Global Doomsday: I have a portable farm!

Chapter 171 Snooping for news

In this way, all the previous doubts can be explained, why Meng Ren has a large amount of supplies, why he has fresh ingredients, etc.

"Brother Meng, I will never tell your secret!" Zhu Huihu promised.

Meng Ren nodded with satisfaction. From Zhu Huihui's attitude, he did not see the slightest hint of doubt. It seemed that Zhu Huihui's reliability was indeed not low.

But this probably has something to do with this girl liking him.

Thinking of this, Meng Ren couldn't help but glance at Zhu Huihui. He was not blind, so how could he not see Zhu Huihui's feelings for him.

Although the girl's thoughts are sometimes difficult to guess, Zhu Huihui's performance is so obvious that anyone who is not blind can see it.

The two returned to the real world, and Xia Yu happened to see her. Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately came forward with a smile and hugged Zhu Huihui.

"Congratulations sister!"

"From today on, my sister is one of my own!" Xia Yu smiled happily.

Zhu Huihui blushed and nodded shyly.

Meng Ren was speechless when he saw this. Forget it, he didn't bother to explain anything, he just turned around and walked out of the tent.

The complexity of the White Rock Camp exceeded his initial expectations, especially the appearance of the ability user Rose, which disrupted all his plans.

But it is definitely impossible for him to leave and hide in such a dejected manner. Since he can't hide, let's face it with hard steel.

Anyway, he has the Mountain and Sea Realm as a retreat. Unless he is killed directly by someone, it will not be easy to kill him.

"Wang Yun, help me find Deng Ji. I want to ask him something!" Meng Ren found Wang Yun.

Wang Yun immediately came out of the tent without saying a word, patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me, Brother Meng!"

He worked very efficiently and brought Dungy to the camp in a short time.

In the tent, Meng Ren prepared a bottle of wine and two simple dishes to go with the wine and waited patiently.

Soon, Wang Yun brought Deng Ji over and walked into the tent.

"Boss Meng!" Deng Ji was a little scared, but after seeing the food and drinks on the table, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Meng Ren had a smile on his face: "Master Deng, you're welcome, please sit down!"

"Thanks to Master Deng's help, the wall can be built smoothly this time, so now I invite Master Deng to come over for a drink!"


Deng Ji couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. The two dishes to go with the wine were very simple, just cold vermicelli and cold cucumber, but for Deng Ji, they were already rare good things.

"How embarrassing is this? It really cost Boss Meng a lot of money!" Deng Ji sat down involuntarily.

Meng Ren opened the bottle cap and filled a glass of wine for Denji, and also poured a glass for himself.

"Come, let's talk while drinking!" Meng Ren had a bright smile on his face.

Smelling the mellow aroma of wine, Deng Ji knew that this was definitely good wine. He was also a good drinker. Now that he had good wine in front of him and food to go with the wine, he couldn't hold back.

The two were chatting while eating. Meng Ren invited Deng Ji over, naturally not because he really wanted to thank him for anything, but because he wanted to learn about the situation in the Baishi camp from Deng Ji's mouth.


Deng Ji was one of the first people to join the White Rock Camp and was quite familiar with the White Rock Camp. From his words, Meng Ren finally had a deeper understanding of the White Rock Camp.

The White Rock Camp was established on the tenth day after the arrival of the Extreme Heat Era, two days after the entire city was cut off from water and power.

This underground air raid shelter was originally built to avoid wartime air raids. In addition to the huge passage he saw, there were actually several small rooms in the air raid shelter, most of which were warehouses. Supplies are stored.

According to Deng Ji, when they first came here, it was because of the leadership of Liu Guodong. This person was indeed an official and his position was not low. He relied on his identity to quickly become a member of the survivor team. the leader.

Yuxingnian and Rose appeared later. Yuxingnian used to be a member of the military. After he was discharged from the army, he came to Yunhai City and became a security guard. It is said that his status in the military was not low, but because Violated discipline and was discharged early this time.

Relying on his powerful skills, Yu Xingnian quickly gathered a group of people and began to fight against Liu Guodong.

His status as a veteran also brought considerable convenience, and finally the rose.

When talking about roses, Dungy had a strange look on his face.

There is disgust and desire!

"That's a woman with a romantic temperament. She relied solely on her body to attract a group of lustful men to follow her, and she became the third deputy leader of the White Rock Camp!"

"But I can understand them. After all, Rose's figure is real..."

When he said this, Deng Ji couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

After listening to Deng Ji's introduction, Meng Ren probably had a new understanding of the White Rock Camp.

There is no leader in the Baishi camp, and there are only three deputy leaders. The reason why it is like this is entirely due to the entanglement between the forces of Liu Guodong, Yu Xingnian and Rose. None of the three can defeat the other two, so No leader can be born, only sub-leaders

Among the three, Liu Guodong relied on his former official status to win over a group of people. Yu Xingnian dared to fight hard and won over a group of people with his strong personal force and decisive actions.

As for roses...

What Dengji meant was that Rose relied entirely on his body to lure a group of young people to follow him. All the women in the camp disliked Rose, and they hated Rose to the extreme, both privately and openly.

There are countless rumors in the White Rock Camp about Rose having to serve more than a dozen men in one night, Rose being tortured to the point of being unable to get out of bed every night, etc.

Listening to Deng Ji's words, Meng Ren couldn't help but squint his eyes. If Rose were an ordinary person, it would be possible for her to win over a group of people with her body.

But Rose is a capable person!

Even I can't control the other party's charm ability, let alone an ordinary person.

After awakening the power of telekinesis, Meng Ren's own mental power has been greatly improved, so he can resist the charm of the rose.

But ordinary men can't move just looking at Rose's sexy and charming face, so there's no point in contending.

In the eyes of outsiders, the reason why Rose became the deputy leader was entirely due to the sacrifice of her body, but only Meng Ren knew that those men were probably controlled by Rose's ability.

Maybe these people have never even touched a rose.

Meng Ren had a deep understanding of how magical telekinesis was. Rose's ability was not necessarily weaker than his. It was simply too easy to play tricks on a group of men.

Not to mention that even if Rose has no abilities, she is definitely not a simple woman.

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