In the end, after some discussions among various countries, China decided to support 50 intercontinental missiles.

Each intercontinental missile uses a split warhead and can launch a total of 5 ground-penetrating bombs. In other words, it is equivalent to supporting 250 ground-penetrating bombs.

In fact, China wanted to support nuclear weapons in the past, but unfortunately, it was sternly rejected by the other side.

On the one hand, that country also has nuclear weapons.

On the other hand, there is naturally distrust. That is a nuclear bomb. As long as there is a slight "mistake" and it fails to be accurately sent into the portal, but explodes outside, it will be devastating for any country.

Soon everything was settled, and various countries officially began to implement fire support plans.

Three hours after the call for help was sent, countless intercontinental missiles fell from the sky.

An extremely wide passage was blasted directly from the ground to the teleportation gate.

Then three nuclear bombs with a yield of 10 million tons were sent in.

After a while, everyone discovered that the portal was closed, but there was no way to know what was going on in the different space.

But even so, the problem has not been completely solved.

Because there are still thousands of giant dragons that have reached the fifth level, still wreaking havoc outside, destroying the city.

And they are not just ravaging one country, but spreading to the entire Europe.

Even if all countries urgently dispatched fighter jets to deal with it, it would not be possible to eliminate them all in a day or two.

Moreover, the price to be paid for eliminating these fifth-level dragons will definitely cause these countries to bleed.

Ye Feng held his cell phone and flipped through the latest international news, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"You don't even have to face seventh-level creatures, and you can still fight like this. It's really impressive."

"But after suffering such a big loss, I should have a better memory when dealing with the remaining three restricted areas!"

"But are there really only eight restricted areas in total?" Ye Feng was a little doubtful.

After all, the earth is so big that it is impossible for humans to explore every area.

And there are still some places that they cannot explore now, and that is the ocean.

It should be noted that creatures all over the world have mutated to varying degrees under the nourishment of spiritual energy, so naturally the fish in the ocean will also do the same.

Even many deep-sea areas have become "forbidden zones" in another sense. Not to mention ordinary fishing boats, even nuclear submarines dare not go deep into them.

Ordinary fish are fine, but sharks and whales will become extremely terrifying after mutation.

And if there are restricted areas hidden in such a vast ocean, humans would be powerless to explore it.

"Forget it, even if there is a restricted area in the deep sea, I have no way of solving it." Ye Feng shook his head.

He closed the page and opened another news item.

Now the world's focus is all on Europe, and in these international news, eight out of ten messages are asking for help.

Basically, some city was attacked by a dragon and then sent a message asking for help.

"It really feels like watching a real-life Godzilla movie." Ye Feng sighed a little.

To be honest, he was a little bit tempted by whether he wanted to be a superhero for a time.

If the faith of more than a dozen countries in Europe could be harvested, it would have the power of tens of millions of people.

But it is a pity that although he can move, it is not an exaggeration to say that the movement of such a huge body is like shaking the earth.

And if you go directly to the original body, such an image will probably be regarded as another kind of "monster". It is hard to say whether the power of faith can be harvested by then.

After all, image is still very important. Just like Ye Feng here in China, why should he erect the image of the Dragon King? Because the dragon is the totem symbol of the Chinese people, and it is particularly easy to harvest the power of faith.

Otherwise, if the real body is really exposed, even if it has the power of faith, it may not be as good as one-tenth of the Dragon King.

"Counting the time, the documentary will be broadcast soon!" Ye Feng looked forward to it.

Early this morning, Zhang Ji came over with the finished film to show him.

He was quite satisfied and his only request was to play it as soon as possible.

If there are no surprises, it should be broadcast simultaneously on various TV stations and all video platforms today.

How much power of faith can be harvested by then depends on this wave.

Ye Feng didn't have to wait long. At noon, news everywhere was already building momentum for the documentary.

Various drafts are published all over the Internet.

The movie will be released simultaneously on various platforms, including cinemas, during prime time at 8 o'clock tonight.

Yes, movies.

Originally, according to Ye Feng's request, it was just a documentary, but since the production involved a lot of content, there were many big scenes, and the storyline was continuous.

Therefore, with only some simple cuts, music, and some additional rendering and special effects, it becomes a military movie.

There was no promotional video for the movie, only a few posters showing densely packed soldiers, planes, tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles lined up. The grand scene was simply not comparable to any movie.

