Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 34 Who is the cicada and who is the sparrow? (Please read, recommend, and collect)

"Brother Wang, stay away!"

Chu Anqin shouted loudly, and without caring about exposing his position, the wind blew under his feet and he rushed out of his hiding place.

Wang Dongfu was half a beat too slow to react, and the rain-like gravel suddenly fell from the sky and hit Wang Dongfu.

Bah, bah, bah.

A tooth-ache-inducing electromagnetic sound exploded around Wang Dongfu, and all the sudden gravel was intercepted by his power grid and turned into gravel.

Chu Anqin's mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't help but marvel in his heart. He didn't expect Wang Dongfu's power grid to have such a terrifying defensive effect.


However, before he could take a breath, the tabby cat mutant suddenly jumped out of the darkness and clawed at his neck with its steel claws.

Whether it was the alien species of the tabby cat or the alien species of the sparrow in the sky, it seemed that the two of them had long been discovered hiding here.

The two alien species seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding, and they actually attacked Chu Anqin and Wang Dongfu at the same time.


The alien sparrow flapped its huge wings again, and suddenly a strong wind blew, causing sand and rocks to fly.

Wang Dongfu was protected by a power grid. Although he was pushed back repeatedly by the impact, not a single stone could get close to him. For a moment, Chu Anqin was in danger.

Chu Anqin was seen dancing the spear, using all his experience in using the spear during this period. The spear was danced so tightly that he could barely block the tabby cat alien species.

In the two rounds of collision, neither the alien nor Chu Anqin took advantage, and the two sides fell into an anxious confrontation.

Chu Anqin snorted coldly, seized this rare opportunity to breathe, quickly distanced himself from the tabby cat alien, and then took out his rapid-fire pistol.


Two shots were fired, flames burst out, and bullets shot out from the muzzle.


The Tabby Cat's agility advantage was once again on display. It quickly dodged between buildings and easily dodged two bullets.

Chu Anqin's pupils shrank. He knew that the tabby cat was as fast as a ghost, but he didn't expect that he could avoid it twice in a row.

It seems that this tabby cat was hiding when it was fighting with the big yellow and white dog.

He took the opportunity to look at Wang Dongfu, and several blue arcs shot out from his palms. Even the sparrow mutants who had the advantage in the air could only passively dodge and did not dare to directly connect.

What surprised him the most was that Wang Dongfu's own power grid made him invincible in defense. No matter how the sparrow aliens adjusted their attacks, it seemed to be in vain, as the power grid blocked them tightly.

Relying on his invincible defense, Wang Dongfu launched arc attacks wildly, and even occasionally ejected a small electric grid. The sparrow alien couldn't dodge, and the edges of its feathers were burnt a bit.

Chu Anqin had a grimace on his face and said that he was lying if he said he wasn't envious. If he had this kind of ability, he would be able to shoot one of the different species of tabby cats and sparrows.

But now, the tabby cat no longer gave him a chance to think. The tabby cat alien, which had dodged two bullets, once again launched its ghostly movement, shuttled through the building, and quickly approached him.

"Hmph, you forced me!"

When did Chu Anqin cross over like this? He couldn't compare to Wang Dongfu, who had only awakened his powers for a day. He took out two armor-piercing bullets from his pocket.


There was a loud bang that resounded throughout the world, not from a rapid-fire pistol, but from an explosion caused by an armor-piercing bullet hitting an abandoned car. The whole street was shaking, and the center of the explosion was blazing with flames.

"I told you not to force me!"

Chu Anqin was in high spirits and blew the muzzle of the still smoking rapid-fire pistol.

The power of armor-piercing bullets never disappoints. Before the Tabby Cat Alien could escape, he predicted the Tabby Cat Alien's next landing position, pulled the trigger, and hit the abandoned car and the Tabby Cat Alien that had just settled.

