, “I’m not looking for you this time for these insignificant things.” “It’s because of a forbidden place!”

“Forbidden place?” Xu Heng was a little puzzled when he heard it.

He thought about it and asked Yi Kong, “Is it a relic?” “It’s not a relic!”

“It’s a forbidden area that has just been developed. Even we haven’t fully figured out what’s inside!” Yi Kong looked at Xu Heng, “Immediately, we will organize a group of people to explore the forbidden area.” When you come, you are invited to join us.” “Go together and explore the forbidden area!” “The rewards are very rich!”

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