Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: Everything is only owed to the east wind (wanding for subscription)

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A dark place, always quiet.

Today, suddenly there is a voice coming out.

"Fang Ping is out of the world, the chaos of the Shenzhou is sunk, the Chuwu side, the boxing, the ignorance, the palm of the day, several people were killed..."

"The fist was killed?"

Some people are shaking. "The boxing is already close to breaking the nine. Under the full force, the battle of life and death will inevitably break the nine and die?"

"Hand under Fang Ping?"


A voice came from all the way.

Soon, some people said: "Fang Ping is present, the town is also there, is the hand of Fang Ping, or the town, or the two together, can not be sure now. The Ming, the Tian arm, the magic three are not dead."

"Would it be that they are united with them and killed a few people?"

"With this possibility, after the return of the boxing, with his hegemony, it will inevitably prevent the meditation from continuing to lead the early martial arts to avoid it..."

A voice, passed in the dark.

Soon, someone sneered, female voice!

The void was quiet, and the female voice came out: "Consult to discuss, haven't you got a result? Don't you want to kill Fang Ping? Since you want to kill, when you are so hesitant!"


Someone sighed: "Fang Ping is a man... very enchanting! I suspect that he is the seed's back hand, killing him, the seed may be self-evident. But if he kills him now... the seed appears again..."

"Are you afraid that you can't get out? Can't grab the seeds?"

Someone laughed.

"Don't you be afraid?"

"I am afraid that raising a tiger is a problem! Fang Ping can already marry a tree, and then stay, and fear it will become a problem! His avenue disappears, not controlled by Xianyuan, before burning the avenue, if there is no accident, Fang Ping chose and cat The same way, self-contained.

If this continues, it will become the second source! ”

"The second source..."

When the words came out, the emperors were silent.

How is the source formed?

At that time, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth was alone in the source, and then exploded to form the source.

Before this, only the original star of the Emperor of Heaven was in the universe.


The Emperor did not go to the source avenue. He did not exist for hundreds of kilometers. He started too high and jumped directly to the source of the stars. Or, the original place has this star.

Avenue, that was later opened by the Emperor of Heaven.

The end point is at the source.

Can Fangping be the second source?

There is this possibility!

Once it became a second source, what would happen, even if the emperor did not understand.

Silence for a while, the voice of the emperor came out, "Do not kill Fang Ping, what decisions do you have? I really want to kill him, unless we come to the deity, there may be chaos in the source, when the deity goes, the source may appear Big chaos..."

"That can only let the avatar kill!"

The voice of the emperor is grand, "the body has been killed before, Fang Ping will not be without prevention, a broken nine-minded, want to kill Fang Ping crazy thoughts!"

"The town is still in the human world, the town of the source has broken nine, the first martial art broke the peak of the Eight Diagrams, and the strength is strong..."

The emperor said for a while, and soon someone was impatient: "These all know! Killing Fang Ping, naturally will not let a detachment out, at least three!"


The Emperor is cold and cold: "You are too small and flat! It is better to break the nine-point body, and it is better to break the nine, even the power of boxing, **** Fang Ping? Three avatars, join hands to kill Fang Ping possible……

Can not guarantee that you can kill him!

In my opinion, killing Fang Ping, five broken nine!

To intercept the town, at least one must be prepared to be destroyed. ”


Some people shocked: "Five people break the nine-part killing Fang Ping?"

This is too overestimated!

The five are broken and the empire is ok.

Before Fang Ping killed some of the avatars, the key was that there were too many people to participate in the war on that day, including the town king, and even the Western Emperor split himself and gave up.

In the end, Fang Ping had a record of killing many broken nine.

But now it’s killing!

Surrounded by killing, the three killed nine, killing the tree, that is enough.

Is the square level stronger than the road tree?

On the same day, you can marry the tree, it is the Burning Avenue, which blends with the gods.

The Emperor is cold and cold: "If you don't move, you will kill! Otherwise, will you send resources to Fang Ping? If you break the nine-part body and be killed, our strength will be weakened, and the forged artifacts may be left behind."

It may even leave a crystallization of spiritual knowledge. The spiritual knowledge of the emperor is crystallized. Is the other party ineffective?

If you don't want to kill, you will give up and let him grow! ”

The words of the emperor let everyone meditate.

Soon, the sound of the beastly emperor came. "So, do you need 6 broken nine-pointers? But we are not forging everyone who has broken the nine-point body. Before that, some of the avatars have been degraded. Xianyuan needs to be guarded. guard……"

The Beastmaster smiled and said: "Where to get so many broken nine-pointed!"

The emperor, no one can forge a broken nine.

