Swish, swish, swish!

The sky was full of flying feathers!

Countless metal blades shot out from the invisible space.

"Not good!"

A sense of life and death crisis surged in Yamaguchi's heart again.

"Behind him!"

Suddenly, he sensed the direction of danger.

The black fog surged, and the evil ghost skeleton condensed into shape in an instant.


Bang, bang, bang!



The metal blades passed through the evil ghost skeleton and Yamaguchi like raindrops.

Then, there was a strange silence.

Looking at Yamaguchi again, the black fog retreated, and his body was full of blood holes, like a sieve.


Yamaguchi's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

A level 7 ordinary being killed by a level 6 superpower?


However, the severe pain from his body forced him to accept this fact.

Then, his head became dizzy, his consciousness blurred, and his body fell heavily to the ground.

Below, Jiang Cai tutted his lips, "Old Chu, you call this a try?"

"It's obviously a crush."

From beginning to end, Yamaguchi couldn't find Old Chu's position.

He just blocked Old Chu's first move, and was killed in the second move.

If this isn't a crush, what is it?

"Awesome!" Jiang Cai couldn't find an adjective to express his shock.

Level 7, Yamaguchi is still a level 7 ordinary, and he was killed just like that?

I can only say that it's far from the truth!

Chu Anqin put away the invisible space and fell from the air.

"Old Jiang, don't stand there, go pick up the box."

He pointed at the horrible corpse of Yamaguchi next to him and said in a flat tone.

According to his original plan, 'Sky Flying Feathers' could only seriously injure Yamaguchi at most, and he would need 'Water Wave Devouring Sword Technique' to make up for it.

'The Sky Flying Feathers of [Devouring Four Wings], plus the Dark Erosion Qi, can kill a level 7 ordinary in seconds, not bad'

This move can basically be regarded as one of his killer moves.

Old Jiang circled around Chu Anqin, his eyes flickering.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just want to watch and worship our Chu War God from a close distance." Jiang Cai said with a smile.


Chu Anqin was speechless, "Do you want to touch the box? I'll do it myself."

"No, no, I'll do it."

Jiang Cai rushed to the body of Yamaguchi in one step and began to explore skillfully.

Back in the ancient ruins of the Silver Blue Empire, he was responsible for picking up boxes and other aftermath work, and now he is more and more skilled.

There is also a trace of excitement and expectation.

After all, Old Chu killed high-level aliens and psychics, and he can always find some surprises.

After a while, Jiang Cai counted the spoils.

"Sixth-level essence core. Twenty-seven" Jiang Cai felt dry mouth.

Twenty-three sixth-level essence cores, if used by a fifth-level peak psychic who has practiced the "Earth Core Evolution Method", can create twenty-three sixth-level psychics.

Even if they follow the way Lao Chu evolves to the sixth level, three sixth-level essence cores can also allow nine fifth-level peak psychics to evolve to the sixth level.

However, this is not the most shocking part for Jiang Cai. His right palm is sweating, and on the palm is an essence core that looks higher in quality.


"Lao Chu's seventh-level essence core"

Chu Anqin, who was observing the giant stone gate, raised his eyebrows and saw the seventh-level essence core in Jiang Cai's hand.


"Lao Jiang, I'll take the seventh-level essence core. As for the sixth-level essence core, give me twelve, and you take the remaining fifteen."

The two of them always have a tacit understanding. Chu Anqin takes what he needs, and the rest is compensated to Jiang Cai and then divided equally.

"Okay." Jiang Cai didn't waste any words and divided twelve sixth-level essence cores for Chu Anqin.

He was just curious about the seventh-level essence core and had no intention of taking it greedily.

Without Chu Anqin, there would be no sixth-level Jiang Cai. He was very grateful to Chu Anqin in his heart and never cared about the distribution of spoils.

Old Chu was able to share his essence with him because he regarded Jiang Cai as a comrade-in-arms and a good friend.

Even if he didn't share one, he wouldn't have any complaints.

"Old Chu, can you see anything in the giant stone door?" Jiang Cai carefully put away the essence and came to the giant stone door.

Chu Anqin shook his head and said, "It looks like a door frame made of ordinary stone."

As he said that, he went straight through the door frame.

Jiang Cai heard it and followed through the door frame without any strange phenomena or obstacles.

Then, he turned back from the other side of the stone door, and nothing happened.

After going back and forth several times, the stone door frame was ordinary.

"Old Chu, it seems that only people who have practiced the evolution method can trigger the vortex when they approach."

Jiang Cai said, holding up the Earth Warrior.


The Earth Warrior whistled down and hit the stone door frame heavily.

Suddenly, the stone fragments on the stone door burst out.

Chu Anqin's eyes changed slightly, looking at the position where the Earth Warrior bombarded.

The surface rocks were blown away, revealing a metallic luster.

"Hey, what is this?"


Jiang Cai attacked again, exposing a larger area.


"It's so hard, it didn't leave any traces."

Jiang Cai's two attacks only blew away the rocks on the surface of the stone gate, but the metal material of the main body was not affected at all.

