Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 51: Battle against the Rat King (Please read on and give me a recommendation vote)

Chu Anqin and Wang Dongfu moved at the same time, one turned into a silver shadow, and the other turned into a thunder god.

As soon as the two entered the rat group, it was like water dripping into an oil pan, and the rat species exploded instantly.

"Hey, there is still some strength."

Xiong Shi raised his eyebrows, raised his Gatling gun and fired a burst of gunfire. His five team members were not to be outdone and suppressed the rat group with firepower.

Leng Shuang frowned and moved quickly between the buildings, approaching the rat king at a high speed.

Chi Chi!

The rat king made a strange cry, and the first-level peak alien species seemed to be bewitched, with red eyes, followed by a roar and attacking Leng Shuang.

The remaining three first-level ordinary alien species ran towards Chu Anqin and Wang Dongfu.

When Chu Anqin opened the "gui step", the rat species could not touch him at all, and even the three first-level rats could only be fooled.

Swish swish swish!

Each shot of the silver spear took away several rat species, and the corpses around him piled up quickly.

Looking at Xiong Shi again, he held four first-level peak alien species by himself, and Gatling had thrown them to who knows where, and replaced them with a pair of giant hammers, swinging them wildly.

In between, he looked like a giant bear.

The ordinary mutant rats were smashed into meat paste, and the first-level peak alien species were also smashed and dodged wildly.

However, Xiong Shi and his five team members were just there to keep the peace, and Leng Shuang was the main force of this battle.

Chu Anqin didn't feel much pressure to kill ordinary mutant rats, and he had the leisure to look at Leng Shuang elegantly.

Leng Shuang was wearing a black tights, and her perfect figure was fully highlighted.

However, the next second, Leng Shuang's face was cold, and a thin frost mist suddenly appeared all over her body.

Before Chu Anqin could react, the frost mist quickly condensed into countless ice cones and shot towards the blue rat beast.

"Frost ability?"

Chu Anqin's blood vessels in his temples jumped wildly, and his whole body shivered unconsciously. This ability was really like his personality, cold to the bone.

Just as he was secretly amazed at the frost ability, a chill rushed to his head, and an ice cone suddenly shot out of thin air.


Chu Anqin only felt that the air around him was solidifying. Without thinking, he activated the 'stealth step' ability and narrowly avoided the ice cone.

But the mutant rats behind him suffered. One was hit by the ice cone and penetrated directly through the body, freezing it from the inside out.

The other rats next to this mutant rat were also not spared. The cold air carried by the ice cone also froze them into ice sculptures, and then they were smashed into ice chips by their companions.

Chu Anqin's scalp was numb and his feet were cold.

These ice cones were not aimed at him, but they seemed to be a warning.

He looked at the frost beauty angrily, and happened to collide with Leng Shuang's murderous eyes.

Leng Shuang glanced at him coldly, without any expression.

Xiong Shi also noticed the situation here, but just frowned slightly and continued to swing and hit the mouse mutant.

Chu Anqin felt cold in his heart. The reason why he looked at Leng Shuang was nothing more than curiosity about the other party's frost ability. As for other things, he really didn't care too much.

His figure was illusory, and he stabbed a few mutant rats with one shot.

The other party was an official, with a large number of people and frost ability, and he didn't want to have a conflict.

Moreover, these mutant rats, with the strength of him and Wang Dongfu, could not be wiped out, and they had to rely on these people together.

Then, he stabbed a few more to death, and then changed his position, alert to the ice cones in the void.

In this way, five or six times in a row, he killed mutant rats while guarding against these official people who appeared.

Leng Shuang shot an ice cone, but he was secretly shocked in his heart. That person was so agile that he could actually shuttle through the rats with speed.

But just a moment of shock, the rats surrounded him again.

Leng Shuang frowned slightly and retracted his gaze.

Frost condensed around Leng Shuang, and countless ice cones shot at the rats like raindrops.

The first to bear the brunt were the four first-level peak alien species guarding the 'Double-eyed Green-haired Rat King'.

Ding Ding Ding.

These ice cones were not only hard and sharp, but also carried a terrifying icy aura.

