Global Evolution

Chapter 202: Weird everywhere

"Tao Guang Yang Hui, low-key, low-key is king!" Boss pinched the non-existent beard, extremely pretending to finish the sentence.

Then everyone looked at him like this and couldn't help laughing.

"When did you learn humor?" Liu Chang looked at the terrible and ridiculous three-year-old.

"Last night, I found that humor helps the blood supply to the brain, and people are more active when they are happy."

"Okay, okay ..." Liu Chang nodded. "It seems that Zhou Kai served you very well yesterday ..."

"It's Li Feng, I remember Zhou Kai accompanied by my second child." Qingyin seemed to have received your humor, and finally tried to wake up from self-enclosement.

"I don't remember, the boss and the second child look so much ..."

Quiet days always pass quickly.

This week has been a rare holiday for Liu Chang. He has done almost nothing all day. He has done almost nothing except to accompany the boss to buy a small hand workshop.

"The days are really good for you!" Liu Changchi. Walking on the corridor of the hotel with his back naked, Zhou Kai, who was walking towards him, asked, "Is there any announcement on Daxing District?

"No, I don't know what happened. The man suddenly disappeared after we left. I went to ask their subordinates, and they said they didn't know what happened." Zhou Kai said: "Our subordinates thought he was I've been out playing with women, but it's been a week now, why haven't you moved? "

"How do I know, but with the strength of that guy. There should be no problem." Liu Chang thought, "How powerful the Daxing District will not be, but if it is not a large faction, it is very difficult for ordinary people to hurt. The claim of the full capacity of mammals and part of the capacity of reptiles is very strong. "

"He's okay." Liu Chang said with some uncertainty. "In theory, it should be okay. I guess I was stimulated after seeing me that day. Where did I go to be clean? Any other news?"

"One more, I heard that there are more cockroaches in Daxing District than before. And this kind of newly emerged cockroaches is difficult to eliminate. I also heard that some people are sick and I don't know what has to do with this." Zhou Kai continued to report on his work. "I heard the informant inside said that the cockroach seemed weird, but the specific weirdness was unknown."

"Cockroaches?" Liu Chang frowned. "I remember the last days. They are all specialized in breeding. Why have they suddenly become cruel recently?"

"I don't know. It's weird anyway." Zhou Kai said, "And I'm not planning to go there for investigations anymore. I feel very dangerous, is it okay?"

"Well, there is no need to risk your life to get the news that we can pay for it. You can find someone responsible for things over there later." Liu Chang has recently arranged things, and has become more and more sharp, and the conditioning has gradually become clearer. I don't know if it is because of long-term command formation habits, or something else.

"Thank you." Zhou Kai heard his request and got approval. Turn around and go out to do business.

"Look for someone else to do something, but make sure the news is in hand!" Liu Chang shouted at Zhou Kai's back.

One hundred kilometers north of Zhengzhou City.

Da Liu Shu's footsteps all the way to the north still did not stop, but his footsteps were much gentler in a few days.

Yes, it's gentle, not slow, not weak. Be gentle.

Because he started the killing suddenly the day before yesterday—the overwhelming destruction of his body is gone, and he no longer sees everything destroying and devouring into his own nutrition, but gently integrates himself into the environment on the way forward .

His wicker has broken down again into the thickness of fingers, the thickest is as thick as the waist of an adult, so it grows so gently interspersed in the woods coming all the way, becoming a part of them, and then slowly roots Must be inserted into the soil. Get some nutrients and continue to grow.

Therefore, he is not fast.

The fastest way to gain energy in the world is to plunder, instead of plundering other people's big willows, the growth of nature is countless times slower than before, and not only that, the smell that destroyed everything on his body completely changed the taste, everything changed Already. The fleeing animals no longer felt the danger, and today, a pig cricket with a lower IQ actually approached the branches of the big willow.

This is a steel wool pig. The eschatological evolution seems to have not added any chips to its poor IQ except that it has made its back sharp.

This was originally a pig that was left behind on the escape route. It felt the terrifying breath in the heavens and earth before, so it fled away instinctively, and the ruined atmosphere gradually weakened or disappeared a few days ago, so it stopped The ground no longer runs-although it has long been lost in the jungle.

It is a low-intelligence creature that behaves according to instinct, so when the source of fear disappears and becomes mild, it loses its original fear.

"Remember to eat but not to beat" is this kind of creature.

And then that day, it was hungry, and then saw the tender wicker grow slowly in front of it-it put on its own pig nose, smelled this tender and juicy thing, and bit it without hesitation. Go up. The sharp pig teeth bit off the thick and tender note of the arm there, and then made a clicking sound, chewing on the spot ~ ~ The wicker seemed much weaker than usual, and it was bitten by ordinary creatures Two sections, and then the growing wicker stopped for a while, then it seemed to continue to grow without feeling pain, and the greedy pig was constantly chewing and eating this, delivered to the door, and opened his mouth. thing.

All this looks so weird.

Willow is no longer violent, it seems that he has forgotten his goal of building the earth ’s utopia, and he has forgotten his tremendous power, so he goes all the way-leaving only the huge radio wave layer in the sky, monitoring everything around him .

And weird things happened at the same moment in Beijing's Daxing District.

A human who did not know whether he was hungry or asleep, was lying on his own floor and breathing evenly, and then the land next to him suddenly protruded from a small soil bag, and then the soil bag bored a hole, A black head got out of it-a cockroach.

After the cockroach looked at the sleeping human next to it, it carefully drilled out from the ground and slowly moved to the man's belly. A strange pair of antennae was found on his head. (To be continued)! ~!

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