Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 268 Plant Essence and Spiritual Stone

The big yellow dog ran very fast, following the direction of the vines, and rushed into a bush in the blink of an eye.

But after rushing inside, the big yellow dog blinked in confusion, because it dug along the soil and found that it was still a vine and could not find the roots at all.

At the same time, in the middle of the Animal Legion's formation, a total of nine vines broke out of the ground and went straight towards the weaker mutated animals.

In the blink of an eye, 3 mutant ants, 2 mutant mice, 2 mutant dogs and a mutant wild wolf all suffered. Their bodies were pierced by vines, and their lives were rapidly passing away.

"Amazing, he actually knows how to attack the east and the west, and pick on weak creatures." Ye Feng's eyes were cold.

There was no need for Ye Feng to arrange it. Just now, these animals were caught off guard and successfully attacked.

After reacting now, the elite mutated animals in the formation started to move in an instant.

Especially the fastest mutant cheetah, which had already rushed in front of these vines before they killed 9 mutant animals and wanted to find the next target.

The claws popped out, and more than 300 tons of power exploded, instantly cutting off all the vines that had broken out of the ground.

At this time, all the mutated animals were wary of their feet, fearing that vines would sprout out of the soil at the next moment.

Ye Feng also controlled the mutant wolf king and jumped to the middle of the formation. His mental power directly penetrated into the soil below.

The figures of those vines were quickly captured.

However, after his mental power penetrated the soil, the detection distance was greatly limited, and he could only see a distance of more than 100 meters below the soil.

"The roots of the vines are not near here at all." Ye Feng looked in the direction where the vines came from.

Immediately, a thought came to his mind, and he immediately issued an order to the mutated big yellow dog and the mutated goshawk.

The mutated big yellow dog began to run through the earth and chased from the ground.

The mutated goshawk flapped its wings and flew high into the sky, using its super vision to search below.

However, the numerous trees in the dense forest greatly hindered its sight. Fortunately, the mutated goshawk did not act alone.

The big yellow dog searches underground very quickly. It digs in the direction of tree roots, which is equivalent to guiding the mutated goshawk in the direction of its search.

In the end, it took them about three minutes to find the vine's body in a valley 2 kilometers away and killed it.

Not long after, Ye Feng came over with a large army.

He carefully inspected the corpse of this kind of vine. To be honest, this was the first time Ye Feng had seen a plant that could attack people.

"Judging from the overall strength, this vine has reached at least the fifth level peak."

"In addition, it is quite weird. The vines can extend underground and attack silently. Ordinary sixth-level mutant creatures may not be able to deal with it."

"I just don't know if there is any treasure inside it." Ye Feng judged while rummaging through the body.

After experiencing the piranha incident, he also understood some of the rules of the inheritance place. Opportunities and dangers coexisted.

On the other hand, dangerous things should also have opportunities, such as piranhas.

Soon, he actually found something like a green crystal among the broken vines.

When Ye Feng stretched out his claws and touched the crystal, a message flowed into his mind.

Ye Feng digested the information and instantly knew what it was. "It turns out that this is the essence of plants and trees. It contains a lot of energy and can quickly improve people's strength."

"And different types of plant essences have different effects. The plant essence in the Pycnosum Vine can heal wounds quickly."

Then he mobilized his other men to search quickly, because there should be a plant essence in every vine of this kind of green vine.

Sure enough, after searching, I found the essence of plants and trees on several other vines.

Ye Feng looked at the 10 plant essences in front of him. He picked one up with his paws and put it into his mouth with some anticipation.

As the essence of the plants and trees entered his stomach, he immediately felt a huge surge of pure energy rushing to his limbs and bones. At the same time, this energy also had a very powerful healing effect.

But Ye Feng's eyes were slightly disappointed, "Absorbing a plant essence is only equivalent to absorbing 1,000 points of spiritual energy, which is a bit less for such a hunting difficulty."

Of course, he also understood that if the other mutant animals could get this thing, they would definitely not be able to put it down.

Because the healing ability of this thing is completely comparable to his fruit of life.

But it is a pity that this plant essence, the most important healing ability, is of no use to him at all.

"To me, these 10 grass and tree essences are only equivalent to 100 strange fruits, but it took so much effort that the gain is not worth the loss." Ye Feng frowned slightly.

If he were in the outer area, he could collect at least thousands of strange fruits in the time spent.

"But according to the information just fed back, there should be more than one type of plant essence. I hope that the following ones will not disappoint me."

Ye Feng whispered to himself, and then continued to lead the team forward.

Next, they encountered two more attacks from Biluo Teng, but Ye Feng was well prepared. This time, his mental power not only enveloped the surroundings, but also paid attention to the ground.

