
However, Su Mu did not notice that the manager's eyes flashed with doubt and surprise many times when he looked at him today.

"Mr. Su, please wait a moment. The director of our branch is on the way and will be here soon. From now on, you will be received by the director of our branch in Star M."

Faced with Su Mu's question, the manager did not answer the price of the blood crystal, but replied:



Su Mu was confused. Why did they change people out of nowhere?

"I don't know about this either. You can ask our director directly."

The manager shook his head. He really didn't know.

In this case, Su Mu was too lazy to ask any more questions.

"Well, I have another batch of resources. Can I have someone count them first?"

Su Mu said.

"Of course, let’s just use the same people from the previous batch, okay?"


Not long after, the manager brought the eight beautiful ladies from last time over again.

However, after they entered the room, they were shocked again by the scene in front of them, because the pile of things filled nearly half of the room, much more than last time.

"This this……"

Everyone was so shocked that they were speechless.

The manager looked at Su Mu and said one sentence.

Although the quality of the resources this time could not be compared with the last time, the quantity was much larger.

These were all opened by Su Mu from the gift bag. Anyway, the storage space was large enough, and he would keep all the opened resources as long as they were not useless.

Of course, Su Mu let the delivery robot recycle the rewards for killing the ultimate BOSS as before. After all, they were all suits. If they were sold, people would definitely discover something.

Afterwards, everyone began to count these resources in shock.

Half an hour later, Su Mu finally waited for the director of this branch.

She was a woman, a woman with full temperament and aura, but the indifference on her face was also very obvious.

The black professional suit showed a perfect figure, twelve-centimeter-high exquisite black high heels, and a pair of expensive black stockings under the short skirt, wrapped around the straight long legs.

Wearing a pair of rimless glasses, she looked like a queen.


When everyone in the room saw the woman, they immediately stood up and shouted respectfully, not daring to breathe.

The woman looked at the messy room and the resources on the floor. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

She turned her gaze to Su Mu who was leaning on the chair.

Too young!

This was the first feeling the woman had after seeing Su Mu.

Very calm and mature!

The second feeling was what she saw in Su Mu's eyes.

For the woman, most of the young people she had seen would show surprise and panic after seeing her, and there would be lust in their eyes.

But she did not see any emotion in Su Mu's eyes, only... calmness.

"You guys continue!"

The woman waved her hand, signaling the manager and others to continue counting the resources.

"Mr. Su, please come here!"

The woman looked at Su Mu and said, then turned and walked out of the room. It was obvious that this was not the place to talk.

Su Mu thought about it and left.

He wanted to see what the Qianyu family wanted to do.

When they arrived at another more luxurious room, when Su Mu entered, the woman had already poured him a glass of top-quality wine.

"Mr. Su, my name is Leng Die. From now on, whatever you want to do in the Qianyu Family branch will be directly under my charge."

The woman looked at Su Mu and said

"I am the eldest lady's confidant, and these were arranged by the eldest lady."

Before Su Mu asked anything, Leng Die continued

"Qian Yu Ling?!"

Su Mu suddenly realized


Leng Die nodded.

"What does she want? I am a level 18 person, so I can't help her."

Su Mu said calmly.

"Mr. Su is joking. The eldest lady said that you are one of the most important people in her heart. Even if you are only level 1, it is the same.

Leng Die replied in his usual cold tone.

"The eldest lady said that Mr. Su doesn't need to think too much, she won't have any hostility towards you"

"This time I returned from Planet Z and brought a blood crystal with me. This is a gift from the eldest lady to Mr. Su."

While speaking, Leng Die had already opened a box in front of him, and inside it was a blood crystal.

It can be seen that Leng Die would not drag his words, and would often speak out the most important part.

At this time, Su Mu felt as if he had no right to speak, and the other party seemed to be able to see what he wanted to ask.

Qian Yuling did this without asking for anything in return? That's impossible!

But a person living in the world is in the process of exploitation and being exploited, and no one can avoid it. Demand and effort are also changing back and forth!

Su Mu is strong, but he is only strong as an individual, but many things cannot be done by relying on personal strength.

What's more, it is not appropriate for him to be exposed directly now.

For example, if he relies on many resources alone, no matter how strong he is, he doesn't know when he will be able to get them, but if it is handed over to professionals and professional forces, it will be much easier.

"Okay! I'll take the stuff!"

After a long pause, Su Mu didn't say anything.

It's the same no matter who you cooperate with, everyone has their own thoughts, and Su Mu himself is no exception.

"By the way, how much is the current Blood Spirit Crystal worth?"

Su Mu asked casually.

"Mr. Su, it has risen to 28 billion!"

Leng Die replied truthfully

"Well, it's a good thing!"

Su Mu nodded, and then put away the box containing the blood crystal.

This directly saved 28 billion, so it was a waste.

Moreover, the price of this thing is still rising straight up, and it may still double in a while...............................................

【Asking for flowers, evaluation votes, and all data support!!! ]

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