Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 113 Strange Ducks (Happy New Year, Year of the Dragon)

Chu Anqin was on full alert. As soon as he entered the woods, he felt an inexplicable pressure.

The Mouse King followed closely and ran behind a tall tree, baring his teeth, also feeling threatened.

The trees in this forest were not densely populated, mostly cypress and poplar trees, straight and tall.

Perhaps because there had been no human interference for a long time, the ground was covered with dead leaves, and the feet made a "rustling" sound when they stepped on them, which was a bit soft.

The wind blew out from the depths of the woods, carrying a mixed smell of trees and grass. If you smell it carefully, there is also a hint of stink and blood.

And behind this wind, there was an even more deafening sound in the woods, like a tree being knocked down.

Chu Anqin glanced at the virtual screen. The six red dots on it were approaching rapidly. He didn't expect that an alien species would discover him as soon as he entered the woods.

"Xiao Qingzi, get ready!"

He shouted in a low voice, holding the [Black Dragon Sword] tightly in his right hand, and staring at the depths of the woods.

In the blink of an eye, he saw a row of trees shaking not far away, and then six gray-white aliens rushed out fiercely from them.

The dead leaves that had fallen on the ground were splashed, and there was dark black soil in the middle.

Chu Anqin's pupils shrank. What rushed out were six sheep-like aliens, and they were mutated very horribly.

They were as big as cows, with red eyes, and the hair on their bodies looked extremely hard. With the two sharp horns on their heads, one glance made people tremble.

He even saw a third horn growing faintly on the forehead of the sheep rushing in the front.

He roared, and instantly activated the two superpowers of "Strange Step" and "Force Explosion", holding the [Black Dragon Sword] tightly and slashing it.

At the same time, the Mouse King turned into a green afterimage, and with the help of the trees, rushed in quickly.

Clang clang clang!

The knife that was supposed to be chopped on the sheep, the sheep reacted very quickly and blocked it with its horns.

However, the horns that looked very hard and sharp were directly chopped off.

The mutant sheep whose horn was cut off let out a scream, trampled with all four hooves, and pushed the other horn to stab the "two-legged beast" that chopped him to death.

Chu Anqin succeeded in one strike, and his confidence increased greatly.

Although the alien species in this wilderness area are more bloodthirsty and crazy, their own defense seems to be similar to that of the same-level alien species in the city.

With the two major superpowers and the [Black Dragon Sword], he has killed two third-level rat kings.

Now that he has tested the strength of this group of mutant sheep, he no longer has to worry.

Originally, according to his plan, he would attack conservatively first, and then use the [Black Dragon Cannon] if he couldn't defeat them.

However, once the [Black Dragon Cannon] is used, it will be difficult to keep the bodies of these sheep, and the harvested alien flesh and blood will be greatly reduced.

He turned on the "Strange Step" and quickly rushed into the sheep, with the Little Mouse King assisting him.

In just a few minutes, six second-level sheep alien species were chopped to death by him.

Chu Anqin put away the helmet of the [Black Dragon Suit], took a deep breath, and looked at the six sheep corpses on the ground, feeling very happy.

He had just come to the wilderness area and had hunted six second-level alien species. It was a good start.

He walked to the side of a sheep corpse and picked out a second-level essence core from its head.

This was a second-level peak alien species, and the essence core in its head was also of the best quality among the second-level ones.

"Not bad!"

He walked to the other five alien corpses and picked out the essence cores one by one.

"One second-level peak essence core, four second-level ordinary essence cores, and one second-level entry-level essence core."

Chu Anqin picked up the essence core of the lowest quality and threw it into the air. The Mouse King jumped up on the spot and caught it steadily.

"Eat it."

He smiled slightly, waved his hand, and collected all the remaining essence cores.

Then he put all the six sheep corpses into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

Each mutant sheep is the size of an adult cow, weighing about 600 to 800 kilograms.

Six mutant sheep provide 3,000 to 4,000 units of alien flesh and blood.

