Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 159 A complete solution to the restricted area

As the order to launch was given.

Four medium-sized missiles equipped with thermobaric bombs instantly ignited and took off.

Ye Feng had previously asked the mutated goshawk to clear the area of ​​mutated birds to prevent any mutated bird from crashing into the missile and detonating it in advance.

At this time, Ye Feng and others had retreated to an open space 1 kilometer away from the restricted area.

The view here was very good. They could see four missiles rising into the sky. After adjusting their flight attitude in the air, they began to fall rapidly, heading straight towards the four corners of Xiaofeng Mountain.

Boom boom boom!

Just before the warhead was about to hit the mountain, it exploded in the air. This was an oxygen-free explosion, and its function was to instantly diffuse the various metal powders contained in the warhead into the air.

In the next moment, the high explosives ignited with various metal powders diffused into the air, forming a second explosion and producing horrific thermal effects and high pressure effects.

Of course it sounds slow, but it all happened in an instant. What Ye Feng and others saw were four small mushroom clouds rising from the four directions of Xiaofeng Mountain's southeast, northwest and northwest.

The shock wave of the explosion instantly turned the charred tree trunks around into powder. The hard rocks cracked and shattered, and were carried by the shock wave, continuing to hit the surrounding areas.

Even the mountain of Xiaofeng Mountain was shaking violently.

The shock wave directly swept across the entire restricted area, and then rushed towards the mountains and forests outside. Large trees were instantly broken.

Even Ye Feng and others standing 1 kilometer away could feel the horror of this shock wave. Ordinary people like Bai Yinghui and Zhang Ji would have been injured if Ye Feng hadn't spread his wings and blocked the shock wave a little. .

"This is really fucking exciting." Zhang Ji said after barely standing still.

It was also the first time that he felt the power of a thermobaric bomb explosion at such a close distance.

Bai Yinghui on the side immediately looked at the mutated parrot after he stood firm.

But at this time, Ye Feng had already switched his possessed state to the big yellow dog.

The big dog didn't follow the crowd back. It dug a 10-meter-deep dog hole directly at the edge of the restricted area and got in.

Moreover, Ye Feng also gave the other party a life fruit in advance, and all this was just for now.

Before the aftermath of the explosion had completely passed, the big yellow dog rushed out of the dog hole and rushed directly into the restricted area.


As soon as he entered, Ye Feng discovered something different.

The corrosive energy here is at least half as thin as before.

You must know that this edge position is not within the core explosion range of the thermobaric bomb. Logically speaking, the corrosive energy should not be weakened.

But the only explanation for this situation is that it was affected by the explosion in the core area.

Thinking of these, Ye Feng became more and more excited. He quickened his pace and continued to rush inside. At the same time, his senses were fully activated and he carefully sensed the changes in the restricted area.

"This works well!" When Ye Feng rushed into the explosion range of one of the thermobaric bombs, he found that it was clean and not a trace of corrosive energy was left.

He controlled the big yellow dog to extend its claws and dig underground until it was five meters deep before sensing the existence of corrosive energy.

"Not bad! This effect is better than I expected." Ye Feng's eyes brightened.

It was only then that the remaining corrosive energy seemed to react and began to quickly retract underground.

Ye Feng looked at this scene with slightly narrowed eyes.

He doesn't really believe in the restricted area and has slow reactions. So the only explanation is that the unknown existence below the ground actually has relatively weak control over the entire restricted area.

There may even be a perceived delay.

Various thoughts flashed through Ye Feng's mind, and he soon made a decision. He controlled the big yellow dog to dig into the soil crazily, and dug down quickly to see if he could take advantage of this opportunity to get to the core restricted area underground. have a look.

Ye Feng quickly dug to a depth of 10 meters underground. At this time, he could already feel the thin corrosive energy.

He did not stop, but continued to dig downward. However, starting from this position, almost every meter down, the concentration of corrosive energy was nearly 10 times higher than that outside.

When he dug 20 meters below, the concentration of corrosive energy here was already 100 times that of the outside.

"It still doesn't work! The corrosion concentration in the core area shows no signs of decreasing at all." Ye Feng was forced to stop.

