Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 150 Containing the Expansion of the Forbidden Zone

"Parrot Messenger, are you selling this spiritual energy fruit?" Bai Yinghui looked at the mutated parrot and asked with burning eyes.

At this time, he finally understood why these mutated creatures had broken through so quickly. It turned out that there was such a good thing as the Aura Fruit.

"Then what price can you afford?" Ye Feng asked.

He actually took out this thing, naturally he wanted to sell it, so that he could increase his strength as quickly as possible. At the same time, an additional layer of interest bundling can also make the alliance stronger.

As for whether the other party would take advantage of the money and come to rob it directly, Ye Feng had also considered this possibility.

But Ye Feng felt that this possibility was unlikely.

In addition, as his strength breaks through to the fifth level, his roots are no longer afraid of firearms.

And the belief skill of controlling the world can help him withstand missiles. Now he has the confidence to deal with all troubles.

Seeing that the mutant parrot actually wanted to sell it, Bai Yinghui's face was overjoyed, but he quickly calmed down.

He pretended to be deep in thought and said: "We also have drugs that can quickly improve superpowers. The market price is about 100,000 Huaxia coins. Of course, your aura fruit is more effective. I am willing to pay 500,000 Huaxia coins for it." .how are you feeling?"

"No, don't talk to me about money. It's of no use to me. Just tell me how many mutant creatures you can get." The mutant parrot said directly.

"The mutated creatures on the market are now very expensive, ranging from 50,000 to 500,000. Of course we are allies. I will directly give you the lowest price and sell it at a 50% discount, 25,000 Chinese coins each."

"In other words, I exchanged 20 mutated creatures for an energy fruit. How do you feel?" Bai Yinghui said with a look on his face that I was at a disadvantage.

Ye Feng almost laughed out of anger, "Okay, you have no sincerity at all. This matter will be put on hold for now."

"Whenever you send me the 1,000 mutated animals you owe me, it won't be too late for us to discuss this deal."

"Also, a spiritual energy fruit can break through more than one realm. If he is lucky, he might be able to break through two realms in a row."

"So how much should I pay in the end? After you go back, discuss it carefully and come up with a sincere price, and then come and negotiate the sale with me." The mutant parrot said unceremoniously.

What he gave out was a first-level spiritual energy fruit, which contained 100 points of spiritual energy.

If it were smaller mutated animals, a single spiritual energy fruit would probably be able to break through three small realms.

Of course, humans are definitely large animals. Every time we break through a small realm, we need a lot of spiritual energy.

Take Chen Dalong as an example. He needs a full 60 points of spiritual energy to break through a small realm. Although there may be differences between people due to individual differences, it should not be big.

It takes about 120 spiritual energy to break through two realms, so he said that one spiritual energy fruit can almost improve two small realms.

Bai Yinghui and others were once again stunned by the mutated parrot's words.

One spiritual energy fruit can enhance two realms?

At this moment, both Wang Feng and Pei Jin's breathing became heavier, especially Pei Jin, who felt an unparalleled feeling of heartache.

It’s two realms! How long would it take if he practiced on his own? One month or two months?

If it were normal times, it would be fine, but now with the revival of spiritual energy, it is becoming more and more dangerous every day, and it may be fatal in a month or two.

Bai Yinghui was able to calm down at this time, looked at the mutated parrot, and asked: "Okay, we will talk about it later, but I can ask, how many of these aura fruits are you willing to sell? Can you provide a stable supply?"

"Lord Dragon King is still in the recovery period of his strength. In addition, there is not much spiritual energy in the world now, so the spiritual energy fruits produced every day are limited. I will sell at most one to you." Ye Feng said without thinking.

He knows very well that the price of an item depends not only on its value, but also on its rarity.

He believes that even if he only sells one Reiki Fruit every day, he will not make much less money.

Bai Yinghui, on the other side, heard that the other party was actually willing to sell one spiritual energy fruit every day. He tried his best to restrain himself from laughing out loud.

The calculation in his mind was already rattling.

"If a spiritual energy fruit can help a superpower user break through two minor realms, then a second-level superpower user can be trained in two days, and a few people can even be trained into third-level superpower users."

"At that time, the danger of third-level mutated creatures will be easily solved." Bai Yinghui became more and more excited as he thought about it.