Chu Anqin narrowed his eyes, stared at the metal of the stone gate, and reached out to touch it.

'This material and touch. It seems to be the same as the material of the strange hexagonal prism found under the Sakura Volcano Cliff.'

The hardness that can withstand the attack of the sixth-level Jiang Cai and the Earth Warrior is impossible to create with the current human technology.

Besides, both of them were related to the Sakura Country, so he had reason to suspect that the metal used in the stone gate was the same as the red hexagonal prism under the Sakura Volcano Cliff.

‘I wonder if this stone gate can be pried away.’

This metal is extremely hard, and even a sixth-level superpower cannot leave a mark on it. It can be said to be a super metal with a wide range of uses.

He had tried to take away the hexagonal prism under the Sakura Volcano Cliff, but he couldn’t get it after digging a thousand meters underground.

“Old Jiang, try to see if you can destroy it.” Chu Anqin thought, if you can destroy it, you can take it away.

“Okay, this thing will cause a lot of trouble if you keep it, watch me destroy it!”

Jiang Cai nodded, his eyes flashing with ferocity.

Bang bang bang!

The Earth Warriors rained down and bombarded the stone gate.

The gray stones used to cover the surface of the stone gate were soon blown away, and the entire stone gate could no longer be called an ancient ‘stone gate’.

It was a huge metal gate that exuded the atmosphere of technological civilization everywhere.


Jiang Cai, who had transformed into a giant, attacked again. The metal gate made a deafening sound, but it remained motionless.

"Old Chu, I can't fight anymore. You come for a while." Jiang Cai sat down on the ground and took out two bottles of improved hunting wine to restore his strength.

Chu Anqin nodded, [Telekinetic Arc] 1:16.

In an instant, the metal gate was full of lightning.

Clang clang clang!

Sixteen telekinetic arc knives attacked the metal gate in all directions.

However, when the round of attack was over, the metal gate still did not leave a trace.

"Fuck, Old Chu's attack can't leave a trace?"

Jiang Cai was shocked. He had seen those flying knives. The terrifying attack that killed the seventh-level mechanical blue fairy crow in seconds could not leave a trace on the metal gate!

What is the origin of this metal gate? It's too hard.

Chu Anqin's face was dark, "Old Jiang, stay away. I'll see if I can dig out the metal gate by the roots!"

Jiang Cai's expression changed and he hurriedly retreated a hundred meters away.

Old Chu, it seems, is going to be serious.

Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and the sixteen arc knives formed a cone.


The cone [telepathic arc] drilled directly into the rock below the giant metal door.

Boom boom boom!

The ground shook slightly, and the sound of rock breaking was deafening.

The cone [telepathic arc] continued to dig along the giant metal door.

One hundred meters deep, three hundred meters deep, seven hundred meters, one thousand meters, two thousand meters, five thousand meters

'Damn, it's exactly the same as the hexagonal prism under the cliff of Sakura Country, there's no end to digging! '

Chu Anqin had a dark face, followed closely behind the cone [telepathic arc], and continued to go deeper.

The height of the exposed giant metal door was only more than thirty meters, who would have thought that it was buried five thousand meters underground, and more than that.

The cone [telepathic arc] was still going deeper.

Five thousand meters, eight thousand meters, ten thousand meters

"Old Chu, let's forget it."

Jiang Cai recovered his physical strength and entered the deep pit.

Chu Anqin took out a bottle of red fruit wine to restore his strength, then looked at the rock layer below, hesitated for a moment, "Well, forget it."

The two returned to land, and Jiang Cai asked: "What should we do now?"

What should we do?

Chu Anqin looked thoughtful. He came to Black Mist Lightning Island to hunt for sixth-level and seventh-level essence cores, and of course he continued to hunt alien species.

"Let's go. We can't destroy this giant metal gate for the time being."

Jiang Cai looked at the giant metal gate and then at the deep pit he dug, "Are we just going to ignore it?"

"I can't care." Chu Anqin said, "Let's improve our strength as soon as possible."

Jiang Cai thought for a moment, nodded, and said:

"It feels like a storm is coming.

Oh, no! You killed all the people in the mountain pass. Is this giant metal gate ineffective?"

"Not necessarily."

"How about a try?"

"Okay, to the south, there are two sixth-level life forms and more than twenty fifth-level peak life forms approaching. Let's hide first!"

Chu Anqin and Jiang Cai flashed and disappeared directly on the spot.

About five minutes later, a group of more than 20 people came to the vicinity of the giant metal gate carefully.

"It's the Northern Bear Country, Gayevich and the Black and Red Country, Yesenin!" Jiang Cai whispered, "That Gayevich had chased Commander-in-Chief Ye before."

"If they go about a hundred meters forward, they will enter the range where the vortex was triggered before, sucking away Commander-in-Chief Peng and Commander-in-Chief Ye."

Chu Anqin didn't speak, his eyes locked on more than 20 people.

"There's something, be alert!" Gayevich kept alert, passed through the dense forest, and finally saw the giant metal gate.