I have died a lot before, but now there are not so many avatars to kill them.

At least 6 people!

The Emperor is cold and cold: "Then give up!"

"Is there 5 too many?"

"You can prepare 3, but this seat will not participate, so as not to die."

The emperor refused.

Prepare 3, there is hope, the success rate is not big, he will not let his avatar go to death, before the fall of a broken nine.

The emperor spoke again and sneered: "I didn't expect you to have worked for tens of thousands of years, but in the end it was disrupted by Fang Ping, ridiculous..."

The Emperor is also sneer: "Ling, how many of you and I have cooked together for thousands of years, who is nobler than who? Who is more kind than anyone? Do you want to show your kindness here?"

Linghuang Qing cold road: "If the palace is not kind, it has not sold the disciples! It is still the best disciple!"

The Emperor is very calm, not angry, and faintly said: "I don't sell war, there are you and me today? Hong is already preparing for a joint war. If it is destroyed and the Emperor of Heaven joins it, I will get you and I will count here?"

Big Brother does not say second brother!

Who is better than who?

The world crow is generally black!

In the past, in heaven, he told other people that the emperor wanted to win the battle, to the character of the emperor, not to end the purpose, and finally succeeded.

At that time, how many people can the Nine Emperors still have?

After dying for nearly 10,000 years, the projection of a broken arrow broke through the ground. If it was desperate to enter the royal world, the battle was a real all-powerful. At that time, the Emperor might not be able to match him.


"Two, these are not mentioned in the past!"

At this moment, the Emperor spoke up.

Interrupted the two men's struggles, the voice of the Emperor came from a long distance, "kill or not kill, you make a decision. If you go on like this, the new heavens, I am afraid that it is difficult to escape the hands of Fang Ping. At that time, everything is shattered. It is.

Fang Ping is not a town. He is young and prosperous and will not wait forever. ”

The king of the town is there, that is nothing.

The town king knows something, he can bear it.

What about Fang Ping?

Really can't stand it!

He may shoot other strong players in the three circles at any time. Once they are all killed, what is the calculation?

Calculate a ball!

Others don't dare, Fang Ping dare, and have this strength to do!

When the words came out, everyone was silent again.

Soon, someone said: "The old man agrees!"

"When it kills!"




Four times in a row, four emperors made a sound.

The Emperor’s faint confession: “The old age also agrees!”


"Do you mean what you mean?"

This is the source and is not accessible.

However, the Emperor still asked.

The next moment, the voice of Dou Tiandi came, "If it is killing Fang Ping, the resurrection kind of appearance, you and I can not get out of the source, then what?"

"No problem, even if I miss this opportunity, there is one more!"

The Emperor faintly said: "Fang Ping can seduce the resurrection species to the best, we can locate and lock its position! Next time, it will not escape." Doom the Emperor silenced for a while, "With you."

"Not with me..."

The Emperor whispered: "Do you fight, kill Fang Ping, you need to work together!"

"The old rules, the minority obeys the majority."

Dou Tiandi faintly said: "If everyone has no opinion, it will naturally contribute."

The Emperor smiled and said: "That plus me, five! Hung is not known, and the Emperor is sleeping, it is passed."

The resolution of killing Fang Ping passed!

When to kill!

The Emperor slowly said: "Before, my avatar was destroyed, and now the source is chaotic, I can still gather together to break the nine-point!"

Dou Tiandi sighed: "I can also get together and break a nine-point!"

The Emperor continued: "Before, those who have not entered the land of seed projections need to provide a broken nine!"

Who did not go in before?

The Southern Emperor, the Northern Emperor, and the Beast Emperor did not enter the emperor, but the Emperor really disappeared.

Now the Emperor of Heaven is willing to provide a broken nine-point body, plus the Emperor and these three, that is 5 broken nine.

The Emperor said so, no one refused.

Waiting for the emperor to be silent, it seems to be in the calculation of who will provide a broken nine-point body, the West Emperor secluded: "The last time I broke the limbs, this time it is not working, plus the land of the source and the portal need to be guarded, I provide A broken eight-point body, into the land of Xianyuan guard."

"Hey, what about you?"

The Emperor still sent his mind to the East Emperor.

Donghuang’s voice is long and smirked: “Is 6 really enough? Can one stop the town? I offer a broken nine-point body, and it’s not impossible... Spirit, the avatar you destroyed before, just broke into the secret before entering the secret. Years ago, now I will provide another avatar, and 7 will fall down!"

7 digits!

When the words came out, Linghuang said coldly: "The palace is not interested!"

"That's all!"

Dong Huang smiled and said: "Fang Ping really wants to die. The first one to deal with is probably the Emperor."