Ye Feng looked at the expression on the other person's face. While trying his best to restrain himself, he quickly changed slightly. He was really curious about what the other person was thinking.

Of course, if Ye Feng knew about it, he would probably laugh out loud.

After all, his contracted animals provide an unlimited supply of spiritual energy.

Take the mutant king cobra as an example. The opponent can absorb 40 points of spiritual energy in one hour, and 2.5 hours is equivalent to absorbing one spiritual energy fruit.

In other words, the other party has absorbed almost 10 spiritual energy fruits in one day, so as time goes by, the gap in strength between the two sides will only become wider and wider.

"This matter is indeed of great importance to us. I will hold a meeting to discuss it after I return and give you a satisfactory offer." After controlling his emotions, Bai Yinghui looked at the mutated parrot and said seriously.

"Yeah!" The mutant parrot nodded, then looked at Wang Feng aside, "The superpowers in your body should have almost recovered!"

Wang Feng, who was called, quickly came back from his excitement. He felt the situation in his body and found that his superpower had been fully replenished.

"Well, I'm recovered." After he said this, he didn't dare to delay and immediately used the fire python power.

This time, as he used his powers, he found that with the continuous supply of spiritual energy in his body as a supplement, he became more comfortable in using his powers.

As the fire python in his hand continued to be injected with flames, its temperature rose sharply.

1500 degrees, 2000 degrees, 2500 degrees. When the temperature exceeded 2500 degrees and approached the 3000 degree mark, the terrifying heat distorted the surrounding air.

Even Chen Dalong, who had the strongest physique, couldn't bear it and slowly took two steps back.

Finally, the temperature of the fire python reached 3000 degrees. At this time, Wang Feng was covered in cold sweat again. Even with a steady stream of spiritual energy as a supplement, he felt like he was beyond his capabilities.

He knew that this was probably the limit he could reach at this stage.

Fortunately he finally finished it.

With a flick of his wrist, the fire python flew out and flew into the restricted area at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, the fire python fell on a rock, and the terrifying high temperature exploded, causing the surface of the rock to melt.

This blow is probably enough to kill any first-order mutated animal.

Although the attack this time was terrifying, everyone's focus was on the mutated parrot. They were a little nervous and a little expectant, waiting for the answer.

"It's done. After the flame reaches 3000 degrees, it can indeed eliminate the corrosive energy." At this moment, Ye Feng's tone also brought a hint of excitement.

After finishing speaking, he immediately looked at Bai Yinghui.

Now that the test results are out, they have only obtained an important piece of information. The most important thing is how to make good use of this.

Bai Yinghui frowned and pondered.

The high temperature of 3000 degrees is indeed a bit difficult to deal with, because while reaching this temperature, other problems must be taken into consideration, otherwise if a nuclear bomb is dropped, everything will be solved.

Soon a kind of cannonball appeared in his mind.

"If a high temperature of 3,000 degrees is needed, we can use thermobaric bombs to solve this problem. Although it is a bit expensive, comprehensively speaking, it is definitely better than direct bombing." Bai Yinghui said immediately.

Thermobaric bombs are called subnuclear weapons. The warheads contain metal powders such as aluminum, magnesium, titanium, and zirconium. They burn rapidly at high temperatures and release a large amount of heat.

Therefore, when a thermobaric bomb explodes, the thermal and pressure effects will reach a terrifying level and can directly destroy defensive buildings within 500 meters.

For ordinary howitzers, when dealing with corrosive poisonous mist, only the temperature at the center of the explosion can reach the standard. The estimated range is not even 2 meters, but a thermobaric bomb has a range of 500 meters.

Therefore, the effect of one thermobaric bomb may be worth as much as 250 howitzers.

Of course, in terms of value, the cost of one thermobaric bomb is even more than 250 howitzers, but sometimes we can't just look at the cost, but also the actual situation.

If he applies to the country for 100,000 howitzers, there is a 80% chance that it will be rejected or delayed.

But if he explained the dangers of the restricted area and then applied for 400 thermobaric bombs, even if he couldn't get all of them, he would get at least half of them.