His eyes penetrated the smoke, and there was no surprise. The Tabby Cat Alien was exploded by him with one shot. The body was roasting in the fire, motionless. It was obvious that the explosion just killed the speed monster.

The terrifying explosion frightened the sparrow aliens in the sky. Even Wang Dongfu was so frightened that he retreated, thinking that the sparrow aliens had used some big move against him.

When Wang Dongfu retreated from a distance of more than two meters, he realized that the explosion just now was caused by Chu Anqin's bombardment of the tabby cat mutant, and he was relieved.

However, just in this moment of delay, the alien sparrow in the sky flapped its giant wings and tried to escape.

Chu Anqin hurriedly shouted: "Brother Wang, shock it!"

This sparrow mutant is the first flying mutant he has encountered, and its strength is not much worse than that of a tabby cat. The sperm core contained in its body must be of very high quality.

Wang Dongfu stabilized his body, his thoughts surged, and he reached directly to the energy converter behind his back with one hand.

In an instant, Wang Dongfu heard a crackling sound of electricity all over his body, and then the metal spear in his hand was coiled with electric snakes.

"Arc gun!"

With a roar, he threw the 'arc gun' like a javelin.


The 'arc gun' streaked through the sky like lightning and thunder, and the bursts of firecracker-like muffled sounds made people's scalp numb.

The sparrow's ability to sense danger is extremely strong. When the 'arc gun' was launched, it had already flown dozens of meters away and was about to escape the range.

How could Chu Anqin let this alien species go? He quickly replaced it with ordinary bullets and shot three times at the sparrow alien species.

The sparrow opened its eyes like a snake on its back and moved like a snake in the air. Its huge body was so flexible that none of the three bullets hit it.

Just when he thought the sparrow was about to escape, the 'arc gun' suddenly erupted with dazzling light, and the three electric snakes exerted their power for the second time from the coiled state, separated from the surface of the gun body, and shot towards the sparrow alien species.

Wang Dongfu's face was pale, and his hands were making gestures in the air to control three electric snakes to chase the sparrow mutants, which seemed very difficult.

The speed of the electric current was so fast that in the blink of an eye he could catch up with the alien sparrow that he thought had escaped from birth.

Then there was an explosion, and the sparrow was directly entangled by three electric snakes.

Bang bang bang.

When the electric arc came into contact with the sparrow's feathers, a dazzling light immediately erupted. The electric current instantly spread over most of the sparrow's body, but it did not cause a stronger explosion or directly electrocute the sparrow.

In order to allow the arc to catch up with the sparrow mutants, Wang Dongfu only extracted three arcs with low voltage in an emergency.

Although the three electric arcs entangled the sparrow alien species, they did not cause enough damage to cause substantial damage to it.

Just when Chu Anqin thought that the hunt was going to fail, the sparrow alien suddenly stiffened, and before it could close its flapping wings, its whole body fell rapidly from the air.

"Paralysis effect!"

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up. He had forgotten that Wang Dongfu's electricity control power not only had an attacking effect, but also had a strong paralysis effect.

A smile appeared on Wang Dongfu's face, he did it.

The two looked at each other and trotted to the spot where the sparrow fell to the ground.

"Brother Wang, you are awesome, you have mastered the power of controlling electricity so quickly!"

Chu Anqin couldn't help but admire that Wang Dongfu was so dazzling this time. If he faced this sparrow mutant alone, he would most likely be run away by it.

"It's not bad. After all, I've been a plumber for more than ten years, so I still have some understanding of electricity."

The two ran to the sparrow mutant. The paralysis effect caused the big bird to lose its mobility. One of its wings seemed to have been severely damaged by the fall just now, and its feathers fell to the ground.

Chu Anqin picked up the metal spear and aimed it at the sparrow's head.


With the hand raised and the gun lowered, this sparrow's alien head blossomed.

"The sperm core is obtained!"

In the new book issue, everyone’s follow-up reading, recommendation votes, and collection are very important. Thank you for your little hands that make a fortune.

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