Shanhe Village, hills to the south.


A military green helicopter hung in the air, the hatch opened, and two silver-blue figures jumped out, followed closely by two black-gold figures.

In the dense forest on the top of the mountain.

"Old Nie, you are not kind."

Guo Haiji said with a somewhat unhappy tone, but his eyes repeatedly looked at the black and gold combat armors of Chu Anqin and Nie Yuan.

Jiang Cai, who landed on the ground, also observed the black and gold combat armor curiously.

"Hey, Lao Guo, why, only your Suhai City is allowed to have combat armors, but we in Jiangcheng are not allowed to have them?"

Nie Yuan felt so happy that he finally let out a harsh sigh in front of Guo Haiji.

In the past few days, he had been severely 'persecuted' by Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai.

"Old Nie, this was not mentioned in the information you provided!"

Guo Haiji had a dark face and found it difficult to accept.

The two people in Jiangcheng City also have combat armors, and they look very high-end. So he took Jiang Cai to show off two days ago, showing off his hammer.

Thinking of this, he blushed again and felt depressed.

When did this old Nie learn to be so bad?

Jiang Cai's eyes flickered behind the helmet. In the entire Hanxia Kingdom's information, and even in the world, is there any information similar to the black and gold combat armors worn by Chu Anqin and Nie Yuan? Is it newly discovered?

I don’t know which one is better compared to silver and blue armor?

Jiang Cai looked at Chu Anqin, his eyes filled with eagerness.

Along the way, he was far ahead of his peers, both before and after the apocalypse. But Chu Anqin at this moment made him feel the challenge.

Guo Haiji seemed to see through Jiang Cai's thoughts and hurriedly added: "According to the magnetic field fluctuations we observed, the entrance to the ancient ruins should be on this hill."

We can't let Jiang Cai confront Chu Anqin at this time. The exploration of ancient civilization ruins is of great importance and there is no room for sloppiness.

Nie Yuan also felt the subtle change in the atmosphere, and knew that he could no longer tease him, so he said with a smile:

"Lao Guo, this hill is not big, let's look for it."


The two were just about to separate and look for it, but Chu Anqin frowned and said, "Maybe I know where it is?"



"Come with me."

Hearing this, the three of them nodded and followed.

After only a few steps, more than a dozen mutants surrounded them. Before Chu Anqin could take action, Guo Haiji and Nie Yuan struck first.

The two of them killed the alien species very quickly, but they always felt something was wrong.

"Eight heads."

Guo Haiji held a wide and long sword-like weapon with alien fur and flesh stained on it.

This weapon glowed with a silver-blue cold light. It seemed that it was either a silver-blue armor or a specially made melee weapon.

"Seven heads."

Nie Yuan held the [Black Dragon Sword] and said somewhat unhappily.

The two of them were comrades fighting side by side a long time ago, but they have a habit of killing more enemies than who can kill them.

In the first battle, Nie Yuan lost.


Without stopping too much, a few people continued moving forward.

After passing through the dense forest and thorny thorns, a dark hole appeared in front of me.

Chu Anqin looked at the entrance of the cave, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Last time, it was here that the life detection system detected life forms that were suspected to be fourth-order alien species, and even third-order alien species, there were more than a dozen of them.

He took a breath and turned on the life detection system of [Destroying Armor]. Now the upgraded life detection system can accurately detect fourth-level life forms.

As the scope expanded, the number of red dots inside the cave gradually increased, and soon there were many second-order red dots, followed closely by third-order red dots, and the number was even more than last time, there were already more than thirty.

Only this time, the detection range was expanded to more than two thousand meters, but no fourth-order alien species was detected, which really surprised him.

On the other side, Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai were collecting data with strange instruments.

Nie Yuan was not idle either. He also used the life detection system of the [Black Dragon Suit] to expand the range and detect the situation inside the cave.


On his screen, there were dense red dots, first-level, second-level life forms, and even a dozen third-level life forms.

Nie Yuan looked at Chu Anqin in surprise, a little unbelievable.

In a cave, there are actually more than a dozen third-level life forms existing at the same time.

Such an anomaly can probably only be explained as the entrance to the ruins of an ancient civilization.

"It should be right here." Nie Yuan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai looked up at Nie Yuan and continued collecting data without saying anything else.

Whether this is the entrance to ancient civilization ruins or not is not decided by anyone. Professional instruments must collect enough data to prove it.

Nie Yuan walked up to Chu Anqin and whispered seriously: "Old Chu, what's going on below?"

"It's more complicated than what you detected, at least thirty third-order alien species!"

Chu Anqin didn't wait for Nie Yuan to finish and directly told him what he had detected.

"What?" Nie Yuan was startled and couldn't believe it.

Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai frowned and looked at Nie Yuan and Chu Anqin, and said, "Old Nie, can you not be so surprised?"


With a dark face, Nie Yuan approached Chu Anqin again and asked for confirmation: "Really?"

"Maybe more."

The detection range of more than thirty animals is only more than 2,000 meters. No one can say whether there are more high-level alien species or fourth-level alien species beyond that.

"Let's go in!"

It didn't take long before Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai finished collecting data and confirmed that this was the place where the magnetic field fluctuated abnormally, which was the entrance to the ancient civilization ruins.

The four people entered the cave, and the dark environment was so oppressive that it made people breathless.

Fortunately, the combat armor of the four people all had night vision capabilities, so they could still see the situation in the cave clearly.


Some liquid dripped onto the rock from the top of the cave, and the sound was not loud, but it was very harsh.

There were sharp rocks on the cave wall, and you could see unknown corpses hanging on it every few steps. On the ground, you could step on bones every few steps.

The gloomy and terrifying atmosphere enveloped the hearts of several people.

"Old Guo, Jiang Cai, there is something I have to tell you. There are at least thirty third-level alien species below."

Not long after the four people walked, Nie Yuan said solemnly.

"Commander Nie, how did you know?" Jiang Cai asked with some doubt.

Guo Haiji, who was standing by, just gave him a look of confirmation, which could not be seen clearly through the helmet.

Guo Haiji and Nie Yuan knew each other very well, and Nie Yuan's words in such a solemn tone at this time were absolutely true.

"Jiang Cai, and Old Nie, Chu Anqin, everyone be careful!"

Jiang Cai heard this and did not say anything more, but was alert and cautious.

It is true that he is the main combat force in this mission, but the action decision is mainly based on Guo Haiji.

Unlike Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai's caution, Nie Yuan and Chu Anqin are relatively relaxed.

They both have a life detection system, so they don't have to pay attention to the environment in the cave all the time to prevent any alien species or monsters from rushing out suddenly.

Nie Yuan and Chu Anqin only need to stare at the screen. As long as there is a red dot approaching the range of 100 meters, they will find it immediately.

Chu Anqin set the detection range to 200 meters, and Nie Yuan set it to 100 meters.

"Here they come, 20 first-level alien species and 10 second-level alien species." Chu Anqin said suddenly.

Not long after, Nie Yuan also said: "Old Guo, Jiang Cai, get ready."

Just when Guo Haiji and Jiang Cai were still a little confused, a "chi chi" sound came from the dark cave.

Not long after, dozens of pairs of scarlet eyes appeared.

Recommend this book, traveling between two worlds, the world of immortal cultivation and the world of zombie apocalypse. If it suits your appetite, please help collect it and read it. Thank you!

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