Global Catastrophe: I Became the World Tree

Chapter 121 The Military’s Response


After a moment of dead silence, there was an uproar in the conference room.

The intelligence displayed by the mutant king cobra is terrifying enough. If the other party also knows how to use a mobile phone...

Everyone has a feeling of chills all over their body.

"How was this matter investigated?" Bai Yinghui took a deep breath, calmed down, and then asked in a deep voice.

Zhang Ji did not hide anything and immediately told what Xiao Hua and Li Yongming had investigated and their inferences.

"At that time, I even wanted to directly use the crisis status authority to cooperate with their investigation to locate the King Cobra, but when the mutant biological crisis broke out, we didn't have time to deal with it at all."

"However, now looking at the power this mutant king cobra has, I don't know if I should be glad that I didn't do this. Otherwise, based on the wrong estimate of strength, if I only sent one large group over, I'm afraid the entire army would have been wiped out." Zhang Ji Sighed.

Others were also silent for a long time.

They all understood that what Zhang Ji did was not wrong. All they could say was that their reaction... was too late.

"Well, if we could have carried out a large-scale search for the mutated King Cobra when it first appeared, we might have been able to nip it in the bud." A group leader in the field sighed. said.

"Old Gao, don't be an afterthought! Even if we knew about this situation, we wouldn't have launched such a large-scale search. Could it be that the 'four pests' in the city have not been cleaned up? If we hadn't taken the time to clean up in the past three days, I don’t know how many people will die in this mutant biological crisis,” another group leader said.

"Okay, let's not talk about the past. The question now is how to deal with these mutant animals? I feel that the quick reaction force we sent alone may not be able to wipe them all out. How about we launch a few missiles?" Reaper missiles over?" Chief of Staff Yi Jian, who was sitting nearby, said as he pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Hearing what the other party said, all the group leaders in the field stopped arguing and turned their attention to Bai Yinghui.

Bai Yinghui pondered for a moment and was about to speak when Zhang Ji on the side took the lead and said: "If missiles are used, I don't recommend using small missiles like the 'Reaper'. I used it to deal with the mutated wolf king before, and the effect was very bad."

"My suggestion is to directly use the 'Sky Survey' missiles to level the entire Yangcheng Zoo."

When everyone heard this, the expressions on their faces were shocked.

"Is this necessary?" Chief of Staff Jian Yi couldn't help but ask.

"I know, you may think that this is killing a chicken with a knife. But I feel that even if the 'Survey' missile is used, it may not be able to kill this mutant king cobra. Of course, don't ask me why, this is just a This feeling." Zhang Ji spread his hands and said.

There was silence again in the field. They had to pay attention to what Zhang Ji said, because the other party had fought against the Mutated Wolf King, so they would know more clearly how terrifying these mutant creatures at the top of the rankings were.

After a slight silence, Bai Yinghui finally nodded and said, "Okay, notify the missile force to prepare to launch the 'Sky Survey' missile."

"In addition, contact the rapid reaction force and ask them to stop within 500 meters of the Yangcheng Zoo and wait for the 'Sky Survey' missile bombing to complete before going in to clean the battlefield."

West Tai Street.

Just now they had repelled another wave of mutant rats. The three captains Shen Chen, Feng Jun, and Li Yongming all frowned at this moment.

Their fire attack plan has been revised three times, but the effect is still not ideal.

The mutated rats that had just broken through the fire blockade in several places did not take the lead in attacking the soldiers blocking the front. Instead, they pounced on the logistics personnel behind who were ready to put out the fire at any time.

Fortunately, Chen Dalong was holding the line. Seeing this situation, he rushed over to rescue as soon as possible, so there was no trouble.

"The plan still needs to be modified. The position of the logistics troops must continue to be moved back, at least 5 meters away." Shen Chen said with a frown.

"But if this is the case, there will be no way to put out the fire immediately, and it is likely that the soldiers' protective clothing will be burned." Feng Jun said immediately.

"If the protective suit is burned, then just replace it. Compared to human life, this is nothing. As long as the number of damaged protective suits is controlled to less than 10 pieces for each wave of rat attacks, I feel that it is okay. Accepted." Shen Chen immediately expressed different suggestions.

When the two of them were arguing, they both couldn't help but look at Li Yongming.