Yesenin and more than 20 fifth-level peak superpowers instantly used weapons and superpowers.

"No, it seems to be a giant metal gate." Yesenin was also at the sixth level, and soon found that the front was not an alien species, but a giant metal gate.

Gayevich also saw the situation ahead clearly at this time.

"Let's go and take a look."

The group of more than 20 people quickened their pace and approached the giant metal gate.

Just as they approached the giant gate within 300 meters, the giant metal gate suddenly flashed with light.

Then, a huge black vortex suddenly condensed in the sky.

The black vortex appeared out of thin air without any signs.

"That's it, exactly the same as before!" Jiang Cai exclaimed in a low voice.

More than 20 people including Gayevich and Yesenin felt an unparalleled terrifying suction force the moment the black vortex appeared.

"Oh no, there's a trap!" Gayevich shouted angrily, and all his supernatural powers were activated to resist the suction force of the black vortex.


"Save me!"


In just one breath, more than 20 level 5 peak psychics were all sucked away by the black vortex.

Gayevich and Yesenin only held on for a breath, and were sucked away soon after.

The metal gate returned to normal, the black vortex in the sky disappeared, and everything was as if nothing had happened.

Chu Anqin and Jiang Cai looked at each other, then flew out of hiding and came to the position of Gayevich and Yesenin.

There was no stream of light on the metal gate, and there was no black vortex in the sky, nothing abnormal.

"Old Chu, it seems that this black vortex can only be triggered by people who practice the evolution method, and it has nothing to do with that mountain pass."

Jiang Cai checked around and found no trace of ownership.

Chu Anqin also patrolled around, and the result was the same.

"Old Jiang, let's go, let's go and hunt for essence cores."

After a moment of silence, the two had no choice but to leave the center of the island and began to hunt alien species on the Black Mist Lightning Island.

In the following time, the two frantically hunted level 5 and level 6 alien species, and the number of essence cores soared.

As for the seventh-order alien species, Chu Anqin searched the giant island but did not encounter one.

He guessed that the seventh-order alien species in the center of the island might be the seventh-order mechanical blue fairy crow, which was actually a sixth-order alien species.

During this period, the two occasionally circled back to the metal giant gate in the center of the island and saw several foreign psychics being sucked away by the black vortex.

Jiang Cai originally wanted to remind the psychics of various countries, but after trying to remind a team of psychics from a small country, the other party not only did not retreat, but rushed into the center of the island, thinking there was some treasure.

As a result, of course, they were all sucked away by the black vortex.

Again, no one would believe his reminder.

After hunting a large number of sixth-order alien species, the two evolved to the peak of the sixth order.

After evolving to the peak of the sixth order, Jiang Cai chose to continue hunting high-level essence cores on the Black Mist Lightning Island to accumulate for the Jianghai Alliance.

Chu Anqin took time out and returned to Jiangcheng with thousands of fifth-level alien blood and flesh essence cores, as well as more than two hundred sixth-level alien blood and flesh and sixth-level essence cores.

"First, cultivate the gorilla, the wolf king, Dabai, and Xiaojin to the sixth level."

He flew directly to the north of Jiangcheng, received all the four alien pets in the [Primary Spiritual Breath Space], and put a large number of fifth-level and sixth-level alien blood and flesh essence cores.

In the spiritual breath space, there are rats led by Xiao Qingzi, as well as three sea beasts, megalodon, giant octopus, and sea turtle.

Xiao Qingzi and the three sea beasts were cultivated and evolved to the sixth level as early as when he was hunting the sixth-level aliens.

Xiao Qingzi, this guy, was cultivated to the peak of the sixth level by him.

After dealing with the alien pets, he returned to Jiangcheng.

"Now we have the most fifth-level essence cores, and we can give some to Commander Nie and his team.

We can also make some [Intermediate Gene Unlocking Agent] for evolving to the fifth level. We have extracted a lot of intermediate spiritual liquid from the red snake fruit during this period."

Time flies, and the Jianghai Alliance is developing rapidly.

Yang Lisheng, Leng Shuang, Ji Cheng, Guo Haiji and others have evolved to the peak of the fifth level with the accumulation of high-level essence cores.

Xiao Ya, Nie Yuan, and Wang Dongfu broke through the sixth level with the help of [Advanced Gene Unlocking Agent] and evolved to the peak of the sixth level.

In the absence of practicing the evolution method, the number of sixth-level psychics in the Jianghai Alliance, including Chu Anqin and Jiang Cai, is five.

The number of fifth-level psychics is even more exaggerated, with more than 200 people.

Afterwards, Jiang Cai provided a lot of sixth-level essence cores and asked Chu Anqin to make two [Advanced Gene Unlocking Agents]. Ji Cheng and Guo Haiji evolved to the sixth level.

The number of sixth-level psychics in the Jianghai Alliance has reached seven.

In contrast to the Jianghai Alliance, the situation in various countries is getting worse and worse.

Thanks to 2022047 for the monthly ticket!!

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