"It's really fun to hunt large aliens."

Chu Anqin rested for a while, ate some food, and drank some hunting wine to restore his physical strength.

He checked the situation nearby. The life detection system showed that there were many red dots in front of him, all of which were life strengths that were not in the order.

However, no matter how low the order, it was also alien flesh and blood.

He did not hesitate and continued to move forward with the Mouse King.

After walking in the woods for more than ten minutes, the trees in front gradually became sparse, and the life forms of the red dots were more than a hundred meters away.

Chu Anqin hid behind a thick poplar tree and looked forward.

There should be a village in front, and many houses can be vaguely seen.

Places like rural areas will definitely be the first to bear the brunt and be attacked by aliens after the doomsday outbreak.

He held the [Black Dragon Blade] tightly, found a small path, and quickly rushed to the village.

The situation in the village was similar to what he expected. The houses were severely damaged, and rotting corpses could be seen from time to time.

He walked to a yard with the door open. There were some farm tools and even a tractor inside.

There were two unrecognizable corpses in the middle of the yard. They were incomplete and should have been eaten by alien species.

Behind them was a three-story house.

He entered the house. It was in a mess and the items were seriously damaged.

Chu Anqin checked it out a little, but didn't find anything useful. It should have been visited by someone a long time ago.

When he came to the third floor, the view was wide, and the situation nearby was basically in full view.

Although he had the assistance of the life detection system, he was more accustomed to confirming the actual situation.

To the north of this house, there was a group of red dots.

He looked over and it seemed to be a farm.


Looking more closely, the alien life gathered in the farm turned out to be a group of ducks.

Chu Anqin was certain that the degree of mutation of this group of ducks was not high, and they were similar to ordinary ducks.

If it were not for the life detection system, he would even mistakenly think that they were a group of ordinary ducks.

After exiting this house, he ran directly to the farm.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the farm, a foul smell came to his nose.

He looked closely and saw that there were several wreckages piled on the ground at the door.

Due to the high degree of decay, it was no longer possible to tell what species it was.

But from the skeleton, it can be seen that the size of the ducks in life was not small, larger than any duck.

Chu Anqin was secretly alert in his heart. It stands to reason that the mutant ducks in the farm are all non-class alien species, and it is unlikely to kill large alien species.

He looked inside through the fence. The ducks were all gray and hemp-colored, and looked dull.

They were similar to ordinary ducks, and did not seem to be very aggressive.

"Xiao Qingzi, go!"

Chu Anqin observed for a moment, and the life detection system did not issue a warning, so he prepared to let the Little Mouse King go to test the bottom first.

The Little Mouse King received the order and rushed in, and the situation was instantly out of control.

A group of weak and harmless ordinary mutant ducks had no power to fight back in front of the second-level Rat King.

It can't be said to fight back, this group of ducks seemed to have no intention of fighting back, just "quack" and running around.

The duck feathers were flying in the farm, and there was chaos. The Little Mouse King slaughtered unilaterally.

In less than a minute, the necks of more than 20 mutant ducks were all bitten off, and the blood stained the ground red.

After the battle, Chu Anqin stepped into the farm and put the ducks into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

"This one is for you."

He pointed to a fat duck at his feet and said to the Mouse King.

The Mouse King's eyes lit up, and he pounced on it and started to eat.

Chu Anqin began to search in the farm. He had a feeling that the origin of this group of mutant ducks was very strange.

These ducks were not aggressive, and they huddled in the farm and did not go out. Where did they get food and how did they survive until now?

"Could someone raise them?"

He frowned slightly, and then thought about it and felt that it shouldn't be.

He had just checked the flesh and blood of these ducks. It was fishy and smelly, just like other alien flesh and blood.

It carried viruses and could not be eaten directly, so it had no breeding value.

He glanced around and walked towards the shack on the far left of the farm.

The shack was built very simply, and the entire frame was supported by wood.

There was thatch on the top, and there was also a thick layer of thatch on the ground inside.

"Hey, is that a duck egg?"

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