The golden cicada clothes can indeed improve Lu Chong's overall quality. In addition to physical defense, the improvement in basic strength and speed is also considerable.

The golden cicada clothes can only not involve the most mysterious brain nerves. I didn't expect that Principal Fang could create such a magical martial art.

"You will know the specific effects after you practice."

Principal Fang did not explain too much, and directly took out a jade slip of inheritance and asked Lu Chong to receive it in front of him.

Lu Chong certainly accepted all comers. This kind of martial arts is in high demand outside, and it will not be cheaper than the golden cicada clothes.

Soon, Lu Chong recorded the practice method of Tiger Roaring Kung Fu in his mind.

Principal Fang continued, "Tiger Roaring Skill also has certain moves, but the most important thing is the word 'roar'. When practiced deeply, it can form a sound wave attack, which has the effect of shocking the spirit."

"Of course, as a top-grade martial art, it is also very difficult, and it cannot be cultivated with the help of liquid medicine."

"During this period, you can come to me for guidance after class every day. I believe that you should be able to achieve a small success before the college entrance examination."


Principal Fang was still chattering, but he didn't know that Lu Chong was already in a state of secret joy at this time.

Just after he completely accepted the inheritance of Tiger Roaring Skill, a reminder sounded in his mind.

"Tiger Roaring Skill is inspired by Eagle Claw Skill, Nine Shadow Steps and Sticking to the Mountain, and enters the realm of small success, and the speed of cultivation doubles."

"Tiger Roaring Skill has benefited a lot from the guidance of masters, and the speed of cultivation has doubled again."

"Wow, a top-grade martial art has achieved a small success directly, and the speed of cultivation has doubled. There is such a benefit?"

Lu Chong himself did not expect that practicing this top-grade martial art could be so smooth.

However, after thinking about it, Lu Chong felt that there seemed to be some logic.

The seven martial arts learned in school are the basics of the basics, and they are the foundation for practicing more difficult martial arts in the future.

The moves in the Tiger Roaring Skill involve tiger claws, tiger pounces, tail flicks, etc., which do have some overlaps with those basic martial arts.

However, ordinary people need to spend time to transform and absorb, but Lu Chong can directly graft them onto new martial arts.

"So, basic martial arts are definitely not useless. Even after the cultivation level is improved, they still have great effects." Lu Chong deeply realized the importance of low-grade martial arts.

Just like the basic knowledge in primary and secondary schools in the previous life, will it lose its effect after entering university and society?

Without these basic knowledge, I am afraid that I can't even understand the university courses, and I can't even calculate the accounts after entering society.

Therefore, Lu Chong is now very fortunate that he has perfected the seven martial arts in high school, which can save a lot of time to go back and make up for the lessons later.

"Lu Chong, are you listening?" Principal Fang noticed that Lu Chong was distracted, and immediately reminded him in a funny and angry voice.

This kid can be distracted at such an important time. Is his Tiger Roaring Skill not worth it?

"Listening, listening, Teacher Fang, continue." Lu Chong came back to his senses and quickly cheered up.

"Okay!" Principal Fang stood up, "Now, I will show you the tiger-shaped stance."

"When you have the initial tiger shape, it proves that you have entered the door."

After saying that, Principal Fang, who originally looked a little old, suddenly straightened his body, as if he had become too tall and mighty for no reason.

Then, Principal Fang slightly bent his legs, leaned forward with his upper body, raised his arms horizontally, and bent his index fingers slightly like tiger claws.

That's not all. Principal Fang then ran back and forth in the stone room of less than 30 square meters in this posture, and his speed was getting faster and faster, like a tiger.

Lu Chong was fascinated by what he saw. At this moment, he seemed to really see a tiger coming down the mountain to look for food, majestic and awe-inspiring.

"You come and try it, follow me." Principal Fang walked three circles, slowed down when passing by Lu Chong, and called out.

Lu Chong had been itching to watch, so without saying a word, he put on the same posture, followed Principal Fang, and ran with the same dragon-like and tiger-like steps.

Fortunately, it went smoothly, after all, he had already achieved a small success.

Lu Chong thought it was natural.

However, after walking a circle, Principal Fang was completely unsettled.

He stopped directly, turned around to stop the excited Lu Chong, and asked with his eyes wide open: "Boy, have you practiced the Tiger Roaring Skill?"

Lu Chong was not surprised by this situation, and knew why Principal Fang asked this, so he just shook his head honestly and said: "No, Principal Fang

"Sir, isn't this what you just passed on to me?"

"Yes, I passed it on to you." Principal Fang scratched his beard, "But, do you know that you are no longer just getting started, but have achieved a minor level of Tiger Roaring Skill."

"The tiger shape has taken shape, and you can even begin to imitate its spirit." Principal Fang said in disbelief.

He was really stimulated. He had heard that this kid had a high level of comprehension, but he had never seen such a high level.

Is this a question of high comprehension? This is cheating.

Principal Fang knew that there was a game term among the students that seemed to express this meaning.

However, out of his dignity, Principal Fang did not ask, but touched his beard, regained his composure and said: "Don't be proud."

"Although your comprehension is good, you have not yet touched the essence of Tiger Roaring Skill, so you must practice with me well next time."

Lu Chong said modestly: "I understand, Principal Fang."

"Don't be shy, call me teacher from now on." Principal Fang emphasized again.

"Okay, teacher. "Lu Chong said.

"Well, it's not appropriate to use the tiger roar to refine the spirit here." Principal Fang looked around and then said decisively: "Come on, you follow me to practice the tiger roar skill outside."

Lu Chong was of course more respectful than obedient.

When he followed Principal Fang outside, Lu Chong did not expect that the old principal would grab him and jump down from the 100-meter-high fortress wall.

And the direction they were going was not inside the fortress, but the dark wilderness outside.

Principal Fang was actually going to take Lu Chong directly to the wilderness to practice the tiger roar skill.

A stream of air quickly emerged from the principal's feet, helping him slow down in mid-air. The two glided hundreds of meters and landed smoothly.

Lu Chong was amazed, but Principal Fang said indifferently: "It's just a small trick of Wu Zong flying in the air. When you reach this level, you can do it as well. "

Lu Chong nodded, but he was actually more curious about the surrounding wilderness.

This place is completely different from the hunting ground. It is a truly sparsely populated place and the territory of exotic beasts.


A low humming sound came from all around, and Lu Chong saw a pair of scarlet eyes popping out.

This feeling is completely different from the hunting ground. Lu Chong's hairs all over his body stood up unconsciously.

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