"I think we can give it a try, and as long as we respond in time, the protective clothing may not really be burned. If we find that it doesn't work in the end, we can just change the plan." Li Yongming said immediately.

A few people quickly finalized the plan in a few words.

Next, there is the adjustment of personnel and formation.

But when they looked at the defense line, their eyes couldn't help but darken slightly.

"What are you doing? The next wave of rats may arrive at any time. At this time, do you still care about looking at your mobile phones?" Shen Chen walked up to a team leader and scolded.

"Report, sir!" The team leader saluted quickly and replied: "A large number of mutant creatures at the danger list have appeared in Yangcheng Zoo. This is the first time we have observed the joint actions of mutant creatures, and they also have extremely high of wisdom.”

"We are discussing what we should do if we encounter these mutated animals."

Hearing these words, Shen Chen couldn't help but show surprise on his face.

Not only him, but Feng Jun, Li Yongming, and even Chen Dalong who was sitting aside to rest, all gathered in an instant.

The squad leader was also very sensible and immediately handed the phone to the three captains. At this time, what appeared on it was Qin Xiaohui's live broadcast.

"This... this must be commanded by the mutated king cobra. I knew it was a scourge before, but I didn't expect it to be so harmful." Li Yongming said with a face full of shock.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a chill on his back, as if he was being stared at by some ferocious beast.

Chen Dalong withdrew his gaze and lowered his head, trying not to let others see his expression.

At this time, the shock in his heart was no less than that of others.

Previously, Lord Parrot said that Lord Dragon King was going to do something big.

He really didn't expect it to be such a big deal.

This is to ransack the entire zoo! If successful, the power of Lord Dragon King will increase dramatically in the future.

He couldn't help but get excited when he thought about having tigers and lions as his bodyguards in the future.

Of course, along with excitement, worry is inevitable.

This matter has now spread on the Internet, and it is impossible for the military not to know about it.

Maybe the troops are on their way now. Facing the encirclement and suppression by the army, can the Dragon King, who has not yet recovered, really escape?

At this time, no one noticed Chen Dalong's expression, and everyone's attention couldn't help but focus on Li Yongming.

"What's going on, Lao Li? You seem to know this mutant king cobra! Tell me about it!" Feng Jun said quickly.

"Didn't I leave the team for a while to perform a special mission? That's about it."

Li Yongming immediately recounted what he had done and discovered during this period.

When he said that he could try to use mobile phone positioning to locate the mutated king cobra, Chen Dalong, who was secretly eavesdropping, suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Nowadays, mobile phone cards require real-name authentication. The mobile phone he bought for Mr. Parrot uses his own name!

If the other party goes to check...

"Are these mutant creatures so intelligent? Speaking of which, I lost a mobile phone in the wild a few days ago. I don't know if it was picked up and used by a mutant creature." Chen Dalong whispered to the side.

Although the sound was small, it was just enough for everyone in the surrounding circle to hear.

He didn't know if his temporary 'patch' would be effective, but it was better than doing nothing, and he had already thought about it. He would find a time to inform Master Parrot later and tell him about this.

"Brother Chen, don't worry. Mutated creatures with such high intelligence are definitely rare, so don't worry."

Li Yongming also thought that Chen Dalong was worried that his lost mobile phone would become a tool used by mutant creatures, so he immediately offered words of comfort.

Chen Dalong smiled, "Then I'll be relieved."

Then he asked pretending to be curious: "You are all in the military system. I am very curious, how did the military respond to this situation?"

This time it was Shen Chen who answered, "Such high-risk emergencies are generally handed over to quick response forces."

"The quick reaction force has the strongest overall strength and the best equipment. Generally speaking, it will be equipped with 1 to 2 artillery squads to follow."

"In this situation, an artillery brigade might be dispatched directly. A round of artillery fire would be enough to kill mutant creatures of any level. They are looking for death if they dare to set foot in the city."

Hearing what Shen Chen said, the soldiers around him couldn't help but show confident expressions on their faces.

To them, there is no creature that cannot be dealt with by one cannonball, or if so, two.

At this time, the screen on the mobile phone changed. It should be the person in charge of the live broadcast. He turned a lens and just captured 10 armored vehicles, rushing towards Yangcheng Zoo at lightning speed.

At this moment, barrage flew up instantly.

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