Chu Anqin's breathing was slightly rapid, and he took the feathers shot out from the tail of the colorful wild pheasant from Xiao Qingzi's arms.

His consciousness sank into the panel.

"Haha, ten units!"


Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingzi collected ten units of the third-level feathers on the tail.

Although the size of this colorful wild pheasant looked about the same as the third-level titmouse that was hunted before, it had an extra tail.

It was the feathers on the tail that filled the five-unit gap, and there were five more units.

An unexpected surprise.

Chu Anqin directly pulled off the hind leg of a wild pheasant and threw it to Xiao Qingzi.

Although he was reluctant to use the flesh and blood of the third-level alien species, Xiao Qingzi performed well this time and deserved a reward.

Just as he moved his eyes to the panel and prepared to take out the materials to make the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings], the wolf king cast a resentful look.


Chu Anqin immediately felt this gaze and smiled at the corner of his mouth.


He tore off another hind thigh and threw it to the wolf king.

The wolf king and Xiao Qingzi played a key role in successfully hunting this third-level colorful wild pheasant this time, so he naturally would not favor one over the other.

The wolf king pounced, opened his bloody mouth, caught the hind thigh steadily, and swallowed it happily.

The flesh and blood of the third-level alien species is a great tonic for Xiao Qingzi and the wolf king, who are also third-level.

Although it is not as good as swallowing the third-level essence core directly, it is more delicious for them to swallow the flesh and blood.

Chu Anqin looked at the greedy appearance of the two alien species and threw away the remaining wild pheasant flesh and blood.

Anyway, he also saved a lot of third-level flesh and blood, enough to cultivate blood vines, so he didn't care about losing this one.

After throwing out the pheasant corpse, his eyes moved on the panel, and finally his consciousness stopped at the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] option:

[Black Dragon Mechanical Wings: Black Dragon Suit Upgrade Components, Provides the Power of Flight, Required Materials: 10,000 Units of Metal + 100 Black Dragon Chips + 100 D-Class Energy Crystals + 100 Units of Third-Order Alien Feathers]

"Finally all!"

Chu Anqin took a deep breath and calmed his heaving chest.

At the moment, he was in the deep mountains and the environment was complex, so he was not overwhelmed by excitement.

The production of [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] needs to be completed on the mechanical table, and it takes more than a day to make.

If it is made rashly here, and it encounters an alien attack during the process, destroying the operating mechanical table and destroying the materials, then the work will be in vain.

Resisting the excitement, Chu Anqin rode on the Wolf King, looking for a direction, and ran straight.

He wanted to go down the mountain and find a safe place to make it.

Running wildly, the dense forests retreated rapidly from both sides, and the wind whistled in his ears.

After coming out of the deep mountains, he ran for almost half an hour and found a steel mill.

"Go in."

He glanced at the screen and saw that there were more than a dozen first-level and second-level alien species hidden in the steel mill.



After several roars and screams, Xiao Qingzi and the Wolf King easily dealt with all the alien species.

Chu Anqin walked around the steel mill and found a factory building that looked good.

The factory building was quite large, a steel shed with a lot of steel blocks piled inside.

The reason for choosing this factory building was that the door of the factory building was high and wide enough for the Wolf King to come in directly.

Entering the factory building, his restless heart beat wildly again.

This time he did not stay any longer, and his consciousness sank into the [Micro Black Dragon Space] to take out all the materials he needed, as well as the mechanical table.

He powered on the mechanical table and locked his consciousness on the [Production] button behind the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings].

"Make it!"

As the materials disappeared, the mechanical table made a roar of parts running.

"One day and one night."

It takes one day and one night to make the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings], so he can only wait for the time being.

He jumped onto the back of the wolf king crawling on the ground, took out food and water, and replenished his strength.

Lying on the soft wolf's back, he felt more comfortable than the bedding he brought with him.

After a short rest, he took out the third-level essence core of the colorful wild pheasant, swallowed it into his stomach, absorbed and fused it.

He took out the [Primary Essence Core Synthesizer] and began to fuse the first-level and second-level essence cores harvested during this period.

Not long after, he had five more synthesized third-level essence cores in his hand.

His consciousness sank into the [Micro Black Dragon Space], and he took out the corpse of the big snake that he had hunted in the fruit tree before, as well as the materials needed to make the [Plant Life Culture Solution].

The [Plant Life Culture Solution] for cultivating blood vines requires third-level essence cores and third-level alien flesh and blood.

He swallowed the third-order essence cores he hunted, and used the synthesized third-order essence cores for production.

He had to wait here for more than a day, and he could take advantage of this time to make some more [Plant Life Culture Fluid] to cultivate the blood vine.

The usefulness of the blood vine was far beyond his expectations.

If he could cultivate the blood vine to the third-order peak plant life level, his combat power would soar again.

The blood vine, which is now a third-order ordinary plant life, can absorb fifty or sixty bottles of culture fluid every day.

Now there is time and materials, just right.

Time flies.

Chu Anqin made five portions of [Plant Life Culture Fluid] and gave them to the blood vine in batches.

After finishing, a feeling of fatigue came over him.

Let Xiao Qingzi and the wolf king keep watch, and he fell asleep on the wolf's back.

Compared with bedding, sleeping on the wolf's back is more comfortable and reassuring.


Chu Anqin first ate something, then fed the wolf king and Xiao Qingzi with blood and flesh, and continued to let the blood vine absorb the culture fluid.

It was already noon when the blood vines were fully absorbed.

He looked at the time and found that it would take more than half a day to make the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings].

"Xiao Qingzi, you watch here and don't let anything get close to the machine."

It was actually a bit redundant to let Xiao Qingzi stay here. The life detection system showed that there was no red dot in the entire steel plant and nearby.

Just in case, he still let Xiao Qingzi stay, and he decided to use this half day to search the steel plant.

Such a large steel plant might have some gains.

Xiao Qingzi nodded seriously.

He rode the wolf king out of the factory and searched the steel plant.

This steel plant is very large, with coke slag and iron lumps everywhere.

In addition, there are various mechanized heavy equipment, large cranes, heavy trucks, and towering red and white chimneys.

Chu Anqin rode the wolf king in and out of various workshops. In addition to the cold and rusty mechanical equipment, he could occasionally find rotten black objects.

As for the harvest, there were very few.

Most of the steel mills are located in the suburbs. When the doomsday broke out, they would have been destroyed by aliens long ago.

There was no living person in the huge steel mill, and the food had already rotted.

He even found a canteen, but the situation inside was even worse.

The canteen hall was in a mess, with tables and chairs scattered all over the place, and the glass window of the food window was broken all over the floor.

He knew that there had been looting here without going deeper.

He looked at the time and saw that it was still two or three hours away from being successfully made, but he was too lazy to search any further.

Riding the wolf king back to the factory, the machine table was still running, and the mechanical arm on it was working quickly.

Chu Anqin leaned over and took a glance. The items on the table had already taken shape.

He waited for almost three hours, and as the roar of the machine table disappeared, the mechanical arm returned to its original position.

On the machine table, a black and gold wing with a perfect fusion of machinery and feathers, presenting a stunning mechanical beauty, was successfully made.

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