Chu Anqin took a closer look and saw a row of fiery red plants growing on the edge of the cliff, with red fruits hanging on them.


Fiery red fruit?

Chu Anqin's heart suddenly beat faster.

The plants growing in this desperate place are most likely some kind of natural treasure.

Just as he reacted slightly, the red scale creature had already jumped under a plant, bumped into it, and opened its mouth to catch several red fruits.

After the crimson scale creature swallowed several red fruits, it started running wildly along the edge of the cliff.

"Life strength is recovering quickly!"

Chu Anqin's mind moved, and he saw that the life intensity of the red dot belonging to the strange creature on the screen was soaring.

After killing all the way just now, although the crimson scale creature is not dead, its life strength has dropped to the second level. A few more attacks can make it drop to the first level.

But in the blink of an eye, after the crimson scale creature devoured several fiery red fruits, its life strength bottomed out.

Looking at the crimson scale creature itself, its originally broken body is rapidly recovering and healing at this moment.

"It must be some kind of natural treasure!"

Chu Anqin's breathing was a little rapid. He glanced at the plants and fruits on the edge of the cliff, and then fixed his gaze on the creature that was already running on the cliff.

"This creature is very strange. There are obviously several fiery red fruit plants that can be eaten, but after devouring a few, it directly escapes.

It's like, on the cliff, there is something greater than my attack threat."

"Forget it, let's deal with this creature first!"

He raised his right hand slightly, and dark black gas appeared in the palm of his hand. It was the power that had evolved to the fifth level of awakening - the gas of darkness.

The energy of darkness gathers on the [Destroying Cannon].


The scorching beam of light shot out with the devouring and corrosive power, heading straight for the crimson scale creature at the peak of the fifth level.

Bang bang!

With just one blow, less than half of the red scale creature's body was reduced to ashes, and a huge deep pit appeared at the location of the bombardment.


The creature with red scales howled in pain and struggled wildly in the pit.

However, the cave lit up, and three [Erosion Cannons] carrying the energy of darkness hit the deep pit.

Boom boom boom——

The sound was so deafening that the entire volcanic cave seemed to be shaking.

Looking at the deep pit, there are no creatures with red scales anywhere.


Chu Anqin fell to the ground, seriousness flashed on his face.

He originally didn't want to use this move.

The [Erosion Cannon] strengthened by the aura of darkness is so powerful that it is basically a destructive existence.

The fifth-level peak life form was hit, but no bones were left, which was inconsistent with his original wishes.

He hunted these crimson-scaled creatures to collect the Fire Spirit Mysterious Gold. How could he collect it since there were no bones left?

However, this special life form at the peak of the fifth level has too strong vitality. If it cannot be destroyed as a whole, it will be difficult to kill.

[Psychic Arc] Single target penetration is strong, but somewhat restrained.

Chu Anqin took a few steps to the deep pit to search.

"Since Fire Essence Mysterious Gold is a special metal that cannot be melted even at high temperatures, the high-energy energy of [Destroyer Cannon] may not necessarily be able to destroy it."

After a few minutes of searching, he actually found a thumb-sized piece of Fire Spirit Mysterious Gold.

"As expected."

He breathed a sigh of relief, spending so long hunting was not in vain.

After putting away the piece of fire spirit mysterious gold, he did not rush back to collect the corpses of the nineteen fifth-order red scale creatures, but came to the edge of the cliff.

As he got closer, he could clearly see the plants he had seen before.

This is a plant three to four meters high, with a thick trunk and spreading red lines. Each plant has three to five branches.

There is either no red fire fruit on a branch, or there is at least one fruit on a branch.

Just when he was observing whether these plants could be transplanted into the [primary spiritual space], he suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

"Under the cliff!"

Chu Anqin's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and he turned sideways to look down the cliff.

It was dark and nothing could be seen clearly.

"What's down there?"

Just one glance, and he felt the hairs on his hair stand on end, and a chill came over him.

"Something's wrong, leave quickly!"

Chu Anqin did not dare to raise his eyebrows, so he summoned the [Destroying Sword], directly split the rocks under the two plants, and put the roots and stems into the [Primary Spiritual Breath Space].

Then, he returned the same way at an extremely fast speed, collected the bodies of the nineteen crimson-scaled creatures, and flew towards the exit regardless of whether there were enough.

However, just as he flew below the crater exit, that palpitating feeling hit him again.

When he turned around, he saw two figures jumping out of the darkness, blocking his way.

Chu Anqin's pupils narrowed slightly, and the two figures were very familiar.

"Nanga, the country of Ganga! Batlan, the White Eagle Federation country!"

"They... I killed with my own hands, how could it be?!"

