Chu Anqin bypassed the alien group and finally returned to the place where he had set up the [Beast Lure] before. At a glance, the ground was full of alien corpses.

Looking at the direction he fled, there were also many broken limbs on the road, but not many, mainly because of the bombardment of the [Black Dragon Cannon], many aliens turned into ashes on the spot.

Boom boom——

There were bursts of explosions from the direction of Jiangcheng.

Chu Anqin collected the alien corpses while looking up and paying attention to the surroundings.

He had to be faster, otherwise if the alien group surrounded him again, he would have to run away.

The previous state of exhaustion and tension was really not wanted to happen again.

"Hey, this big bird.?"

He was frantically collecting alien corpses into the [Micro Black Dragon Space], and suddenly saw a huge, winged alien corpse of 20 to 30 meters.

The key is that this big bird is still incomplete, missing a wing, and the broken wing is more than ten meters away.

This big bird was the ferocious-looking third-level flying alien that took the initiative to welcome the tracking missile. After being seriously injured and losing balance, it fell from a high altitude.

Because it was already seriously injured by the tracking missile, it was even more injured after falling, and it died on the spot.

Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and he had some guesses in his heart that it was a third-level alien. After all, this size is rare.

"If it is a third-level flying alien, these feathers."

However, the big bird was already dead, and the life detection system could not detect it.

He was just about to break the big bird's head and take out the sperm nucleus to check it out, but the [Black Dragon Suit] suddenly issued a warning.


Chu Anqin's expression changed, [Black Dragon Suit] rarely issued a warning, unless it encountered a third-level alien!

He turned his head and saw a brown giant wolf beast running towards him from the direction of Jiangcheng.

The body was as high as five or six meters, like a giant truck rushing.

"Third-level alien!"

The life detection system showed that it was actually a third-level wolf beast.

He immediately clenched the [Black Dragon Knife] and aimed the [Black Dragon Cannon] at the brown giant wolf.

But, what happened to that face?

Chu Anqin looked at it intently, and saw that the face of the wolf beast seemed to be blown to pieces, bloody and blurred, with only a pair of bloodshot evil eyes left.

The face of the giant wolf was not enough to describe it as ferocious, but also disgusting.

In an instant, the giant wolf ran to him, pounced out, and its claws flashed with cold light, grabbing his head.

The reason why this giant wolf appeared here was not a coincidence, but for the corpse of the third-level flying alien.

When the alien group in the wilderness area attacked the city, even if it was defeated in the end, the surviving aliens would take away the corpses of aliens of the same level.

Not only would the alien corpses not fall into the hands of the ‘two-legged beast’, but they could also devour the flesh and blood and sperm cores of the same level to strengthen themselves.


Chu Anqin was about to fire the [Black Dragon Cannon], but found that the face of the giant wolf was obviously severely injured.

He snorted coldly, and without hesitation, he fired the [Black Dragon Cannon].


The giant wolf screamed and flew backwards. Its injured face could no longer be seen as a wolf head, and blood was mixed in the charred black.

It never thought that this black-looking and non-threatening ‘two-legged beast’ could seriously injure it.

The giant wolf shook its body and just wanted to stand up, Chu Anqin came up with the [Black Dragon Knife].


The two superpowers of ‘Strange Steps’ and ‘Force Explosion’ were opened at the same time, and a knife was cut on the waist of the wolf beast.


The giant wolf howled in pain, and a bloody cut suddenly appeared on its waist.

The wolf’s weakness lies in the waist and limbs. Even if it has evolved and mutated, it is still a relatively weak defensive part.

Moreover, this third-level giant wolf is still a seriously injured wolf beast.

Chu Anqin succeeded in his attack, and his knife force did not decrease. He slashed at the wolf beast's limbs and waist one after another like a tide.

This was his first time to fight a third-level alien in the wilderness area, although he was injured.

The giant wolf had been smashed in the face by Nie Yuan's punch, and just now it was hit by a [Black Dragon Cannon], and its strength was greatly reduced.

At this moment, facing Chu Anqin who was in full condition, it was at a disadvantage from beginning to end.