Although a little disappointed, it's not too frustrating. In any case, the results of this bombardment of the penalty area are quite significant.

Soon Ye Feng gave the big yellow dog an order to return, and he switched the possessed state to the mutated parrot again.

He turned around and saw Bai Yinghui and Zhang Ji staring at him with burning eyes.

"Don't worry, everything went smoothly! The effect is even better than we expected. Even the corrosive energy within 5 meters underground has been eliminated."

"The energy underground is much richer than that on the ground, so I feel that the corrosive energy eliminated by these four thermobaric bombs is even more than the total corrosive energy diffused in the ground." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Hearing this, the two couldn't help but clenched their fists excitedly.

Zhang Ji immediately informed the entire army of the news, and cheers erupted all around Xiaofeng Mountain.

"The next step is to see the reaction of the penalty area. I don't know how it will respond." Bai Yinghui looked at Xiaofengshan, who had become "slender" and said.

"No matter what, the soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and no matter how the opponent responds, as long as the thermobaric bomb is effective, it can delay its expansion speed. Now it just depends on the effect of the delay." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Anyway, after seeing the effects of thermobaric bombs just now, he really wasn't worried.

Bai Yinghui nodded, but there was still worry on his face, because the direction he was considering was completely different from Ye Feng's.

Ye Feng is very confident in himself. As long as he is given time to grow up, he will not be afraid even if the person in the penalty area really comes out.

But Bai Yinghui was thinking about how to kill the other party before he came out.

After all, no matter how you look at it, now should be the time when the opponent is at his weakest. If you don't deal with him now, you will deal with him later.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

"There hasn't been any movement yet, which proves that the other party has really suffered a lot of damage!" Ye Feng said with a smile.

Bai Yinghui nodded, quite agreeing with this view.

Then everyone continued to wait.

Of course, during this process, Ye Feng would occasionally switch his resurrection state back to his original body.

After all, he can't spend time here all the time, harvesting spiritual energy every hour. This kind of thing is impossible to do, otherwise he will lose more than 7,000 spiritual energy points in an hour, and he will be heartbroken to death.

The two sides waited for a full two hours before the corrosive energy gradually emerged.

"Hey!" Ye Feng let out a light sigh.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yinghui asked quickly.

Ye Feng did not answer immediately, but controlled the mutant parrot to fly into the sky and spin around.

After returning, he immediately said: "In the restricted area, only half of the area has corrosive energy."

"Only half? Is there a certain area where a particularly large amount of corrosive energy is gathered?" Bai Yinghui asked with a frown.

"No, the corrosive energy that appeared was evenly distributed throughout the restricted area. It was obviously frightened by the explosion. Use this method to reduce the damage."

"But in this case, the speed of expansion of the restricted area will be reduced by half. What are you going to do? Do you want to continue to explode?" Ye Feng asked.

It used to expand 240 meters in one day, but now it has been reduced to 120 meters, and it only expanded 3.6 kilometers in that month.

It would take at least two months for the restricted area to expand to the Sunset Valley, which he felt was completely acceptable.

Of course, it would be best if the military was willing to throw more thermobaric bombs, but he didn't know how many of these trump cards the military had, so it would be difficult to help the other party make a decision.

Bai Yinghui nodded without any hesitation and said: "Of course we will continue to bomb. The range we can go in now is not large. The effect of continuing the bombing will definitely be better than in the future."

"Now four thermobaric bombs can cover 70% of the restricted area, but if we wait a month, I am afraid it will take 40 thermobaric bombs to cover such a huge area."

Ye Feng naturally understands this. He nodded and said: "Okay! Then you continue bombing, but I want to remind you that you must reserve enough thermobaric bombs, otherwise when the restricted area discovers that you are no longer bombing, it will Fully expanded.”

Bai Yinghui smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. The bosses are very concerned about this matter, so they will give their full support."

Next, Bai Yinghui ordered four more thermobaric bombs to be fired.

The corrosive energy that permeated the restricted area was once again eliminated by more than half.

But this time, corrosive energy emerged in the restricted area after only 10 minutes.

But the amount of corrosion energy has been reduced to one-third of the original amount.

"Are we going to explode again?" Ye Feng couldn't help but ask after explaining the situation.