He was extremely shocked. These two people were killed by him during the last war in Sakura Country, and they were the ones whose heads were cut off by him. How could they appear here?

Ganga Kingdom Nanjia and White Eagle Federal Kingdom Batlan were suspended in mid-air, blocking his retreat.

The two were wearing black battle clothes, their faces were as pale as gray, their eyes were white, without any other color, and their whole bodies exuded a strong aura of death.

Chu Anqin stood suspended, with sixteen telekinesis arc knives circling around him.

"This aura of the living dead is very similar to Madara from Sakura Country who suddenly resurrected!"

He had a bad feeling in his heart.

It's surprising enough that Madara is resurrected inexplicably, but Nanga and Bartland, who have been beheaded now, are actually resurrected intact, which is extremely weird.

"There must be someone behind it! Who is it? Can resurrect and control fifth-level superpowers"

Dead supernatural beings are resurrected one after another, and there is definitely someone behind it.

And he must be a very powerful person.

Chu Anqin stared at the red dot on the screen.

"The sixth level for the first time! Both of them have the life strength of the sixth level for the first time!!"


The palpitations became more intense.

Before he killed Nanjia from the Ganga Kingdom and Butland from the White Eagle Federation, one was an ordinary fifth-level warrior and the other was just entering the fifth-level state.

But now, the life detection system shows that the two people in front of him have sixth-level life strength!

Level six!

Chu Anqin frowned and his expression changed again and again.

He never thought that the first and second level six life forms he encountered were actually two strange people who were killed by him and then resurrected inexplicably.

When dealing with Madara Tu, the 'Psychic Cone Sting' directly failed, and these two people may also be immune to telepathic attacks.

It cannot be said that it is immune, but it is ignored.

Chu Anqin guessed that they had no so-called spiritual power at all, and were more like walking zombies, some kind of puppets.

"Hanxia Kingdom, Chu Anqin, we meet again." Nanjia and Bartlan laughed eerily at the same time.

The sound echoed in the volcanic cave and lingered for a long time, creating a cold feeling in the entire cave.

"Meet again?"

Chu Anqin raised his brows. As expected, these two people were no longer the same person. The last time Bantu was resurrected, it was probably the manipulator behind them.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, and with a thought, the aura of erosion in his right hand attached to the [Psychic Arc], and sixteen telepathic arc knives shot out.

No matter if you are a human or a ghost, fight first and then talk.

Just how powerful is the power of the telekinetic arc sword strengthened by the energy of darkness? Let's try it with these two people.

Can a person with sixth-level powers for the first time block the aura of darkness?

However, just when the telekinetic arc blade was about to hit the two of them, Nanga and Bartlan mysteriously disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the space at the bottom of the volcano was twisted and turned upside down, and a familiar scene appeared again.

Turn space upside down!

That’s not all!

The wind and snow are howling, and the sky is freezing cold.

Bartland's unique move, Icewind Land!

Inverted space plus the ice wind land used by Bartlan who suddenly evolved to the sixth level.

Chu Anqin's expression remained unchanged, staring at the two people who reappeared not far away.

At this time, Bartlan controlled the wind and snow, condensing two huge ice tornadoes in front of him.

On the side of Nanjia, a huge, ferocious Rakshasa-like shadow with golden light appeared out of thin air behind him.

The next moment, two ice tornadoes roared out, and in mid-air, the phantom of Rakshasa covered the sky and knocked its palms down.

The world was turned upside down, and the two sixth-level superpowers' ultimate moves were extremely fierce.

Wherever the ice tornado went, the rock and lava were frozen and blown into powder by the strong wind.

Under the palm of Rakshasa, terrifying pressure swept across, and the air seemed to be compressed to a point.

Chu Anqin's pupils shrank slightly, his right hand raised high, and the 'Erosion of Darkness' attached to the [Destroying Cannon].



The first hot beam that distorted the space was shot out, directly punching a big hole in the shadow of Rakshasa's palm that was knocked down in the void.

The second shot forced a hot passage between the two ice tornadoes.

He dodged, and the 'stealth space' opened. Following the hot passage, the 'eclipse air' attached to the [Devouring Sword].

‘Power Explosion’, ‘Sneak Step’, ‘Stealth Space’, and ‘Erosion’, the four major powers are activated at the same time.

With a flash of cold light, he instantly passed through the ice tornado and came to the two of them.

There was not much expression on the pale faces of Nanga and Butland, but their figures suddenly retreated at this moment.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The shadow of the knife is heavy.

In an instant, he swung out ten swords from the [Eating Sword] blessed by the 'Erosion of Darkness'.

Water Wave Devouring Sword Technique!

Although Nangjia and Butland both retreated, Butland stopped where he was.

