
Before awakening, what I learned in the academy were naturally some theories, some common sense, and things in the universe, various cosmic races, and so on.

However, there are so many cosmic races that it is impossible for the human race to collect them all.

So now Su Mu doesn't know what race these figures are, and he doesn't ask.

Moreover, Su Mu found that the pupils of these figures were actually golden. Such a race is really rare.

"Why are they paying attention to my aunt?"

Su Mu's eyes flashed, and just when he wanted to pull these aliens out to ask what was going on, the other party moved first.

Several figures disappeared directly, and when they reappeared, they were already in this room, next to him.

But Su Mu was prepared and dodged it directly.

Thunderstorm technique!


-21.314 million!

One of them didn't even scream before being killed by Su Mu. The other party didn't even have time to react.

"Who are you?"

Su Mu asked in a scolding tone.

"How is this possible?! Atuo is dead?"

One of the aliens looked at his dead fellow in shock.

The other aliens also reacted and looked at Su Mu in horror. In an instant, they gathered together, fearing that Su Mu would attack again.

They originally wanted to capture Qingshuang and ask about her whereabouts, but who knew that she was so strong?!

""Tell me! What race are you? What are you doing here?"

Su Mu asked again. If the other party didn't tell him, he would not hold back.

"What are you doing here? Where did you take the woman who lives here?"

What Su Mu didn't expect was that the other party actually asked him back.

Was my aunt taken away?

After hearing these words, Su Mu guessed that Qingshuang was in trouble and was most likely taken away, and the people who appeared in front of him also came for my aunt.

"Isn't my aunt just an ordinary person? Why did these aliens take her away?"

Su Mu frowned.

"Humph! Since you don't want to tell me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Su Mu said coldly.

The next moment, he attacked again!




However, these aliens were on guard at this time, so Su Mu did not hit them and directly avoided them.


""Eye of Forbidden Magic!""



-19.885 million!


In an instant, two more aliens died in Su Mu's hands. Under the prediction of the Forbidden Magic Eye, they could not escape.


At this moment, the remaining two aliens finally got scared and turned around and ran away

"Want to run?"

Wings of Wind!"

Su Mu chased after them directly, and with the help of the Eye of Forbidden Magic, Su Mu quickly caught one of them.

"Humble descendant of the human race, let me go!"

The other party was caught by Su Mu, and he did not forget to scold him, his golden eyes were full of arrogance.

"Tell me, what are you watching here? What do you want to do?"

"I won't ask a second time. If you don't tell me, you'll die!"

Su Mu's eyes flashed with cold light.

"Humph! So what if you say it out loud? This woman is a descendant of my God Clan. Her body contains the purest God Clan blood of my race. You lowly descendants of the human race are not worthy of being with her."

The alien woman said coldly.

Descendant of the God Clan???

How could she be a descendant of the God Clan?

Hearing what the alien woman said, Su Mu was stunned. Qingshuang is a descendant of the God Clan?

This is impossible. How can the descendants of the God Clan be exactly the same as the human race?

"Bullshit! Since she is a descendant of the God Clan, how can she be different from you? Do you think I have never seen her?"

Su Mu sneered.

"Although she looks like you, the descendants of the human race, the blood flowing in her body is much more noble than yours."

"In the final analysis, you, the descendants of the human race, are just a branch of the God Clan. Although your appearance is the same as that of the real God Clan bloodline, the God Clan bloodline in your body is too little, or even has disappeared."

"But she possesses the purest bloodline of my God Clan. With her, my God Clan can revive and return to the peak!"

"But, it's too abominable that they got there first."

The alien woman said this with a hateful expression.

What the hell?!

What the hell, how did a God Clan suddenly appear?

Su Mu was a little confused at this time. This was something that suddenly appeared. His aunt, who he had been with for so many years, was actually a descendant of the God Clan, and the one with the purest bloodline? The current human race is also a branch of the God Clan???

What the hell is this?

"Why did you arrest her?"

Su Mu pondered for a long time and asked again.

"Hehe, of course it’s for sacrifice, she can’t escape this fate!"

"Ten years later is the best period, she can only live for ten years at most!"

"If the Gods don't revive, when the demons and monsters come, there will be rivers of blood!"


When the female alien said this, she exploded directly, but it was a self-detonation without any power, and then turned into nothingness.

Su Mu stared at the disappeared female alien in a daze, at a loss.

In just a few short sentences, there was too much information. Gods? Descendants of the Gods, branches of the Gods? Gods revived?

Monsters, monsters?

Gods, monsters, monsters were the first time Su Mu had heard these three words. He couldn't associate them at all, let alone what they were, let alone what would happen if the Gods revived and the demons and monsters came?

"Oh, what is this all about? Forget it, never mind, for me, there is nothing I can do about it."

"She just said that my aunt can live for another ten years? In other words, my aunt is safe now."

"Those aliens just now obviously didn’t know where my aunt was captured. How should I look for her?"

