Chapter 0348: Arrival

When Ye Han walked out of the room again, all the monks immediately saluted him when they saw him.

“I have seen the Sword King!”

A foundation-building monk and two Qi-refining monks were patrolling and saw Ye Han bow and salute.

“Go and call Zhao Ye Tian to see me.” After speaking, Ye Han walked slowly towards the deck of the flying ship.

Arriving on the deck, the traces of the previous battle are still there, but this will not affect the normal operation of the spaceship.

Standing on the airship and looking down, Ye Han found that the mountains and the land below had become pitch black, making people look like pitch black ink.

Seeing this, Ye Han understood, it seemed that he was about to reach his destination.

“Subordinate Zhao Ye Tian has seen an adult!”

Suddenly there was a calm voice behind him.

“Zhao Ye Tian, ​​do you know how far you are from the battlefield now?”

“Sir, now there are only two days away from the battlefield.” Zhao Ye Tian said immediately: “However, we have not been attacked in any way along the way, and my heart is very unreliable.”

“You don’t have to worry about this. As long as it is not the evil cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, this seat will naturally have the ability to fight back.” Ye Han said lightly.

Originally based on his character, he would definitely not say such a thing, but he has also thought a little over the past three days. When it comes to the battlefield, if you are alone on the battlefield, it is not a big problem to act, but some things can be done without being alone. If it is completed, if there are a group of more loyal subordinates to deal with it, then it will be much more convenient to act on your own.

Today there are more than a thousand monks on this spaceship. Although most of them are Qi-refining monks, they are also cannon fodder-level existence on the battlefield, but as long as there are enough elixir, they can refine a large number of them. The foundation building pill came to train these Qi refining monks to the foundation building period.

Coupled with his own strength comparable to Yuanying level, his current strength is no less than a Yuanying sect!

“If you have an adult, your subordinates will naturally not be afraid, but once you get to the battlefield, if the adult is unwilling to lead us, then those of us will be disrupted and join other hired brigade, and our lives will not be guaranteed at all. ”

Zhao Ye Tian said directly.

“Hehe, you are also a strong player in the late Jindan period. How many hired brigades are vying for you, don’t worry at all.” Ye Han smiled slightly.

“But I can’t believe the other hired brigade at all. I have some internal information that it is on the battlefield. Even the Golden Core cultivator is easy to fall. Unless there is a strong cultivator shelter, the strong one I contacted before is nothing but one. A strong Jindan peak powerhouse with a powerful hire brigade, but I haven’t received any news from him these days, and now it seems that I am afraid that he has fallen.”

Zhao Ye Tian showed a trace of helplessness on his face, and continued: “Please accept me, my lord, I am willing to sign a blood contract, and I will never betray on the battlefield!”

“Blood contract?”

Ye Han naturally heard of this kind of contract. This kind of contract can stipulate a certain area or time. Within the agreed range, all monks who sign the blood contract must be loyal to the monks who accept the contract.

It is said that this is very popular on the battlefield.

“Yes, it’s the blood contract. I have this idea since I saw the adults show their skills and directly kill the evil cultivator assault troops. Not only me, but now more than 80% of the cultivators on the spaceship are willing to sign. Blood contract, follow you on the battlefield!”

With that, Zhao Ye Tian knelt down directly.

“My lord, please make it happen!”

I don’t know if Zhao Ye Tian had discussed with other monks a long time ago. Almost as soon as Zhao Ye Tian knelt down, many monks came out of the room and knelt behind Zhao Ye Tian.

“My lord, please make it happen!”

This time, even Ye Han himself was surprised. He was still thinking about how to hold these monks firmly in his hands, but he didn’t expect to directly request it.

After a little thought, Ye Han nodded.

“It’s not impossible to accept you. Let’s say yes. Under my command, I must not question my decision and follow my orders.”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Okay, Zhao Ye Tian, ​​you are still my deputy. You can arrange for the signing of these blood contracts. After signing, you can sign for me. In addition, when you go to the battlefield, you will also be responsible for docking with the employment headquarters.”

After speaking, Ye Han went straight back to the room.


Time flies by.

Ye Han finally arrived at the general base in the southern border of the battlefield and landed at the headquarters of the mercenary monks.

Zhao Ye Tian took care of these things. Ye Han was very leisurely and continued to practice in the space of the spacecraft Tianzi No.1.

After about half a day.

The door was knocked.

“Come in.”

“Zhao Ye Tian has seen an adult.”

Zhao Ye Tian opened the door and walked in, and saluted Ye Han respectfully.

“Well, how is it going?”

Ye Han asked.

“My lord, the headquarters has accepted all our applications, including personnel registration, merit entry, material replenishment, etc.” Zhao Ye Tian said, taking out a piece of jade slip, “sir, this is your merit book. There are already 18,000 points of exploits!”

“You killed a total of eight ordinary golden cores and two evil spirits on the evil god list. The ordinary golden core cultivators have 1,000 points each, and the evil spirits on the evil god list are 5,000 points, so the total is 10,000. Eight thousand points of merit.”

Zhao Ye Tian explained immediately.

Ye Han took over the merit book and opened it. As expected, he recorded his merits at the very beginning, and it also included the details of the merits, the list of evil gods, and the exchange list.

When Ye Han saw the exchange of Nascent Infant Breakthrough Secret Art, the cheapest Secret Art was 100,000, he couldn’t help but feel that these seven major sects were a good one.

Judging from the above exchange price, it is not too difficult for Ye Han, but it is too difficult for others.

Killing a golden core can only get five thousand battle exploits, and one hundred thousand will need to kill twenty golden cores. If you don’t have any strength, you don’t even have to think about it.

It should be known that evil cultivation is even more powerful when the cultivation level is the same.

Zhao Ye Tian: “My lord, there has been an open space for us at the headquarters, and it will be our resident in the future.”

“Now that you have a place to stay, go quickly.”

Ye Han said with a smile.

But at this time, Zhao Ye Tian’s expression was a little difficult to look like, “My lord, although the land we allocated is good in all aspects, it has a fatal flaw.”

“Oh? Tell me first.”

When Ye Han saw Zhao Ye Tian’s appearance, he had a bad feeling in his heart for a short time, so he asked quickly.

“Our resident is assigned to the Black Crow Ridge. It used to be the sect of the Black Crow Sect of the evil cultivation sect, but the Black Crow Sect was destroyed by our side, so there is still plenty of spiritual energy and there will be a medicine garden. , The most important thing is that the treasure house of the Black Raven Gate has not been discovered!”

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