There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

The two households on the ninth floor and the house on the left side of the tenth floor are all locked with iron chains, but this security door is intact and has no iron chain lock.

Chu Anqin suspected that it was the people in this house who did it.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly retreated to the corridor.

This building should be the other party's territory. He searched all the territory. If the other party found him, he would have to fight with him.

But Chu Anqin didn't mean to leave in a hurry. It was not certain whether there was anyone inside.

Because he found that there was dust on the corridor on the tenth floor, and there was also dust on the security door just now.

It means that the people inside have not come out for a long time, or they have not come back for a long time.

No matter which possibility it is, the owner of the house may have

Chu Anqin took a deep breath, held the crowbar tightly and walked to the door of the house. The metal spear was not easy to use in such a narrow space.


"Is there anyone? I'm here to deliver supplies."

Chu Anqin didn't blush or his heart beat, and he spoke.

Who would deliver supplies to the door now? This is obviously telling the people inside that he has bad intentions.

This is exactly his purpose. If there is someone inside, they will definitely notice it and open the door to fight him or directly warn him to leave.

If no one responds, he will not be polite.

Chu Anqin pricked up his ears to listen to the sound inside.

Half a minute passed, and there was no movement inside.


"Is anyone home? If not, I will go in by myself." Chu Anqin has already determined that there is no one inside.

"I went in!"

He picked up the prying tool and inserted it into the lock seam.

Click, the security door opened with a sound.

Chu Anqin's palms were sweating a little, and he was nervous.

Compared with prying open an uninhabited house, there is no psychological burden to buy it for free.

But this house has a slight possibility that someone lives there, and his behavior really becomes a burglary.

However, in order to find supplies and to live longer, none of this is important.

If there is someone, at most he will apologize, and if that doesn't work, he will run away.

Chu Anqin looked inside. The furniture was neatly arranged and there was a lot of garbage on the floor. Overall, it didn't look like it had been searched, nor did it look like there were any living people.

"What's that smell?"

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the smell of rotting meat and subconsciously looked at the balcony.

There was no iron cage, no black cat.


He covered his mouth and nose and entered the kitchen first according to the old rules.

He opened the refrigerator and saw a few black rotten things. He was too lazy to call up the panel because the system didn't like it.

He opened the cabinets from top to bottom and from left to right.


When he opened the first cabinet below, he saw a bag of open rice at a glance.

He opened the rice bag and smelled the rice. He inherited the memory and emotions of the original owner, and his cerebral cortex hadn't sensed this fragrance for a long time.

He weighed it and it was very light, about one pound.

Chu Anqin hurriedly hid the bag of rice in his schoolbag and zipped it up.

This bag of rice was not spoiled or moldy, and it could be eaten without making compressed biscuits. It was very rare.

He searched the kitchen again, but found nothing else. He went to the living room, but there were no usable supplies either.

"Go to the bedroom."

The master bedroom and the second bedroom were opposite each other. As soon as he approached, the rotten smell rushed into his mouth.

The doors of the two bedrooms were half-closed, and the stench came from the master bedroom.

Chu Anqin originally wanted to check the second bedroom first, but the stench made him feel uncomfortable.

He pushed open the half-closed door of the master bedroom, and what came into his sight was a stinking corpse lying on the ground. The stench was actually the stench of a corpse.

Chu Anqin was scared to death, his scalp was numb, and it was the first time he was so close to a corpse.

"How could he die at home? He clearly had food."

This person must not have starved to death, because he just found rice in the kitchen.

He resisted the nausea and entered the bedroom. The deceased was a man. He had been dead for a long time, and the body was rotten to a high degree, and his appearance could no longer be seen.

The corpse's left hand tightly grasped a piece of paper, the handwriting on it had been blurred by the corpse water caused by the decay of the palm, and the right hand stretched out towards the desk, as if to grab something.

Chu Anqin walked to the desk, where many professional books were stacked, including biology and chemistry.

In addition to these professional books, there were many papers next to them, with something written on them. The content was very messy, with formulas, hand-drawn illustrations, and short text descriptions.

The deceased should be an expert in biology or chemistry, and the content on these papers looked like research results.

There were also several glassware next to the paper, and a bean-sized round bead with unknown purpose.

Chu Anqin didn't know much about biochemistry, limited to what he learned during school, but he still picked up these papers to check:

"Volcano. Iceberg Ancient Virus

Mutation Alien Doomsday Sperm Nucleus Evolution" hand-drawn illustrations with sloppy handwriting.

Chu Anqin's heart was in turmoil, the melting of the iceberg released the ancient virus, and the ancient virus infected humans and animals.

The virus mutated and evolved into a super virus, and the animals went crazy and mutated into aliens.

Up to this point, it was similar to what he knew about the end of the world, but the following text really made him unbelievable.

Chu Anqin picked up the bean-sized round bead on the table, his eyes flickering.

According to the content on the paper, this round bead is called a sperm nucleus, which is bred in a powerful alien species.

The sperm nucleus can improve the structure of life from the genetic level, accelerate the evolution of life and thus mutate, and gain unimaginable power and ability.

He continued to check the content on the paper:

"Sperm nucleus. Evolution of human body absorption"

The deceased was originally a biologist who suffered from a terminal illness. He tried to cure the terminal illness by swallowing sperm nuclei to evolve his body.

But the sperm nucleus itself contains a super virus. If it is swallowed directly, the terminal illness will not be cured, and the patient will definitely be infected with the virus and die first.

Therefore, the man has been looking for a way to solve the super virus on the sperm nucleus.

The alien black cat opposite was raised by the deceased for experimental research.

Unfortunately, the man suddenly fell ill and finally failed to find a solution.

Chu Anqin put the papers back to their original place, stacked them neatly, and looked at the man respectfully.

"Thank you."

A pound of rice, an alien sperm nucleus that accelerates human evolution, and the man's research results are so precious that they cannot be described.

He wanted to bury the man and let him rest in peace.

But the dead are the greatest, and the other party's body is severely rotten, and the limbs will be separated if he moves a little.

Chu Anqin thought about it and felt that it would be better to keep the status quo.

He took a quilt from the cupboard and covered the man's body with it, as if to bury him.

He walked out of the bedroom and locked the door. He was no longer in the mood to search the second bedroom.

He left the house and locked the security door, as a last respect for the man.

Chu Anqin took the sperm nucleus, rice and all the equipment, ran downstairs from the tenth floor, observed for a moment, and ran towards his own building.

This time the harvest was too big, so big that it was beyond imagination.

The doomsday is coming, and alien species are rampant, but this is also an opportunity for humans to get rid of birth, aging, illness and death.

The sperm nucleus can accelerate human evolution, make the human body mutate, have powerful strength, gain special abilities, and get rid of the constraints of the flesh.

Chu Anqin hurriedly ran home, locked the door, put down his equipment, sat down on the sofa, and took out the sperm nucleus.

"Sperm nucleus. Super virus"

He looked at this inconspicuous round bead, and his heart was like a cat scratching, itchy and unbearable.

"You can't eat it, you will die if you eat it!"

Chu Anqin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He felt that what he was holding in his hand was no longer a round bead, but an extremely delicious sugar pill.

Chu Anqin wanted to eat this sperm nucleus in one bite, but reason told him not to eat it, otherwise he would be poisoned to death.

"Is there any way to solve the super virus?"

He grabbed his hair, looking distressed.

He couldn't swallow this sperm nucleus without solving the problem of super virus infection.

However, the super virus that brought human civilization to the brink of destruction was not so easy to solve.

Wanting to swallow this sperm nucleus was like a fantasy.

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