After hearing this, Ye Feng tilted his head slightly and couldn't help but ask: "The thermobaric bomb can be called a sub-nuclear weapon. I have heard of this, but isn't it said that its temperature is only 2500 degrees?"

"Yes, the conventional thermobaric bomb is indeed 2500 degrees, but it does not mean that the temperature cannot be increased."

"For conventional thermobaric bombs, in addition to considering the temperature factor, the thermobaric bomb also needs to produce a terrifying pressure of 500 kilograms in an area as big as a fingernail after explosion, thus crushing all defensive buildings."

"But now we don't need this kind of heavy pressure, so let the scientific research department find a way to adjust the metal powder inside and increase the temperature of the thermobaric bomb by another 500 degrees. I believe it won't be a problem."

Hearing what Bai Yinghui said, Ye Feng suddenly nodded. He didn't understand these things anyway, as long as the other party could really do it, that would be fine.

"Okay, hurry up here. The scope of the restricted area is expanding every day. We can't delay..."

The mutated parrot was only halfway through speaking when he suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the restricted area.

Seeing this familiar scene, Bai Yinghui's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

What's going on in the restricted area this time?

Before he could ask, the mutant parrot said: "You can stop bombing. The corrosive energy has shrunk into the ground."

Bai Yinghui:? ? ?

"Then our plan went bankrupt again?" He couldn't help but ask.

The corrosive energy has shrunk to the ground, so how can it explode?

"No, it's different now. This proves that the opponent has backed down! I have observed before that expansion of the penalty area requires energy."

"The sources of these energies are, on the one hand, mutated animals, and on the other hand, spiritual energy."

"Aura exists in the air. Although a small amount will penetrate into the ground, it is very small. Therefore, if the restricted area wants to expand, the corrosive energy must come up to pull and absorb the aura."

"We will keep an eye on it and bomb it as soon as it appears. Even if we cannot destroy this restricted area, we can greatly curb its expansion speed." Ye Feng said in a good mood.

To be honest, when he invited the military over before, he just wanted to give it a try. In fact, he didn't really expect them to solve the problem.

Although the problem has not been solved yet, being able to delay the expansion of the penalty area is equivalent to giving him enough time to develop.

Now he is still at level 5 and cannot solve the problem, but he believes that when he reaches level 6, level 7, or even higher levels, there will definitely be a way to solve it.

After hearing this, Bai Yinghui suddenly felt relaxed. Although this "time bomb" was still there, he could accept it as long as it could be delayed in detonating.

As long as it can be delayed for a year and a half, the situation should be different by then.

What humans need most now is time.

"I will also transform the thermobaric bomb as soon as possible. In addition, regarding the Aura Fruit, I still hope to start cooperation as soon as possible." Bai Yinghui said immediately.

"No problem. As long as you negotiate a suitable price, you can come to me to buy the Aura Fruit at any time." Ye Feng said immediately.

But when it came to the words "right price," he sounded very serious.

Bai Yinghui nodded. They really needed to increase their strength quickly, and he would admit it even if they suffered a little loss.

Soon Bai Yinghui planned to lead the team and leave.

However, the research team led by Liu Zhi applied to stay here to continue studying these corrosive energies.

Bai Yinghui was a little embarrassed to hear such a request, but Ye Feng expressed support and could guarantee their safety.

If Liu Zhi and others can really research something, it will be a good thing for him.

Seeing that the mutated parrots had expressed their opinions, Bai Yinghui had nothing to say and quickly led the team away. Now he still had a lot to be busy with.

After Bai Yinghui returned to Yangcheng City, he immediately compiled all the information on exploring the restricted area, then reported it and sent it to the Capital Military Region.

At the same time, he also attached his own suggestions behind the information.

It is hoped that the country can mobilize its forces to conduct a large-scale investigation across the country to search for the existence of other restricted areas.

The restricted area is just too weird and too dangerous.

If it can be discovered in advance like here in Xiaofengshan, then it is good to say that the scope is not too large and can be considered within a controllable range.

But if it is allowed to continue to expand, it may not be solved when it reaches tens or hundreds of kilometers.

After all, no amount of artillery shells can fill such a vast area.


My work schedule has finally been adjusted. I will try my best to post future chapters at noon so that you don’t have to wait so late.

Of course, I said try my best, ahem, you know.

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