The emperor snorted and hesitated. After a while, he said: "Fang Ping is the person chosen by the cat. He will not be the enemy of the Emperor..."


Donghuang smiled. "Do you think that cats can affect Fangping? Why isn’t Fang Ping affecting cats?"


The emperor does not speak.

"Let's fall into a nine-pointed body! Do you think that you can live in peace with Fang Ping?"

The Emperor was silent for a while, half awkward, and slowly said: "Good!"

7 roads break nine!

This time, the emperors are equal, not to pay attention!

Extreme attention!

The Emperor continued to say: "On the side of Xianyuan, Chen let the body guard."

"On the other side of the portal, Ji is separated and guarded."

As a result, 9 people need to provide a avatar.

The reason why the Emperor was not assigned to break the nine-point body was because he had lost his body and lost his sword. He lost his nine-pointed body and was no better than the Western Emperor.

"7 people broke into the three realms, two people surrounded the world, five people killed Fang Ping!"

The Emperor arranged another time and quickly said: "Who is the wind... Who?"

Everyone is silent.

The Emperor faintly said: "Whether it is the avatar of all of you, I hope this time will not spoil the situation! Otherwise... our anger is not something that can be tolerated!"

If it is Hong’s true body, now that the source is in chaos, he can’t do his best.

What's more, Hong will not shoot for Fang Ping. ”

The Emperor still felt that it was necessary to make it clear so that no one would interfere.

If it is the real emperor, it doesn't matter much. The guy really doesn't know where to hide. He can be violent from the source, and he will be affected more than them.

The deity does not come back to sit in the town, the source will always disturb his avenue, so that he can not go all out.

At this time, the bucket smiled and said: "If it is a shot?"

"That is best."

The Emperor smiled and said: "He has been hiding for many years and has been missing. If this time he can seduce him, as long as he knows his whereabouts, it is no better than killing."

When the words fall, the Emperor once again said: "This time, the old man does not want to see other people intervening again, Ji, the boundary of the land, since we have notified us, it may not be too big to intervene, but we still want to marry them, do not happen again. Last time!"

The emperor smiled and said: "Nature! Even if they want to get rid of everything, they can be flat... more threatening than I am, can they not understand?"

"What about the first time?"

"No matter, Fang Ping or the town, just killed them, they will not help them at the moment."


Things were arranged one by one, and soon everyone had a resolution.

7 broken nine avatars come!

The beastmasters have a few people who are condensed and break the nine-point body. The price paid will not be small, but at this juncture, they don't have to care too much.

The deity can't leave, and the other powerful emperors, plus this time, have condensed two broken nines and paid more.



Town Star City.

Iron head and Li old man are back.

Seeing that they came back, and Fang Ping did not return, several people who were drinking tea, they looked at the two.

Lao Zhang looked at the two and raised his eyebrows: "What about people?"

"You know."

Li Laotou was too lazy to care for him, impatiently said: "I want to kill him! Who wants to kill him? The three realists who don't want to kill him? Today, after so many things, he returned to Earth, and he could not allow the emperor to come directly to the earth to kill him! Can he come back? ?"

He has a bad tone.

Lao Zhang is too lazy to care, frowning: "If you blame me, that is casual, anyway, I don't care more than one person blaming me."

"Do you have a fart?"

Li Laotou is not very airy: "I despise you! How do you be the emperor? Now it is this strength, people who are hundreds of years old, so weak, do not know how hard they work?"


Aside, the **** of casting made a few people cough and almost got it.

Who are you yelling at?

What is a hundred-year-old person, so weak, who do you want to listen to?

When the king of the town saw the two men picking up, he laughed and said: "Oh, don't die with the aunt's attitude! That kid is so easy to die. He wants to lure the emperor to be separated. It is still necessary.

Now that the emperor is trapped in the source, if he is killed, there will be some loss of control over the control of the Three Realms. This is the opportunity!

Just look at how many avatars this time..."

"Several emperors are not stupid, killing Fang Ping, will not be underestimated by him, the lion is still using the full force of the rabbit, let alone Fang Ping is not a rabbit."

The town of Tianwang exhaled: "Conservative estimates, at least 5! 4 killing Fang Ping, 1 holding the old man..."

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "You are always worth one? Do you look down on you? I see, at least 3 people are enough to deal with you old! Otherwise, isn't that small you are old? Really want to come, you hammer him, Hit the nine days to slap them, and look down on who!"

The king of the town turned his eyes, do you think that the broken nine is really so good?

what do you think!

Say you seem to be able to kill the nine like!

Li Laotou Shen Sheng: "4 killing Fang Ping?"

"Almost, maybe more!"