"However, if all this is true, even if I find my aunt now, I probably can't save her."

"I will find out in ten years."

Since Qingshuang is a descendant of the gods and has the purest blood of the gods, those descendants of the gods who capture her will not do anything to her, but will treat her well, so there will be no worry about her life.

In this way, Su Mu is also relieved.................................................

Afterwards, Su Mu discovered from afar that the place where he had lived before had been targeted by many powerful people. Under the Eye of the Forbidden Magic, these powerful people hiding in the surroundings had nowhere to hide.

"Humph! You guys just stay here and wait for me."

After that, Su Mu left.

From now on, he would have no place to live, and Qingshuang didn't need to worry about anything, so Su Mu didn't have any worries now.

"It's time to continue to improve my strength. I don't know if there is any special place for upgrading. It's too slow for me to kill monsters alone. I must become a god as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Su Mu entered the Dragon City, where all the members of the Longxia Alliance gathered. It is also the best place to collect information.

Su Mu's information had been reset before, so he was not worried that he would be exposed, at least his location would not be exposed.

"Alliance Announcement: The top of the kill streak list [The longer the name, the stronger the strength] is online!"

Su Mu:...

This fucking virtual city still uses this trick?

"Wow! The awesome guy is finally online. It’s been nearly two months, right?"

"36,000 consecutive wins, no one can break it. I wonder what this guy has been busy with during this period?"

"Big brother takes in little///Brother? Please take me with you!"


Su Mu's appearance directly caused a sensation in the entire virtual city. Some people tagged Su Mu crazily, but they still couldn't get in touch with him.

After receiving the news, the top leaders of Longxia Alliance also started to contact Su Mu, but the result was the same. Su Mu ignored the private messages.

Now the top leaders of the alliance can be sure that this person named [How long the name is, how strong the strength is] is Su Mu!

"Su Mu, I am Ye Hong. If you see me, please contact me. I want to talk to you!"

As the former winner of the winning streak, a message was immediately released at this time, and most people online could see it.

There is no doubt that Ye Hong must have received the will of the alliance to contact Su Mu.

However, Su Mu took a look and ignored it. He knew what the Longxia Alliance wanted him to do.

The top leaders of any force would not be of one mind, and the same was true in the alliance. In Su Mu's opinion, some people might choose to win him over, but some people definitely did not think so.

Especially now that he has obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Condemner, Su Mu trusts no one even more.

After hiding the character name, Su Mu chose a place and wanted to find some places where there were no level restrictions and he could enter to practice.

Su Mu is now level 22, and it makes no sense to practice on a planet with a restricted level.

However, Su Mu has been looking for a long time. Generally, such places are directly controlled by the alliance. If you want to enter, you must pass the approval of the alliance or the alliance academy.

Although Su Mu is still a student of Tianyuan Academy, it is impossible for him to go back.

"Hey, brother, do you want to go on an adventure? There is a place that you are interested in."

At this time, a man walked towards Su Mu and asked. He also observed Su Mu for some time before he decided to say this to Su Mu.

"Hmm? Where?"

Su Mu glanced at the other party and asked calmly.

"The battlefield of all races!"

The man replied directly

"The battlefield of all races? What's inside?"

Su Mu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Brother, the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is a place where you can get any resources. Many level 100 warriors who came out of it have become gods. The Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is very inclusive. As long as you are brave enough, you can enter."

"Moreover, many rare resources, even things that have never appeared before, may appear in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. In short, in a word, everything is possible in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield!" the man explained.

"According to what you said, then anyone can go in? What good will it do you to say so much?"

Su Mu still said indifferently

"Hehe, anyone can enter, that's true, but they have to go through the alliance, and what we do is to send some people who are not convenient to go through the alliance to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, we only need to charge a little handling fee."

The man looked at Su Mu meaningfully and said.

Su Mu understood that this is similar to"smuggling"?

Many people wanted by the alliance, or people who have done something bad, will choose to enter the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield to escape.

And if these people enter through the alliance, it will be more troublesome, so the man's force was born.

This is indeed convenient for Su Mu.

"How much?"

Su Mu asked directly

"Not much, one position is 1 billion gold coins, and if there are more than three people, there is a 10% discount."

The man replied with a smile on his face.

"Sure, but I'm alone!"

Su Mu nodded.

"It’s okay to be alone, in fact most people are alone!"

"So when can we enter the battlefield of all races?"

"Brother, may I ask which planet you are on? I don't mean anything else. Our influence is spread across every planet. Tell me which planet you are on and I'll tell you where to contact. When you get there and pay the amount, the other party will take you there."

The man continued, not in a hurry, as he could get a lot of commission from each order.

"I'm on Planet M!"

Su Mu nodded again.

"Haha! Thank you for your trust, brother. If you are on Planet M, just go to this address and tell the other party that you were introduced by Ah Gui.

The man gave Su Mu an address and said

"Then I won't bother you anymore, bye!"

The man said, and then he turned and left without any hesitation.........................................................................................................

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