Chen Feng was also quite helpless. This was a necessary condition to ensure that he could live comfortably in the extreme cold environment of the doomsday.

"Don't worry about these things. Just tell me if I can do it."

Gao Mingyuan nodded directly. Chen Feng's request was not excessive at all.

In fact, it was a relatively low-profile safe house. After all, he had encountered more exaggerated requirements.

"Our company is professional and can fully meet these requirements. Please rest assured, Mr. Chen!"

"That's fine, but I'm a little anxious. How soon can you finish it!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, we will definitely have no problem with efficiency. In your case, it can be done in two months!"

"Too long!"

Chen Feng shook his head directly. After two months, the end of the world will come. An unbuilt safe house will be no different from an ordinary place!

"Hurry up a little, one month will be fine!" Gao Mingyuan said subconsciously.

He looked at Chen Feng with some doubts.

For a doomsday safe house, generally speaking, the builders are concerned about safety, and no one cares about time at all.

Some wealthy people will even spend several years to build a safe house.

"Too long!"

Chen Feng still shook his head, not satisfied with this answer.

"Ten days, I only have ten days!"

Now Gao Mingyuan was not calm at all, and even began to suspect that the other party was here to challenge him!

What's going on? You've made so many requests, and you told me that it will be completed in ten days. Do you think I'm easy to bully?

But Gao Mingyuan is a very capable person after all. He suppressed his dissatisfaction and looked at Chen Feng.

"Mr. Chen, it's probably difficult to meet the time you mentioned."

"I know your concerns, but my house has been renovated. All you have to do is to reinforce it and meet my requirements. It's not impossible to complete it!"

Chen Feng thought about it carefully, otherwise, he would never build a big villa for renovation!

"Mr. Chen, you may not understand us..."

"I can add money!"

Gao Mingyuan was blocked in an instant.

If you say so, then we can discuss it.

"Calculate how much money it will cost in total first!"

Gao Mingyuan took out his notebook without any hesitation and started to calculate.

After a while, he listed all the material lists and the required expenses and handed them to Chen Feng.

"The renovation cost is 200 million yuan in total, but this is calculated based on a construction period of one month."

Chen Feng looked at the list above and nodded directly.

Generally, the renovation cost of a villa is one-to-one with the purchase price, which means that if you spend 100 million yuan to buy a house, if you want to decorate it well, the renovation cost will basically be 100 million yuan.

And his renovation actually requires 200 million yuan without considering the decoration. It can be seen that this kind of doomsday safe house is really expensive.

But judging from the materials used, it is estimated that there is really no way to make explosives.

"If you can finish the work within ten days, I will give you an additional 100 million yuan. If you think there is no problem, I can sign the contract and pay the deposit now!"


Gao Mingyuan, who was originally calm, couldn't help it anymore. He stood up suddenly and shook Chen Feng's hand excitedly.

"Mr. Chen, I will get the contract right away. Let's have a happy cooperation!"

One hundred million, this is one hundred million. If he deducts the cost and labor of the previous two hundred million, he can still make a lot. Then this one hundred million is almost pure profit.

If you want to speed up the time, the easiest way is to add people.

Add people, you must add people. For this 100 million, he will do whatever it takes.

"I will give you 100 million as a deposit first, and I will give you another 100 million after the house inspection. If there are no other problems after living in it for a month, I will give you the remaining 100 million. Is this payment method okay?"

Chen Feng also considered this payment method. 200 million is enough for the other party to make money. As for the last 100 million, the end of the world will come by then, and the other party probably won't be able to collect it.


Gao Mingyuan didn't hesitate at all and nodded in agreement.

After signing the contract, Chen Feng paid the advance payment and left the company with Gao Mingyuan's enthusiastic farewell.

"Hurry up, let everyone in the company put down their work. After completing this order, this year's year-end bonus will double!"

The whole company became boiling in an instant.

Gao Mingyuan was not idle at all. He quickly picked up the phone to arrange for the materials to enter the site.

Chen Feng

As soon as he returned to the community, he found that some workers had started to measure his villa with instruments. He had to sigh that money was really powerful.

It only worked for a period of time. When the end of the world comes, all the money will be nothing but a pile of waste paper.

After saying hello to the security personnel, Chen Feng contacted the real estate agency in the community and spent 20,000 yuan to rent a house and a warehouse in the community.

The house was where he lived for the past ten days. As for the warehouse, he needed a warehouse as a transit because he had booked too many banquets!

Otherwise, if you put the things directly into your space in front of a group of people, it is estimated that you will be caught for research before the end of the world.

"This money is spent too quickly!"

Chen Feng lay on the bed and couldn't help sighing.

It cost 20 million to buy a house, and it has now cost 100 million to renovate the house. Originally, there were 200 million in the pocket, but in the blink of an eye, there were only more than 80 million left!

However, Chen Feng was not worried about the money at all.

He has many ways to make money, and the end of the world is coming soon. It doesn't make much sense to make more money. It's enough to use.

If it doesn't work, he can mortgage his villa to loan sharks.

"Now there is no need to worry about safe houses and accommodation, but weapons are a big problem."

Although he has space ability and his skills are not bad, he will still have a hard time without hot weapons.

Isn't there a saying that goes, if my neighbor hoards food, I hoard guns, and my neighbor is my granary.

However, in Shenzhou, it is almost impossible to get such things.

"It seems that I still have to hurry up and go abroad for a wave of zero-yuan shopping!"

Chen Feng took out his mobile phone and directly booked a ticket to the ugly country.

He often travels abroad for work, so there is no problem with visas and passports, and it is very easy to get weapons in the ugly country.

In addition, there are countless warehouses of super-large department stores there, and I have to go around.

Isn't it popular to buy for zero yuan in that place now? I finally got reborn, so I definitely want to experience it!

Just when Chen Feng booked the plane ticket and was studying the location of the warehouse on the map, his phone suddenly vibrated a few times and a strange number called in.


"Honey, it's me!"

As soon as he picked up the phone, Su Qing's complaint came from the receiver.

"If you ignore me again, I'll be really angry!"

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