The king of the town spit out the air: "That kid, too tempting people to hate, may break the emperor's Wannian plan, the emperor will not let him continue!"

"Isn't Fang Ping not dangerous?"

"That depends on how strong this kid is!"

The king of the town looked at Li Laotou. "He started in the early martial arts. Can you feel how strong he is?"

"I don't know, they are all suicidal, not Fang Ping, Fang Ping can only kill the broken eight like the stick..."

The king of the town looked at him and smiled and said: "You don't believe in the old man?"


Li Laotou nodded and said: "But it really didn't kill the boxing spirit. Fang Ping may have broken nine, but I see that the blood has killed 45 million cards."

"He stripped the way of Tianchen."

"Not necessarily useful, let alone, really burned, Tianchen is dead, and the cat has to turn his face."

Li Laotou calmly said: "Don't look at him and don't care. In fact, at that time, he may not burn the avenue, 45 million, it should be his limit.

He broke his own nine, not a avatar, and he was okay to deal with two broken nine-pointers. He couldn’t hold it! ”

The king of the town indulged for a moment, "I have to keep the world, of course, can contain one or two avatars, but not more."

Casting God makes a smile: "Would you like me to go with Zhang Tao, plus a few of you, try to intercept one?"

"you guys?"

Wang Tianwang looked at a few people and slowly said: "Don't go, it is very dangerous! This time is different from last time. This time it is to kill people. The last time I entered the secret, the purpose is not to kill, understand?

Who stopped, who died!

In order to kill the body, let you die, not worth it!

Several of you, there are also tasks! ”

Everyone looked at him, but the king of the town looked at Li Laotou and said: "Several of you, secretly lurk into the nine heavens! Look for Xianyuan, if you find Xianyuan, see if there is any chance, will Xianyuan You got rid of the avenues you were charged with.

Can't be cut off, cut off, you may be in danger!

It is best to peel off..."

"Nine heavens?"

Zhang Tao said quietly: "We can't get in..."

"Crap, you can't, it doesn't mean no one!"

The eyes of the king of the town swayed to cast the gods, cast the gods to make the face black, "You let me go?"

"of course!"

Said, Tian Tianwang smiled: "Reassured, Hong Kun, these people can hold back? Now they are waiting, waiting for the opportunity! With the opportunity, these people will be willing to be controlled?

On our side, we created the illusion of rescue Fang Ping, and they mistakenly thought that we all went to rescue Fangping.

These people will inevitably be dispatched and will not sit still.

At that time, you secretly lurk, quietly, waiting for them to fight with the left-behind kings, you find an opportunity to strip the road.

There must be a backhand to strike the iron. Xianyuan is made by him. He must have a safe separation. ”

Said, and said: "It is best to create some false roads, to confuse the emperor!"

When this was said, Zhang Tao was heart-beating first, then frowned: "That side of the square..."

"No problem!"

The treacherousness of the town king laughs.

How do you let Hongyu believe that someone is going to save the party?

Of course, we must send the strong in the past!


The book is fragrant!

Broken nine strong!

As soon as I went to the war, the movement was huge. At first glance, it was not a single person fighting.

Zhang Tao, they only need to go to the taboos for a turn. Who knows that they didn't save Fang Ping, but they secretly lurked into the nine heavens?

The king of the town spit out the air: "Don't worry about Fangping, it is the best choice to get rid of your own control! Otherwise, in the end of the war, you are still controlled by Xianyuan. Do you think you can get rid of it at any time?"

Let Hongyu take the lead, they will not be small, you quietly go, succeed, and you can pit the emperor once. ”

Said, the town king again said: "Be careful! Even if the emperor let the avatar to kill Fang Ping, there will be someone left behind, and not necessarily all..."

The king of the town indulged for a moment, and said: "Go, inform the chaos and stone to break them, let them also blend one hand, the second batch enters... No, don't tell them the truth, say Hongyu they are going, let them grab themselves opportunity!

Li Hansong, you act with them and let them mistakenly think that the Terran is really unable to draw strength and see if they can lead the Queen's back hand. On the side of Wang Jinyang, I asked him to go his own way, to the source, to add some chaos, to attract the emperor to pay attention to himself...

If you hit the iron, this time you will see you and Zhang Xiaozi. Can you let the strong people of the family get rid of the control, and let people know without knowing it? ”

Casting God makes his face dignified. "First, let's talk about who's way, not too much. Otherwise, I can't fake it! And too much, the emperor is not an idiot, and will definitely find something unusual!"

"Your own, Zhang Xiaozi's, and..."

Zhentian Wang thought for a moment and coughed a word: "There are Li Zhen's, Jiang Tianming's, and the four are almost the same."