After all, movies are about cost. Even if tanks can be obtained, there will only be a few at most. How can it be possible to recruit several armored divisions for filming.

Not to mention the actors, no matter how big the scene is, there will only be hundreds or even thousands of extras, but in this movie, there are actually several combat divisions.

Therefore, with the release of promotional posters, it instantly shot to the top of the popularity list. In less than half a day, almost everyone knew about it.

In a blink of an eye, it was 8pm.

At this point in time, people who have worked hard all day are basically sitting in front of the TV. Even some factories that work overtime are taking a temporary vacation at this time, all just to watch a real movie.

Battle in the restricted area.

The beginning of the movie does not directly tell about the war, but starts from the sudden disappearance of the old locust tree on Xiaofeng Mountain.

After technicians from the satellite department discovered it, the military immediately dispatched an investigation team.

Then he cooperated with the Dragon King Palace and discovered the characteristic of swallowing creatures in the restricted area.

Looking at the white mouse that was sent in, the flesh and blood on its body quickly festered, then turned into a pool of pus and evaporated.

Everyone in front of the screen felt creepy.

Because everyone knows that everything that happens in this movie is actually true.

On various video platforms, the amount of barrages surged instantly at this time.

Adi: "Damn it! No wonder it's called a restricted area. It's too scary! If someone accidentally walks in, wouldn't it turn into a pool of blood in an instant?"

Lei Jiehan: "It's indeed scary, but I'm more curious, how does the military solve the restricted area?"

Immediately after the scene turned, a group of researchers were discussing, what is the cause of all this?

But all this is really beyond the scope of scientific understanding.

Just when these researchers were at a loss, the mutated parrot told them that there was a special corrosive energy inside. This corrosive energy could not be detected by instruments and equipment, but it could be sensed.

At this time, Chen Dalong, Pei Jin, and Wang Feng appeared. They also vaguely sensed the dangerous energy in the penalty area, but they had no idea how to deal with this energy.

In the end, it was the mutant parrot who came up with a solution, using thunder and lightning to eliminate these corrosive energies.

It didn't take long for the military to get a high-power generator set and a stun gun. So far, everything seemed to be going smoothly.

At this time, a barrage flew by and instantly received thousands of likes.

Jianhen: "If nothing happens, something will happen next."

Next, something unexpected happened. The first electric shock was effective, but they were still happy for only a few seconds. The mutant parrot told them about the corrosive energy in the restricted area, and strangely avoided this direction and continued to expand.

After everyone discussed it, they couldn't find a solution. Even the mutated parrot actually said there was no solution at this time.

Then came the climax.

Bai Yinghui said with a somewhat ferocious expression: "So what if there is an evil god inside? Man can defeat God. If He really exists, then I will spread His ashes."

Immediately afterwards, he directly ordered to bombard Xiaofeng Mountain and level it.

Fox King: "Damn it, the firepower is so fierce. If it were really put into a movie, how much money would it cost?"

Zhuge Sky Lantern: "The one upstairs, if you shell it directly like this, the cost will be really scary, right?"

As the round of bombardment ended, the mutant parrot appeared again, saying that such bombardment was indeed effective, but the cost was terrible. It would take more than 100,000 mortars to eliminate the corrosive energy in the restricted area.

Obviously, Yangcheng City couldn't get so many shells, and the reason started to be found later. Wang Feng came on the stage and used his superpower to test the flame temperature.

It was quickly discovered that corrosive energy can be eliminated by using high-temperature flames exceeding 3,000 degrees.

Then the military decided on the method of bombing with thermobaric bombs.

In reality, this would have taken a few days, but it was over as soon as the movie transitioned.

When the thermobaric bombs were modified, the military came to the restricted area again, and the next step was bombing.

As the four mushroom clouds rose slowly, the terrifying shock wave directly flattened Xiaofeng Mountain.

This time the bombing was very successful, and even the corrosive energy that was forced was retracted into the ground.

But because the corrosive energy shrinks into the ground, such bombing can only curb the expansion of the restricted area, but cannot completely eliminate it.

Jingtingshan: "I thought the next step was going to be a big battle. The people in the restricted area were really cowardly, and they didn't even come out."

Xinyun: "Don't look at the time point. At that time, recruit training had just begun. I'm afraid the combat strength in Yangcheng City was less than 20,000. If the existence inside really comes out, it won't be able to hold it back!"

