Global Game: Begin With 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Thirty-three, triggering heated discussions across the Internet!

Everything Su Yu said was true.

After the player level reaches level 50, he will become a third-level professional in the game.

(In "Evolution", levels 0-9 are zero-level professionals; levels 10-29 are first-level professionals; levels 30-49 are second-level professionals; levels 50-59 are third-level professionals.)

Level 3 professionals can realize the strength in the game into reality.

After the realization is completed, they are no longer afraid of bullet attacks!

Magicians and priests hold up magic shields, which can even withstand continuous light machine gun fire!

After entering the third level, the more defensive anti-war and guardian knights have full defense status and can even withstand damage from a Soviet-made RPG-7 40mm rocket launcher!

There is video evidence of this in Su Yu's previous life!

The power of this amazing power is worth much more than a house in a school district.

Besides, a house in a school district will be worthless after half a year.


But Su Yu's words still caused a huge sensation among the players!

At first, no one took the server-wide announcement seriously.

Although Su Yu was very good at clearing dungeons alone, and they were envious of him, this had nothing to do with most people.

Things are different now!

The "level 50 reward" mentioned by Su Yu is closely related to everyone, and they can't help but feel moved by it.

The entrance square of Nolan Village.

The players looked at each other in shock.

After a while, a huge discussion broke out in the square, and the volume was several times louder than before!

"Oh my God! A school district house in a third-tier city?! That's at least hundreds of thousands!"

"Will you give it to me when you reach level 50? Will everyone give it to you?"

"With such high rewards, won't the game company go bankrupt?"

"Tch, how is that possible? Why does the game company give you such a benefit?"

"Although I don't really believe it, I think it might be true! If Nemesis is not sure, why would he dare to say that?"

"That's right! It's not good for him to say such things. What reason does Nemesis have to lie to us?"

"I won't say anything else, everyone, I'm going to level up first anyway."

"I have also gone to level up. With the quality of this game, I will keep playing even if there is no reward. Sooner or later I will be able to reach level 50."

"Let's go for a walk and practice leveling."

The effect of the "big speaker" is very good, and the player's attention has been diverted from the "gossip of the two major guilds" and turned to serious leveling.

Some players said they didn't believe it, but they kept their bodies honest and walked towards the leveling area, calling for friends.

This also triggered a small leveling boom in various villages.


As for offline.

In the official forum, the "melon" of the two major guilds is no longer popular, and the entire page is covered by the name of "nemesis".

And this incident quickly went viral!

In just two hours, the topic "Level 50 of "Evolution" = a school district apartment in a third-tier city?" topped the hot search list for scarves!

Of course, in an environment like a scarf, very few people believed in Su Yu, and most of them cursed:

"Another stupid nerd who plays games and gets nearly a million rewards by upgrading? Why doesn't he want to go to heaven?"

"That's right! Let me put it down, if the rewards given by level 50 in this game can be exchanged for a school district room in reality, I will eat my phone on the spot!"

"The game "Evolution" discriminates against women! In the career demonstration, the priest profession is actually a woman! Do the game developers think that we women are only worthy of being priests? We are only worthy of receiving protection from others? Sisters, follow me to smash this crappy game!"

"What kind of nonsense is this? It took my Xiao Meiren's number one search spot? She must have spent money to buy a troll!"


In addition to the scarves, the ridiculous article "How to evaluate the claim of a player named Nemesis in "Evolution": after reaching level 50, the game will reward you with the equivalent of a school district room in a third-tier city?" also quickly became a hot topic. Number one on the list.

However, it is similar to a scarf. The following netizens accounted for 99% of the netizens who expressed disbelief:

"Thank you for the invitation. When I saw this, I knew it was said by a child who has never been beaten by society."

"There is a saying, our workers have worked hard for 40 years to get a house from the teeth of the capitalists, and they can give it away with a game upgrade? Would you believe it if I changed it to you?"

"I'm in the United States, and I just put on a mask... couldn't you see that this is an advertisement for a game company? It's really worrying about my IQ."

“It’s all a game operator’s routine, let’s let it go!”


In addition to bibs and bihu, other platforms such as Duba and AB Station also held in-depth discussions on this matter.

The name "Buster" became famous overnight and was well known to many netizens.

Su Yu had no idea about this.

But even if he knew, I'm afraid he wouldn't take it to heart.

Fame is the most useless thing in this era, and the most useful thing in this era is called hope.


Back to the game.

Xue Hua Luo is deciphering a difficult hidden mission.

Shortly after Su Yu called out, she received a private message.

This private message is from her brother "Snow Leopard":

Snow Leopard: "Luoluo, I heard from dad that you are very familiar with that 'nemesis'?"

Xue Hualuo's eyes lit up and she quickly replied: "Brother, we are not familiar with each other either. But I know a lot of his deeds, such as... (300 words omitted)..."

Xue Hua Luo spent a lot of time describing what she knew about the "nemesis". Find Shuyuan

But she didn't say anything about the nemesis summoning [Star Casting Dragon King], because if the two major guilds knew that it was the boss summoned by the nemesis, it might cause him a lot of trouble.

Snow Leopard read the message sent by his sister in detail.

After reading it, he replied: "Can you help me ask him if the reward he mentioned is true? Our department attaches great importance to this!"

Xue Hua Luo: "How do you ask? Could it be that he wants me to seduce him?"

Snow Leopard: "It's not impossible, just be careful not to sacrifice."

Xue Hua Luo: "..."


The scene returned to Su Yu.

For three minutes after the "Big Speaker" ended, Su Yu stood there without moving.

This was not because Su Yu was thinking, but because - he was stuck!

Because of the server-wide announcement and the server-wide loudspeaker, at least tens of thousands of players added him as a friend at the same time.

This also caused the characters controlled by Su Yu to get stuck like a PPT.

Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

What a miscalculation. I didn't expect so many people to add him as friends.

It wasn't until three minutes later that Su Yu reluctantly turned off the "Allow others to add you as friends" option on the settings page that his character gradually returned to normal.

After returning to normal, Su Yu couldn't help wiping his sweat and said with a thankful face: "Fortunately, I wasn't disconnected or disconnected from the dungeon. My boss's body hasn't been touched yet!"

He looked at the body of [Yangcun Village Chief] in front of him.

Su Yu suddenly discovered keenly - the bag dropped by the body was actually glowing with golden light!

Su Yu was shocked: "Is this? Golden equipment has been released?!"

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