Chapter 0145: Going to the Ruins

In a swamp, a woman, a man, and one are shuttled in the swamp. If you look carefully, their route is very particular. Every step falls on the hardest and safest ground, and will never fall into it. Among the swamps.

The female and male are Qiangwei and Ye Han.

It was already around nine o’clock in the evening until ten o’clock in the evening. If it weren’t for the faint light in the sky, they would not even be able to see the road under their feet.

“Qianwei, how are you sure that the place you are stepping on is not dangerous?” Ye Han followed Qiangwei and saw everything clearly.

“Everyone has special skills, aren’t you the same?” Qiangwei tilted his head slightly and glanced at Ye Han, but did not carefully tell the reason.

This makes Ye Han a little depressed.

However, just like he wouldn’t tell Qiang Wei that his natural ability was a hundredfold amplitude, he didn’t have the embarrassment to continue asking.

With Qiangwei’s lead, they finally came to a cave-like entrance before twelve o’clock in the evening.

“This is the entrance to the ruins, but to actually enter the ruins, you need to go inside.”

Qiangwei pointed to the cave and said.

“Then what are you waiting for, let’s go in quickly, don’t have to sleep today, all night liver copy!”

Ye Han said loudly as if he had been beaten up with chicken blood.

“Wait, the guardian monster in this cave will wake up at night. We still don’t want to go in for the time being. We will spend the night outside and consider entering the ruins after 6 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Apparently Qiangwei had already thought about the plan, Ye Han didn’t know much about these, so he could only listen to the other party first.

Coming to the edge of the cave, Qiangwei quickly took out the tent and started building.

“Qianwei, will monsters come to attack us in this place? Or will the monsters in this cave come out?”

Ye Han frowned and asked.

“The marshland outside is a natural isolation generation. There will be no monsters to attack us. As for whether the monsters in the cave will come out, I am not sure. If you are afraid, we can take turns to stand guard. This is dangerous. Just remind the other person, how about?”

“Then take turns patrolling.”

Ye Han did not compete with Qiangwei for the first patrol, and took the initiative to hide and watch everything around him. This was the second time he spent the night in the wild, and the last time he was outside the Night King Refuge City.

“I slept.”

As Qiangwei’s voice came, the surrounding suddenly fell into silence.

“It’s really cold tonight.”

Ye Han’s thoughts moved, and soon there was a down jacket on his body. This is exactly the method of the treasure chest, which is very convenient.

“I knew I had put my own tent into the treasure chest, and if I wanted to use it, I just changed it.”

Ye Han looked around as he thought, and at the same time he completely hid himself. The world of natural disasters after twelve o’clock was another scene. He wouldn’t dare to hide like this if it weren’t for the passivity of an atheist.



Ye Han’s body was tight, and this sound was not the first time he heard it. This was a repertoire of the world of natural disasters late at night, with a huge noise, as if a giant was walking.

Ye Han cautiously looked into the distance, and was shocked immediately. A somewhat illusory giant figure appeared in the distance, a bit like a savage, but it was definitely not a zombie.

“It must be a hundred meters high.” Ye Han swallowed, and quickly hid himself deeper. The direction of the giant’s walking was toward him.

“How to do?”

Although it is not certain that this person has discovered himself, what if the other party tramples himself to death? If you move, you may be trampled to death. Well, if you move, you will definitely be found, and you will also have a chance of surviving if you don’t move.

Ye Han was lying on his stomach like this, seeing the giant constantly walking towards him, but soon there was a turning point. When the giant’s foot stepped into the swamp, it would sink a little bit. The giant didn’t seem to be at first. Concerned, but as the sinking deeper and deeper, the giant was unable to break free, and finally was slowly swallowed by the swamp in the center of the swamp.


Seeing this scene, Ye couldn’t help but explode, feeling that the swamp was the strongest king, and then thought that they were still running on the swamp just now. Fortunately, it was not midnight at 12 o’clock, or he would have become a swamp. food.

Why does Ye Han say it is the food of the swamp, because he can feel that this swamp is conscious, but these consciousnesses are still relatively basic, and their goal is to swallow the creatures that have fallen into his swamp.

“How did Qiangwei find the most realistic route?” This question once again surfaced in Ye Han’s mind.

After the giant was swallowed, the entire natural disaster world had to be quiet, but Ye Han knew that a greater danger was hiding in it. There were still many things he didn’t know existed in this natural disaster world.

A little bit of time passed, and at three o’clock in the morning, Qiangwei walked out of the tent.

“I’ve already rested, now it’s up to you to rest.”


Ye Han appeared from a hidden corner, and he took out a tent himself, and he set it up in a while, looked around and didn’t see the rose, he must have been hidden.

“I slept.”

After Ye Han finished speaking, he got into the tent and started to rest. In order to ensure a better experience to explore the ruins tomorrow, Ye Han directly closed his eyes, but he still maintained a high degree of vigilance. As long as there was any disturbance, he would immediately wake up.

And just like what he just thought, he has integrated the tent into the treasure chest, which is equivalent to having a golden level of protection all over his body.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the middle of the night, and Ye Han woke up on time.

When he got out of the tent, Qiangwei was already standing in front of the cave entrance and saw Ye Han coming over, “Wake up, then let’s go in quickly.”


Ye Han nodded, and the two walked into the cave.

The cave is still relatively long. After entering the depths of the cave, Ye Han noticed that some statues began to appear on both sides. These statues came alive, as if they were real.

“These statues are actually monsters. They will start to act at night. If we came in last night, we would meet them. It is difficult to deal with them with the strength of the two of us.”

Qiangwei said as she walked forward.

“These monsters are all Lv20 or higher. If I kill them now, will I get treasure chests, points or something?” Ye Han said with a little light.

“You think too much, if there is such a good thing, it will be your turn? Tell you the truth, I destroyed one when I first came, but it will be restored soon, and I get nothing. ”

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