Therefore, we can detect them in advance every time and let them return without success, and then send out big yellow dogs and mutated goshawks to quickly locate and kill them.

Finally, after they advanced nearly 5 kilometers, the team stopped again.

Because a fruit tree appeared before them.

This fruit tree looks a bit like a peach tree, especially the fruits it produces. In addition to being more crystal clear, their appearance is very similar to peaches.

What's more important is that there are quite a lot of these fruits. Ye Feng counted them carefully and estimated that there were no less than 800.

Even from a distance, he could feel the huge energy contained in those fruits.

"It seems that I really found something good." Ye Feng was a little excited.

But he didn't go there immediately because he sensed a sense of danger nearby.

And what surprised him the most was that the source of these dangers turned out to be the dozen or so huge rocks in front of the peach tree.

Although it felt a bit strange, Ye Feng didn't care and just led the team forward.

When they approached the peach tree 500 meters away, the 15 boulders shook slightly, and then they came to life in Ye Feng's somewhat surprised eyes.

To be more precise, they turned into rock monsters.

Some turned into rock giant apes, some turned into hellhounds, some grew wings and turned into two-winged monsters, and some even turned into humanoid shapes, even with weapons.

Looking at the 15 rock monsters in front of him, Ye Feng felt like that after getting over the initial surprise.

Because the aura on their bodies is only at the peak of Level 5, it poses no threat to them at all.


These rock monsters were the first to roar and then charged towards the animal army.

Ye Feng didn't even move, and directly sent out a team of elite mutant creatures to suppress them and beat them.

Although this was a crushing game, Ye Feng looked at it with a serious expression on his face.

"These rock monsters are really hard. Their defense is at least comparable to level six!"

"And it doesn't seem to have any weaknesses. Even if its head is pierced, it can still move normally."

The elite mutated animals he sent out were obviously capable of crushing the opponent in terms of speed, strength, and defense, but it took a full minute until these rock monsters were dismantled into pieces, and the battle was not over. .

"Although these rock monsters are level five, they are probably level six mutated creatures. It is not easy to kill them."

Ye Feng stepped forward and rummaged through the corpses, and sure enough, he found something special.

It was a diamond-shaped crystal the size of an egg.

Ye Feng stretched out his paw, and soon a piece of information came into his mind.

According to Ye Feng's guess, this kind of information transmission should be a special method of the inheritance place, so that the outside inheritors can understand the use of each thing.

"It turns out that this thing is a spiritual stone, a cultivation resource from ancient times. It can also be used to drive formations or puppets."

Ye Feng looked at the pile of rubble in front of him. These should be the so-called puppets.

At the same time, he carefully sensed the spiritual stone in his hand and found that the amount of spiritual energy in it was about 10,000 points.

He had a thought in his mind and immediately tried to absorb it.

"As described in the message, the spiritual energy inside is very pure. It is indeed much faster to practice with it, but at most it can only be comparable to my spiritual energy fruit."

So this thing is a rare good thing to others, but to Ye Feng, it's just that.

Of course, if he could later find formations or ways to refine puppets in this ancient ruins, that would be another matter.

Ye Feng collected these spirit stones. Each of these stone puppets contained 3 spirit stones. From 15 puppets, Ye Feng gained 45 spirit stones.

Even if you absorb them as spiritual energy, there are still 450,000 points, which is not bad.

Of course, what concerned Ye Feng the most was the peach tree in front of him.

He controlled the mutant wolf king, came to the peach tree in a flash, and then picked a peach.

Soon a piece of information entered his mind, and what surprised Ye Feng was that this thing was actually called a flat peach.

Of course, the effect is definitely not as exaggerated as the legendary flat peach, but according to the description in the information, for creatures below the seventh level, eating a flat peach can greatly increase their cultivation level.

"Great increase in cultivation? Then I want to see what the effect is." Ye Feng muttered, then stuffed the flat peach into his mouth.

The next moment, he felt an extremely huge and pure energy spreading through his body.

After a little calculation, his eyes widened. The effect of eating a flat peach was equivalent to absorbing 10,000 points of spiritual energy.

You must know that 10,000 points of spiritual energy are enough for a fourth-level mutant creature to break through a small realm.

As for the third-level mutant creatures, only half a flat peach is needed to allow them to cross an entire realm and directly break through from the third level to the fourth level.

"It really can greatly increase your cultivation level!"

Ye Feng looked at the entire flat peach tree, which contained 800 flat peaches, and his eyes became eager.

What he wants to know most now is how many such flat peach trees there are in this middle area.

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