"Of course!" Bai Yinghui said and asked the artillery troops to continue preparing.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Bai Yinghui transferred 10 missile vehicles from Yangcheng City to ensure that there was sufficient ammunition reserve in the restricted area.

With another round of bombing, the corrosive energy that emerged again in the restricted area has been reduced to a quarter of its original size.

But Bai Yinghui still had no intention of ending it, and continued to order bombings.

It didn't stop until the density of corrosive energy dropped to one-fifth of its original value.

Seeing this scene in front of him made Ye Feng feel a little distressed. To be honest, he felt that this was completely unnecessary.

If it were him, when the density of the corrosive energy in the restricted area dropped to one-third of its original value, he would have almost stopped.

Because this kind of bombing is not a one-time thing, even if Bai Yinghui bombs several times, only one-fifth of the corrosive energy dares to emerge from the restricted area, but the opponent cannot always maintain such a small amount of corrosive energy.

When you don't continue bombing, then as time goes by, the other party will definitely slowly test and increase the concentration of corrosive energy.

If you want to maintain such a low corrosion energy concentration, you need to continue to explode.

In this case, the number of thermobaric bombs consumed every day will be terrifying.

Ye Feng did not hold back the confusion in his heart, and asked directly: "Is it really worth it for you to do this? If you explode like this, you can't destroy it. Instead of doing this, it is better to leave some thermobaric bombs."

"If the being inside comes out, you can collect hundreds of thermobaric bombs and blast them over in one wave. The effect may be better."

Bai Yinghui smiled and said without hiding anything: "The order I received is to contain the expansion of the restricted area as much as possible. As for you saying that there is no way to destroy it, I don't think so."

"Huh?" Ye Feng was a little confused.

He really couldn't imagine what the other party planned to do.

"According to the information you provided, the core of the restricted area is hidden in the ground, and the deeper you go down, the greater the concentration of corrosive energy, which can even reach 100 times, right!" Bai Yinghui said.

"Well, yes." Ye Feng nodded.

"Then do you know that we humans have a weapon called earth-penetrating bombs?" Bai Yinghui said with a smile.

Ye Feng's pupils shrank slightly, "What do you mean?"

"It's what you think. Of course, if you want the earth-penetrating bomb to generate a high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees when it explodes, you must improve it. This will take time."

"So what I have to do now is to contain the expansion of the restricted area and keep it in this 'weak' state. Then it will be easier to destroy." Bai Yinghui did not hide anything and directly stated the plan.

On the one hand, they are allies with the Dragon King Palace and now have a common enemy. There is no need to hide this. On the other hand, it is also to show the strength of human beings so as not to be underestimated by the other party.

In the end, Ye Feng just held back two words: "I admire you!"

When the sun is going down.

Ye Feng did not stay in the penalty area.

He only kept the mutant wolf king to help observe the concentration of corrosive energy in the restricted area and report to Bai Yinghui at any time.

Next, as long as the restricted area is bombed every 2 to 3 hours, the concentration of corrosive energy will not dare to increase.

As for Ye Feng, he turned his attention back to his contracted animal.

To be precise, they are mutant African elephants, mutant hippos, mutant white rhinos, mutant Siberian tigers, mutant Asiatic lions, mutant brown bears, mutant giant pandas, mutant jaguars, and mutant honey badgers, the last batch of mutant animals to be contracted.

Because with his continuous injection of spiritual energy, these mutant animals have all reached the second level peak, and now counting the time, it is estimated that they will reach the bottleneck of breakthrough.

This would mean that he would soon have a group of powerful third-level subordinates.

Of course compared to this. What Ye Feng is more concerned about is which mutated animals can break the mirror on their own.

He has gradually discovered that as the realm continues to improve, mutant creatures like the mutant king cobra that can break mirrors on their own will have greater and greater advantages.

I'm afraid that in the future, the only ones who can really help him fight against powerful enemies are these mutated creatures that can break the mirror on their own.

When the time came to eight o'clock in the evening.

While Ye Feng was waiting nervously and expectantly, the giant panda summoned by Ye Feng from Yangcheng City took the lead in lying on the ground, with the aura of breakthrough rising from his body.

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