Chapter 0166: The Threat From The Night King

“Damn it.”

Ye Han cursed secretly.

Now the situation is very clear. Sister Qiangwei was detained by the Night King, on the one hand to let Qiangwei help him to explore, and on the other hand to threaten Ye Han to help him too. This wishful thinking is really good.

“Sister Qiangwei and I have only worked together once or twice. Do you think I will agree to help you for both of them?”

Ye Han replied.

Night King: “I think you agree is a better choice, not for Sister Qiangwei, because I will not do anything to them, provided that she is loyal to me, but this time where I go, if it goes well, you can let You have explored the true face of this natural disaster world, don’t you care about it at all?”

“The true face of the natural disaster world?” This really made Ye Han a little tempted. He has been in this natural disaster world for almost a month, but he always feels imprisoned. If you don’t clarify this problem, I’m afraid he won’t live long.

But Ye Han doesn’t plan to follow the Night King’s thinking, “I’m living well here now. I don’t want to lose my life by exploring the nature of this natural disaster world. It’s not worth it. You can find someone else.”

Night King; “Hehe, this is the dumbest choice I have ever made.”

There was no more words after that.

Ye Han also understood at this time that the Night King may be optimistic about himself, and he would dare to participate in the remains of Lv30 at Lv19. From him, he estimated that his strength is at least Lv20 or above, so he came to ask himself, the goal is still sisters Rose. After all, the two of them are real Lv30 powerhouses, I am afraid that at this time, the night king himself is estimated to be only more than 30 levels, and it should not exceed Lv40.

Of course Sister Qiangwei is one of the few people he can trust. Although he rejected the Night King, it does not mean that he chose to give up.



The night king took refuge in the city.

“It seems that your teammate didn’t put you in a very important position. In the face of my threats and invitations, he refused without even thinking about it.” The Night King said coldly.

“Isn’t it normal in this natural disaster world?”

After hearing the words of the Night King, the Qiangwei on the side couldn’t help but relax and said.

“In fact, I’m just a little interested in him. A guy who didn’t even reach Lv20, although he is powerful in this area, but looking at the entire natural disaster world, he can only be regarded as medium. Even if he is taken there, he can only be used as cannon fodder. “The Night King sits on the throne, looking at Qiangwei and Wanrou, “But your sisters are different, especially your sister is already Lv30, although it seems that the actual combat ability is very poor, but after my training, it will definitely be Become my biggest helper on this trip.”

“Night King, if you have any evil intentions towards my sister, I will not let you go even if I die.”

Qiangwei held her sister Wanrou tightly.

“Jiangwei, since I have promised that you will not hurt your sister, my Night King still counts, but if you want her to survive in this cruel world, I advise you to let me guide her, you can rest assured that I just Let her use her own strength, I have this ability, you should be very clear that you have been with me for so long.”

The Night King’s voice sounded.

Qiangwei bit her lip, “You train my sister, I must stay with me.”

Hearing this, the Night King smiled, “There is no problem for you to follow, but your level is only Lv24. I am afraid that you will not be able to bear the pain at that time.”

“Don’t worry, I can do it for my sister.”

Qiangwei’s attitude is very firm.

“Haha, come on, if you can make it through, maybe you can keep up with your sister’s level. Of course, this probability is very small, and the greater probability is that you can’t bear the pain and go crazy or die.”

“Ha ha.”



Night fell again.

This is already the nineteenth day of coming to the world of natural disasters.

The refuge city is the safest place at night, and today’s refuge city is particularly lively.

Daisy, Nami, and Luna prepared a wealth of food for everyone. After so long of development, the Refuge City has now achieved self-sufficiency. Most of the vegetables and fruits can be produced on the farm, and the warehouse is also full. Various supplies.

Piles of bonfires were lit, and everyone sat down around the bonfire, drinking and chatting.

“Come on, let’s toast the boss together!”

Nami picked up the glass and brought everyone to Ye Han.

“Let me just say a word, everyone eat and drink tonight, all for the sanctuary city!”

“All for the Refuge City!”

Then everyone drank the wine in the glass.

[Ding, congratulations to survivor Ye Han, because you organized this gathering, the morale of the entire refuge city has risen, and the loyalty of all members has increased. At present, the entire refuge city is at the level desired by the people. 】

Ye Han did not pay much attention to this. He knew in his heart that whether it was a survivor, a hero or an ordinary soldier, as long as you let them have enough food, get safe, and have room for improvement, they will keep going. Support you.

Time passed by a little bit.

Soon after midnight, the party also came to an end.

When everyone has gone to sleep.

A black shadow flew out of the refuge city. This person was Ye Han. This was his plan. Although he had clearly rejected the Night King, it was not his character to leave Qiangwei alone.

He planned to squat outside the Night King’s Refuge City. When Ye Han and the others set off to the target location, they quietly followed, protecting the safety of Sister Rose, and also wanting to see the so-called place where the secrets of the natural disaster world can be explored. .

Although Ye Han flew out of the city, when he didn’t intend to fly in the air all the time, it did not mean that his ability was not enough, but that he would fly in the air in the middle of the night. .

As soon as he landed, Ye Han condensed the breath of his whole body to a point. If he was not seen with the naked eye, he would basically not be aware of his existence. This is an anti-god ability, a passive ability to converge his breath.

And because he is already Lv27, he is full of energy, he can easily float himself a few centimeters off the ground, and then gain thrust by consuming energy, and move quickly on the road, not only as fast as the sky but also quiet and silent, this That’s why Ye Han dared to rush in the middle of the night.

In fact, he can go there after dawn tomorrow, but Ye Han is worried that when he goes tomorrow, the Night King has already taken Sister Qiangwei away, so he will be empty, so to be on the safe side, he still decided Depart overnight.

Along the way, Ye Han was also thrilling.

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