The next plot describes how the military prepares, and there is also a mutant insect crisis as an interlude.

Of course these are just rough sketches.

Soon, the scene shifted to the scene where the mutant insect crisis ended and the third time came to the restricted area.

This time, 60,000 troops gathered in Yangcheng City and Yonghe City, and even the Dragon King Palace came out in full force.

Seeing the mighty army in the movie, everyone knew that the decisive battle was about to break out.

The missile force appeared and cruise missiles loaded with ground-penetrating warheads were launched. After just two rounds of bombing, the corrosive energy in the ground disappeared.

Then the portal appeared.

After using various methods to detect without results, the Dragon King personally took action and confirmed that the ancient beast Qiongqi existed inside.

Yuetan Qingfeng: "You are worthy of being the Dragon King! All the methods used by the military were ineffective. As soon as the Dragon King took action, he figured out the existence of the alien space. Unfortunately, the movie did not describe what method it used."

Home No. 2: "This is a movie. Really secret things cannot be released casually."

Before everyone could finish sighing, the Dragon King's endless methods and the following plot instantly caused the barrage to surge.

I rejoice in this life: "Oh my god, we are actually going to use nuclear weapons!!!"

Shangshan Ruoshui: "How terrifying! In other words, a nuclear bomb exploded near our Yangcheng City, but I didn't know anything about it? Fortunately, nothing went wrong. If it had been slightly misstated, wouldn't I be doomed? ?”

No matter how heated the discussion was, the plot was still advancing steadily, and soon the troops from the Provincial Military Region came over with a hydrogen bomb with a yield of 5 million.

Although they clearly knew the result, many viewers in front of the screen felt a sense of panic when they watched the nuclear bomb being launched and then rushing directly to the ground at an extremely terrifying speed.

But all the worries did not appear, and the nuclear bomb was safely sent into the portal.

No one saw the mushroom cloud, not even any movement.

But as the BGM played, the atmosphere became more and more depressing.

Finally, a skeleton creature appeared from the portal, and then came the second and third ones, and the number became more and more dense.

Sickness: "I'll go! What the hell is this? Isn't it a dragon? Why is it such a monster?"

Gao Yifeng: "The giant dragon appears in the European restricted area, but why is it a skeleton creature in the Xiaofengshan restricted area?"

At the beginning, everyone was still amazed and emotional.

However, with the emergence of creatures in the restricted area, the battle quickly entered a fever pitch.

When they looked at these skeletal creatures, and even the ferocious beasts that appeared behind them, charging forward with countless bullets and shells bombarding them, the barrage gradually became less and less.

Because everyone can see the insignificance of human beings from these truly captured shots. Except for a few powerful ones, the firepower they are proud of seems to be just tickling each other.

As for firearms? In front of them, it feels like a toy.

A depressing atmosphere enveloped everyone.

And as the plot progressed, they gradually became nervous, because these forbidden creatures approached the human defense line again and again.

Although in the previous two times, the military released thermobaric bombs at critical moments to eliminate the creatures in the restricted area, each time it was extremely thrilling.

But no one knows how many forbidden creatures there are in the different space.

Especially when a group of senior generals gathered together and discussed that the two attacks were probably just probing attacks by the enemy, everyone in the audience felt panicked.

If this is just a tentative attack by the opponent, then how strong is the army of creatures in the restricted area?

This speculation was soon confirmed.

When the creatures in the restricted area appeared again, and even the seventh-level powerhouse appeared, the situation in the field was instantly reversed.

The fire suppression on the human side was like a joke in front of the other side. The shadows of guns in the sky actually intercepted all the cannonballs.

Especially when the missile force fired thermobaric bombs and all were intercepted, many spectators turned slightly pale.

Because these movie scenes are not fictional, but real.

Then the opponent has the ability to intercept all cannonballs and missiles. Anyone who is a little smarter can understand what this means!

Humanity’s biggest trump card: nuclear weapons! The opponent is also capable of intercepting it.

It can be said that they intuitively saw how terrifying a truly strong person is.

At the same time, I realized how dangerous the situation human beings are now.


Happy New Year, I wish you all good luck in the new year: the official "rabbit" will have better financial luck, and the former "rabbit" will be like a brocade and have good luck every year!

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