Global Escape: My RV and My Robot Army

Chapter 217 Spore Space (Please collect! Please recommend! Please vote for the monthly ticket!)

At the same time, the surrounding walls covered with spores began to squirm crazily as if they were alive.

"What is going on in this horrible place?"

Before he could figure it out, the bloody corpse had already rushed over, along with the bloody tentacles on the wall.


Lin Ming and others rushed forward brazenly, the optical matrix opened the defense, and at the same time, the mechanical war blade in their hands suddenly swung out.



The oncoming blood corpse was cut in two. Unexpectedly, in an instant, the severed body of the blood corpse quickly recovered due to the injection of surrounding spores. Upon seeing this, Lin Ming immediately raised the howitzer.

"Don't fire. The space here is too small. Using heavy firepower rashly may affect yourself."

Angelia reminded, Lin Ming secretly gritted his teeth after hearing this, but in the end he could only put down the mechanical arm loaded with the howitzer.

at the same time…


"There's one in the back too!"

Several huge figures came out. They were different from the humanoid blood corpses that Lin Ming and others fought. The monsters that appeared behind them were like ferocious beasts. Their red bodies revealed sharp mouthparts and jointed limbs. They were the corpses of those insects!

"Can even the Zerg be infected..."

Lin Yun sighed, and the remaining armed men immediately faced the bloody corpse behind.

The long bow in his hand was drawn, and the arrows passed through. The bloody corpses were killed one by one. There was no way to get close, but...

"here we go again!"

Groups of bloody corpses came out, like innocent souls crawling out of endless purgatory.

At the same time, after each blood corpse dies, the blood spores on the surrounding walls will be immediately filled in to revive it.

Although these blood corpses are not enough to break through the heavy armored mechs, but...

"These monsters are trying to hold us back."

"There is indeed something unknown hidden here."

Lin Ming said, and just when Lin Yun was preparing to liberate the 'Norton King Insect' and prepare to forcefully break in, she accidentally noticed Tang Mingyao's strange behavior next to her.

At this time, the color of her eyes returned to color, and she covered her forehead with one hand as if she was enduring something.

That's a voice!

"Find me, I'm right here and I'll be free in no time!"

This voice kept replaying in Tang Mingyao's mind, and a large number of memory fragments poured into her mind.

It was a bloody figure tearing through the darkness, huge and majestic!

In this regard, Tang Mingyao knew that her body was calling her, so...

"Take me...over there!"

Tang Mingyao whispered, touching the squirming wall with one hand.

In an instant, bloody tentacles wrapped around her. She did not resist, and allowed those tentacles to wrap her up on the wall, and then she was swallowed bit by bit.


Lin Ming shouted, but before she could take action, a figure rushed out first, it was Lin Yun!

She controlled the robotic arm and cut open the tentacles surrounding her with a sword, then grabbed Tang Mingyao and asked loudly.

"What are you doing!"

"My down here!"

Tang Mingyao said, and through the metal mask, Lin Yun seemed to see the crazy look on her face.

Seeing this, Lin Yun understood that she was about to enter that violent state of disowning her relatives again!

In order to prevent her from going crazy, Lin Yun quickly activated the 010 behind her head.

In an instant, Tang Mingyao's body, whose thoughts were forcibly interrupted, twitched, and then softened instantly.

Lin Yun took the opportunity to pull it out of the wall, but unexpectedly a large number of tentacles wrapped around it. Tang Mingyao raised her head again and stared at it with fierce eyes.

"You foolish mortals dare to stop me. Come down together!"

"Lin Yun!"

Lin Ming shouted and rushed over, but his tentacles shrank instantly, and then the bodies of Lin Yun and Tang Mingyao quickly sank into the wall.

Lin Ming, who had jumped away, looked at the squirming red spores around him and punched them away. The spores were separated, but what he saw was that there was no wall behind, but an endless wave of blood.

"What on earth is going on?"

"The sound wave detection of the CD weapon cannot detect it, only the images returned by the JD weapon."

Angelia shared the news she had just detected, and then a three-dimensional modeling diagram appeared.

I saw that in the vast underground space, an unknown mass was rapidly expanding and devouring everything around it. Based on what I saw, it might be these mysterious red spores.

"what is going on?"

Lin Ming's brows knitted together, and suddenly the blood-colored walls around him began to squeeze in toward the middle.

"No, these things want to swallow us in, so we have to drive quickly!"

"But Xiaoyun and the others..."

Just as he was talking, everyone suddenly received news from Lin Yun.

"Zizzi... I'm safe... Zizzi... You retreat first and take Vers back... Zizzi... He must know something."

Communication was interrupted here, and there was some unknown force that interfered with their connection.

Looking at the blood-colored walls that were about to close, Lin Ming knew that he didn't have much time to hesitate.

"Let's go out to gather support first, and then come back to rescue Mingyao and the others."

Lin Ming said, although Lin Yun can transfer consciousness, his younger siblings cannot.

Lin Ming, who was anxious about this, set up a matrix defense, and then a grenade exploded above his head.

At the last moment when the tunnel contracted, everyone immediately jumped out to the ground. Looking down, they saw that the entire hole below was filled with red spores.

After hearing the strange movement here, the two left-behind armed men with Vers rushed over.

"Captain Lin Ming, what happened!"

"Take this man back first, and notify the armed forces to provide support immediately. We..." Before he finished speaking, Lin Ming suddenly noticed the strange phenomenon in front of him and exclaimed: "What kind of monster is that!"

Following his line of sight, he saw the ground cracking, and a large number of red spores spread out and covered the streets and buildings.

Suddenly, a large number of Zerg were forced out from the ground by the spores, but they were a step slower and were quickly wrapped by the spores.

Then, their bodies shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if all the water and substances in their bodies were sucked dry.

Seeing this, Lin Ming reacted instantly.

"Those spores absorbed the nutrients of the Zerg and expanded rapidly!"

After understanding this, Lin Ming finally knew why there was only a thin layer of spores before they entered the sewer, but they filled the underground space in an instant.

The reason...

Looking at the wave diagram transmitted by the JD armed forces on the core drive, I saw dense red dots moving underground, and then a huge spore group was injected.

Obviously, those were the advance troops of the swarm that were preparing to attack the city, but they did not expect to encounter this unknown monster underground, so they were all swallowed up.

As a result, the spores were able to spread rapidly.

After understanding, Lin Ming used armed sensing to detect the 010 signal, indicating that Tang Mingyao and the others were still fine, so he gritted his teeth.

"Let's retreat first, and then determine the next plan after determining the enemy's attributes."

"Then let this monster continue to devour the swarm and grow stronger."

"We currently have no way to stop it, and... it can also block the swarm in the direction of Xicheng District."

Lin Ming said, and then he no longer hesitated and took the lead to fly into the sky.

Seeing this, the others had to follow.

And the scene came to Lin Yun's side...

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