"I can kill you once, but I can kill you twice!" Chu Anqin said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Bartlan's body, which was stunned on the spot, being cut into pieces like a piece of tofu, and he could no longer die.


A hot beam shot out.

With the last experience, Chu Anqin used the 'Water Wave Devouring Sword Technique' to smash Bartlan, and then used the [Devouring Cannon] to blast Bartlan into ashes.

The strangely resurrected Bartland, a sixth-level existence, only used Ice Wind Land once, and not even ashes were left.

At the same time that Bartlan was killed, the ice wind in the upside-down space slowly dissipated like a passing cloud.

"It's time for you!"

Chu Anqin's attack was effective and he already understood his own combat power.

It's just a sixth-level superpower, you can kill it with a flip of your hand.

Nanga, who had retreated hundreds of meters from the explosion, stood on the inverted crater, showing an eerie smile.

"Han Xia Kingdom, Chu An Qin is good"

The eerie and creepy sounds echoed across the mountain pass.

"There's so much nonsense!" Chu Anqin activated his 'Sneak Step' and quickly approached, and the four major powers were activated simultaneously again.

Water Wave Devouring Sword Technique!

Cold light flashed, and Nanjia's body, along with the huge Rakshasa behind him, shattered like glass, shattering all over the ground.

There was no trace of blood, just broken and shriveled flesh and bones.

Chu Anqin just glanced at it, and the air at the muzzle of the [Destroying Cannon] was distorted.


The beam shot out, blasting the debris on the ground into ashes.

The shadow of Rakshasa disappeared, and the inverted space returned to normal.

The two resurrected sixth-level psychics seemed to be just to perform their own tricks once, and then hurriedly left.

Chu Anqin stood at the bottom of the crater, frowning and looking at the darkness around him.

"Nanga from Hengjia, Bartlan from the White Eagle Federation, and Bantu from the Sakura Country. The dead resurrected and inverted the space."

He felt that there were eyes staring at him in the darkness.

Although Nanga and Bartlan were killed, the palpitation did not disappear.

After the resurrection, the two people changed from the fifth level to the sixth level. The strength of the person behind them would definitely not be lower than the sixth level, and might even be higher.

After all, it is unheard of to be able to revive and evolve the dead, even if they exist in the form of zombies.

Chu Anqin just stood there, alert to the surroundings.

He wanted to slip away directly, but as soon as he moved, he felt that he was locked by something.

Obviously, there is an even more terrifying existence in the dark.

As time passed, strong winds poured in from the crater, ghosts howled, rolled up the gas in the cave, and the smell of sulfur rolled.

One minute, two minutes, ten minutes, one hour.

Chu Anqin did not move rashly, but concentrated his attention, watching all directions and listening to all directions. At the same time, the life detection system was turned on to the maximum range to detect the situation at the bottom of the cave.

In the huge volcanic cave, no red dot could be detected except himself.

But the feeling of being peeped in the dark has never disappeared.

This means that the threat hidden in the dark has a life intensity that exceeds the detection limit of the life detection system.

After two hours of suffering, the feeling of being locked suddenly disappeared, and Chu Anqin's back was covered with cold sweat, and a feeling of relief surged in his heart.


"Seventh level. Or a higher level existence"

The life detection system can detect sixth-level life forms, but cannot detect threats in the dark

There are such powerful lives in this world.

Is it a human mutant or an alien?

Chu Anqin tried to calm his pounding heart. If such a terrifying existence really came out, would he have the ability to resist?

His mind flashed back to the scene of swallowing the sky and the earth that he saw at the ancient ruins. It was similar to the scene at this moment. The deep feeling of powerlessness spread throughout his body.

"What on earth is the other party? Why does it only fight by controlling the dead, but never show up."

Looking around, nothing around has changed much, except that the sense of peeping disappeared.

The threat that has been hiding in the dark seems to have left.

"No matter what it is, there must be a reason for hiding its head and showing its tail. Since it refuses to show up, it means that there is something on me that makes the other party afraid.

No, I have to hurry up and improve my strength."

After the sense of peeping disappeared, Chu Anqin's thoughts suddenly became clear. No matter what it is, as long as he follows the plan and constantly strengthens himself, it is the best solution.

His eyes were cold and his expression was firm. The [Telekinetic Arc] flew to his feet. With a thought, he turned around and flew towards the previous cliff.

There are still red fruit plants that have not been transplanted yet.

There is not enough fire essence mysterious gold either. I just counted it and only collected 20 units from the corpses of the 20 red scale-armored creatures I hunted later. Together with the 10 units in front, there are only 30 units in total, which is still a long way from 100 units.

"Since the bottom of the volcano can support so many red scale-armored creatures, there must be a place where I haven't explored yet, where there is fire essence mysterious gold.

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