After listening to Jin Genshuo’s analysis, Singh curled his lips.

He thought that Jin Genshuo was really arrogant, even questioning Lin Ye’s map design.

“Young Master Jin, don’t talk nonsense, there are many people watching the copy live broadcast.”

“Lin Ye’s copy map is recognized as the top existence of the Azure Star, and the previous Dongying Island is very detailed.”

“Tsk.” Jin Genshuo hissed. “It’s just empty talk!”

“Prince Singh, the previous Raging Sea dungeon also allowed challengers to see the full picture of the Japanese island after several attempts. Besides, let’s put things in perspective.”

“Do you see any details of the snowfield under our feet?”

“Also, we have entered the Bear Country for a while. Do you see any air units blocking us?” Jin Genshuo asked with a smile.

Singh thought about it and felt that what Jin Genshuo said was indeed somewhat reasonable.

Since Lin Ye set the Bear Country as a country, there should be enough defense at the border.

The current map of the Bear Country has neither defense power nor map details, which can indeed be regarded as empty talk.


“Master Jin is right. Just looking at this Bear Country, it is indeed not amazing enough.”

“It seems that there is a great hope of conquering the dungeon this time.”

Singh sneezed several times.

“I’m looking forward to Master Jin flattening Moscow in one fell swoop, and we can leave this godforsaken place as soon as possible.”

At this moment, Jin Genshuo was full of confidence and sent a new order directly through the radio.

“All regiments, listen to the order, it’s a blizzard, visibility is poor!”

“Form a trapezoidal formation, each fighter plane will keep a distance, and move towards Moscow at full speed, leaving this snowy field as quickly as possible! Over!”

As early as when he was in South Korea, Jin Genshuo asked his secretary to divide all the fighter planes into 200 flying regiments.

Now, as long as he gives orders to the captain, he can indirectly control these 5,600 aircraft!

“Jin 1 Squadron received! Jin 1 Squadron received! Over!”

“Jin 2 Squadron received! Jin 2 Squadron received! Over!”


Jin Genshuo has noticed that the terrible weather in the Bear Country has actually affected the speed of the fighter planes to a certain extent.

It is precisely because of the bad weather that we cannot delay and must fight quickly.

The severe cold weather is also a great test for the fuel reserves of fighter planes.

The solution is to blow up Moscow as quickly as possible.

The time limit for the dungeon mission is five days, but Jin Genshuo can’t wait for five days. He has to complete the dungeon strategy within five hours!


Two hours later, Jin Genshuo’s fighter planes have arrived less than 100 kilometers away from Moscow.

At this time in the air, although separated by the vast snow, the silhouette of Moscow’s city can be seen.

It must be said that the city is still very grand from a distance.

The tall onion-shaped church dome, with skyscrapers one after another, a winding river passes through the city, and there are many beautiful parks along the coast.

At this moment, the heavy snow covers the city, which actually gives the city a different kind of solemn beauty.

This kind of prosperity in the north has never existed on the blue star.

Seeing this scene, many challengers couldn’t help but sigh.

“Wow! Is this Moscow? It feels so spectacular!”

“If it weren’t for the mission, it would be nice to live in a city like this.”

“The contrast is too big. It was all white snow before, and suddenly such a big city popped up.”


Kim Keun Suk’s attention at this moment was naturally not on the details such as the city landscape.

He was only concerned about one thing, that is, Lin Ye’s defensive strength.

So he kept staring at the detection signal on the plane.

Now it is very close to the main city of Moscow, but no fighter planes belonging to the Bear Country can be seen, and the radar signal can’t detect any abnormal approach.

“Why is there no defense at all?” Kim Keun Suk muttered to himself. “It shouldn’t be that bad.”

In his opinion, Lin Ye is at least in the top 50 of the hero list, so he shouldn’t have no military common sense at all.

If it were him, he would definitely set up at least three lines of defense from the Bear Country to the main city!

Let the reconnaissance plane detect all around, so that

To discover the enemy’s movements at the first time.

But these… Lin Ye’s copy is completely absent.

“Could it be…” Jin Genshuo’s eyes flickered.

“Could it be that there is no air combat unit in this copy of Winter is Coming?!”

Thinking of this, Jin Genshuo’s face showed a strong ecstasy.

It must be like this!

Lin Ye rushed this copy too fast, so he didn’t set up any air force at all!

In order to cover up this loophole, the soldier battle mode was created to let the challenger make a choice.

Lin Ye bet that the challenger would not choose air combat!

Because if he chose land and sea battles, he could make up for Lin Ye’s air combat deficiencies, so that the challenger and spectators would not find out the clues,

“Hahaha! So that’s it!”

Jin Genshuo was grateful for his luck.

If he chose land battles at that time, it would definitely not be as easy as it is now.

In this way, everything is God’s will.

It was destined that Jin Genshuo would pull Lin Ye down from the altar this time!

As long as he led this group of people to conquer the dungeon, the massive points deducted would completely make Lin Ye fall out of the top 50, and he would return to his position!

By stepping on Lin Ye’s fame, Jin Genshuo would become the most eye-catching dungeon designer on the Azure Star.

After that, he could also force Lin Ye to hand over his technology or migrate to the South Korean settlement based on the duel rules!

“All flying groups listen to the order! Now divide into three large formations and attack Moscow from the east, south and north!”

“All converted into dense formations! Carry out fire coverage!”


Jin Genshuo directly issued the attack order.

“Received the order! Over!”

“Received the order! Over!”

After receiving Jin Genshuo’s last order, the originally loosely arranged fighter groups were directly divided into three large arrays, and then gradually gathered.

Then they flew towards the sky above Moscow from three directions.




But at this moment.

A series of piercing whistles echoed behind Kim Keun Suk’s fighter jets.

The bursting flames suddenly lit up in the vast snow, which was particularly eye-catching.


In an instant, missiles with flames hit the last few fighter jets of Kim Keun Suk.

Those were his oil tankers, which were originally full of fuel. When they were hit by missiles, they turned into big fireballs one after another.

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