Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 420 Disgusting Methods

The next day, Wang Zhengde sent someone outside the camp. Meng Ren just took one look and didn't bother to pay attention. He directly asked Wang Yun to go out and send this person away.

The door opened and Wang Yun walked out. The man couldn't help but frown when he saw that it was just Wang Yun who came out.

"Where is your leader?" The man said in an unhappy tone.

Wang Yun said directly: "Our leader asked me to come out and tell you something."

"Your camp is too bad, not as good as ours, so we won't join."

"We just want to live our own little lives and don't want anyone to come and disturb us all day long, so you can leave on your own,"

After saying this, Wang Yun turned around and left, returning to the camp.

The man had a very embarrassed look on his face after hearing these words, but looking at Wang Yun's leaving figure, he didn't say anything more, and just turned around and went back to report the news to Wang Zhengde.

After the news reached Wang Zhengde's ears, he couldn't help but become furious.

"These guys are all so disobedient. Do they think they can do whatever they want just because they have some power?" Wang Zhengde was furious.

Originally, according to his idea, he wanted to bring Meng Ren and his group into the camp so that they could become his own strength.

But he didn't expect that Luoyang Prefecture's side failed first, and now Meng Ren's side also failed. The two consecutive failures made Wang Zhengde very unhappy.

After all, he was also one of the people in charge of the official base in Shangjiang City, but these people were so disrespectful to him, which made him angry.

In fact, this is Wang Zhengde's problem. His thinking is still stuck in the old times, and he believes that power is everything. Having power can make him superior to others and make others respect him.

Little do they know that the times have changed a long time ago, and having power is far less important than having power.

Only with power can one be truly powerful. His power can only intimidate ordinary ability users, but when faced with C-level ability users like Meng Ren and Luo Yangzhou, his so-called power has no effect at all.

In the office, Wang Zhengde gritted his teeth and decided to teach Meng Ren and the others a lesson to vent his anger.

The men on the side saw Wang Zhengde's expression and immediately guessed what he was thinking, so they immediately said: "Deputy Chief Wang, why don't we send someone over to stop Meng Ren and the others."

"They always need to come out to look for supplies. Let's go and cause trouble for them, and even kill a few of them secretly."

"When their camp cannot be maintained, they will naturally bow to you, Deputy Chief Wang."

The man's words reached Wang Zhengde's heart, but Wang Zhengde was still hesitant.

After all, Meng Ren's strength is not weak. Once he does this, he will be completely offended to death.


I am one of the three deputy leaders of the official base. Why am I afraid of him, the leader of a private camp?

So what if it's a C-level ability user? Does he still dare to attack me?

Such thoughts appeared in Wang Zhengde's mind, and a ray of light flashed from his eyes.

In an instant, Wang Zhengde already had an idea in his mind.

"Okay, just do as you say!"

"Next, find a few people to monitor Meng Ren and the others. As long as some of them come out to search for supplies, they will cause trouble for those people." Wang Zhengde said without hesitation.

The men immediately nodded excitedly and went to do it immediately.

He found a few of his men and handed the matter over to them.

After a while, these people set off to the Shangjiang Hotel. They rode bicycles and spent half an hour arriving near the Shangjiang Hotel.

There were a total of six people in this group, and the leader was a guy with yellow hair and tattoos on both arms. His casual demeanor made him look like he was a marginalized figure in society in the past.

In the past, these people basically wandered on the fringes of society, doing nothing all day long, but now they have the ability to do things, and they are generally pretty good.

"Brother Huangmao, when are we going to take action?" the boy on the side asked.

Huang Mao rolled his eyes: 'What's the rush? The mission given to us from above is not to forcefully break into this camp, but to wait for their people to come out. Then we can go over and cause trouble for them! "

"Then when will those people come out? If they don't come out, won't we have to wait outside all the time?" The younger brother couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Huang Mao couldn't help but froze for a moment.


If you keep waiting here, it would be a bit too passive.

However, he thought about the task that the man gave him before, nodded and said: "Yes, we are just waiting."

"If the other party doesn't come out, then we will keep waiting!"

"Anyway, even if we wait every day, we still have income to bring in. Why are you anxious?" Huang Mao said angrily.

After a few people wandered around the area, they immediately found an underground parking lot to stay temporarily.

Since we need to monitor for a long time, we must find a place to hide from the terrifying scorching sun during the day.

The actions of these six people seemed to them to be very covert, but in fact they were discovered by Meng Ren not long after they entered the area near Shangjiang Hotel.

With Meng Ren's three-hundred-meter perception range, these people were completely within the range of his perception, so that their actions were all under Meng Ren's surveillance.

Inside the room. Meng Renyi had discovered the existence of these people a long time ago, but he did not take action.

Because he sensed that these six people were just ordinary people.

"These people should have come from Wang Zhengde's order. This guy sent six people here. Could they be here to monitor me?" Meng Ren made such a guess in his heart.


He couldn't help but laugh.

To actually send six ordinary people to monitor him, Wang Zhengde underestimated him a little too much.

What can a few ordinary people monitor? Not to mention that he doesn't plan to go out at all now. These people are just watching outside, which is completely meaningless.

He has already made strategic arrangements and will definitely not go out for the next period of time.

There are enough supplies in the camp anyway, so why go out and take risks?

It is different from ordinary camps. It has a logistics base like a mysterious space, which means that he has no shortage of food and water.

You can live in a camp for several years without leaving the house once.

"Since you want to monitor, then monitor slowly!"

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