Even if the four first-level peak alien species relied on the defensive power of their fur to withstand the physical damage of the ice cones, the moment the ice cones fell to the ground, the cold air surged and dispersed.

In just a blink of an eye, the ground around the 'Double-eyed Green-haired Rat King' and the four first-level peak alien species condensed into an ice surface, and the frozen surface expanded rapidly.

Squeak Squeak Squeak

The alien limbs also formed ice at a speed visible to the naked eye under the invasion of the terrifying cold air.


Is this the frost ability?

Chu Anqin was more than a hundred meters away, and was directly frightened by Leng Shuang's move and broke into a cold sweat.

He glanced at Leng Shuang with lingering fear, secretly thanking himself for not rushing up and clashing with the other party.

Chirp, chirp.

The four first-level peak alien rats were obviously frozen, screaming continuously, and even the 'Double-eyed Green-haired Rat King' was fleeing madly.

"Captain Xiong!" Leng Shuang was extremely cold, and shouted at Xiong Shi.

Xiong Shi understood, swung his giant hammer to smash the aliens, and rushed towards the four first-level peak aliens with frozen limbs.

Boom, boom, boom!

With a few deafening noises, Xiong Shi killed a slightly smaller one with one hammer, licked his lips, and excitedly smashed the other three.

The result is imaginable, the remaining three can only become targets, and were smashed to death by Xiong Shi's three hammers.

Half of the eight guard beasts of the 'Double-eyed Green-haired Rat King' were lost in an instant, and the remaining four were also suppressed by the firepower of Xiong Shi's team.

Compared with Chu Anqin's rapid-fire pistol, the thermal weapons of Xiong Shi's team are much less powerful, and most of them are pre-doomsday equipment.

It's barely enough to shoot ordinary mutant mice, but it can't penetrate the fur of advanced mutants and can only be suppressed.

The bear stone killed four first-order peak mutants, and the team's momentum instantly reached its peak, with excitement on every team member's face.

The beautiful eyes of Leng Shuang, who have always been as cold as ice, twinkled.

"How strong is this?"

Chu Anqin was shocked by Xiong Shi's terrifying giant hammer. He couldn't even think about killing four first-order peak mutants with four hammers.

"It's off the mark!"

He stabbed the mutated mouse in front of him with one shot, but his eyes followed Xiong Shi and Leng Shuang closely.


At this moment, a familiar harsh voice sounded out of thin air.

Chu Anqin's heart skipped a beat and he quickly covered his ears.

This sound was too familiar to him. When he escaped from the underground garage earlier, he was shaken by this sound and his head was pounding.

But Team Xiong Shi and Leng Shuang were in dire straits. The roar of the 'Two-Eyed Blue-haired Rat King' was sharp and harsh, and it also had a mental shock effect.

Leng Shuang is the closest and can withstand the strongest sonic attack.

Her body trembled, her head felt like needles pricking her head, and her consciousness fell into chaos.

In the void, a cyan afterimage approached her very quickly.

The 'Two-Eyed Green-haired Rat King' has a very high IQ and knows that the greatest threat to it from everyone present is the humans who control the frost.

As soon as Leng Shuang regained consciousness, she saw the 'Double-Eyed Green-haired Rat King' opening its bloody mouth and biting straight towards him.

It was so close that she couldn't dodge.

"Are you going to die?"

Pain flashed across Leng Shuang's face, and frost appeared on his hands, but it was too late.

call out!

A silver dragon suddenly shot out, and the alloy spear was thrown by Chu Anqin with all his strength, while he himself activated the 'Sneak Step'.


Youlong hit the cyan afterimage, and before Leng Shuang understood what happened, he felt a pair of big hands appear on his waist.

Then, she felt like she was being hugged by someone, the wind was roaring in her ears, and a strong feeling of weightlessness came.

dong dong

Chu Anqin quickly backed up with Leng Shuang in his arms, until they hit a building and both of them fell to the ground.

The man who controls the power of frost must not die, otherwise no one will be able to contain the crazy rats.

Chu An and Qin were so stunned that their minds were buzzing.

Using the 'Sneak Step' to the extreme will put a huge strain on the body.

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