But the giant wolf was an ordinary third-level alien after all, and it was several times stronger than the first-level third-level alien.

Even though it was slashed in many places, it was still in pain but did not fall.


After dozens of slashes, the cut on the wolf beast's waist was already exposed, and the flesh and blood inside were hanging outside, which was very scary.


Chu Anqin used [Black Dragon Knife] and [Black Dragon Cannon] alternately, hitting the third-level wolf beast screaming continuously, without any power to fight back.

This level 3 wolf beast that evolved in the wilderness area, if it was in its best period, he might not be able to defeat it.

But if he met him when he was injured, everything would be uncertain.

He looked at the wolf beast with a weak breath, and his blood was boiling. If he killed this level 3 wolf beast, he would get a level 3 essence core.

The wolf beast stared at him with blood-red eyes, and roared and pounced on him again.

It knew that it could not escape, and it had to make these "two-legged beasts" pay a price before dying.

However, Chu Anqin did not give it a chance at all. With the "guile step", he easily avoided the attack of the wolf beast that was at the end of its strength.

Then, he raised his right arm high, and the energy of the [Black Dragon Cannon] gathered.


The hot light shot out and hit the body of the level 3 wolf beast fiercely.


The wolf beast screamed and rolled more than ten meters away. It struggled a few times and could not stand up again.

Seeing this, Chu Anqin smiled and walked quickly to it.

The giant wolf's eyelids drooped, and it looked like it was only breathing its last breath.


A black shadow flashed by, and the [Black Dragon Knife] slashed at a wound on the wolf's neck.

This wound was cut by him with two knives during the battle just now, and now it became a breakthrough for killing the giant wolf.

The giant wolf twisted its huge body in pain, and its limbs kicked a few times weakly, and finally died unwillingly.

"Haha, the third-level essence core is in hand."

He waved his hand to collect the giant wolf's body into the [Micro Black Dragon Space], looked at the surrounding alien corpses, and continued to collect them.

But before he collected them for a few minutes, dust and smoke suddenly rolled in the direction of Jiangcheng, and thousands of aliens ran towards this side.

Chu Anqin was shocked, and the propulsion systems of the 'Strange Step' and the [Black Dragon Suit] were activated at the same time, and he fled from here quickly.

In the southeast base of Jiangcheng, Nie Yuan killed a second-level peak alien with a punch, and looked at the alien group retreating like a tide with a pale face.

There are two ways to defend Jiangcheng. The first is to wipe out all the aliens, which is obviously unlikely.

The second is to concentrate all forces and give priority to killing the strongest group of aliens.

For example, the third-level brown giant wolf and the more than 100 second-level peak aliens that besieged Nie Yuan.

As long as these aliens with the highest degree of evolution and a certain command role are killed or driven away, the remaining aliens will automatically retreat.

This is the conclusion drawn by Nie Yuan and other aliens who guard Jiangcheng through hundreds of painful experiences.

Nie Yuan stood on a high ground and waved his hand in the direction of the wall, indicating to stop the fire output.

The alien group retreated, and it was temporarily safe here. There was no need to waste ammunition.

He frowned and watched the retreating aliens pick up the dead alien bodies.

After a big battle, there were heavy casualties, countless ammunition was consumed, but very few sperm nuclei were harvested.

Either they turned into ashes under the coverage of firepower, or they were eaten by living aliens.

Even at the end of the battle, the surviving aliens would still carry away the corpses to prevent the sperm nuclei from falling into their hands.

This is also why the number of official combatants is decreasing.

However, not all corpses will be carried away, and there will still be a lot of corpse sperm nuclei left on the entire battlefield.

Nie Yuan followed the alien group closely to prevent the aliens from turning back.

In addition, he had another question in his mind. The number of alien groups that came to attack the city this time was not right.

According to the initial detection, there were obviously 20,000 to 30,000 aliens, but there were only about 10,000 attacking the city just now. Where did the remaining aliens go?

The people who were just attacking the wall came out to clean up the battlefield and collect the few sperm nuclei.

When Nie Yuan ran three or four kilometers with the alien group, he saw Chu Anqin, who was dressed in black and gold, from a distance on the left side of the alien group.

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