Casting God makes you want to marry!

"You old things, only save your son and great-grandchildren of great-grandchildren?"

War King, Li Zhen, Zhang Tao, Casting God, just four!

The town of Tian Wang smiled and said: "Crap, too much, you forged over? Now the Terran is strong, they do not need, Wang Jinyang they do not need, they are the truth.

As for the other people... Do you know what happened to them?

If this is the case, is it enough for 4 people? ”

Zhang Tao secluded: "Jiang Hao, Lei Wang are also fast kings, these two do not save?"

"Then six!"

The king of the town said that there is no sincerity, which depends on the creation of God.

Casting the gods did not say anything, just looking at Zhang Tao, a little embarrassed, "Your way, very special, it must be very obvious! Of course, it is also very strong, really want to be stripped, I am afraid of problems, will cause them note."

The king of the town laughed and said: "Nothing, the emperor is actually not familiar with them. Zhang Tao really wants to unify the three realms. The emperor's own way is stripped off. But isn't there a way to unify the three realms?

The emperor will not give him a chance, so he can only let himself strip.

As for the forgery... you are a master, you can do it! ”

The town of Tianwang smiled and said: "Fang Ping this kid, this time is very important, he must contain these avatars for a period of time, and even defeat these avatars, to create opportunities for you, set aside time.

I have to give you proof of absence... It is best to leave all the avatars so that you can hide your existence! ”

If you leave the living and leave, the emperor will know that there are problems.

Bookboys will be exposed, and Zhang Tao will be exposed if they don’t go to the rescue.

The avenue is stripped, even if it succeeds, the emperor knows that these people are out of control, and may be in advance.

Li Laotou couldn’t help but say, "What about me?"


Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "Your role is even bigger. I don't know the specific situation. I am worried that they can't get close to the iron. When you can, you can! Because you are out of control!"

Li Laotou nodded and cast a **** to look at the town king, Shen Sheng: "What about yourself?"


The king of the town whispered: "I was pitted. Now the avenue is rooted. You don't have to worry about me. It doesn't matter to me! Don't move my way, move, the source will react!"

After a few words, Zhentian Wang quickly said: "Everyone has a task, can the Terran win, this time is very crucial! After this, the emperors will not give us another chance!

Only if you strip the avenue, you can find a way to break the nine, otherwise you will break through nine, those people will know, will find abnormalities! ”

Zhang Tao took a deep breath and he knew that there was nothing wrong with Zhen Tianwang.

However, I still can't help but say: "How does Fang Ping kill more than 4 people? If he is killed, can we get rid of the avenue control useful? Or rescue Fangping as the main, instead of being out of control now..."


When the king of the town saw them, they still didn't feel relieved. They said nothing: "It's okay to say nothing! On Fang Ping's side, breaking nine is not one!"

"Not a single?"

"Crap, one word, can't stop so many people!"

Zhen Tianwang said: "This guy, luck is good! The cat should also break the nine. In addition, there is a broken nine will pretend to go to the rescue, rest assured, three broken nine strong, not to mention 4 Split, 6 avatars can cope!"

If he is not sure, he will not take the life of Fang Ping to gamble.

But he is sure!

3 broken nine!

It’s the kind that really breaks the nine, the way the avenue is uncontrolled.

Breaking nine points, dealing with the tree must be a joint effort, let alone deal with them.

3 broken nine!

At this time, Lao Zhang is also a strange look, this kid is still deep.

Before he lost what he said, he couldn’t improve anymore, and his brain ruptured, and Mad, he was dismantled in the blink of an eye!

The king of the town no longer said more, quickly said: "Everyone is ready to hit the iron and hurry to forge the avenue. Fang Ping does not know when the battle will break out. I have to wait outside the domain...

You are staring at the side of the cave, there is no hand, you must not do it!

Li Hansong, go find them and mess them up..."

The iron head hesitated: "Then their way..."

"Do not care!"

Tian Tianwang said freely: "Which two guys can't do it, it's easy to get into trouble."

Li Hansong whispered: "Will that die?"

"It shouldn't be, and it's not counting them. They know that there is this, they will go, who wants to get rid of control?"

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "You just don't say that the people in the caves have moved. These two will also go. Do you think the two of them will give up this opportunity?"

This is also the case, the iron head relieved, nodded: "Well, then I will inform them!"

After a while, things are settled.

The Terran is negotiating here, and the caves are also quickly negotiated.

At this time, it is clear that the secret is to kill Fang Ping, but the Three Realms seem to have reached a consensus, just wait for the emperor to come and kill Fang Ping!

All is ready except for the opportunity!

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